Tiger seriously hurt in car crash

Sometime Friday morning the world will stop spinning on its axis:

Tiger to hold news conference Friday

(AP) - Tiger Woods will speak to the media Friday for the first time since revelations about his infidelity, his agent says.

Woods is to speak Friday morning from the clubhouse at the TPC Sawgrass, headquarters of the PGA Tour in Florida. The news conference will occur during the middle of the Accenture Match Play Championship, one of the sponsors that dropped him during his sex scandal.

Woods' agent says the media will be limited.

And thus begins "Operation Turd Shine."

Don's right, hurricane force winds will no doubt be created as a result of the extreme jock-sniffing of the MSM members in attendance.

His wife will be contractually obligated to be at his side, smiling her contrived-joy as their fake TV-life unfolds before the white hordes, eagerly waiting for the voice of the The Living God to stroke their eardrums.

Every rueful word will be poetically examined, swooned over, and world-wide exoneration will instantly be granted to the Prodigal Son of the earth. But guys like John Rocker, yeah, the media basically wants him dead.

Has there ever been a GodKing cut down from heaven so quickly and in such humiliating fashion?Edited by: Thrashen
Well Woods could have to explain this story.......Porn star James claims Woods impregnated her twice
She tells Inside Edition that she never told the golfer she was pregnant while Elin Nordegren also was pregnant
Sporting News staff reports

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 - 10:01 a.m. ET

One of the women claiming to have had an affair with Tiger Woods, Joslyn James, says that she became pregnant with Woods twice â€" both times while Elin Nordegren Woods also was pregnant â€" in an interview set to air Monday on Inside Edition.

The 32-year-old porn star says she carried on an affair with Woods from 2006-09 and she miscarried her first pregnancy with the golfer about the time Nordegren gave birth to dauther Sam on June 18, 2007. She tells the TV show that she aborted the second pregnancy close to the birth of Woods' son Charlie on Feb. 8, 2009.

"It was never protected," James says of her sex life with Woods.

James also tells the TV show that she never told Woods about either pregnancy. She said she was going to tell Woods about the first pregnancy. "Actually, the day I was going to tell him, I had a miscarriage," James tells Inside Edition. "After I lost the baby I didn't want to talk about it."

James says she regrets the scandal's effect on Nordegren.

"I feel bad for (Elin)," James says during the interview. "She didn't deserve this, and she didn't deserve being humiliated."
I suspect it will only be softballs lobbed by Tiger's favourite reporters. Ie Golf Digest and Jim Nance. The tabloid stories will be glossed over and Tiger will emerge triumphant.
Baldrick was at his robotic best for the press announcement. They must have pumped wax into his veins. After the press announcement the commentators sounded like they bought the canned speech and Baldrick was well on his way to capturing the hearts of the minions.....
Edited by: white is right
During the incredibly lame, 15-minute "Tiger Apology"Â￾ video, I noticed some overtly narcissistic quotes, as is to be expected when a God is engaging in an open dialog about his favorite topic"¦ himself.

"I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply."Â￾

"I felt that I had worked hard my entire life, and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled."Â￾

"I hurt kids all around the world who admired me."Â￾

"Parents used to point to me as a role model for their kids."Â￾

"There are many people in this room, and there are many people at home who believed in me"¦I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again."Â￾ [Pretends to Sniffle, Hugs Mom]

"Believe"Â￾ in you? Yes, sir, my Lord. Even when GodMan is pretending to be "sorry,"Â￾ he's a condescending little twerp. From what I noticed, the media wasn't even buying this non-human, drone-like ruse. It sounded like he was reading from a corporate contract. This "pity the billionaire"Â￾ seemed to do more harm than good.Edited by: Thrashen
This reads more like an appearance by the President of the United States. Or in this case like a tightly controlled appearance by the Future President of the World:
Tiger Woods' first public appearance in three months is shaping up as a national event.

Tight security restricted access on the road that leads to the TPC Sawgrass clubhouse, where Woods is to speak at 11 a.m. EST today for the first time since his Nov. 27 accident that set off sordid revelations of infidelity.
<DIV style="PADDING-TOP: 10px">Networks reworked their programming and, by late Thursday afternoon, seven satellite trucks had already parked outside the Sawgrass Marriott. The parking lot last saw this kind of activity five years ago â€" for media day at the Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles.

