Thousands rally in La. to support Jena 6

We should all be talking about "The Knoxville Two" rather than "The Jena Six".
Bart said:
Fat ass Revrun Jakes contributes 6K to Jena 6 defense fund. Wake up lemming Christians. You really wouldn't expect otherwise, would you?

[url] 070920/BREAKINGNEWS/70920032[/url]

<SPAN =article>Bishop T.D. Jakes, founder of The Potter's House and nationally recognized televangelist announced today he is contributing $6,000 to the "Jena Six" defense fund.Twelve years ago, Jakes founded The Potter's House with about 50 members. Today, it boasts more than 30,000 members and a 191,000-square-foot sanctuary. His other ministries range from MegaFest family conferences to economic development to a music label.As pastor of The Potter's House, a 30,000-member church in Dallas, and host of a TV talk show, Jakes has made a name for himself as a preacher unafraid of hard issues...</SPAN>
How many niave grandmothers paid for this donation and now will need to go to a food bank to eat.....
Also when will his inevitable hooker/fornication scandal come out. Swaggart, Baker(who liked guys...
) all had theirs...
Edited by: white is right
The Jena 6

This is sickening. A bunch of white/jewish leftist carpetbaggers from Philly present a totally one-sided view of the Jena 6 case, trying to pass it off as "news" Notice how this hippie leftist conveniently forgets to mention that these criminals all had prior records. One good thing however is in the comments section, it appears that most people aren't buying this crap and see the forest for the trees.
Lance Alworth said:
The Jena 6

This is sickening. A bunch of white/jewish leftist carpetbaggers from Philly present a totally one-sided view of the Jena 6 case, trying to pass it off as "news".

The slithering ones are consistent, aren't they? Thank goodness for the internet. The stranglehold on news and opinion is being broken.


Folksy rocker sings about injustice as part of recording session for new album.

*The heartland rocker that brought us "Jack and Diane" and "Pink Houses" in the 80s has focused his creative attention toward Jena, Louisiana for a song on his upcoming album.

According to Fox411 columnist Roger Friedman, John Mellencamp has recorded a song about the Jena 6, the group of six African American teens who were charged in the beating of a white classmate by a district attorney largely viewed to be racially biased.

The lyrics are as follows:

"An all-white jury hides the executioner's face Is this how we are, me and you? Everyone needs to know their place And here we thought this blackbird was hidden in the flue Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Take your nooses down So what becomes of boys that cannot think straight Particularly those with paper-bag skin Yes, sir, no, sir, wipe that smile off your face We've got our rules here and you've got to fit in Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Take your nooses down Hey, some way sanity will prevail But no one knows when that day will come A shot in the dark, well it might find its way To the hearts of those who hold the keys to kingdom come Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Take your nooses down Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Oh, oh, oh, Jena Take your nooses down."
To John Mellonhead:
If the black people that were summond showed up, they would have easily been selected. Verdict would have been the same.
Mellonhead, I want to see you live in a black neighborhood. You won't last a week.
[url] -1be00ca.html[/url]

'Jena 6' Teen Mychal Bell Back in Jail
JENA, La. - A teenager at the center of a civil rights controversy was back in jail Thursday after a judge decided the fight that put him in the national spotlight violated terms of his probation for a previous conviction, his attorney said.Mychal Bell, who along with five other black teenagers is accused of beating a white classmate, had gone to juvenile court Thursday expecting another routine hearing, said Carol Powell Lexing, one of Bell's attorneys.

Instead, after a six-hour hearing, state District Judge J.P. Mauffrey Jr. sentenced him to 18 months in jail on two counts of simple battery and two counts of criminal destruction of property, Lexing said.

He had been hit with those charges before the Dec. 4 attack on classmate Justin Barker. Details on the previous charges, which were handled in juvenile court, were unclear.

"He's locked up again," Marcus Jones said of his 17-year-old son. "No bail has been set or nothing. He's a young man who's been thrown in jail again and again, and he just has to take it."

