To Eurasian Fan

Well that's strange. So than why was 95% of Europe was so uncivilized and backward compared with every other non-white cultures and civilization except for Africa of course. Why were Civilizations and cultures from East Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle east, Egypt more advance than European white themselves.

Why in a 99% blue eye, blonde hair area of scandivania produce no decent civilization and culture in the past? You're telling a population where 99% are blonde/blue eyes were unable produce no historical significant but did something when they migrated out?

Why only the Romans and Greeks were advance while the rest were described as barbarians?


East Asia, Americas, Southeast Asia, North Africa, Middle east, South Asia. Especially China, Olmec, Mayan, Aztects, Incas, Cambodia, India, Egypt, Mesopotamia were 100x more advance than 95% Europe. Only Romans and Greeks can rival

india was related to europeans
same gods, same language etc
and india influenced china a lot especially on spiritual things, like religion
the main asian religions are influenced by india
buddha was indian and many spiritual words in china come from sanskrit, which is amazingly closely related to lithuanian, the most indo-european language in europe
china has always been more advanced technologically and in many ways but when it comes to creating civilisations, no
also, the original romans were very humble peasants, they didn't want to conquer the world, they didn't build temples etc, so by your standards they are not a great civilisation either
It always amazes me when the anti Whites try to say non Whites had all these great achievements. It really is a form of mental retardation.

ALL the best countries to live in are built by Whites.
The countries with the highest living standards are ALL White countries.
THe entire non White world is scrambling to get into a White nation.
The non Whites cant even MAINTAIN civilization once its given to them. Therefore wherever you see even the slightest resemblances of civilization you can conclude beyond doubt that White men MUST have been there at some point.
india was related to europeans
same gods, same language etc
and india influenced china a lot especially on spiritual things, like religion
the main asian religions are influenced by india
buddha was indian and many spiritual words in china come from sanskrit, which is amazingly closely related to lithuanian, the most indo-european language in europe
china has always been more advanced technologically and in many ways but when it comes to creating civilisations, no

If India is related than Europeans than everyone should agree that gypsies ( who also lived in Europe for 700 years) are 10x more related with European aswell. There should be no argument and debate on this in trying no include gypsies. Since Gypsies are genetically mixture of European and Indian with origins from North India. They also look way more European than someone from India or Pakistan. But most Europeans consider Gypsies to be a race of their own

Indian influenced china only on spiritual things. But China was most powerful, advance, richest nation back than. Chinese civilization is 1 of the 4 of the world greatest civilization. Although it was conquered a lot by Mongolic nomads. Chinese seems to be weak against the invaders. Although India is worse, in that they was conquered and influenced by Turkic, Mongols, Persian, Arabs. Central Asian for a very long time.

Anyway Indians and Europeans are clearly 2 very distinctive different races regardless of their relation with Indo-European. It's easy to tell just by looking at them.

These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white.


Gypsies from Romania


It always amazes me when the anti Whites try to say non Whites had all these great achievements. It really is a form of mental retardation.

ALL the best countries to live in are built by Whites.
The countries with the highest living standards are ALL White countries.
THe entire non White world is scrambling to get into a White nation.
The non Whites cant even MAINTAIN civilization once its given to them. Therefore wherever you see even the slightest resemblances of civilization you can conclude beyond doubt that White men MUST have been there at some point.

Listen I'm 1/2 Polish and proud of it. I'm half white, 50% white. I'm proud of it. But I'm also proud of my 50% Asian heritage. And to say only white can do great thing is total nonsense. History had proven most of Europe were not advance, only the greeks and Romans were.

As for Maintaining civilization?

This crap only happens in white society, never in Asia.

Why does Europe allow 120,000 crimes annually by non-white people like Gypsies, Blacks, Indians, Pakis, Afghan, Arabs and many other brown race doing rape, thief, beating, violence murder, property vandalism against European white women and men, children in different European countries. And all these victims are Germans, French, Belgium, Holland, Irish, Scottish, Portuguese, Swedish, Italians, Greeks.


And you say best country? Japan was voted the no.1 most favorite country for the longest time. Singapore was also voted no.3 most livable places.

It's not only white people that did great thing.

How can you deny China had was the world largest economy in most of the last 2000 years when even BBC documentary said so as well.

