Tired of Hitler

IMO opinion, the diference between Hitler, Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt was what their people would let them get away with. Roosevelt had to be a little more restrained with Americans than Hitler was with Germans is all. All political processes select for the F'cked up type. Same goes for any vintage of Bush or Clinton.
There is no truer saying than "history is written by the victors." WWII cannot rationally be discussed, because Hitler and Nazism cannot rationally be discussed. One must first accept that Hitler was "evil," a demon unlike any other man in the history of the world, before the subject can even be broached. Consider who Hitler's enemies were; Hitler, for instance, is the only national leader to ever take up arms against the Soviet Union. As for the Holocaust, it bears more resemblance to a typical script out of Hollywood rather than anything that was mathematically or logistically possible. I strongly believe that, once things collapse in the country and things are (presumably) eventually restored to sanity, the entire WWII era and its participants will be looked at very differently.
A common sense question: Why would Hitler, whose nation was short on supplies of all type, round-up Jews, put them in labor camps (plenty of labor existed in Germany - the most densely populated European nation), feed and cloth them for years, only for the purposes of killing them? Then, when all is said and done we find out that the Germans must have been pretty bad at killing as many Jews and others survived who were under their direct control. No, if Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews he would have done it like all other genocides; quickly and inexpensively with a bullet to the back of the head.

Germany had more Red Cross inspections than any other nation; in fact, the inspections were often requested by Hitler to dispell the growing holocaust myth. The Red Cross Never found any evidence of genocide. Millions of people supposedly systematically executed and yet the Red Cross found nothing. Demonizing the enemy seems to be a necessity for unpopular war. The same lies about Germans were told in WWI only eventually (after the war) people didn't buy it. I guess people back then just had more common sense.

German aggression? Yah, half of Poland that used to be Germany, the willing annexing of Austria, Checkoslovkia (agreed to by English and French). In the meantime Russia took the other half of Poland, Finland, and other former Russian Eastern European states. The fact is that at the end of WWI the Treaty of Versaille was seen as a template for WWII. Some World leaders predicted almost to the day WWII. Blaming it all on Hitler is a joke to any well-read person.
I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe Hitler just felt the need for regime change in some of those countries. Or a pre-emptive strike perhaps?
Hitlers a twat! He's probably the main reason why it's fine for all races to shout 'RACIST' at white people when it's not right for us to say it back. The Jews will always and will continue to remind everyone about Hitler and rightly so. What he did to the Jews was horrible! No one can deny it! If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.
Here is the reason the Germans were so pissed at the Jews after WWI

Benjamin Freedman was a Jew who involved in the Jewish Political structure at the time..Google Balfour Declaration too..Have you ever heard the term blowback?

Part 1

Part 2


Part 3

Part 4

Oooops..History is Anti-semitic. British are completely righteous and all Germans are evil..Nighty night I have to go back to sleep.
TheEnglishman said:
...What he did to the Jews was horrible! No one can deny it! If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.

How many Jews do you think died in the "holocaust" and why do you think this?
Piggy said:
TheEnglishman said:
...What he did to the Jews was horrible! No one can deny it! If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.

How many Jews do you think died in the "holocaust" and why do you think this?

If only 2 million were killed instead of 4 million, does this make it less of a holocaust?

Unless you're going to say it didn't happen at all, or the numbers were in the thousands, arguing over the number actually murdered seems petty.
White Shogun said:
If only 2 million were killed instead of 4 million, does this make it less of a holocaust?

I would think the "holocaust" would be 50% less as it was said to be. What's the least amount that would have had to have died for "the holocaust" not to be considered a "holocaust?"

White Shogun said:
Unless you're going to say it didn't happen at all, or the numbers were in the thousands, arguing over the number actually murdered seems petty.

If one doen't know how many died, how can one say the number is high enough to "justify" calling the event a "holocaust?"
I suppose what I should have wrote is this:

In only 2 million people were killed instead of 4 million, does this make any less tragic? Criminal? Evil?

The word holocaust has also been used to describe the killings in Rwanda, and the millions of abortions performed in this country as well. I'm not sure there is a numerical threshold that determines when something is a holocaust or it isn't.

Regardless, what we think the word means doesn't mean diddly to the rest of the world.
I would suggest that anyone who is really interested in the subject read some of the seminal revisionist works. "The Leuchter Report" is a concise overview that is still available for free online, I believe. It's probably the most readable and easily accessed work out there. It's a great introduction to the subject.
White Shogun said:
I suppose what I should have wrote is this:

In only 2 million people were killed instead of 4 million, does this make any less tragic? Criminal? Evil?

