Thoughts on White Women

haha yes but when you think completely differnt about something argumention don't work and you get easily mad.
You can never turn a P.C guy into a castefootball lover even if you had 100% prove of caste system i think...
I have seen 1 or 2 times a guy giving an perfect argument or very close to it but the other opposite thinker still didn't stopped his mouth and keeped talking.You can change you're mind but nearly always only when you don't think about complete the opposite.
I think argumnetating works the best if you think a little different from eacother but not too much.

You are right, there has to be some agreement or else there can be no common ground to agree upon. That is why the "arguing" on this board is much more interesting because we all tend to agree upon some basic points.
Yes, absolutely, in echoing support for Don and CF! Much respect has been gained for standing your ground.

I remember how I first found CF, quite by accident, I was wondering and quite frankly almost given up on football as I had basketball, when by chance, I googled white runningbacks and an article on I believe it was Toby Gerhardt came up as a post from CF. To make a long story short, I started seeing there were so many like-minded white men wondering what the h#$% was happening with our athletes.

As I have said and keep saying, I'm proud of what Don and the posters of this site do. There are so many knowledgable people who contribute to this site. I don't want to come off corny, but you guys have given me a little hope that our race can overcome all the false stereotypes the world and media has perpetuated over the last 30-40 years about white athletes.

I will not always agree 100% with everyone, but I believe that's what this site is for also, to express opinion and debate and learn from each other, never forgetting the common goal, (support for our white athletes.)

I have also shared with others who agree with my beliefs, but are affraid to express publicly what we believe about this site and this gives me even more respect for the gentlemen on CF.

I also hope C. Darwin can realize what happened and that Don is not the enemy. I just wanted to say thanks as I did on the 4th of July post to all who make this site possible. I hope I can do more for Don and CF in the future.

Thanks to everyone!
Finding CF

Carolina, your story about finding CF is awesome. Thanks to Hillis, Woodhead, and Gerhardt there's gonna be a ton of people finding this site! If they get a lot of chances, Don'll get a bunch of hits. If they get ripped off, same thing.
I gotta agree with most of y'all about Cdarwin. I always loved his posts and I hope the antagonism towards Don is only temporary and the effects can be remedied. I can't imagine putting Don down and I hope this comes to something that isn't depressing.
According to some, I think this could back up some of what jaxvid is expressing as far as who is white and willing to embrace fully and the big tent theory, I'm not sure yet I completely agree, but here goes.

If you believe the "Bible", when the sons of Noah came out of the Ark, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, these were the 3 sons who were commanded to scatter and re-populate the earth. (Genesis,9:19)

The descendants of Shem were called Semites, Abraham, David, and Jesus descended from Shem and settled in Israel and the Middle East. Japheths descendants were Greeks, Thracians, and Scythians and settled for the most part in Europe and Asia Minor.

Now Ham the third son of Noah had seen his father, Noah drunk with wine and saw him naked,(Genesis, 9:22) When Noah had awakened and found out he said, "Cursed be Canaan." Ham was the father of Canaan and his descendants settled in Canaan, Egypt, and the rest of Africa.

Noah also said, "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem: Hebrews, Persians, etc. and may God extend the territory of Japheth: Greeks, Thracians, etc. and may Japheth live in the tents of Shem. May Canaan:Hams descendants, Egypt and the rest of Africa be his slave." (Genesis, 9:26-27)

Now you can interpret this scripture anyway you want, but to me whites came from the descendants of Japheth, who settled, according to the "Bible" in Europe and Asia Minor. If you include the big tent theory it could have included Shems descendants of Israel and the Middle East. The Bible makes it very clear as to Hams' descendants were of Africa and obviously not of the white race.

I realize many on this site might think "The Bible" may be made up of fairy tales, but I'm Christian and I wanted to go to a source in which I believe, to seek out where we as a human race originated from.

I'm in favor of the big tent theory as far as whiteness is concerned. Persians,
eastern slavs, Afghans, etc. But only as far as this. Can they become fully "WHITE" by embracing the best in white culture as exemplified by golden era America and Western European standards.

I often get into arguements with other white people about how can ALL white people (ie Europeans) be considered ONE people--a race--if there are so many differences in culture, language, etc. In other words how can a person from England be considered the same as someone from Poland (for example).

