White Shogun said:
Tom Iron said:
As they say, "Where's the beef (evidence-invoices,etc.)?
Maybe they were hidden in Hitler's
All those records of deaths and executions and not one word of gas chambers or order of mass executions of Jews. Isn't the lack of evidence in this mass of documentation proof enough that such fantastical stories of Jewish mass executions didn't happen after all? Sure they were round-up in concentration camps just as Germans were round-up in concentration camps throughout the world, but this does not equate to purposeful genocide.
Again, the Germans somehow secretly rounded-up Jews, labeled them, housed them, clothed them, and fed them for years so that they could kill them in expensive gas chambers, cremate their bodies with fuel (while their planes and tanks ran empty), and leave a ton of survivors to tell of the suffering. Gas chambers and other fantastical stories should have fell by the way-side like all of the other stories except the world stopped thinking sometime in the 60's. By then we had at least found out that the Germans didn't in fact make Soap out of dead Jews, mattresses out of Dead Jews hair, or Jew-skin lamps. Nor did mass executions happen by electical floors, hidden underground caverns, conveyer belts to carry the bodies, or any other fantastical means. The difference between now and then is that now we are not allowed to question, investigate, or even to use common sense.
Yep, Jews died like other prisoners of war died of defeated nation - disease and poor conditions. Germans died too. The population starved, peaceful villages were massacred, the German women were raped, the men were executed or sent to labor camps. Many of them died years AFTER the war in allied forced labor camps. 50-70 million died in WWII and yet there was only one holocaust?
Jews claiming to be histories victims is a complete joke - did people forget how Jesus died and how Jews persecuted Christians for hundreds of years? Personally, I have nothing against individual Jews, but please stop with the propaganda and to the Christians out there - stop being so gullible.
Edited by: Kaptain Poop