Thousands rally in La. to support Jena 6

yea, gotta love that the "white" boy was attacked by "african-americans"
A story to tell. One of my co-workers is a young white liberal. He attended a rally in town for the Jena 6. (I didn't know there was a rally; I couldn't care less.) He only stayed for a few minutes. The audience was talking loudly about how much they hated whites and the violence they want to afflict on us. This talk was not directed at him, they were talking out loud in general. he wisely left, fearing that his life was in danger. He was shaken by this experience. It is good to see that the young are learning truth about race.
When he joins this site, I wonder what name he will pick?
It literally only takes minutes to learn that the liberal fantasie are just that.
Another sad example of TNB/TNBS and the Globalist Elite controlled "mainstream" media sugar-coating and jumbling the facts to protect the minoooorities. Al Charlatan is such a predictable leech/windbag/scum. It churns my stomach seeing all these black "protestors" going to Jena to meddle and stir up trouble. As I said...TNB/TNBS!
I can't even pretend to give a damn when I hear my coworkers talking about this story, though to their credit they seem skeptical about the innocence of the blacks involved.
Just read about this..unless I am not getting any other details..this is simply outrageous. How can "any" black Americans be demanding sympathy for 6 blacks nearly beating a white to death...stomping on his face when he is unconscious. These kids should all be charged with assault and battery, hate crimes and maybe even attempted murder. Wow Just wow!

Welcome to America for me, I hope most black Americans aren't this racist against whites. Hopefully some blacks in the mainstream media will speak out against this deluded situation! Why did they attack him? Even if he used the N word that is no ground to gang attack him and stomp on him when he is unconscious. The N word is simply a word. What a bunch of thugs, I guess they never heard of the word "fair fight." Completely moralless people those goons are!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just read about this..unless I am not getting any other details..this is simply outrageous. How can "any" black Americans be demanding sympathy for 6 blacks nearly beating a white to death...stomping on his face when he is unconscious. These kids should all be charged with assault and battery, hate crimes and maybe even attempted murder. Wow Just wow!
Welcome to America for me, I hope most black Americans aren't this racist against whites. Hopefully some blacks in the mainstream media will speak out against this deluded situation! Why did they attack him? Even if he used the N word that is no ground to gang attack him and stomp on him when he is unconscious. The N word is simply a word. What a bunch of thugs, I guess they never heard of the word "fair fight." Completely moralless people!

TJR, ganging up/using numbers in a "fight" is standard operating procedures for most young, wanna-be gangsta/rapper blacks. It's either numbers and/or a gun or knife...rarely ever mano y mano/hand to hand. I'm not a bit suprised by the simpleton mentality of those who blindly follow victimology pimps like Al Charlatan & Jesse HiJackson.
Yes, apparently to blacks in America, the N word is grounds for assault. The government and media apparently agree.

One of the scumballs involved had a video on youtube of him rolling around like a "gangsta" with all the money that liberal idiots donated to him.

I also heard the FBI was investigating alleged white supremacist groups that gave away the adresses of the Jena 6 to get revenge on them.

This is just further proof to me that most black people do not want justice or equality in this country. They want special priviledge and revenge. Look at the reduced charges for premeditated 1st degree assault. We are a lesser caste in the eyes of the government.
BTW, the black churches in my area gathered up all the poor unemployed and bussed them down to Jena. They got meal money and a nice T-shirt in support of the Jena 6. The same thing probably happened in your community.
Wonder how many would have showed up if they paid their own way.
How was the kid nearly beaten to death ? from what i understand he went to a party the same night after he was released from the hopital.
Good editorial in 9/26/2007 issue of Investor's Business Daily. Well worth reading. 9154

First Durham And Now Jena: The Mob Rules

It is painful  and dangerous  how little we learn from history, even when it is recent history.

Just a year ago, "rape" charges spread lynch-mob hysteria on the campus of Duke University and in much of the liberal media, while professional race hustlers descended on the town of Durham, N.C., and mindless tribalism was stirred up by extremists in the local black community.

This year, we have all learned what a total fraud that case was, from beginning to end. Yet now we see a similar outburst of mindless tribalism and another attempt at mob rule, promoted by such veterans of last year's hysteria as Jesse Jackson.