Easy-I reply, did their ancestors come over to America or England or Western Europe and effortlessly embrace the concepts of the culture? After 1 generation do their offspring fit in effortlessly in language, manners, customs, habits, temperment, with the native white people. For Poles, Russians, Sicilians, Nordics, Spainards, yes most definitely. And in my experience it is also true for Persians and some other Arabs. Is the skin a little darker-yes but so what, many Italians and Spainards are darker and it doesn't effect their ability to join white society effortlessly.

Is the same true for africans? No, an african is the same type of person in the Sudan as they are in South Africa, as they are in Haiti as they are in Detroit. Africans will even agree with this as long as you only consider those qualities they perceive as good.

How about Turks. I would say no. They don't seem to assimilate as well for whatever reason. So I think it's more then about skin color or tone (although that's a good indicator).

That is also why "Cubans" and American Indians were welcomed into MLB before Jackie Robinson. People of that time understood that there was something about certain people that allowed them to fit into their societies. For some others in was nearly impossible. Is it so hard for us a few generations removed from our greatest generations not to understand the nuances? Have we been so racially brainwashed as to not understand the basic human ability to sense those important qualities in other humans that would make them natural allies vs. natural enemies?
I am forever surprised at these topics which debate “who is White?” One would believe that the answer is startlingly self-evident, especially for people who are pro-White or “White Nationalists” - yet the inexplicably controversial question surfaces again and again, like some enormous, un-flushable stool...

I have made my views on Turks, Arabs, Iranians, Berbers, Kurds, Albanians and all combinations thereof abundantly clear in previous posts scattered throughout the Soccer section - in my humble opinion, the abovementioned peoples are not White. Permit me to state (without the slightest hint of hauteur), that this opinion is overwhelmingly shared by European Whites who are forced to interact with such scum on a daily basis, courtesy of their successive governments’ immigration policies of the last half-century. I encourage our French members, for example, to say their bit on the subject...

A few specimens from the Maghreb and Middle East may physically pass as white, but they are culturally very far from White and that is the decisive defining factor. I’ll wager that anyone who believes that Turks or Arabs are “similar to us” or who admires their “traditional paternalistic society, uncorrupted by the weak, feminised West” and views them in a positive light because they also happen to virulently despise a common Jewish enemy hasn’t been exposed to large concentrations of Muslims. The punch line is that the said Muslims certainly wouldn’t agree with anyone who attempted to convince them that they are White or that they share a common cultural ground with Europeans...

With all due respect, being pleasantly acquainted with a Turk or Iranian (or two) provides one with an inaccurate picture of the whole. Please note that I’m not saying that non-Whites cannot be genuinely decent people, but I’m looking at the entire painting, not individual brush strokes. As I’ve mentioned previously, non-Whites are awfully friendly (often, in the case of Indians and Asians, to the point of comically unctuous servility) when present in small numbers. However, once their numbers grow and are concentrated in particular areas, their naturally arrogant, White-hating dispositions become more than evident and, surrounded by his brothers, uncles, cousins and testicle-breathed catamites, the once-friendly Muslim drops his smiling mask and reveals himself to be the nasty little prick that he is.

Forget Europe - if any of You are ever in Sydney, hop on a train at Central Station and head out to Lakemba, Wiley Park, Canterbury, Bankstown, Burwood, Arncliffe or Auburn to see if Arabs, Iranians or Turks are White. To heighten the adventure, turn up to a club after dark and see what kind of reaction You shall receive from Your “fellow Whites”. To really maximise the salutary experience, bring along Your wife or girlfriend - I’m sure that the lady shall be treated with the utmost respect...

I recall browsing Stormfront about ten years ago and reading all manner of half-arsed posts by certain so-called “White Nationalists” (or, more accurately, World War Two enthusiasts) who would casually dismiss the “Whiteness” of Slavs, Finns, Hungarians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks and Romanians - yet at the same time tie themselves in painful knots that would have been heartily approved by the Phrygians of Gordium in attempts to establish the “White” credentials of Iranians and “high-caste” northern Indians, generally buttressed by remarkably profound pronouncements about the purported “beauty” of those groups’ females. Well, there’s no substitute for sparkling intelligence, is there...

As for this Ahmet 2k fellow (what a distinctly “White” username!), his puerile posts (which prove - if nothing else - that he has about as much class as a particularly juicy case of piles) about his supposed sexual conquests coupled with disparaging opinions of White women actually raise an issue worth discussing - viz. the attitude to women displayed by many self-styled “White Nationalists”.

