To Eurasian Fan

"These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white."

But they are White. They're not Aryan but they are white. What do you think they look like, negroes? The vast majority of people on the Indian subcontinent belong to sub branches of the Europid (White) race, including those people in southern India with skin that is darker than that of most negroes. Professor Baker classifies them as the Nordandid subrace of Europid, or Indo-Afghans. He also classifies the Ainu as a subrace of the Europid race, the Ainuid. Not only that, but Indians have preserved the whitest segments of their population, the segment that created their civilization, the Brahmins, for thousands of years through the CASTE SYSTEM...that's the real caste system!

You are very ignorant about race. Most people are. They have been deliberately made ignorant. Now they teach little white kids - and only little white kids - that "there is no such thing as race", "race i s just a social construct" They will, of course, be in for a rude awakening when they run into a herd of their precious "unarmed college bound skittles eating african american gentle giant honor students" one night when there are no Officer Darren Wilsons around to save their precious trisexual asses.

They are white?

If they are white why would they brag about themselves having sex with white girls and boasting their sexual conquest for white females . Why the hell would they need talk about competing against men of other races? same thing Arabs do. They are obsessed with competing for white women. And brag how they are having a blast with white women.

You look at Yahoo Question about Indian men and this appears " Are there any pornsites of Indian men and white women " . Trust me, I know the kind of people these guys are.

LOL..... these criminals who are of Pakistani and Indian origin (including 1 Arab and Afghan). They said that they only groom underage white girls for sex and rape. Because white girls for them = easy meat. This is what these people are. They are muslims who think that white girls should be sex slaves.

If you want to save the white race than you must kick them out.

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Eurasian - You ignored this photo, just as you ignored the pictures I sent you of upper class Japanese with white features, and instead posted a picture showing Ainu who don't look White at all. The Ainu have been in that part of the world for many thousands of years and are a tiny minority, and clearly many of them have mixed with some other races.

Some ruling class Japanese with White features:

Also, on that linked forum you will see Asian people discussing the racial and ethnic origins of Japanese, including the Ainu connection.


" Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico said that the Ainu descend from the Jōmon people who are an East Asian population with "closest biological affinity with south-east Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples".[SUP][45] "

" Full-blooded Ainu, compared to people of Yamato descent, often have lighter skin and more body hair.[SUP][42][/SUP] Many early investigators proposed a Caucasian ancestry,[SUP][43][/SUP] although recent DNA tests have not shown any genetic similarity with modern Europeans. Cavalli-Sforza places the Ainu in his "Northeast and East Asian" genetic cluster.[SUP][44] "

" Omoto has also shown that the Ainu are Mongoloid, and not Caucasoid, on the basis of fingerprints and dental morphology.[SUP][49][/SUP] Turner found remains of Jōmon people of Japan to belong to Sundadont pattern similar with the Southern Mongoloid living populations of Taiwanese aborigines, Filipinos, Indonesians, Thais, Borneans, Laotians, and Malaysians. "

[SUP]Also you keep saying Ainu have White features and Viking faces.

" Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico wrote "...we follow Brace and Hunt (1990) and Turner (1990) in viewing the Ainu as a southeast Asian population derived from early Jomon peoples of Japan, who have their closest biological affinity with south Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples".[SUP][44] "[/SUP][SUP]

All that was from English wikipedia and genetic article from western anthropologist

And now, what do the Japanese also say?

( Japanese translation to English )

Classification of ancient Jomon

A team of scientists led by Yamasheta maeda to determine racial classification of Jomon and Ainu

" Jomon share more cranial similarity with caucasians but even more so with pacific islanders and people from South India, he furthered said they even shared more similarity with Amerindians and Taiwan aborigines than those of European and caucasoid descent "

" This had let Yamasheta to conclude that Jomons are light skinned pacific islanders "

" Unless one is to consider non-caucasoid people with similar cranial features as caucasoid, we cannot say Jomons are caucasoid. "

" Scientist Yamasheta also said Ainu and Jomons both have thicker lips than Caucasoid and Japanese, nose and nostrils are usually more broad and wider, with more body hair. "

" Hair ranges from straight to wavy, nose is small and broad to long and hooked, lengthy beard , thicker lips, larger mouth with round eyes"




You're delusional to claim some pigmented Ainu looking people as European/ Vikings. Show me a dark skin European that look like Indian Sri Lankan aborigines. Who are not even considered Caucasoid/Europoid but " Australoid ".