China had the largest and most complex economy in the world for most of the past two thousand years, during which it has seen cycles of prosperity and decline.[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP]
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If India is related than Europeans than everyone should agree that gypsies ( who also lived in Europe for 700 years) are 10x more related with European aswell. There should be no argument and debate on this in trying no include gypsies. Since Gypsies are genetically mixture of European and Indian with origins from North India. They also look way more European than someone from India or Pakistan. But most Europeans consider Gypsies to be a race of their own

Indian influenced china only on spiritual things. But China was most powerful, advance, richest nation back than. Chinese civilization is 1 of the 4 of the world greatest civilization. Although it was conquered a lot by Mongolic nomads. Chinese seems to be weak against the invaders. Although India is worse, in that they was conquered and influenced by Turkic, Mongols, Persian, Arabs. Central Asian for a very long time.

Anyway Indians and Europeans are clearly 2 very distinctive different races regardless of their relation with Indo-European. It's easy to tell just by looking at them.

These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white.


Gypsies from Romania


i talked about the indian civilisation, how it influenced china
and how indian civilisation is related to european civilisation
i didn't say anything about race, whiteness etc
i talked about the indian civilisation, how it influenced china
and how indian civilisation is related to european civilisation
i didn't say anything about race, whiteness etc

It influenced them on religion, so what though?

So what if they are related? both totally different races in their civilization. The only relation is linguistically including genetics to some degree but that's where it ends.

Like for example the Arabs and Jews are not related with Indo-European but even modern Jews (at least from Europe and America ) look totally more European. Arabs from Lebanon also look more European but those from Saudi Arabia, Kuwaiit, UAE look more closer to Pakis for some reason. Pakis and Indian even though have a linguistic relation their race and appearance are clearly different from white people. So different that mixing with them will also destroy the white race.

By the way here are 15 top highest I.Q nations

History had proven most of Europe were not advance, only the greeks and Romans were.

you make it sound like it is a race
true europeans only cared about one thing, living the same way as their ancestors
it is the point of the mos maiorum, the ancient roman religion

Even so, do you ask from what spring these prodigies?
Humble fortune defended the chaste Latin women then,nor did their labor, short slumbers, hard hands irritated
by Tuscan wool, Hannibal close to the city,
and husbands standing guard at the Colline towerallow their little shelters to be stained with vices.
Now we suffer the evils of a long peace, luxury more savage than armspresses its attack and takes vengeance for the conquered world.No crime or act of lust is absent from whereRoman poverty has perished. To here, to these hills,Sybaris, and Rhodes, and Miletus – flowed here -and Tarentum too crowned and with drunken impudence.First tainted money carried in foreignways, and effeminate riches shattered the ages withfoul luxury. …

juvenal, satire 6

so no, ancient romans were not "advance"
except when their civilisation collapsed, infested with middle-eastern immigrants
Sorry isn't this? embarrassing.

Egyptian pyramid may not be the oldest but is far more impressive than any building there I see. All the oldest European building look like a stack of rocks put together with very little effort lol

We really don’t care that you’re not impressed. It takes enormous amount of man power to build a great pyramid. Maybe those early Europeans were civilized enough to understand a more efficient use of human labor. Do you get it?
The Romans and Greeks described them as uncivilized barbarians and considered the vikings and Germanics as animals, and also described them as unhygienic primitives who eat and drink from the bowls that other spitted in.

lol, actually by portraying the germanics as primitive, the romans wanted to show how these tribes were closer to the roman virtues than the romans were at the time, and how the romans had to go back to those virtues to avoid being defeated by the germanics

there is some criticism of the germanics by tacitus but most of the descriptions are meant to show that they are what the romans once were and what they should become again to maintain their civilisation
The 15 best countries to live in based on Housing, Income, Jobs, Community, Education, Environment, Civic Engagement, Health/Sanitation, Life Satisfaction, Safety, Work-Life balance.

New Zealand

So you see IQ tests, and ancient buildings are meaningless. The mighty White man is the ONLY one that is proven in the building, and maintaining of beautiful, livable civilizations. If it wasnt for the White man the rest of the world would starve, or eat each other.
The 15 best countries to live in based on Housing, Income, Jobs, Community, Education, Environment, Civic Engagement, Health/Sanitation, Life Satisfaction, Safety, Work-Life balance.

New Zealand

So you see IQ tests, and ancient buildings are meaningless. The mighty White man is the ONLY one that is proven in the building, and maintaining of beautiful, livable civilizations. If it wasnt for the White man the rest of the world would starve, or eat each other.