Of course it would be evil and tragic regardless of the number. Even one person being murdered is evil and it's tragic for that person's family. However, would you say that someone murdering three people has committed as much evil and caused as much tragedy as someone murdering six people?

If you're told a person murdered six people and that person and his family is made to pay reparations to the families of those six people, but years later the number murdered by that person is lowered to three would you just accept the new number? Would you think all those reparations paid to the families of all six were legitimate reparations since tragedy is tragedy? Do you think you might doubt the validity of this new number?

White Shogun said:
The word holocaust has also been used to describe the killings in Rwanda, and the millions of abortions performed in this country as well. I'm not sure there is a numerical threshold that determines when something is a holocaust or it isn't.

But what "event" comes to mind when you hear the phrase "The Holocaust?"

If there is to be an event that is called "The Holocaust" why wouldn't the event in which, no less than 10 million Russians were murdered via the orders of the Jew "Genrikh Yagoda" merit that title? This fact is acknowledged by Jews:

[url]http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0%2C7340%2CL-3342999%2C00.h tml[/url]

Have you ever heard of this "holocaust?"

White Shogun said:
Regardless, what we think the word means doesn't mean diddly to the rest of the world.

But should that have a bearing on what we believe to be truth?
White_Savage said:
IMO opinion, the diference between Hitler, Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt was what their people would let them get away with

To a large degree I think you are right. FDR went pretty far but would he have killed his enemies en masse? I doubt it.

bigunreal said:
WWII cannot rationally be discussed, because Hitler and Nazism cannot rationally be discussed.

Yes, I totally agree.

bigunreal said:
Consider who Hitler's enemies were; Hitler, for instance, is the only national leader to ever take up arms against the Soviet Union.
Hitler and Stalin cooperated with each other almost from the start of Hitler taking power in 1933. While I would say they were rivals in most respects, they were also criminal conspirators in others.

White Shogun said:
I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe Hitler just felt the need for regime change in some of those countries. Or a pre-emptive strike perhaps?

Hard to argue with that statement if you are a neocon!

Kaptain Poop said:
The fact is that at the end of WWI the Treaty of Versaille was seen as a template for WWII. Some World leaders predicted almost to the day WWII. Blaming it all on Hitler is a joke to any well-read person.

Again, agreed.

I also agree with most everything Englishman stated.
TheEnglishman said:
Hitlers a twat! He's probably the main reason why it's fine for all races to shout 'RACIST' at white people when it's not right for us to say it back. The Jews will always and will continue to remind everyone about Hitler and rightly so. What he did to the Jews was horrible! No one can deny it! If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.

I totally agree with that post, Englishman. I was hesitant to post anything on this mostly sad thread because anything I post will be seen as self-serving and everybody that's been here for awile knows what I think of the Holocaust and the few posters here that deny it or downplay it. The Holocaust is a historical fact and whether it's 4 million or 6 million, does it really matter? It happened and the white race is still paying for it today, perhaps that is what has spurred on all these ridiculous revisionists.
You cannot discuss Hitler intelligently without mentioning the role of Bolshevism and the Russian revolution. Hitler recognized that the principal enemies of Europe and his people were not ethnic Germans, Russians,Poles, orFrench.He tried to remove the vice-like strangle hold that had them by their collective necks. As for Churchill and Roosevelt?They had a nice time smoking, drinking, and laughing at Yalta, where they made sure Joe Stalin and his Iron Curtain were firmly anchored in place. True heroes eh? Well, It all depends on whose ox is being gored and who writes the history books.
guest301 said:
TheEnglishman said:
Hitlers a twat! He's probably the main reason why it's fine for all races to shout 'RACIST' at white people when it's not right for us to say it back. The Jews will always and will continue to remind everyone about Hitler and rightly so. What he did to the Jews was horrible! No one can deny it! If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.

I totally agree with that post, Englishman. I was hesitant to post anything on this mostly sad thread because anything I post will be seen as self-serving and everybody that's been here for awile knows what I think of the Holocaust and the few posters here that deny it or downplay it. The Holocaust is a historical fact and whether it's 4 million or 6 million, does it really matter? It happened and the white race is still paying for it today, perhaps that is what has spurred on all these ridiculous revisionists.

On the one hand there is no arguing that something happened in Germany in WWII that birthed the 'holcaust,' no matter how few or how many are dead. The whole war was tragic from beginning to end, and the forced internment of wholesale sections of the population was obviously a terrible tragedy. On the other hand, we shouldn't bury our heads in the sand and take at face value what they say happened, when the reality is probably different, if not vastly so (See also Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, et al.)

Any event that holds such vast sway over the world, politically and spiritually, and from which so many have so much to gain, should be investigated thoroughly.

