I understand that you are trying to highlight the double standard here but I want to point out that the more premarital sexual partners a woman has the less likely she is to provide a stable marriage.
I completely agree. Unfortunately, we live in an age of overt permissiveness. Now, I don’t think that anybody here is naive enough to believe that pre-marital sex did not occur in the oft-idealised days of yore. But half a century of relentless propaganda whose aim was / is the systematic expansion of the behavioural boundaries that are deemed acceptable by society at large has definitely borne its worm-eaten fruit in the current age: the “empoweredâ€, “you go girlâ€
Sex In The City-moulded, repulsively tattooed, facially-pierced, Cosmopolitan sealed-section reading, “it’s all about me – because I’m
worth it†slag and the constantly boozed-up, even more tattooed, permanently broke, maxed-out credit card wielding, pig-ignorant yob clad in mass-produced, perversely cut saggy-arsed jeans and a “hoodie†(hear that noise? It’s Beau Brummell turning in his grave...).
When it comes to the “acceptance†of promiscuity (and, ultimately, many of society’s other suppurating sores) the key has been the evaporation of that once all-powerful guardian of all moral codes - the “shame†factor and its concomitant guarantee of social ostracism.
Exhibit A: The “single mother†who would previously have been shunned by her own family is now an object of widespread admiration (“oh, what a strong, determined woman, bringing up little Timmy
all on her own – and she’s only fifteen herselfâ€). Any mention of the burden on the responsible taxpayer is conveniently omitted.
Exhibit B: The bone idle, at best partially literate, perennially drunken bludger who drops out of school (that’s if he ever attended in the first place), has never had a job (nor - Heaven forbid - does he want one) and sponges off Social Security is no longer viewed as the basest of scum, left to starve or thrown into the workhouse. Instead, he is labelled a “struggling battler†and told that nothing is ever his fault as he is a blameless “victim of povertyâ€. The greatest insult, however, is that he is permitted to vote (in line with that great media myth of universal male suffrage within “the democracies of ancient Greeceâ€).
Exhibit C: The whining, buck-toothed poofter who once would have received a rib-busting kicking by the police followed by a prison sentence for indulging in his proctologic adventures, being comprehensively blacklisted upon his release. But in this more “enlightened time†he is a “bubbly celebrityâ€, an arbiter of fashion, a wielder of heavy-duty political influence, is allowed to “display affection†for his “partner†in public and demand the right to “marriage†or - to really top things off - ordination as a priest / clergyman.
But one must remember that despite the constant deluge of propaganda and the countless “well worn†scrubbers hanging around pubs, clubs and housing estates the length and breadth of the Western world (many of whom, let’s face it, would have been putting themselves about in the “pre-cultural Marxist†days - albeit much more discreetly - even without the incessant prompting of the media and women’s magazines), the majority of White women
aren’t the syphilitic, race-mixing whores of Jewish dreams and White nightmares.
In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the overwhelming majority of White women cohabit with (i.e. “shagâ€) or marry White men. The comparative few who don’t are worth less than a pinch of cat **** anyway. The “cohabit†part is obviously less than ideal (especially when it involves several “partnersâ€), but that’s all (well, largely) down to the consequences of the aforementioned boundary-expanding propaganda. But blokes don’t lose their virginity on their own, so for every male who eagerly leaps into the marital bed on his wedding night, yet has acquired previous “experienceâ€, there must exist at least one “experienced†female counterpart (that, of course, is a simple statement which doesn’t take professional whores into account)...
As other posters have often pointed out, the constant pro-race mixing indoctrination has largely been a failure for, in spite of whatever “politically correct†statements about a “colour-blind society†that White women may spout, the number who actually “fraternise†with non-White males of any description is very minute (although still too high, especially in the United Kingdom, and among England’s “lower class†in particular - I am not in a position to offer accurate observations about the United States). If more and more White men believe that our women are all up for lowering themselves with the entire gamut of collard green-gobbling, bean-shovelling, rice-scoffing, couscous-cramming, curry-munching refuse our planet unfortunately has to offer then the Jews’ work is half complete. That initial belief forms the foundation of the wider agenda.
Since the media, “educational†institutions, et cetera are brainwashing White women it is the duty of intelligent and free-thinking fellows like us

to counter this malicious strategy. If racially-aware White men don’t do this, then who will? I’m not talking about huge crusades here, but simply opening (or at least attempting to open) the eyes of any women that members who happen to be single might be interested in but be otherwise put off if the lady in question isn’t blatantly pro-White or professes “politically correct†opinions (and there is no shortage of females who fall into the latter category).