"If they are white why would they brag about themselves having sex with white girls ..."

Now you're just raving.

Yeah, those disgusting invaders of western Europe, the dregs of the Moslem world, and even the untouchable castes in India, are classified as sub-races of the Europid, albeit inferior subraces mixed up with the gods know what, and certainly not belonging in Europe.

Some Ainu appear to have been mixed with Australoids somewhere somehow in their long travels. As I've already said they have been there in Japan for many thousands of years, and are a tiny minority, and their race has been mixed up a lot, but still some of them yet show a fine White appearance.

Don't quote me Wikipedia as a source for anything to do with race or history or anything that the media masters desire to be Politically Corrected, because that is all Wikipedia is. You might as well quote CNN or President Barryetta.

The Jomon people most definitely do NOT appear to Asiatic. They most definitely appear to be Europid.

I am hardly the only one who has noticed that some Japanese people appear to be Europid or mixed Asian and Europid. Japanese people (real Japanese people, not "EurasianFans") themselves wonder about that. Here is a very interesting thread, and Omshanti has posted some very interesting pictures, including the picture of some very European Ainu that I posted, here:

Here is just one of them, Meiji period foreign minister Mutsu Munemitsu:


He looks like Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest.
New discoveries push White civilizations back farther and farther in time. Here, an 11 or 12 thousand year old civilization just discovered in eastern Turkey (western Asia - yes a White part of the world, surrounded by other White countries):

[h=1]Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?[/h] [h=2]Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization[/h]

Read more:
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Kenniwick man, White, despite all the song and dance contortions by the controlled ziomedia and the occupational government in Washington DC, and the local fat slob drunken gambling casino indians, attempts to bury the site of the discovery under hundreds of tons of rubble, was found in what is now the northwest USSA - from 9,000 years ago!
"If they are white why would they brag about themselves having sex with white girls ..."

Now you're just raving.

Yeah, those disgusting invaders of western Europe, the dregs of the Moslem world, and even the untouchable castes in India, are classified as sub-races of the Europid, albeit inferior subraces mixed up with the gods know what, and certainly not belonging in Europe.

Some Ainu appear to have been mixed with Australoids somewhere somehow in their long travels. As I've already said they have been there in Japan for many thousands of years, and are a tiny minority, and their race has been mixed up a lot, but still some of them yet show a fine White appearance.

Don't quote me Wikipedia as a source for anything to do with race or history or anything that the media masters desire to be Politically Corrected, because that is all Wikipedia is. You might as well quote CNN or President Barryetta.

The Jomon people most definitely do NOT appear to Asiatic. They most definitely appear to be Europid.

I am hardly the only one who has noticed that some Japanese people appear to be Europid or mixed Asian and Europid. Japanese people (real Japanese people, not "EurasianFans") themselves wonder about that. Here is a very interesting thread, and Omshanti has posted some very interesting pictures, including the picture of some very European Ainu that I posted, here:

Here is just one of them, Meiji period foreign minister Mutsu Munemitsu:


He looks like Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest.

Mutsu Munemitsu is Emishi descendant ( meaning he was not authentic Japanese)

I'm 1/4 Japanese so I know much about these people. His family is from the " Hiraizumi-Fujiwara clan (Emishi related Ainu). In our Japanese wikipedia he is labelled as descendant of Emishi people. Authentic Japanese are those who identify as " Yamato " descent.

( If you want to know more about Emishi read in the wiki

They were an ethnic group related with the Ainu but were conquered by Japanese in the 7th century and since than integrated and assimilated into Japanese. Although they also resisted Japanese rule for many hundreds of years. Now today there are only a few true descendants of Emishi.

Besides that picture was too bias with nearly half of his face diluted by the darkened effect on the photo.

Mutsu Munemitsu in his early 20's


A more clear picture of his face shows he is nowhere Europoid as the picture you selected. He looks more like a Southeast Asian Filipino than a European.

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You are too delusional to believe in these random articles making exaggerations. Many people even call this discovery a hoax. Is the same king of thousand nonsense articles of African making that all civilization started in Africa. Claiming they have the this and that. These discoveries mean nothing since they didn't contribute nothing.