All because Woods â€" surely one of the world's most-recognized athletes â€" is about to re-emerge and say something in person regarding his future and his past.

The public hasn't had a clean look at Woods' face since photos Wednesday of him jogging in his neighborhood outside Orlando.

Far more compelling will be the sound of his voice. Woods has not been heard in the 78 days since a magazine released a voicemail he allegedly left one of the women to whom he has been romantically linked, warning that Woods' wife might be calling.

Instead of going on "Oprah"Â or another national television show to break the ice, Woods essentially will be speaking to the lone camera allowed in the room. It will be televised via satellite.

Three networks â€" ABC, CBS and NBC â€" will carry the statement live. ESPN will have it live on all its platforms, including Internet streaming, radio and mobile. It also will be piped over YouTube, the Web's most popular video channel. Golf Channel will start coverage with â€" call it a 30-minute pregame show.

Almost as intriguing is which "friends, colleagues and close associates"Â will be in the Sunset Room on the second floor of the Mediterranean-style clubhouse at the TPC Sawgrass.

PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem, who made the clubhouse available and is offering logistical help, has said he would attend, and as many as four other members of his executive staff will be in the room.

Everyone else will congregate at the Sawgrass Marriott to watch on short circuit. The adjacent ballrooms looked ready to hold a Super Bowl party, with flat-screen TVs along the walls and a large video screen in the center of the room.

A British bookmaker has set odds at 4-to-7 that Woods' wife, Elin, will be with him. William Hill didn't stop there, however. It offers 8-to-1 odds that Woods will announce he is getting a divorce, 12-to-1 odds that his wife is pregnant and 100-to-1 odds that he is retiring.

Yes after the two towers fell Baldrick calmed the masses, with his soothing words. I almost have a feeling that aliens have thought control on Tiger Woods and he is reading a forced mind control script. Picture the scenes from V the miniseries. It's sad how network tv was forced to break into this charade.
LOL...looks like the Times Online (UK) was none too impressed with "Cheatah's" script-reading & feigned contrition.

Woods Gives A Sorry Performance

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The tabloid fodder keeps on coming. In Bizzaro land Gloria Allred has taken on Baldrick's porn star mistress as a client and they are out for blood....
Tiger Woods: former porn star breaks down in tears following public apology
Joslyn James, the former porn star who was one of 12 women alleged to have had an affair with Tiger Woods, broke down in tears following the billion dollar golfer's live apology.

Published: 12:16PM GMT 20 Feb 2010
1 of 2 Images
Tiger Woods: former porn star breaks down in tears following public apology
Joslyn James is a former porn star and alleged mistress of Tiger Woods Photo: SPLASH
Tiger Woods: former porn star breaks down in tears following public apology
The new-look Joslyn James reacting to Tiger Woods' press conference Photo: REUTERS

Miss James, real name Veronica Siwik-Daniels, claims she was twice made pregnant by Woods, suffering a miscarriage in 2007 and an abortion two years later.

Speaking publicly on Friday for the first time since allegations of his string of affairs emerged, Woods admitted he had bitterly disappointed his family, friends and fans.

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But he made no mention of the women with whom he is alleged to have had affairs, other than to talk of his shame at his actions.

Miss James's lawyer Gloria Allred said her 32-year-old client, who had cut her hair short and dyed it red, suffered "anguish and distress"Â￾ following her three year affair with Woods.

She said James believed their relationship "would last a lifetime"Â￾ and went into hiding to avoid being quizzed about their affair.

"Veronica has made tremendous sacrifices for him,"Â￾ said her lawyer.

"She gave up the porn business at his request and went into hiding when the scandal broke in order to protect him, but to date he has not contacted her to apologise."Â￾

During the news conference, her lawyer said Woods should apologise directly to her client.

Mrs Allred said: "Whatever rehab Tiger participates in, it will not be meaningful or effective unless he acknowledges the relationship he had with my client.

"He must call her, or better yet, meet with her in person to apologise and explain to her why he lied to her over and over again."Â￾

Woods allegedly sent Miss James in abundance of 1,000 text messages and saw her several times a month nearly every month during the course of their relationship.