Jesse Jackson leaves a rally after a march in support of the "Jena Six" last Thursday.
This time the scene is in Jena, La. The issue is the prosecution of a black high school student accused of stomping on an unconscious white student  and the lack of criminal prosecution of white students who hung a noose on a tree, who were disciplined by the school.

Liberals' skills at moral equivalence have been so finely honed during the long years of the Cold War that they have turned this into a case of "unequal treatment," based on race  as if putting a noose on a tree is equivalent to stomping somebody who is unconscious.

The black student was found guilty, but the verdict was overturned on appeal  not on grounds that he was not guilty, but on grounds that the appellate court did not think he should have been tried as an adult.

The usual legal procedure would be to try the student again, but this time not as an adult.

However, the usual legal procedures are not good enough for those who have once again seized the opportunity to hype race  and to hell with questions of guilt or innocence or legal procedures.

The immediate demand of the mobs that have been mobilized around the country to descend on the small town of Jena is that the young man found guilty of a serious crime of violence should be free on bail pending a second trial.

The legal question is whether letting someone accused of such a crime go free on bail is likely to mean that he will not be around long enough for a second trial. But no one is seriously debating that.

Racial hype has replaced all rational discussion. Moreover, the Jena episode has shown that two can play the racial hype game. Neo-Nazis have published the names and home addresses of all the young blacks involved in the school incident.

The slogan "No justice, no peace" has been used to justify settling legal issues in the streets, instead of in courts of law.

Neo-Nazis have now helped demonstrate what a dangerous slogan that is, since different people have opposite ideas of what "justice" is in a given situation.

Long after the imported demonstrators have left, and the national media have lost interest, the families of the black youngsters involved in the school altercation will have to live with the knowledge that their privacy and security have both been lost in a racially polarized community, with vengeful elements.

The last thing the South needs is a return to lynch-mob justice, whatever the color of whoever is promoting it.

Back in the 1950s, when the federal courts began striking down the Jim Crow laws across the South, one of the rising demands across the country was that the discriminators and segregationists obey "the law of the land."

But somewhere along the way, the idea also arose and spread that not everybody was supposed to obey "the law of the land."

Violations of law by people with approved victim status like minorities, or self-righteous crusaders like environmentalists, were to be met with minimal resistance  if any resistance at all  and any punishment of them beyond a wrist-slap was "over-reacting."

College campuses became bastions of the new and sanctified mob rule, provided that the mobs are from the list of groups approved as politically correct. Otherwise, even an injudicious remark could bring swift and certain punishment under "speech codes."

The politics of condoned law-breaking is part of the moral dry rot of our times. So is settling issues in the streets on the basis of race, instead of in courts on the basis of law.

Copyright 2007 Creators Syndicate, Inc
Iheld out hope for a long timethat there was a significant minority of blacks whowould supportthe views of men like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and a few others. But blacks engage in group-think like no other race or ethnic group, including the Jews with their reputed solidarity. As someone perceptively posted here recently, with blacks it's not about character or ethics or even rightand wrong -- it's about race and only race.
Blacks are fiercly loyal to their race whenever anything comes up. They are taught to dislike whites from an early age. They are extremely racist, much more than whites, but this is never brought up. I remembering watching a news show a while back where a black preacher actually stated that there is a double standard in this country. He stated that blacks are allowed to say things about whites but not vice versa. Yes, he actually told the truth. This truly amazed me. I have seen many blacks that think whites are actually mutants who lack melanin. LOL
Is Mychel Bell worthy of all the support he is getting from the black community? His previous record:
12-25-2005: Charged with second degree battery.
4-13-2006: Charged with simple battery. Released on probation and ordered to obey all laws. That simple task was too much for Mychal Bell.

Probation violations:

7-25-2006: Charged with simple criminal damage to property.
9-2-2006: Charged with simple battery.
9-3-2006: Charged with simple criminal damage to property. The very next day!
12-4-2006: Charged with attempted murder. Reduced to aggravated second degree battery.

By the way, where are our white leaders and poiticians?Has any one spoken against Sharpton and the savage beating? No, no, no. They were too busy crafting a hate crimes bill which will screw us even more.
Sowell is a black conservative--I don't agree with some of this article (since I support the overturning of almost all "civil rights" legislation/judicial acts), but at least he is right when he calls this a replay of Duke Lacrosse and a case of mindless black "tribalism".