[h=2][Journals]: Archaeologist Argues World’s Oldest Temples Were Not Temples At All[/h]

" Ancient structures uncovered in Turkey and thought to be the world's oldest temples may not have been strictly religious buildings after all, according to an article in the October issue of Current Anthropology. Archaeologist Ted Banning of the University of Toronto argues that the buildings found at Göbekli Tepe may have been houses for people, not the gods. "
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What the hell? now even the " untouchable " are sub-race of Europoids?

They look almost like Negroes with straight hair. Maybe if they lighted and bleached their skin they could come out looking something European.

Look at these super aryan black albino of Somalian origin. They look a 1000x more Nordic and Aryan than any Indian , Pakistani, Egyptian, Arab, Gypsies, Iranian.


These Dalits look 0% Europoid with the way they are. They would look 100% negro if it were not for the straight hair.

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I'm not so easily deceived by your claims. You said " some Japanese" ? what's that number supposed to be.
I lived in Japan for 5 years. Maybe I did see a very few pseudo-Europoid influenced Japanese.

But for every 1 or 2 Pseudo-Europoid influenced Japanese there is like 10,000 to 20,000 pure Asian face looking Japanese. A pseudo-Europoid influenced Japanese is like a few thousand out of a hundred thirty million Japanese or 0.0001% out of the 99.9999% pure Asian looking Japanese.

Using cherry picked individual celebrities because of their unusual look. That's like cherry picking Black people with blue eyes and green eyes. I keep saying the same repetitive pictures like Ken Hirai a thousand times. Isn't there anymore than him and other?



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Those people from southern India have nothing to do with negroes. Negroes come from the other side of the world, far far away. They are probably a heavily Australoid mixture. Somalians are mixed white-******* race, and those "Somalian" albinos of yours - which are actually white albinos - are obviously not negro albinos, who look particularly grotesque as their gross ******* features are not concealed at all by dark skin - and incidentally regular negroes have been mass murdering them in black Africa, but the so-called liberals don't seem to give a hoot, just like they don't seem to give a hoot about the Bushmen, or the African pygmies that the regular sized African negroes are eating like they were potato chips.

You found an old post of mine where I said that some ruling class Japanese look oddly European, and they do. No one said that most Japanese look European. And ever since you found it you've been trying to pick a fight with me starting with your obnoxious pm's.
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Eurasian Fan: I'll reply to you here. If you want to discuss the appearance of Japanese and other peoples and the alleged genocide of Jews you may henceforth do so in public instead of by sending me unsolicited and aggressively hostile PM's as you have been doing. I'm not interested in chatting with you in private.

The guy claims to be 1/4 Japanese, 1/4 Korean and 1/2 Polish and to have lived in Japan. The funny thing is I'm pro-Asian as well as, of course, pro-European.

Eurasian fan comes off as a run of the mill hasbarat. Between his fake "poor English" and the tired presentation of the holoco$t™® what else should we believe? :pound:
I've only met a pair of "Eurasians" before, but both seemed to be equally proud of their White and Asian ancestry. If you really are Eurasian you must have some serious disdain and lack of knowledge for your White heritage.
Also how in the hell could you buy into that I.Q list, it has North Korea as the 3rd highest country. North Korea is an impoverished backwards country were the Government deliberately keeps the common folk ignorant.

Ignore those IQ charts - even Richard Lynn, the world's foremost expert on IQ contradicts himself constantly in his own work. The more important stat is SD (standard deviation) along with the "smart fraction" - and the structure of intelligence - Whites have higher percentages of people at both ends of the bell curve than Asians, who are highly clustered around their "mean". This is part of the reason that despite supposedly higher average IQ scores, most of the individuals you see with scores over 140 are Whites.
Those people from southern India have nothing to do with negroes. Negroes come from the other side of the world, far far away. They are probably a heavily Australoid mixture. Somalians are mixed white-******* race, and those "Somalian" albinos of yours - which are actually white albinos - are obviously not negro albinos, who look particularly grotesque as their gross ******* features are not concealed at all by dark skin - and incidentally regular negroes have been mass murdering them in black Africa, but the so-called liberals don't seem to give a hoot, just like they don't seem to give a hoot about the Bushmen, or the African pygmies that the regular sized African negroes are eating like they were potato chips.

You found an old post of mine where I said that some ruling class Japanese look oddly European, and they do. No one said that most Japanese look European. And ever since you found it you've been trying to pick a fight with me starting with your obnoxious pm's.

