Tired of Hitler


May 20, 2005
You know, people on both sides need to get over this guy.

Adolf was a TED-Typical European Despot-nothing less, certainly nothing more. Stalin had a greater body count, Cromwell and Henry VIII had him beat for brutality, Napoleon had him beat on the narccisism, Mao has him beat for "zany" ideas that just happen to kill millions of people.

Guy was after stealing land you see and grabbing power, nothing less, nothing more. BTW, guys, the piece of land you live on, like every other acre of real estate,was once stolen from someone using force. Romans did it to Celts, Norsemen did it to Saxons, Americans did it to Indians. War started because he wanted E. Europe (And because the Japs wanted China), simple as that. BTW, E Europe and China both wound up in the hands of the Communists, so who the hell "won" that war? Not US, certainly.

Yeah, Hitler had some racial ideas, many of them correct. 90% of Whites had similar racially realistic ideas at the time, before the JewsMedia systematically brainwashed us. (Ironically, using WWII and Adolf Hitler as a big part of their tool set...just look at how we were brainwashed to feel about the second Louis-Schmelling fight.) That's why it should be required that any liberal douche, who upon the mention of some racial idea immediately starts shouting "HITLER!!! NAZI!!! UBERDUCKSTURMGERFUHREN!" be kicked in the nuts repeatedly. (Notice how any person in this country who proposes a socialistic economic idea is NOT instantly labled a "Stalinist".)

Really guys, I'm part Irish, I wonder why we don't hear about the brutal genocidal policies of Cromwell every 1.5 minutes. Shouldn't we really be more worried about the fact that Stalin and Mao killed more people AND died in their beds, than we are about Hitler? Gee, could this be a SLIGHT indication of just who is manipulating our media?
Hitler was a dictator that supressed the freedoms of his own people and started a war that killed millions. He was a German and Nordic nationalist, he hated our fellow white brothers the slavs who he said were sub human. Surley we can have white nationalism without complet loss of freedom.
Yep, things I've pointed out before Tornado.

I'm just pointing out that if you watch most channels, Hitler is the ONLY leader they use to represent "Absolute Evil (TM)". Well, except maybe for Osama.
It really isn't that simple.

Hitler has been made into evil incarnate, a cartoon personality. He was just a man. World War 2 is the most propagandized event in human history. They still use Nazism and Hitler to justify all sorts of acts that in a sane world would be indefensible. If you buy into the company line about WW2 and Nazism, then what you have said above has merit. If you believe that the truth is something that has been manipulated, supressed and outright eliminated whenever and wherever possible, then Hitler becomes something else.

The best way to get to the truth of the matter is to follow the money. Who were the greatest benefactors from the outcome of WW2? Clearly it was the United States and world Jewry. We became a Superpower based upon our War Time profiteering and the breakup of the Imperialistic World Powers who were crushed by the Great War (WW1 & WW2 were simply different acts of the same war). The world Jews got a nation, one that they had not possessed for at least 2,000 years and had no hard evidence to link them to those people who lost it to Rome. That in of itself is astounding. How could they possibly justify this? Well, I think we all know the answer, and that was to manufacture the myth of the Holocaust out of the tragedy of Internment Camps managed by a defeated nation who no longer cared to manage them humanely. When the allies (and Russia) found these camps full of diseased and malnourished prisoners, they were able to spin the Holocaust yarn and justify turning over Israel to the Jews. Hitler became the monster responsible and all those who could possibly speak against this propaganda were systematically executed at the sham Nuremburg Trials, or hunted down by the Israeli government.

Hitler was just a man. He became the dupe needed for the biggest swindle of the modern era, stealing the land to create the nation of Israel. Nothing more, nothing less. He had his good points, he had his faults. But he certainly wasn't what he has now become, that is just a Jewish/American boogey man.
"Who were the greatest benefactors from the outcome of WW2? Clearly it was the United States and world Jewry."

Do not forget Stalin and the USSR or the Red Chinese.

I agree White Savage, Hitler and National Socialism and Fascism were made into unique forms of evil by the post-war social democrats who tried to portray themselves as "The Vital Center," holding the sensible middle ground against "fascism" on the right and communism on the left.

Lumping Hitler in with fascism creates a semantic political weapon. Over the years the word "fascist" has been stretched broadly enough to define most anything on the Right that those on the Left dislike and seek to discredit. Although calling someone a communist demands proof, simply calling someone a fascist is tantamount to a guilty verdict. Even if proof is provided, the accuser can still be labeled a "red-baiter" or a "McCarthyite," both synonyms for fascist.

This, however, in no way means I am pro-Hitler or pro- Nazi. I am against them.
All previous posts are very informative. I agree with the opinions of most posters here when it comes to Hitler. He was a man. He did alot to bring Germany back after the Versailles treaty. Working class Germans were driving Volkswagens while FDR's America had soup kitchens. That being said, he had some faults as well.