A semi-hopeful sign--perhaps--but I really think we have hit rock-bottom. There really seems to be no arguing with most of these people. They have no sense of justice or reasonability. As with the OJ case, its almost like you are dealing with another species.

"Where reason does not avail, the stick must prevail"
---Saint Dominic

Law Versus Mob Rule
By Thomas Sowell
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It is painful -- and dangerous -- how little we learn from history, even when it is recent history.

Just a year ago, "rape" charges spread lynch-mob hysteria on the campus of Duke University and in much of the liberal media, while professional race hustlers descended on the town of Durham, North Carolina, and mindless tribalism was stirred up by extremists in the local black community.

A man holds up a painting of a noose and a suffering woman wrapped in a U.S. flag as protesters march along Second Street in support of the "Jena 6" in Jena, Louisiana, September 20, 2007. Tens of thousands of black Americans descended on a small town in central Louisiana on Thursday to protest what they say is injustice against six black teenagers, known as the "Jena 6", charged over a high school fight. The case stems from an incident in August 2006 when three nooses were found hanging from a tree at the high school in the town of 3,000 northwest of New Orleans.

This year, we have all learned what a total fraud that case was, from beginning to end. Yet now we see a similar outburst of mindless tribalism and another attempt at mob rule, promoted by such veterans of last year's hysteria as Jesse Jackson.

This time the scene is in Jena, Louisiana. The issue is the prosecution of a black high school student accused of stomping on an unconscious white student -- and the lack of criminal prosecution of white students who hung a noose on a tree, who were disciplined by the school.

Liberals' skills at moral equivalence have been so finely honed during the long years of the Cold War that they have turned this into a case of "unequal treatment," based on race -- as if putting a noose on a tree is equivalent to stomping somebody who is unconscious.

The black student was found guilty but the verdict was overturned on appeal -- not on grounds that he was not guilty, but on grounds that the appellate court did not think he should have been tried as an adult.

The usual legal procedure would be to try the student again, but this time not as an adult. However, the usual legal procedures are not good enough for those who have once again seized the opportunity to hype race -- and to hell with questions of guilt or innocence or legal procedures.

The immediate demand of the mobs that have been mobilized around the country to descend on the small town of Jena is that the young man found guilty of a serious crime of violence should be free on bail pending a second trial.

The legal question is whether letting someone accused of such a crime go free on bail is likely to mean that he will not be around long enough for a second trial. But no one is seriously debating that.

Racial hype has replaced all rational discussion. Moreover, the Jena episode has shown that two can play the racial hype game. Neo-Nazis have published the names and home addresses of all the young blacks involved in the school incident.

The slogan "No justice, no peace" has been used to justify settling legal issues in the streets, instead of in courts of law.

Neo-Nazis have now helped demonstrate what a dangerous slogan that is, since different people have opposite ideas of what "justice" is in a given situation.

Long after the imported demonstrators have left, and the national media have lost interest, the families of the black youngsters involved in the school altercation will have to live with the knowledge that their privacy and security have both been lost in a racially polarized community, with vengeful elements.

The last thing the South needs is a return to lynch-mob justice, whatever the color of whoever is promoting it.

Back in the 1950s, when the federal courts began striking down the Jim Crow laws in the South, one of the rising demands across the country was that the discriminators and segregationists obey "the law of the land."

But, somewhere along the way, the idea also arose and spread that not everybody was supposed to obey "the law of the land."

Violations of law by people with approved victim status like minorities, or self-righteous crusaders like environmentalists, were to be met with minimal resistance -- if any resistance at all -- and any punishment of them beyond a wrist-slap was "over-reacting."

College campuses became bastions of the new and sanctified mob rule, provided that the mobs are from the list of groups approved as politically correct. Otherwise, even an injudicious remark could bring swift and certain punishment under "speech codes."

The politics of condoned law-breaking is part of the moral dry rot of our times. So is settling issues in the streets on the basis of race, instead of in courts on the basis of law.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy.

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©Creators Syndicate
Basically this boils down to white liberals playing "n*gger" baiting. They use blacks like attack dogs.
Fat ass Revrun Jakes contributes 6K to Jena 6 defense fund. Wake up lemming Christians. You really wouldn't expect otherwise, would you?