Sir, I have a hard time believing that the Germans did what their accused of. Mainly, because even if they wanted to do such a thing as "exterminate" the Jews, logistically speaking, they didn't have the wherewithall to accomplish it.

I don't know if that makes me a holicaust denier or not, but I've got to be shown solid evidence proving it. Can you imagine how many people would have had to be involved in this project, all the while a country was at war, being bombed, straffed, having to move large quantities of men and material to all fronts, bring wounded back, etc. and on top of all that, operating all these death camps? That would have been quite an undertaking for even us.

As they say, "Where's the Beef (evidence - invoices, etc.)"

I'm no expert on this stuff, but I've done a bit of reading on it and the whole thing sounds fishy to me.

One last point. When a war ends, the victors go to the table and divvy up the "winnings." The Americans, Russians, English and French all got pieces of the pie because they put in men and material to win the war. Now what did the Jews have to offer to be able to sit at that table with the victors. Certainly, they made no material impact of the efforts of the allies. So the only chip they had was their suffering, the "holocaust."
Even if the holocaust did occur as they said, what's the logic behind giving them Palestine? Wasn't it the Germans that did the killing? Then why do the Arabs have to give the Jews their land because the Germans killed millions of Jews?

Just some thoughts on this.

Tom Iron...
The Germans did pay reparations(well the West Germans did the East never did). West Germany also gave loans and co-operated with Israel concerning foreign policy. I know Germany gave individual survivors a stipend for surviving a concentration camp. I'm not sure on the figure it might have been about 10k(which was big money in the 50's). I know Israel gave similar compensation and recently some survivors who were getting dementia their relatives/guardians were demanding more from the Israeli government.
The number of Jewish deaths that occured in WW2 is of huge importance, not because they were any more valuable then the others who suffered the same fate, but because of the grossly disproportionate value placed upon them by the global decision makers after the war.

First, the total number of victims has been steadily decreasing over the years. Most serious historians would set the upper end at 6 million, where as in the past that number was as high as 10 million. This 6 million includes not only those Jews who were killed in the "Death" camps, but all Jews who were killed during the war by any cause (and that is if we take that number as factual, which I do not). History has then determined that these people should be given not only financial restitution, but their own Nation (which did not belong to them, or those who supposedly perpetrated the holocaust) and a blank check to commit all sorts of wrongs against the people who had possessed it.

You cannot separate the holocaust from the reward given to the Jewish people because of it. One is the direct effect of the other. Likewise, you cannot separate the holocaust from the acts commited by Judaism that led to it. If you continue to kick a hornets nest, don't be shocked when those hornets finally attack. I think the Germans were well within their right as a nation to intern the Jewish people, and if they did cross that line into genocide, then, and only then would I personally feel they had gone too far.

I know from experience that the Jewish people have no problem lying to the gentile, its in their holy book for crying out loud, and I know that the Zionists wanted Israel at any cost. Why is it so wrong to ask them to prove that the holocaust occured? Instead they ask me to prove that it did not (And then lock up all of the documents, execute all of the accused and ruin anyone who attempts to make that arguement even going as far as imprisoning them). The scenario I laid out in previous posts seems far more plausible given the evidence that I have personally been able to access and examine. If there is hard proof from reliable sources that can be independently verified to the contrary, then maybe the Jews AND the governments involved should have produced it in a timely manner, instead of hiding it from the public for over 50 years and asking us to take their word for it.
The Englishman,

I agree Hitler was a twat. He should have been happy with what was given him and built his German Utopia so that the rest of the world could have followed his model. Instead he fought a fratricidal War, refused to listen to his military advisors and came up with a horrible plan of battle. He was a horrible leader in that regard and did more to set back the White Man then any other figure in the last 1,500 years.

That being said, why should I believe the Jewish account of the holocaust when they refuse to provide ANY evidence that it actually occured IN THE MANNER THEY LAY OUT? I don't doubt that horrible things were done to Jews by Germans during World War 2. I am open to the idea that there were systematic murders taking place on the Eastern Front (which was a brutal, brutal place to be). However, when they destroy all evidence of these supposed Gas Chambers, and then Rebuild them to show us that they Really
did exist, and then they execute all of the Nazi's who claimed that they did not, and then hunt down and execute any Nazi's who escaped their initial grasp, and then lock up all of the supposed documented evidence for over 50 years and expect us to believe it wasn't doctored, edited or selectively destroyed, and then lobby governments throughout the West to pass Holocaust Denial and Hate Crime legislation to further persecute those who question them....