Before anybody jumps to any hasty conclusions, let me emphasise that I’m not having a go at any of our posters here at Caste Football. These are simply observations about a section of White males who claim to be “racially aware” and automatically suspect that every White woman is some kind of race-mixing trull just waiting to happen at the slightest push or, at the very least, is highly promiscuous - yet see nothing wrong with trying to shag every moll they can lay their paws on, including non-White women (as long as they’re “hot” and it’s only sex, with no half-breed children or marriage involved).

By now, You are all probably aware that I’m completely against “interracial relationships” (don’t You just love euphemisms?) of any kind, be they drunken encounters, affairs of convenience, “business transactions”, marriages, et cetera. This doesn’t mean that I claim to be better than anyone else - it’s simply what I believe.

If I was still single I would never even remotely consider having anything to do with a woman who had merely entertained the thought of entering into a relationship with a non-White, let alone engaged in one. I hate hypocrisy - therefore if I expect a White woman to abhor the thought of, er, “fraternising” with non-Whites, well, I sure as hell shouldn’t do it myself, should I?

That’s what disgusts me about a lot of White geezers. I’ve spoken with blokes who have claimed to hate Asians, be all against Asian immigration, who can’t stand hearing those yapping languages and seeing Asian restaurants and stores mushrooming up all over the place - yet in the next breath they’ll blurt out that many Asian girls are super attractive and that they have slept with one (or more) or that that would be their ultimate fantasy. When questioned, they reply with the hoary old chestnut of “White women are sluts / materialistic / unfeminine”.

I’m sure that You have all encountered this type of odiously embarrassing creature at some point (with the necessary adjustments to regional vernacular) :wink::

“Haw, haw! Yeah, I’m a proud White man, I am. The girl I marry has to be dead sexy, blonde, blue eyes, big tits, fantastic body. Haw, haw!”

The Aryan superman attempts to surreptitiously rub his pitiful wedding tackle but, unfortunately, his capacious beer gut prevents the successful execution of the intended action.

“She can’t be a slut, though. Nah, mate, she’s gotta be pure, not used goods. The problem with finding a good White woman is that they’re all ****ing slappers. I mean, look at those slags up there on stage. That redhead in the purple g-string hanging upside down on the pole has probably been porked by all of the bouncers, she has. ****, I’d still do her, though - if I hadn’t blown all of my money down the TAB. Haw, haw!”

“Mind You, I’d never go anywhere near a White chick who’d ****ed a [insert racial epithet of choice]. I mean, that’s disgusting, that is. But, you gotta admit, some of those Asian girls are bloody hot stuff, they are. Yeah. I mean, I’ve shagged a few, especially when me an’ Wozza was on holiday in Thailand. Those sexy Thai women’ll do anything, and I mean anything - especially for a white guy. Haw, haw!”

Aryan superman audibly swallows at the delicious memory, blinks drunkenly, then quickly adds:

“It’s only sex though - and those sheilas were real glamours, they were. They weren’t ugly dogs like most Asian women. I wouldn’t marry one, of course – after all, I’m a proud White man. Too bad that all White women are materialistic sluts who **** [insert racial epithet of choice]. Where are you supposed to meet decent White women anyway? Do they even exist? Hang on, a new girl is about to start takin’ her gear off. Phwooaarh! Check out the size of those tits! Bloody hell, mate, she’s so hot I’m about to shoot right in me daks...”

If White men expect White women not to engage in miscegenation they must do likewise, for it’s hardly uplifting for our females to see (and hear) their men drooling over mulattas like Beyonce or some simpering Asian “masseuses” on a beach in Phuket. I don’t know what things are like in the United States, but here in Australia the highest incidence of miscegenation occurs between White men and Asian women. In fact, it is quite rare to see a White female with a non-White male (which makes it all the more jarring when the sight hoves into view), but the Australian male with Asian woman is a very common human eyesore. One can only imagine what shall happen when the resultant half-breeds come of age and enter the “marriage market” in the years to come. I can already hear White geezers saying “She’s half Asian, but looking at her, you’d never really suspect. She just looks vaguely exotic - I’d do her! After all, she is half White...”
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I encourage our French members, for example, to say their bit on the subject...