Have you forgotten the white man also stole countless resources from other nations to make themselves more wealthy? European and American wealth was amassed by using slavery and stealing resources from colonized nation to use for themselves. Can we stop this exaggeration seriously? What about during the medieval where million of Europeans died from starvation.

And by the this index measurement have problem.

Sweden for example have a ridiculous high number of Muslim crimes against local swedish women.
USA owes China 1.3 trillion debt, 43 million out of 300 million live in poverty. And have the highest usage of crimes with guns, highest incident of murder on the streets. I do not know about the others but Sweden and America are definitely not safe countries to live in.

By the way index have changed. The top 15 include 3 Asian nation. Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong. I personally do not know about those 3 Asian countries either.

Have you forgotten the white man also stole countless resources from other nations to make themselves more wealthy? European and American wealth was amassed by using slavery and stealing resources from colonized nation to use for themselves.
We have a white-hating troll. :tsk:

Did you like it better when the Zulus did worse to the Khoi and San?

When the Mongols did it to the surrounding peoples?

When the Sioux stole the land from the Crow and slaughtered the Pawnee? That's why the Pawnee and Crow sided with whites.

When the Apache murdered and stole from the Pima Indians? That's why the Pima sided with the whites.

When the Comanche murdered and enslaved Indians from other tribes, as well as Mexicans and Texicans?

All people take from other peoples. No one is any worse for it than any other. However, whites are more intelligent and more conscientious.

For example, Mongols don't have a guilt complex about all the plundering and killing they did in Persia. You'll never find an Apache who feels guilty about what he did to the Pima, or a Hutu who feels bad about killing the Tutsis, or a Jew who feels bad about the slaughter of White Russians including the murder of the Russian royal family.
It influenced them on religion, so what though?

So what if they are related? both totally different races in their civilization. The only relation is linguistically including genetics to some degree but that's where it ends.

Like for example the Arabs and Jews are not related with Indo-European but even modern Jews (at least from Europe and America ) look totally more European. Arabs from Lebanon also look more European but those from Saudi Arabia, Kuwaiit, UAE look more closer to Pakis for some reason. Pakis and Indian even though have a linguistic relation their race and appearance are clearly different from white people. So different that mixing with them will also destroy the white race.

By the way here are 15 top highest I.Q nations


I've only met a pair of "Eurasians" before, but both seemed to be equally proud of their White and Asian ancestry. If you really are Eurasian you must have some serious disdain and lack of knowledge for your White heritage.
Also how in the hell could you buy into that I.Q list, it has North Korea as the 3rd highest country. North Korea is an impoverished backwards country were the Government deliberately keeps the common folk ignorant.
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How has this thread not been holocausted yet? It belongs in a combination gas shower/oven. There have been moronic anti-white posters before, but this guy takes the prize. Arguing that a Stone Age culture that lacked the wheel, and engaged in human sacrifice is more advanced than a 16th Century European culture is, I hope, the dumbest thing I'll hear all week. I guess those Incas had quite a bit of upside or something.

Seriously, the dumbest yet, and that's no small feat.
Okay, so because the Chinese government says this crap you believe while other people who simply studied history will say it's not China at all.

There is 4 countries that are not part of China, never historically the same and never historically China only when they were conquered in some time by Chinese invaders.

East Turkistan
Inner Mongolia

All these 4 countries that were never part of China

Chinese communist even claims Phillipine and Vietnamese island as theirs. Including one small part of India.


Any look in history well tell you easily

This is the ancient country of China.

The western region of the white mummies, were Tocharian land conquered by Chinese in different peroids

Actually I agree with that. But the whole history of the world is one stronger people moving into the territory of another weaker people and taking it over. Animals do the same thing. It's not fair and it's not nice, but this is a rough planet.
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If India is related than Europeans than everyone should agree that gypsies ( who also lived in Europe for 700 years) are 10x more related with European aswell. There should be no argument and debate on this in trying no include gypsies. Since Gypsies are genetically mixture of European and Indian with origins from North India. They also look way more European than someone from India or Pakistan. But most Europeans consider Gypsies to be a race of their own

Indian influenced china only on spiritual things. But China was most powerful, advance, richest nation back than. Chinese civilization is 1 of the 4 of the world greatest civilization. Although it was conquered a lot by Mongolic nomads. Chinese seems to be weak against the invaders. Although India is worse, in that they was conquered and influenced by Turkic, Mongols, Persian, Arabs. Central Asian for a very long time.