Denial is a strong word, and is specific in its definition. Questioning the version of the holocaust told by the establishment does not equate to denial. Its just another way they prevent anyone from questioning their tale. History should be open to review and needs to be constantly evaluated to peel back the propaganda to arrive at the truth. So many of our people are afraid to speak out against the evils of the Jewish Elite because of the story of the holocaust and the misnomer of Judeo-Christianity (something that was laughable before the last century, as Judiasm DIRECTLY REJECTS THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST). If we are going to remain a self-determining people, we cannot be misled by Israel and her supporters. We must seek the truth, regardless of whom may be offended by that persuit.
White Shogun,

Thanks for finding that. However, like all the rest of the evidence, it's very sketchy and vague. Sounds like the Germans were running factories, labor camps. Why else would they be worried about the inmates having lice if they were going to kill them?

Tom Iron...
White Shogun said:
Tom Iron said:
As they say, "Where's the beef (evidence-invoices,etc.)?

Maybe they were hidden in Hitler's basement?

All those records of deaths and executions and not one word of gas chambers or order of mass executions of Jews. Isn't the lack of evidence in this mass of documentation proof enough that such fantastical stories of Jewish mass executions didn't happen after all? Sure they were round-up in concentration camps just as Germans were round-up in concentration camps throughout the world, but this does not equate to purposeful genocide.

Again, the Germans somehow secretly rounded-up Jews, labeled them, housed them, clothed them, and fed them for years so that they could kill them in expensive gas chambers, cremate their bodies with fuel (while their planes and tanks ran empty), and leave a ton of survivors to tell of the suffering. Gas chambers and other fantastical stories should have fell by the way-side like all of the other stories except the world stopped thinking sometime in the 60's. By then we had at least found out that the Germans didn't in fact make Soap out of dead Jews, mattresses out of Dead Jews hair, or Jew-skin lamps. Nor did mass executions happen by electical floors, hidden underground caverns, conveyer belts to carry the bodies, or any other fantastical means. The difference between now and then is that now we are not allowed to question, investigate, or even to use common sense.

Yep, Jews died like other prisoners of war died of defeated nation - disease and poor conditions. Germans died too. The population starved, peaceful villages were massacred, the German women were raped, the men were executed or sent to labor camps. Many of them died years AFTER the war in allied forced labor camps. 50-70 million died in WWII and yet there was only one holocaust?

Jews claiming to be histories victims is a complete joke - did people forget how Jesus died and how Jews persecuted Christians for hundreds of years? Personally, I have nothing against individual Jews, but please stop with the propaganda and to the Christians out there - stop being so gullible. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Voice, when did I say 'all Germans are evil'? I never did say that and never would because such a comment is extremely ignorant and spiteful. I reckon only about 1% (if that) of Germans in the 2nd World War were actually evil (if that's the right word?) They just got brainwashed and forced to conform by mass propaganda just like African Zimbabweans today in Zimbabwe by Mugabe rather than Hitler. I oddly enough like to support Germany in football (soccer) apart from when they play one of the UK nations or Ireland. I'm not too sure why, maybe it's because they have a similer style to England?

All the evidence I need about the Holocaust was the accounts from 'OUR' own allied troops whether they be British, American, Canadian, Australian or whatever. They stumbled across these concentration camps and mass graves as they liberated Nazi Germany. Now why would they lie about what they saw hey? Photographic evidence from the allied troops was enough to show me how sick it was.

Why argue about how many Jews were killed? Is that some sort of sick joke? It doesn't really matter, what does matter is that innocent men, women, children and even babies were killed just for being part of a religion. I'm not a huge fan of Jews (I don't like the amount of control they have in the USA) but I don't hate them because thats just irrational and at the end of the day you can't generalise a group of people to be all bad. You get some bad some good. Just like black and white people.

I will try and not get envolved on such an topic again on this site because I'm here to give my support to my faveourite white athletes, which is what we should really concentrate on.
TheEnglishman said:
If you do deny the holocaust happened then you really are ignorant and are just as bad as those extreme Muslims.

No offense Eglishman, but your comments are totally inaccurate. You may not agree with the researchers who have investigated the so-called holocaust, but they are most definitely far, far, from being ignorant.Why are they hounded, persecuted, and imprisoned? Why must they be silenced and shouted down if they are so wrong and ignorant? More and more people are asking themselves these questions. Just as bad as Muslims?Evocative juxtaposition of terms and imagery, but it doesn't fly.

Food for thought from Bob Whitaker: "I know very little about the subject, but I know the Holocaust deniers are right.


Because I am a freeborn American. I know that anything the government REQUIRES you to believe is not true.

I also know that anyone who cannot face debate and needs the government to outlaw all dispute is, and I use this word rarely and specifically, a liar.

Denying the Holocaust is the duty of every decent person."