"I would be open to a telephone apology from Tiger but I really feel that I deserve to look at him face to face "¦ in his eyes because I didn't deserve this,"Â￾ said Miss James.

"Tiger pursued me and over time I fell in love with him - and he told me he loved me too."Â￾

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Edited by: white is right
WiR, what a surprise....PTB enabled, sodomite "rights" defender & jewess Gloria (Bloom) Allred defenses a harlot porn "star"...par for the course.
This is all about him getting his ass back on the course so he can sell sh_t for the mega corporations that have been bankrolling him from the start. It's not about his marriage, his wife wasn't even there, how many times have you seen the loyal wife next to her cheating husband on these types of public flagelations. Not this time. It's all about $$$$$ which is why there was no emotion and the whole thing looked like a scripted play, which is what it was.

Now part II, the redemtion, begins. They hope to sell his return to grace as the sequel and get the big ratings and advertiser bucks as he comes back. Heck the whole "scandal" may turn out to be a bigger money maker then his previous phoney all-american image was.
great post, jaxvid--spot on. It's all about money for this robot, his media flacks, and his corporate sponsors.
I only watched some of the aftermath of the press conference (since tons of channels had their talking-heads on.. it was hard to avoid).

What bothered me is how some of the talking-heads kept promoting the BS that - "Tiger is the most POPULAR sportsperson/athlete in the whole world."

If that were true.. why the "pornstars" and prostitutes?
French guru(not Mike Myers)
Rael has advised Woods to embrace polymory. I'm not sure how many books or seminar hours he wants to sell Baldrick...French guru to Tiger Woods: 'divorce and enjoy polyamory'

Module body

1 hour, 7 minutes ago

MONTREAL (AFP) - French guru Claude Vorilhon, alias Rael, advised golf superstar Tiger Woods in an open letter on Thursday to divorce his wife and embrace multiple sexual partners.

"Adultery is not mental disease but a very normal behavior among both humans and animals," said the leader of the atheist Raelian Movement, whose followers believe life on earth was created by extra-terrestrials.

"I encourage you to explore what more and more people are calling 'polyamory,' which means loving many people simultaneously and with no jealousy," he said.

Alluding to Woods's televised apology last week for his extramarital dalliances, Vorilhon urged the golfer to "stop making his life a model of guilt, sadness and conformism to antiquated Judeo-Christian values."

This, he said, sets a bad example for the younger generation.

Woods's remarks last Friday, in which he said he is undergoing therapy, were his first public comments in nearly three months, since a sex scandal spiraled into a global media storm and pushed him into self-imposed seclusion.

"The only person close to you who needs therapy is your wife," Vorilhon said, saying the golfer's spouse Elin Nordegren welcomed Woods's partying ways so long as he didn't engage in extramarital affairs.

"If she doesn't get therapy, you will be better off divorcing such a jealous partner to freely enjoy your sexual partners," he added, inviting Woods to an upcoming Raelian seminar in Las Vegas.
white is right said:
French guru(not Mike Myers)
Rael has advised Woods to embrace polymory. I'm not sure how many books or seminar hours he wants to sell Baldrick...French guru to Tiger Woods: 'divorce and enjoy polyamory'

Module body

1 hour, 7 minutes ago

MONTREAL (AFP) - French guru Claude Vorilhon, alias Rael, advised golf superstar Tiger Woods in an open letter on Thursday to divorce his wife and embrace multiple sexual partners.

"Adultery is not mental disease but a very normal behavior among both humans and animals," said the leader of the atheist Raelian Movement, whose followers believe life on earth was created by extra-terrestrials.

"I encourage you to explore what more and more people are calling 'polyamory,' which means loving many people simultaneously and with no jealousy," he said.

Alluding to Woods's televised apology last week for his extramarital dalliances, Vorilhon urged the golfer to "stop making his life a model of guilt, sadness and conformism to antiquated Judeo-Christian values."

This, he said, sets a bad example for the younger generation.

Woods's remarks last Friday, in which he said he is undergoing therapy, were his first public comments in nearly three months, since a sex scandal spiraled into a global media storm and pushed him into self-imposed seclusion.

"The only person close to you who needs therapy is your wife," Vorilhon said, saying the golfer's spouse Elin Nordegren welcomed Woods's partying ways so long as he didn't engage in extramarital affairs.

