Sir, I have a hard time believing that the Germans did what their accused of. Mainly, because even if they wanted to do such a thing as "exterminate" the Jews, logistically speaking, they didn't have the wherewithall to accomplish it.
I don't know if that makes me a holicaust denier or not, but I've got to be shown solid evidence proving it. Can you imagine how many people would have had to be involved in this project, all the while a country was at war, being bombed, straffed, having to move large quantities of men and material to all fronts, bring wounded back, etc. and on top of all that, operating all these death camps? That would have been quite an undertaking for even us.
As they say, "Where's the Beef (evidence - invoices, etc.)"
I'm no expert on this stuff, but I've done a bit of reading on it and the whole thing sounds fishy to me.
One last point. When a war ends, the victors go to the table and divvy up the "winnings." The Americans, Russians, English and French all got pieces of the pie because they put in men and material to win the war. Now what did the Jews have to offer to be able to sit at that table with the victors. Certainly, they made no material impact of the efforts of the allies. So the only chip they had was their suffering, the "holocaust."
Even if the holocaust did occur as they said, what's the logic behind giving them Palestine? Wasn't it the Germans that did the killing? Then why do the Arabs have to give the Jews their land because the Germans killed millions of Jews?
Just some thoughts on this.
Tom Iron...