[url] 070920/BREAKINGNEWS/70920032[/url]

Bishop T.D. Jakes, founder of The Potter's House and nationally recognized televangelist announced today he is contributing $6,000 to the "Jena Six" defense fund.

Twelve years ago, Jakes founded The Potter's House with about 50 members. Today, it boasts more than 30,000 members and a 191,000-square-foot sanctuary. His other ministries range from MegaFest family conferences to economic development to a music label.

As pastor of The Potter's House, a 30,000-member church in Dallas, and host of a TV talk show, Jakes has made a name for himself as a preacher unafraid of hard issues...
Bart said:
Fat ass Revrun Jakes contributes 6K to Jena 6 defense fund.  Wake up lemming Christians.  You really wouldn't expect otherwise, would you?

[url] 070920/BREAKINGNEWS/70920032[/url]

<SPAN =article>Bishop T.D. Jakes, founder of The Potter's House and nationally recognized televangelist announced today he is contributing $6,000 to the "Jena Six" defense fund.Twelve years ago, Jakes founded The Potter's House with about 50 members. Today, it boasts more than 30,000 members and a 191,000-square-foot sanctuary. His other ministries range from MegaFest family conferences to economic development to a music label.As pastor of The Potter's House, a 30,000-member church in Dallas, and host of a TV talk show, Jakes has made a name for himself as a preacher unafraid of hard issues...</SPAN>

Jakes is one of the many fraudulant "prosperity gospel" televangelists who distorts God's Word and deceives the sheeple in order to line his pockets. Also see the "Prophetess" Juanita Bynum, "Bishop" Eddie Long, etc. All megachurch millionaires fleecing the easily deceived.
This is disgusting but not surprising. I have never had anything for that walrus faced fraud. He has sure fooled a lot of people into liking him, but he is a sick joke.
I'll have to make my myspace friends list aware of this. The only prosperity these charlatans preach is their own. 3 sizes too big suits that probably cost $5,000. It is a disgrace to Christianity. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
screamingeagle said:
A story to tell. One of my co-workers is a young white liberal. He attended a rally in town for the Jena 6. (I didn't know there was a rally; I couldn't care less.) He only stayed for a few minutes. The audience was talking loudly about how much they hated whites and the violence they want to afflict on us. This talk was not directed at him, they were talking out loud in general. he wisely left, fearing that his life was in danger. He was shaken by this experience. It is good to see that the young are learning truth about race.
When he joins this site, I wonder what name he will pick?
I could suggest Scared Straight?
White liberals in their fantasy world "assume" most of their world view they even lack the decency to ask what blacks and other minorities think of them. Now this lib has found out the hard way.
There was no whites-only tree. Taylor has uncovered more information.

[url] .php[/url]


The charges of "racism" that are supposed to be at the heart of this story have now been shown to be just as mendacious as the inventions with which Tawana Brawley helped Al Sharpton find his true calling. The charges of "racism" that are supposed to be at the heart of this story have now been shown to be just as mendacious as the inventions with which Tawana Brawley helped Al Sharpton find his true calling. There was no whites-only tree. There was no "racist intimidation." Four months later, when a gang of blacks decided to beat a white boy unconscious and stomp him, the local prosecutor treated the attack like the serious crime it was. The blacksâ€â€￾with the encouragement of the national media and the "civil rights" industryâ€â€￾concocted a history of "racism" because they wanted to beat the rap.There was no "racist intimidation." Four months later, when a gang of blacks decided to beat a white boy unconscious and stomp him, the local prosecutor treated the attack like the serious crime it was. The blacksâ€â€￾with the encouragement of the national media and the "civil rights" industryâ€â€￾concocted a history of "racism" because they wanted to beat the rap.

You beat me to it Bart.

If any white people in Jena didn't know the news was rigged, they do now. Good.

I've toyed with the theory that support for the "Jena 6" was some sort of reflex after the Duke Lacrosse case. The collapse of that probably was a big psychological moment of distress for a lot of groups. It's possible that there was an overpowering need to latch onto any incident to escape that sting.
I'm glad this is coming out. I just hope it is heard by a whole lot more people.
American Freedom News