The thing I find most interesting however is the modern use of his name. The name itself is synonymous with evil. Evil as pure as Satan himself. Personally, I believe that there have been numerous dictators far more brutal than Hitler. Mao (academia's new hero)Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, Bela Kun and many more that I have not named.

I think it is quite clear to any thinking observer that there is a profound political message that emanates from a talking head when they invoke the "he is the next Hitler" parable.
Hitler was no more evil than many other dictators. Of corse the jewish media has made him out to be the symboln of evil because he was anti jewish. He did some good things and was pro white but he did many evil things. The holicast was real its not a fabrication and it was wrong. My grandfather was a soldier during the war and saw one of the camps he was horrified at how innicent people could be treated.
white tornado said:
The holicast was real its not a fabrication and it was wrong. My grandfather was a soldier during the war and saw one of the camps he was horrified at how innicent people could be treated.

Your Grandfather's account of terrible things doesn't make the Holocaust true. If he fought for the Allies, he never went anywhere near any of the "death camps" as they were all liberated by the Soviets.

I like to explain it using the simple analogy of the Japanese, Italian & German internment camps in the United States. These 3 nationalities were all now enemies of ours, just as the Jews, Poles, etc. were considered enemies of Germany. Imagine if during World War 2, the Germans had gained the upper hand and invaded the United States. As they advanced, and the U.S. spun into chaos, do you think the priority would be the treatment of our interned prisoners? Would you expend highly trained and professional assets to guard and provide for them? Would you send them adequate rations and medicine when your own soldiers were going without? Hell no. They would get the short end of the stick on all accounts and be under the guard of the worst you had to offer. In that environment all kinds of terrible things would occur, disease, famine, mistreatment of prisoners. When the Germans, Italians and Japanese soldiers liberated these camps, they would have been faced with terrible scenes of human tragedy and the prisoners would have wild tales to spin about their jailors. Would all of this equate to some formalized sinister plan to exterminate Japanese, Germans and Italians by the United States government? No. It would simply be a sad side-product of a nation being devestated by military invasion.

All of the hard evidence points to the holocaust being a great exaggeration to achieve the end result of the establishment of the nation of Israel, and a blank check for world jewry to do as they please under the banner of victimhood. The evidence for the offical version of the holocaust consists of testimony by those who had everything to gain from it, Jews and the coerced testimonies from the sham Nuremburg trials.

People can be led to believe all sorts of lies. Hell, this site wouldn't even be necessary if the truth was accepted of human equality in athletics. Nazism, Hitler and the Holocaust were the justification for a lot of world changing events, that otherwise would never have been allowed. Israel was established by displacing a people who had been there for AT LEAST 2,000 years by a people who had nothing more then a promise from God, with evidence of that promise being the word of those taking the land. That would be like Mexicans coming to the United States, backed by the militaries of the rest of the world and demanding that we give them all of the Southwestern United States because they have an ancient myth stating that it was the homeland of the Aztecs 2,000 years ago and its time for them to retake possession of it and we all need to leave or become second class citizens living in refugee camps. F That.

Hitler was just a man. He wasn't a monster. Unfortunately, all of the history surrounding him has been rewritten to create the justification for an end. That end is the globalization of our world, and the deracination of OUR people. Don't let the Hitler boogeyman stop you for standing up for what you believe to be right. And don't appologize for a holocaust that never happened.
I will give you this Stalin and Mao had greater body counts. But if you lived through his terror you would hate him as much as any of the other despots. On Kristellnacht he gave orders to torch all Jewish businesses or places of worship. I know that the firemen were told to let these places burn down or they would get a bullet in the back of the head. This was told to me by older relatives who worked as firemen and policemen in Germany.Debating Hitler, Mao, Stalin is like debating about getting drawn and quartered or getting castrated and bleeding to death....
Edited by: white is right
Let's also not forget that Hitler and Stalin cooperated and did so long before they formalized their alliance in 1939.
reclaimsocal said:
All of the hard evidence points to the holocaust being a great exaggeration to achieve the end result of the establishment of the nation of Israel, and a blank check for world jewry to do as they please under the banner of victimhood. The evidence for the offical version of the holocaust consists of testimony by those who had everything to gain from it, Jews and the coerced testimonies from the sham Nuremburg trials...

Hitler was just a man. He wasn't a monster. Unfortunately, all of the history surrounding him has been rewritten to create the justification for an end. That end is the globalization of our world, and the deracination of OUR people. Don't let the Hitler boogeyman stop you for standing up for what you believe to be right. And don't appologize for a holocaust that never happened.

Excellent post.
Hitler as a perjorative is meant to intimidate whites. Don't let anyone get away with such crap to identify you with pure evil as has been made up.
Hitler was the dictator of a goverment the completly banned all oppesision and started a war of aggresion that lead to millions of innocent people being killed.

Just because you disagree with Isreal as I do myself dosent mean Hitler did not do evil things
Where is this hard evidence and what is the source?
well I guess sence it was so long ago that theres no proof that WWII actuall happened.
white tornado said:
well I guess sence it was so long ago that theres no proof that WWII actuall happened.