yes, it's sad that we have to say it, but arabs are not white
from a sport point of view, i usually support arab teams against black teams, but that's all
in france, a lot of people from the far right associate with muslims because they are antisemites too, but they don't understand that both are enemies, and that arabs are antisemites for different reasons than us
an example of this is alain soral

during all my life, arabs insulted me because i was white, so they obviously are not white

zidane is a white looking algerian, but he isn't totally white (not at all)
but it is safe to say that his talent came from his "white" part, since no arab managed to be even remotely close to his level
“She can’t be a slut, though. Nah, mate, she’s gotta be pure, not used goods. The problem with finding a good White woman is that they’re all ****ing slappers. I mean, look at those slags up there on stage. That redhead in the purple g-string hanging upside down on the pole has probably been porked by all of the bouncers, she has. ****, I’d still do her, though - if I hadn’t blown all of my money down the TAB. Haw, haw!â€￾

Overall excellent post per usual, Rebajlo. I understand that you are trying to highlight the double standard here but I want to point out that the more premarital sexual partners a woman has the less likely she is to provide a stable marriage.
There is one other comment I'd like to make here. I know that I said I wouldn't post but I spent time thinking on this issue and it has to be said. Let me say again, that I am not a "multicultural goon" as some of you are saying.

If you head over to the boxing forum and observe my posts made today and throughout the last year as "BoxingFanUK" you'll see I have a very clear prowhite agenda. (Ahmet 2k is my new name because my old login wasnt working when we switched over to the new site).

If you consider the % of white women who engage in interracial marriage, it stands to reason that a certain % of white men must also engage in interracial marriage, or simply be single for life and never date anyone. (Obviously this works both ways).

So what I am saying is: There are not enough white wives for every white husband. So, it is literally impossible for every white man to have a white wife. Its never going to happen unless both men and women married 100% into their own race.

You posters in here who are critisizing me for dating Arabs and Persians, well would you recommend that I don't date anyone?

Understand that given the % of white women who date interracially, some men **must** also follow suit, or else be single for life.

I would ask some of you whether dating a nonwhite is better than being single for life (and not dating anyone)?

Obviously in an ideal situation, all white men and white women would date/marry with each other. But thats not the case, and never will be.

So perhaps the next best alternative is dating an Arab or Persian which are borderline white anyway.

Maybe my actions are in fact a favour, in that I am not decreasing the number of eligible white women for white men, while also dating a white or borderline white woman.
This issue really means a lot to me, as I am a proud white man and I have always dated many Arab and Persian women, as I said I consider them "borderline" white.

- Understand. You have a certain % of white women who marry interracially, so it stands to reason that not every white man will be able to have a white wife. So in that regard my actions can be looked at as favourable in that they produce white kids, without decreasing the number of eligible white women to white men.

In terms of this "interracial aggregate", I am satisfying the fact that a % of white women marry interracially, and me dating an Arab or Persian is in fact the next best alternative and has a higher likelihood of producing white kids (once again without decreasing the number of white women eligible to marry white men).

Arabs or Persians are certainly the most tolerable "Middleground" of all races and will probably produce completely white-looking children with a white man. This also satisifes the fact that to some extent interracial marriage of white men must occur.

You posters in here (Rebaljo and others) who are giving advice that all white men should date white women. That is INCORRECT and BAD advice to be giving (not to mention impossible given the % of white women who marry interracially). You people are being unrealistic and living in an ideal, fantasy world.

The simple fact of life is that some white men simply must marry interracially. You people should acknowledge this statistical reality and provide solutions for it, or else just leave your bad advice to yourselves.

Given the STATISTICAL FACT that some white men must marry interracially. Don't you think its better to marry with an Arab or Persian as opposed to a black or African or East Asian?

White with Arab/Persian will still produce a white child (many view Arabs or Persians as white already)
White with black will produce a black child

So instead of being critical of me, you should be critical of whites (particularly women) who go with blacks.

My actions are in fact favourable to the white community in producing white kids while not decreasing the number of available white women for white men. Also satisfying the statistical fact that some white men must marry interracially.
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A small percentage of East Asian women are doable, but that doesn't mean that people want their countries to be flooded with Asians. I don't see a conflict-of-interest here.