I think you're just offended that I proven you wrong with your exaggerated claims. You keep using some of the most diluted pictures of Japanese figures in black/white photos when in reality they are far more Asian than that once we see their colored pictures and even once their pictures become more lightened up, we can see more clearly of their real faces.

Why would some Japanese ruling class be descended from these people. When everyone knows the Ainu were conquered by Japanese in 1430's to 2015 and the Emishi from 8th century to 15th century. They were conquered and ruled by Japanese and are almost extinct today yet they managed be pass their blood in the upper class ruler?

Also why " oddly European " ? Why not " oddly Arabic" , " odlly Jewish ", " oddly Gypsy " , " oddly Pakistani " Or Are you one those people who also think that a half Pakistani / half Japanese who don't look Asian is " oddly European " looking aswell?

You assume Ainu as European looking. When many others said they look either Jewish, Ausraloid, Iranian, Indians, Dravidian.


Well the look very Negro to me especially when they have their is like that? They are obviously Australoids, not Caucasoid. Something that look like this cannot be sub-europoid race.


And actually they are Somalian albino.

Here are some pure African albinos, don't be shocked their SUPER ARYAN appearance.

Even they look much more European than an Ainu could ever.


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By the way here is the morphological study of racial features of Japanese

" Researchers appearing on the program conducted a morphological study of the facial features of 1,047 randomly selected Japanese. Of them, 35.1 percent were found to fit the northern Asian type, commonly found in the people of northern China; 22 percent were categorized as Korean Peninsula; 28.3 percent, southern China; 13.3 percent Indochina; and 5.1 percent fitted the facial features typical of the southern Pacific region. "

1047 randomly selected Japanese and not one said they " Europoid influenced " especially " Europoid looking "

And this data was also posted in the

A comment by JichealMordon on the Jref forum ( he said to the guy who only posted Japanese that look Europoid influenced ) "

He only brings up pictures of supposed Jomon nationals even though the Yaoyi make up 99% of the Japanese population. "

------ I agree a with comment except Yayoi should make up 99.99% Japanese because I've seen over a 100,000 to 1 million Japanese during my 5 years stay and I saw only 5-10 Japanese with Pseudo- Europoid influenced and they properly could have been real half white / half Japanese.

As to why some Japanese rulers look pseudo-Europoid influenced. this could be the reason

" Japanese settlers commonly took Ainu women as sexual slaves. according to Dennis Johnson, author of a recent history of the ethnic group" --- ​

We all know how non-white men are crazy for white women ( even though Ainu are not White they look kinda of pseudo-white ). Many noble Japanese families and higher class could take whatever women they wanted.

Duh.....Ethnic " Uyghurs " are partially descendants of these white mummies that are found in that region because it was never China in the past. Anyone who read history will know. That is a muslim central Asian region that bothers with countries like Afghanistan, Tajikistan.

Incorrect. Even the politically correct Wikipedia, which you have cited many times, refutes this:

"Mair claims that "the earliest mummies in the Tarim Basin were exclusively Caucasoid, or Europoid" with east Asian migrants arriving in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin around 3,000 years ago while the Uyghur peoples arrived around the year 842.[SUP][4][/SUP] In trying to trace the origins of these populations, Victor Mair's team suggested that they may have arrived in the region by way of the Pamir Mountainsabout 5,000 years ago.
Mair has claimed that:
The new finds are also forcing a reexamination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now seems that they may be accurate.[SUP][13]"

Ignore those IQ charts - even Richard Lynn, the world's foremost expert on IQ contradicts himself constantly in his own work. The more important stat is SD (standard deviation) along with the "smart fraction" - and the structure of intelligence - Whites have higher percentages of people at both ends of the bell curve than Asians, who are highly clustered around their "mean". This is part of the reason that despite supposedly higher average IQ scores, most of the individuals you see with scores over 140 are Whites.

