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- Jul 19, 2013
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"These Indians, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankans. Even the lightest ethnic group in India still don't look white."
But they are White. They're not Aryan but they are white. What do you think they look like, negroes? The vast majority of people on the Indian subcontinent belong to sub branches of the Europid (White) race, including those people in southern India with skin that is darker than that of most negroes. Professor Baker classifies them as the Nordandid subrace of Europid, or Indo-Afghans. He also classifies the Ainu as a subrace of the Europid race, the Ainuid. Not only that, but Indians have preserved the whitest segments of their population, the segment that created their civilization, the Brahmins, for thousands of years through the CASTE SYSTEM...that's the real caste system!
You are very ignorant about race. Most people are. They have been deliberately made ignorant. Now they teach little white kids - and only little white kids - that "there is no such thing as race", "race i s just a social construct" They will, of course, be in for a rude awakening when they run into a herd of their precious "unarmed college bound skittles eating african american gentle giant honor students" one night when there are no Officer Darren Wilsons around to save their precious trisexual asses.
They are white?
If they are white why would they brag about themselves having sex with white girls and boasting their sexual conquest for white females . Why the hell would they need talk about competing against men of other races? same thing Arabs do. They are obsessed with competing for white women. And brag how they are having a blast with white women.
You look at Yahoo Question about Indian men and this appears " Are there any pornsites of Indian men and white women " . Trust me, I know the kind of people these guys are.
LOL..... these criminals who are of Pakistani and Indian origin (including 1 Arab and Afghan). They said that they only groom underage white girls for sex and rape. Because white girls for them = easy meat. This is what these people are. They are muslims who think that white girls should be sex slaves.
If you want to save the white race than you must kick them out.

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