No offense, but if this is your level of intellect, then its not even worth discussing the matter with you.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Where is this hard evidence and what is the source?

This is the post that got me started down the path to my current beliefs. And for the record I have a B.A. in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara, so I'm not coming at this from some Kook Tin Foil Hat perspective.

See Post #22

I highly recommend you read the sources, and make your own judgements and follow the evidence where it leads, be it for or against. The main turning point in my own understanding of the Holocaust, was in examining the Nuremburg Trials.

Furthermore, in case it has not been clear in my preceeding posts, I do not believe that atrocities were not commited. I'm sure there were plenty of nut jobs working for the Nazis that murdered people in Labor/Internment camps, I just have not seen evidence supporting a systematic plan to exterminate world Jewry, which is what the present day story of the Holocaust has become. I don't believe there were Gas Chambers, I think those were imagined afterwards. I think the worst atrocities occured in the East, where entire villages, some of which were heavily Jewish, were executed by an advancing German army. However, the same was done to the Germans, most notably in Dresden, and because they lost the war and were demonized no one cares.

Wars are not only fought with men and weapons, they are also fought with propaganda. In the case of WW2, the propaganda became so absurd, that it can still be used 60 plus years later to justify further wars against ideas, nations and people with whom our government and its allies disagree.

I will always question those who pass laws to stop people from asking questions.

List of countries with Laws against Holocaust Denial
I agree that passing laws against "Holocaust" denial is stupid. I would also say There is excessive emphasis on the Holocaust because it serves the concerns of those descended from the victims of Nazism and puts them in a privileged position. Anyone who questions U.S. policy toward Israel or even Israel's right to land in Palestine is automatically an "anti-semite." This is used as a political weapon in the same way that I mentioned fascism.

BUT, to deny that there was not a systematic attempt to kill the Jews of Europe by Hitler is just loopy. Edited by: Bronk
You insult my intellect read all the post I made in context. I will remove the term evil from this discussion because it is subjective. I stated that Hitler was the main factor starting in the war in Europe.

Matt_Bowen_Fan ask where is the hard evidence, come on if there's no proof that Hitler was a main factor in starting a war of aggression then there's no hard evidence for anything in history.

Did Hitler persecute the Jews yes. Has the holocaust been wildly exaggerated in order for Jews to have victim status and, take over Israel absolutely.Why is Hitler perceived as the Epitome of Evil while other dictators even ones America fought against are forgotten, because the jewish media wants him as a symbol witch will help them achieve there goals.

There's rarely any black and white in History I'd appreciate if people would understand my post before insulting my intellect.
Bronk said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Where is this hard evidence and what is the source?

Frankly, this line of reasoning leaves much to be desired as well.

Uh, no. Its not. Argue like you're trying to sell me on it. I'm against Nazism but giving them credit for things they didn't do implicates the German people as well. My great-grandfather was German and my grandfather part of the liberation of Europe. We've to carry baggage over it since '45. I'm blonde and blue and have heard the Aryan comments plenty.

I'm skeptical about most things, and the Holocaust is certainly one. How did the more famous ones live for years in the KZs if they were trying to kill them all the time? Some of the revisionists' answers are disingenuous, however. Just because we share a few beliefs doesn't mean all yours get a free pass; there's no white solidarity that compels me to accept everything you say as truth.
Thanks for the link. I'll look into those, as I have looked into the IHR.
I'm not looking to insult anyone nor am I looking to "sell" anyone on the truth of the Holocaust. Was Hitler the epitome of evil? Maybe, maybe not, but he was evil and once you cross that line arguing over the varying shades is not productive.

I do not believe in collective guilt so I wouldn't condemn all Germans for Hitler's actions although there were social democrats that believed that the Germans as a people should be wiped off the face of the earth (see the book Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman). Germany was abused horribly after WWI, opening the way for Hitler.
Owning a copy of Mein Kampf is illegal in Germany. The country is quite pc and pansyish on the subject. But the West Germans could have had the same problems that the East has had since the two countries merged. In the East the communist never stressed any guilt about the time period as they said they were imprisoned too, and they had nothing to to do with what happened to the "undesirables". Eric Honecher spent time in a labour camp. The villian in the Spy who Loved me Curd Jurgens spent time in a labour camp for speaking out against the regime. If the labour camp wasn't a death camp it doesn't mean that it was picnic either the prisoners were still worked to the bone and poorly fed and housed. This is from someone who isn't an Israel supporter but I'm not anti Jewish either. I just feel that Israel's creation has created more problems then it is worth.
I hate it when the left says that George Bush is another Hitler. There is an old saying that if you conpare all tyrants to Hitler, than Hitler doesn't look that bad. George Bush is a totally different problem.
We must not forget that Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, and Castro were just as bad. Robert Mugwee is a contender to this list. Hitler is evil, but he does not have the monopoly on evil.