True. Also, when looking at IQ charts by region rather than purely racial you have to account for the fact that many Asian countries are completely monolithic while white countries are full of diversity. Even Iceland is 7% non-white. God knows the Inuit population isn't raising their overall IQ. Looking at Isolated Asian areas which are basically Western influenced cities like Hong Kong and Singapore would be similar to sampling all white highly affluent white areas where surely the IQ is much higher. I think North Dakota, which is not as white as Hong Kong is Asian, has an average IQ of about 104. Then you have to consider that white populations are often much more miscegenation than Asian populations. Heck even our FBI often classifies Mexicans as white.
True. Also, when looking at IQ charts by region rather than purely racial you have to account for the fact that many Asian countries are completely monolithic while white countries are full of diversity. Even Iceland is 7% non-white. God knows the Inuit population isn't raising their overall IQ. Looking at Isolated Asian areas which are basically Western influenced cities like Hong Kong and Singapore would be similar to sampling all white highly affluent white areas where surely the IQ is much higher. I think North Dakota, which is not as white as Hong Kong is Asian, has an average IQ of about 104. Then you have to consider that white populations are often much more miscegenation than Asian populations. Heck even our FBI often classifies Mexicans as white.

Good grief, is little Iceland now 7% non-white!? I thought that was the one country that was still free of the wonders of "celebrating diversity"! What has been going on there?

Yes, of course, all of our "diversities" lower the average IQ of our countries. Asians seem to be much more resistant to race mixing with inferior races*, one reason why I think that the white and asian races are synergistic with each other, each has talents that work well with the other. East Asians are intelligent and hard working and good at refinements, whereas, as Jack Reacher said above, Whites are good at producing geniuses and discoveries and and advancements in civilization and probably interoduced to civilization to all parts of teh world from the Americas to east Asia. All of the modern aspects of civilization in China and Japan have come from the west, but they have refined much of it, and now as the west is being destroyed the east is on the march. I have great respect for Asians - real Asians, not "EurasianFans" - and I put my money on China right now. What they are accomplishing is amazing, while they have us busy celebrating diversity.

The FBI is now a totally politicized ansd corrupt outfit. Yes, they classify Mexicans - and other "hispanics", generally regardless of race - as White when they commit a crime - BUT when they are victims of crime they classify them as non-white - one of the ways they cook the books.

The Pentagon and surrounding businesses was festooned with about 87 security cams on 911. When whatever really happened there on 911 happened, FBI agents went racing out of the thing just as fast as their fat little legs could carry them and confiscated every last one, and they've never been seen again. Totally politicized and corrupt.

* Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the UK: "Any race that allows its blood to be mixed with that of an inferior race is doomed".
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Incorrect. Even the politically correct Wikipedia, which you have cited many times, refutes this:

"Mair claims that "the earliest mummies in the Tarim Basin were exclusively Caucasoid, or Europoid" with east Asian migrants arriving in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin around 3,000 years ago while the Uyghur peoples arrived around the year 842.[SUP][4][/SUP] In trying to trace the origins of these populations, Victor Mair's team suggested that they may have arrived in the region by way of the Pamir Mountainsabout 5,000 years ago.
Mair has claimed that:
The new finds are also forcing a reexamination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now seems that they may be accurate.[SUP][13]"


Genghis Khan appears to have been Aryan too:

"Genghis Khan's Blue Eyes and Red hair

The Mongol leader Temujin (AD 1167-1227), better known by his title Genghis Khan (Universal Ruler), was a man of strongly Nordish racial ancestry. According to the Persian historian Ab ul Ghasi, the tribal clan to which Temujin belonged, were known as the Bourchikoun (Grey-Eyed Men).

The ancestral mother and founder of this clan was known as Alan goa (beautiful Alan). According to the Mongol and Chinese legends on the subject, she was said to have been visited in her tent by a divine being, who possessed golden hair, a fair complexion and grey eyes. Shortly after this visitation, she gave birth to the first member of the Bourchikoun clan.

Temujin himself was noted in Chinese descriptions of him, for his tall stature and heavy beard.We should also note the following depiction of Temujin's appearance, as given by Harold Lamb, in his biography of the great Khan:

"He must have been tall, with high shoulders, his skin a whitish tan. His eyes, set far apart under a sloping forehead, did not slant. And his eyes were green, or blue-grey in the iris, with black pupils. Long reddish-brown hair fell in braids to his back."

Ab ul Ghasi also observed that the family of Yesukai, the father of Temujin, were known for the fact that their children often had fair complexions, and blue or grey eyes.

Temujin's wife, Bourtai, bore a name which means "Grey-Eyed".
Jack Reacher: "Eurasian fan comes off as a run of the mill hasbarat. Between his fake "poor English" and the tired presentation of the holoco$t™® what else should we believe? :pound:


Yes, sometimes his mask slips off, like when he starts going on about the Holohoax and how evil White people are. I don't think he's a run of the mill hasbarat, though. He's not stupid and he does know something about Japan. He actually makes some good points, like when he pointed out that Korean men are bearded too. Actually I've tried to be polite to him, but he just responds with obstinacy and rudeness. He just seems to want to fight.