After the attack on Barker, Bell was originally charged with attempted murder, but the charges were reduced and he was convicted of battery. An appeals court threw that conviction out, saying Bell should not have been tried as an adult on that charge...
What whites really need to do to blacks is hold a huge rally to get this idiot removed from office for "racist" comments. Blacks need to know the game they play cuts both ways.
InfamousOne said:
What whites really need to do to blacks is hold a huge rally to get this idiot removed from office for "racist" comments. Blacks need to know the game they play cuts both way

Good idea!
Yeah, that is a good idea, except it wouldn't work for Thompson. My home district (also his) is over 60% black, and most of them don't care what he says or does, as long as they keep a black in power and get their "entitlements." Thompson hates whites and doesn't mind people knowing it. He is very liberal and even though his black constituents go along with him, he is still way left of 95% of them. I tell people I don't have a representative in the House, because Thompson cares nothing about white people. The only representation I can depend on is Thad Cochran, Trent Lott is almost as big a joke as Bennie the fat black Thompson.
Update...more thuggish behavior from one of the pooooooor, victimized "Jena 6"...

"Jena Six" Member In School Arrest

Cops: Bryant Purvis choked, slammed fellow student's head on table

FEBRUARY 7--One of the "Jena Six" defendants was arrested yesterday for allegedly assaulting a fellow student at a Texas high school. Bryant Purvis, 19, was busted on the misdemeanor charge following an 8:30 AM altercation at Hebron High School in Carrollton, where his family relocated from Louisiana. According to the below arrest warrant affidavit, Purvis assaulted a male student he apparently suspected of vandalizing his auto. Along with choking the 18-year-old victim, the 6' 6" Purvis allegedly slammed the teenager's head on a table. Purvis, pictured in the mug shot at right, was briefly jailed before being released on $1000 bond. Purvis and five codefendants were originally charged with attempted murder in connection with the December 2006 beating of a white high school student in Jena, Louisiana. The case, which triggered protests over the severity of charges brought against the so-called Jena Six, remains pending, with Purvis scheduled for a March trial on reduced charges of aggravated battery and conspiracy. If convicted of those felonies, Purvis could face a maximum of more than 20 years in prison.

***Reference article...

[url] .html[/url]
19 Years old and in High School? Must be one of the more intelligent of his race, aren't they usually still in Middle School at that age?

All kidding aside, I'm sure this story will get buried faster then you can say "Duke Lacrosse"
Here's a snippet from the story. Appears the young lad is living with a pro football player, a good role model to be sure.

Also my guess is the kid he assaulted is white because the story made a point of saying race wasn't a factor but didn't say the victim was black.

"Purvis couldn't be reached for comment Thursday because there's no listed number for the uncle he lives with in Texas, Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Jason Hatcher. No one answered the door at the home Thursday afternoon. Soon after Purvis' arrest in Louisiana, his mother sent him to live with Hatcher to keep him out of trouble and out of the spotlight.

Purvis' mother, Tina Jones, told the Alexandria Daily Town Talk newspaper that she wished her son could avoid such situations.

"I understand he gets frustrated," she said. "But he needed to walk away from this situation, being that he's already in a situation. It's very frustrating and upsetting to have to go through so much."

Edited by: jaxvid
jaxvid said:
Also my guess is the kid he assaulted is white because the story made a point of saying race wasn't a factor but didn't say the victim was black.

Classic (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media double standard....race is never an issue unless the "victim" is a "minority"!
DixieDestroyer said:
jaxvid said:
Also my guess is the kid he assaulted is white because the story made a point of saying race wasn't a factor but didn't say the victim was black.

Classic (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media double standard....race is never an issue unless the "victim" is a "minority"!

Good points both! I saw this article and was going to post it, but I put it off. It doesn't surprise me a bit that this happened. I just wonder if we will hear anything about it on the major "news" networks? Anyone heard anything about it? I haven't had a TV hookup for over a week.
Here's the victim, Chris Jones. No, nothing racial involved here, move along. . .