As that now-banned dope Ahmet 2k (incidentally, why the hell don’t blokes like him just
admit that they
prefer non-White women?) stated that my “advice†(not that I actually offered any) was “incorrectâ€, permit me to relate a case study of someone I know very well - myself.
It may come as a surprise :icon_eek:, but I can safely be considered a pretty hard-core example of “racial awareness†and have always had an iron-clad 100% preference for White women (and Anglo-Celtic women at that). I have to laugh when anyone above the age of about 23 or 24 states that they cannot meet “decent†girls in a club or pub - after all, one doesn’t require Sherlockian perception to draw that conclusion, as such venues are a magnet for sleazy representatives of both sexes and prolonged patronage can very quickly do a “respectable†person’s head in. Nevertheless, the sheer numbers of people between the ages of 18 and approximately 24 (the Australian legal drinking age is 18) at nightspots mean that they are places where one can meet “nice†women – but, generally, only at that early age. Quite naturally, there are exceptions...
Plenty of “racially aware†males are probably a bit too hasty in voicing their political beliefs, thus not allowing a lady to initially get to know them as decent, intelligent men who are wholly opposite to the media stereotype of the drunken, bald, uneducated, unevolved, monosyllabic, 150 decibel belching, arse-scratching misogynist with prominent tufts of nasal hair whose hobbies include poofter bashing, dog-fighting, noisily defecating on Jewish graves and nailing blacks to trees.
There’s not much point to the theory of being up-front from the very outset in order to avoid “wasting one’s timeâ€. The following type of opening gambit may indeed expedite proceedings - but not exactly in a positive way (it will instead “confirm†the over-exuberant White Nationalist’s sneaking suspicions about the inherent “worthlessness†of White women):
“Right, before we order any drinks, I might as well get things out into the open. I’m a proud, racially aware White man. I make no excuses for hating [
insert the full-colour catalogue of derogatory racial terms beginning with n, Y, b, s, t, et cetera]. They’re all ****ing subhuman parasites that have no right to inhabit the planet, let alone pollute our country with their filthy presence. If I was running the government, I’d gas the lot of them! By the way, are you into heavy metal?â€
When I met my girlfriend through work, she was anything
but right-wing or racially aware. She was beautiful, warm, and intelligent yet had, like countless other females, been indoctrinated with leftist poison while at university, although she was completely disinterested in politics. “Typicalâ€, thinks I, “all of the fittest-looking women always seem to be bloody leftists.†But, as she obviously possessed a brain (as well as other, non-cerebral charms) I decided to bide my time and let her get to know me -
sans racial politics (for the present...).
I let fly with my usual topics of conversation: “safe†observations about various eras of history (planting the seed of the superiority of Western culture and achievement in her mind), literature and poetry, folk music (and even metal... :icon_lol

, et cetera – all in all, everything which doesn’t fit the stereotype of the flat-faced, knuckle-dragging “racist†thug of popular imagination.
It was only after we were “together†for a while that I began to ease into the political side of things and - finally - once the necessary subtler discussions to cushion the unavoidable heavy blow had taken place, I picked my time and tactfully revealed and justified my racial philosophies, complete with an explanation of why I hadn’t mentioned this earlier. The poor girl was quite shocked, which was fair enough - but after that first jolt she didn’t run for the hills and was open to listening as she knew that I was a dependable “nice guy†who loved her.
Presuming that a girl is intelligent and classy (after all, who wants some boneheaded harlot, no matter how physically attractive she may be), once she becomes acquainted with Your positive character traits and sees that You truly respect her she will potentially be far more amenable to pro-White thinking. This may take a bit of time, effort and forbearance but, believe me, ‘tis bloody well worth it.
Here’s the thing: decent White women will respect a fellow who behaves like a gentleman
and possesses his own set of convictions. Such women are searching for a person with whom they can feel safe, comfortable and appreciated as ladies, and not treated like the trashy, “empowered†modern career woman who behaves much like a male. Despite the propaganda, they ultimately don’t want run-of-the-mill idiots who blindly follow trends and cannot think for themselves - they want the White men of the past, not the slobs of the present. So if You have allowed the woman in question to familiarise herself with the “bigger picture†of what You have to offer, she shall think twice about terminating the relationship once the racial beans are spilled. Why? Because You have proven to be too rare a “catch†to let go. If she leaves (which
is, unfortunately, possible), well, that’s
her loss.
We must have faith in ourselves - but we must also have faith in our women, who are
subconsciously a lot more “racially aware†than many of us may believe...