"If she doesn't get therapy, you will be better off divorcing such a jealous partner to freely enjoy your sexual partners," he added, inviting Woods to an upcoming Raelian seminar in Las Vegas.

It's too bad the media gives this Rael all this free publicity. I have never heard of this guy.
Just for your information, this is a synopsis of what Raelians ("Rael" being the inventor) believe. Now what it has to do with Tiger Woods and his whoring about, well, I have no idea:

About 22,000 years ago, aliens from another world had reached a very sophisticated level of technological advancement. On their home planet, they had been experimenting with the creation of life. The result of one experiment was a creature that escaped and killed several of their people, sothey decided to find a planet suitable for their experiments. They found earth, and their experiments in DNA manipulation continued. They created all life on earth, both plant and animal. In fact, some of the scientists created monstrous life forms which are now known as dinosaurs. But ultimately, they created human beings who were "made in their image." They grew in intelligence and knowledge.

But, the humans were kept in ignorance regarding advanced technical knowledge, particularly how to prolong their life spans (called the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Bible), because some of the alien creators thought that humans shouldn't know too much lest they become dangerous. On the other hand, there was a group of alien creators (called the serpent in the Bible) who thought that humans should know as much as possible. So, they helped the humans gain a great deal of knowledge. Unfortunately, this displeased the home world government, who then exiled these alien creators to earth for a period of time and sent the others home.

Nevertheless, when the humans learned they had the capacity to be like their creators (be like God), they realized they had been kept in ignorance and became angry. This upset the research and development on earth even more. Therefore, their ability to gain more knowledge was stopped (kicked out of Eden), and alien soldiers with atomic disintegration weapons guarded the entrance to the creators' residence (Tree of life) to prevent human beings from getting more scientific knowledge.

Later, some of the aliens who were in exile on earth took for themselves wives among the human women (Genesis 6). Their offspring were mighty and strong and desired to gain the same level of knowledge as their creators. This displeased the leaders on the home world, who then decided to destroy all life on earth with nuclear missiles. But the creators who had been exiled on earth heard of this plan and instructed Noah to build a spaceship in which he could keep people from every race, as well as all the genetic information in cellular form, safe (Noah's Ark). This he did, and while the earth was destroyed by nuclear weapons (the flood was a giant tidal wave resulting from the explosions), Noah hovered above the earth in his spaceship, preserving life. He then landed after the radioactive levels had dissipated sufficiently enough to allow him to return to earth and reestablish life on it. The creators eventually learned that the humans meant no harm to them, so they promised to never destroy the earth again.

After the races were reestablished, the most intelligent of them, the Jews, built a space ship (The Tower of Babel) in order to travel to the distant home world. But this frightened them, so they took all of the most intelligent of people and scattered them among primitive tribes so as to confound their language and prevent further technological development.

From this point on, communication with the people on earth was kept to a minimum. The exiled creators were allowed to return to their home world. But, the creators kept in contact with humans by sending them different "prophets" at different times and places. These prophets (Abraham, Moses, Muhammad, Jesus, etc.) were specially prepared by the creators to have abilities above those of normal humans.

A spaceship appeared to Moses to give him messagesto help him escape the oppression of more numerous oppressive tribes -- tribeswho had not suffered the scattering of their people, unlike the Jewish people who had been scattered. Samson was a telepathist and was instructednot tocut his hair, because hair functions as antennae which aided telepathy. It was through telepathy that the aliens kept in contact with and guided Samson. The Ark of the Covenant was a small nuclear device. Jonah's great fish was a submarine. Women with flying suits appeared to Zechariah.

Ultimately, the aliens will return to earth and reveal themselves as the true creators of life on earth, establish a one world government, one language, and one currency. But, earth isn't the only place where life was created. In fact, there were three worlds. "Of the three worlds where life has been created, the one which makes the most progress will receive the inheritance. The ones which have not progressed, will be dominated by the other, and eliminated. This is also true on Earth between nations."
Not even a good sci-fi plot.
Looks like pro-caste "Ga(y)toraid(s)" finally dropped their (former) cash cow...er, uh "Cheatah".

Gatorade Drops "Cheatah" Woods

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
American Freedom News