Note: Quote feature not working here again.
"Good grief, is little Iceland now 7% non-white!? I thought that was the one country that was still free of the wonders of "celebrating diversity"! What has been going on there?"

Reykjavik School and Leisure Council’s Developmental Fund is now advertising for grant applications for the year 2014. The purpose of the fund is to finance projects which focus on improving multiculturalism in school and leisure activities. A link to the application can be found on the City of Reykjavik’s website.

You use ridiculous pro-white nationalist website making unfounded claims. If he was Aryan than there is no way the Chinese would not have called him a western barbarian. In the past Chinese called anyone anyone who look caucasoid as western barbarians whether it was " Arabs ". " Iranians " , " Indians ", " European " but the Chinese never onced uses this term to refer to the Mongols, Turks, Genghis Khan and every other of these nomadic tribes from the eastern part of Asia.

Physical appearance of Genghis khan

" The closest depiction generally accepted by most historians is the portrait currently in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan which was drawn under the supervision of his grandson Khubilai during the Mongol Yuan dynasty and depicts Genghis Khan with typical Mongol features "

This portrait was drawn under the supervision of Genghis Khan grandson. The color version was added in 14th century.

Also what about these Mongolians who have blue eyes, red hair, blonde hair but look 100% Mongoloid


What about Odegei Khan looking like 100% Mongoloid but with blue eyes, red hair but with flat nose, tiny slan eyes, round head


What about the Chinese record describing Mongols as like this

From the record of song dynasty: ( Japanese version )

" The Mongols "


A rough translation what Chinese said.

" Their eyes are extremely small, their noses are flat. A few of them possessed lighter features such blue eyes, red hair, blonde hair but with faces of eastern barbarians "


Eastern barbarian are nomadic barbarian with Asian faces = Koreans, Mongolians, Manchus, Turkic, Siberian.

Western barbarian are nomadic barbarian with white faces = Tocharian, Kushan, Arabs, Iranian, Scythians.
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Incorrect. Even the politically correct Wikipedia, which you have cited many times, refutes this:

"Mair claims that "the earliest mummies in the Tarim Basin were exclusively Caucasoid, or Europoid" with east Asian migrants arriving in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin around 3,000 years ago while the Uyghur peoples arrived around the year 842.[SUP][4][/SUP] In trying to trace the origins of these populations, Victor Mair's team suggested that they may have arrived in the region by way of the Pamir Mountainsabout 5,000 years ago.
Mair has claimed that:
The new finds are also forcing a reexamination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now seems that they may be accurate.[SUP][13]"


Actually most Chinese scholars agreed with these accounts.

Many Chinese empires and kingdoms have recorded that they ruled over this Caucasian region of Xinjiang and described the population how it was. For nearly 500-600 years they were under Chinese rule. The Han dynasty, Tang dynasty, Western Liang, Former Qin, Former Liang, Later Liang have all ruled these regions and recorded in their books that they were ruling a population that was physically and culturally different to the Chinese and also looked nothing like their eastern neighbors: The Chinese considered the Iranians, Scythians as western barbarians where as Mongols, Turkic, Manchus as eastern barbarians

It was the western scholars who didn't believe the Chinese accounts ------ combined with the fact later Communist tried everything they could to reject and deny these claim so that they can continuing claiming East Turkistan as one of Chinese territory. It was only under Chinese communist rule or after 1911 that Chinese started to deny these accounts.Because the Communist wanted a 5 nation unity: That is China, Tibet, Manchuria, South Mongolian, East Turkistan, Xinjiang. China started a cultural revolution and destroy many records they also renamed that region as " Xinjiang " completely.

One Chinese historian, who defected to Taiwan said " The communist government were creating useless maneuvers to expand their powers and to claim foreign lands as part of China, one of them was denying the existence of the Caucasians who were indigenous to Xinjiang"

How the hell can anyone deny these accounts they are basically right in your face in Xinjiang. Even today you can find many Uyghurs with blue eyes, red hair , blonde hair.

Even during the Manchurian conquest of Xinjiang have described people with blue eyes, red hair, green eyes. Even today many of them still exist.



Their most common trait is black/brownish hair with hazel/green eyes.

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American Freedom News