I would have some respect for a White man that admits that a small percentage of East Asian women are attractive, rather than the frauds that push the idea that "MOST Asian women are feminine and examples of pen-ultimate beauty (while gleefully including Filipinas, Indonesians, Laotians, Cambodians.."

Sure, there are myths that need to be combatted like the idea that White women are more likely to be "boyish" compared to Asian women. White women that play softball and soccer are usually way-better looking than their Asian counterparts in said activities. But, look at other activities.. If you've watched some of the obstacle course shows from Japan, it's rather undeniable that some of those Asian women (competing) are lean and stunning, have great complections, and don't possess the wide nose that many other Asian women have. I almost wonder if some of these stunners have some White ancestry, but, regardless, they are beautiful. I realize the Bell Curve, and that those specimens aren't the "majority" of Japan, Korea or Thailand. However, that rarity makes them all the more coveted and desirable. As a note, I would probably never date a Chinese woman and I consider them to be mass-produced copies of each other. To each their own, though..
If you consider the % of white women who engage in interracial marriage, it stands to reason that a certain % of white men must also engage in interracial marriage, or simply be single for life and never date anyone. (Obviously this works both ways).

So what I am saying is: There are not enough white wives for every white husband. So, it is literally impossible for every white man to have a white wife. Its never going to happen unless both men and women married 100% into their own race.

You posters in here who are critisizing me for dating Arabs and Persians, well would you recommend that I don't date anyone?

Understand that given the % of white women who date interracially, some men **must** also follow suit, or else be single for life.

I would ask some of you whether dating a nonwhite is better than being single for life (and not dating anyone)?

Obviously in an ideal situation, all white men and white women would date/marry with each other. But thats not the case, and never will be.

How asinine, "Ahmet." Interracial marriage is infrequent, and not all White males have qualms with interracial dating. Therefore a "pro-White" male has a huge batch of potential mates to select from without resorting to interracial relationships or lifelong bachelorship.

So perhaps the next best alternative is dating an Arab or Persian which are borderline white anyway.

That's your business but don't pretend like you aren't trying to stir the pot with this thread.
Rebajlo, that post was hilarious as well as informational. It brightened up an otherwise depressing thread.

My sentiments exactly, great post Rebajlo!
I understand that you are trying to highlight the double standard here but I want to point out that the more premarital sexual partners a woman has the less likely she is to provide a stable marriage.

I completely agree. Unfortunately, we live in an age of overt permissiveness. Now, I don’t think that anybody here is naive enough to believe that pre-marital sex did not occur in the oft-idealised days of yore. But half a century of relentless propaganda whose aim was / is the systematic expansion of the behavioural boundaries that are deemed acceptable by society at large has definitely borne its worm-eaten fruit in the current age: the “empoweredâ€￾, “you go girlâ€￾ Sex In The City-moulded, repulsively tattooed, facially-pierced, Cosmopolitan sealed-section reading, “it’s all about me – because I’m worth itâ€￾ slag and the constantly boozed-up, even more tattooed, permanently broke, maxed-out credit card wielding, pig-ignorant yob clad in mass-produced, perversely cut saggy-arsed jeans and a “hoodieâ€￾ (hear that noise? It’s Beau Brummell turning in his grave...).

When it comes to the “acceptanceâ€￾ of promiscuity (and, ultimately, many of society’s other suppurating sores) the key has been the evaporation of that once all-powerful guardian of all moral codes - the “shameâ€￾ factor and its concomitant guarantee of social ostracism.

Exhibit A: The “single motherâ€￾ who would previously have been shunned by her own family is now an object of widespread admiration (“oh, what a strong, determined woman, bringing up little Timmy all on her own – and she’s only fifteen herselfâ€￾). Any mention of the burden on the responsible taxpayer is conveniently omitted.

Exhibit B: The bone idle, at best partially literate, perennially drunken bludger who drops out of school (that’s if he ever attended in the first place), has never had a job (nor - Heaven forbid - does he want one) and sponges off Social Security is no longer viewed as the basest of scum, left to starve or thrown into the workhouse. Instead, he is labelled a “struggling battlerâ€￾ and told that nothing is ever his fault as he is a blameless “victim of povertyâ€￾. The greatest insult, however, is that he is permitted to vote (in line with that great media myth of universal male suffrage within “the democracies of ancient Greeceâ€￾).