Trooper Thorn said:
Another hallmark of the jewsmedia is using the word "alleged" when the victim is white.

Great point. It's infuriating. The media and popular culture have nothing for us anymore. Nothing. There is no use in even turning on a television as far as I'm concerned.

Pop quiz everyone: Who presents the greater threat to your personal safety, "islamofascists" or blacks? Please explain your answer.
To Poacher:
Islamofascists and Blacks are the same people. There is no difference.
screamingeagle said:
To Poacher:
Islamofascists and Blacks are the same people. There is no difference.

Poacher said:
Trooper Thorn said:
Another hallmark of the jewsmedia is using the word "alleged" when the victim is white.

Great point. It's infuriating. The media and popular culture have nothing for us anymore. Nothing. There is no use in even turning on a television as far as I'm concerned.

Pop quiz everyone: Who presents the greater threat to your personal safety, "islamofascists" or blacks? Please explain your answer.

Both "threats" are either controlled and/or enabled by the Globalist Elite. The "Islmofacist" threat is an angle created by the Machevellian Neocons to work their (duped) mainline conservative base into a froth of support.The creation of the "Islamofascism" threat was meant to be a rallying point (post 9/11) to continue the Empire-building support into Iran and beyond.It's more or less a propaganda method that saw vast (initial) sucess, until many Americans began waking up to the deceit. Unfortunately, far too many sheeple are still in that catatonic state, awaiting their inevitable enslavement.

The "gangsta/rapper" culture/movement is totally funded and pushed by the Globalist Elite (bigger than just the Zionists). It's all about breaking down traditional American values and institutes (family, morals, etc.) to more quickly implement the Globalist's quasi-socialist agenda of the New World (dis)Order. Don't get sidetracked by these mass-marketed smokescreens from the Elite; understand who the true "puppetmasters" really are & what they're trying to accomplish!{D8 AA7F45-CAB1-40F4-AAFB-24C3FBCF0160}
Most of the whites protesting alleged racism in Lousiana and New Orleans in particular are not from here. They are generally northern libs, many are jewish and most are privelaged. They have been aloof from all the real world plights of being a white subjected to black violence and the constant threat of it. They have been coming here since the 1950's.

Their parents' wealth provides the luxury of isolation from the realities and growing up in predominantly white states limits their personal experience of blacks using violence to enact their racism against non blacks.

They come down here stirring up trouble about things of which they don't know all the facts. They return to their safe insulated life style feeling all self righteous. Meanwhile here in New Orleans thanks to their noble efforts, poor white children are excluded from public schools for all practicle purposes and old white couples who can't afford to flee to the suburbs are made prisoners of their tiny wood frame urban homes.
Pop quiz everyone: Who presents the greater threat to your personal safety, "islamofascists" or blacks? Please explain your answer.

Blacks: Because THEY are here and will be the ruination of our country. Crime, lowered academic standards, nonexistent family structures, expect handouts, don`t get them and play the race card and generally get what they, an endless dirty laundry list that you guys well know.

Someday I can imagine the U.S. Mint issuing a commemorative coin for the Jena 6 just like they did for the Little Rock 9 last year.
Blacks, and its not even close. Muslims in America arent the ones destroying neighborhoods, creating inner city blight, having multiple children out of wedlock, relying on affirmative action to get jobs, sucking up welfare dollars, forming gangs (bloods and crips come to mind) and creating some of the worst music ever. Of course, I don't want our country to be flooded with Muslims because then the USA might end up like Europe. Although I must say most of the experience I've had with them (also being that I am of Albanian descent) has been pretty positive. I don't agree with what the religion teaches, but I don't hate everyone who follows it either. Blacks, even those who proclaim to be "Christian" are some of the worst anti-white racists. Just look at Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I would take a white or brown Muslim over these people any day.
American Freedom News