Anyway Indians and Europeans are clearly 2 very distinctive different races regardless of their relation with Indo-European. It's easy to tell just by looking at them.

These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white.


Gypsies from Romania


"These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white."

But they are White. They're not Aryan but they are white. What do you think they look like, negroes? The vast majority of people on the Indian subcontinent belong to sub branches of the Europid (White) race, including those people in southern India with skin that is darker than that of most negroes. Professor Baker classifies them as the Nordandid subrace of Europid, or Indo-Afghans. He also classifies the Ainu as a subrace of the Europid race, the Ainuid. Not only that, but Indians have preserved the whitest segments of their population, the segment that created their civilization, the Brahmins, for thousands of years through the CASTE SYSTEM...that's the real caste system!

You are very ignorant about race. Most people are. They have been deliberately made ignorant. Now they teach little white kids - and only little white kids - that "there is no such thing as race", "race i s just a social construct" They will, of course, be in for a rude awakening when they run into a herd of their precious "unarmed college bound skittles eating african american gentle giant honor students" one night when there are no Officer Darren Wilsons around to save their precious trisexual asses.
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Seeing the arguments between you two is like watching two schizophrenic homeless men fight over the last piece of bread

Ainu. Some of them look like old Vikings.

Eurasian - You ignored this photo, just as you ignored the pictures I sent you of upper class Japanese with white features, and instead posted a picture showing Ainu who don't look White at all. The Ainu have been in that part of the world for many thousands of years and are a tiny minority, and clearly many of them have mixed with some other races.

Some ruling class Japanese with White features:

Also, on that linked forum you will see Asian people discussing the racial and ethnic origins of Japanese, including the Ainu connection.
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who cares about IQs
the best men in european history weren't known for their intelligence or IQ (a recent invention by a jew named stern) but for their moral or physical qualities
who cares about IQs
the best men in european history weren't known for their intelligence or IQ (a recent invention by a jew named stern) but for their moral or physical qualities

But mainly for their intelligence.

IQ testing has been pretty much done away with now in the USSA, and the real reason for that is they could not devise any kind of test, even so-called "culture free" tests - "name de membuhz ub yo favrit gangsta rap groop" - that could make the scores of the negro equal to that of the higher races. The negro scores 15% lower on IQ tests than do White people. The solution in Zogistan: Simply do away with IQ tests.

Speaking of IQ tests, did you ever take one, "Vanilla Sky"?
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I've only met a pair of "Eurasians" before, but both seemed to be equally proud of their White and Asian ancestry. If you really are Eurasian you must have some serious disdain and lack of knowledge for your White heritage.
Also how in the hell could you buy into that I.Q list, it has North Korea as the 3rd highest country. North Korea is an impoverished backwards country were the Government deliberately keeps the common folk ignorant.

Yes, I've found real Eurasians to be like that too. And yeah, that's a pretty silly looking IQ list. Not only N. Korea, but it's got Mongolia up there in the tenth slot.
We have a white-hating troll. :tsk:

Did you like it better when the Zulus did worse to the Khoi and San?

When the Mongols did it to the surrounding peoples?

When the Sioux stole the land from the Crow and slaughtered the Pawnee? That's why the Pawnee and Crow sided with whites.

When the Apache murdered and stole from the Pima Indians? That's why the Pima sided with the whites.

When the Comanche murdered and enslaved Indians from other tribes, as well as Mexicans and Texicans?

All people take from other peoples. No one is any worse for it than any other. However, whites are more intelligent and more conscientious.

For example, Mongols don't have a guilt complex about all the plundering and killing they did in Persia. You'll never find an Apache who feels guilty about what he did to the Pima, or a Hutu who feels bad about killing the Tutsis, or a Jew who feels bad about the slaughter of White Russians including the murder of the Russian royal family.

Good post.

The khoi and the san. Those are the Bushmen. They were the original inhabitants of southern Africa. A seperate race entirely. They are not negroes. They got it in the neck both from the negroes coming down from the north and the Europeans coming in from the south, both at about the same time. They are a pretty mild and inoffensive people. They have such strange characteristics, especially the females, that even the most rabid equalitarians would rather not talk about them being exactly the same as say a Swede or a Chinaman except for the colour of their skin. The so-called liberals could care less about their troubles. They're not as sexy as a big bull negro.
American Freedom News