Exhibit C: The whining, buck-toothed poofter who once would have received a rib-busting kicking by the police followed by a prison sentence for indulging in his proctologic adventures, being comprehensively blacklisted upon his release. But in this more “enlightened timeâ€￾ he is a “bubbly celebrityâ€￾, an arbiter of fashion, a wielder of heavy-duty political influence, is allowed to “display affectionâ€￾ for his “partnerâ€￾ in public and demand the right to “marriageâ€￾ or - to really top things off - ordination as a priest / clergyman.

But one must remember that despite the constant deluge of propaganda and the countless “well wornâ€￾ scrubbers hanging around pubs, clubs and housing estates the length and breadth of the Western world (many of whom, let’s face it, would have been putting themselves about in the “pre-cultural Marxistâ€￾ days - albeit much more discreetly - even without the incessant prompting of the media and women’s magazines), the majority of White women aren’t the syphilitic, race-mixing whores of Jewish dreams and White nightmares.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the overwhelming majority of White women cohabit with (i.e. “shagâ€￾) or marry White men. The comparative few who don’t are worth less than a pinch of cat **** anyway. The “cohabitâ€￾ part is obviously less than ideal (especially when it involves several “partnersâ€￾), but that’s all (well, largely) down to the consequences of the aforementioned boundary-expanding propaganda. But blokes don’t lose their virginity on their own, so for every male who eagerly leaps into the marital bed on his wedding night, yet has acquired previous “experienceâ€￾, there must exist at least one “experiencedâ€￾ female counterpart (that, of course, is a simple statement which doesn’t take professional whores into account)...

As other posters have often pointed out, the constant pro-race mixing indoctrination has largely been a failure for, in spite of whatever “politically correctâ€￾ statements about a “colour-blind societyâ€￾ that White women may spout, the number who actually “fraterniseâ€￾ with non-White males of any description is very minute (although still too high, especially in the United Kingdom, and among England’s “lower classâ€￾ in particular - I am not in a position to offer accurate observations about the United States). If more and more White men believe that our women are all up for lowering themselves with the entire gamut of collard green-gobbling, bean-shovelling, rice-scoffing, couscous-cramming, curry-munching refuse our planet unfortunately has to offer then the Jews’ work is half complete. That initial belief forms the foundation of the wider agenda.

Since the media, “educationalâ€￾ institutions, et cetera are brainwashing White women it is the duty of intelligent and free-thinking fellows like us :biggrin: to counter this malicious strategy. If racially-aware White men don’t do this, then who will? I’m not talking about huge crusades here, but simply opening (or at least attempting to open) the eyes of any women that members who happen to be single might be interested in but be otherwise put off if the lady in question isn’t blatantly pro-White or professes “politically correctâ€￾ opinions (and there is no shortage of females who fall into the latter category).

As that now-banned dope Ahmet 2k (incidentally, why the hell don’t blokes like him just admit that they prefer non-White women?) stated that my “adviceâ€￾ (not that I actually offered any) was “incorrectâ€￾, permit me to relate a case study of someone I know very well - myself. :wink:

It may come as a surprise :icon_eek:, but I can safely be considered a pretty hard-core example of “racial awarenessâ€￾ and have always had an iron-clad 100% preference for White women (and Anglo-Celtic women at that). I have to laugh when anyone above the age of about 23 or 24 states that they cannot meet “decentâ€￾ girls in a club or pub - after all, one doesn’t require Sherlockian perception to draw that conclusion, as such venues are a magnet for sleazy representatives of both sexes and prolonged patronage can very quickly do a “respectableâ€￾ person’s head in. Nevertheless, the sheer numbers of people between the ages of 18 and approximately 24 (the Australian legal drinking age is 18) at nightspots mean that they are places where one can meet “niceâ€￾ women – but, generally, only at that early age. Quite naturally, there are exceptions...

Plenty of “racially awareâ€￾ males are probably a bit too hasty in voicing their political beliefs, thus not allowing a lady to initially get to know them as decent, intelligent men who are wholly opposite to the media stereotype of the drunken, bald, uneducated, unevolved, monosyllabic, 150 decibel belching, arse-scratching misogynist with prominent tufts of nasal hair whose hobbies include poofter bashing, dog-fighting, noisily defecating on Jewish graves and nailing blacks to trees.

There’s not much point to the theory of being up-front from the very outset in order to avoid “wasting one’s timeâ€￾. The following type of opening gambit may indeed expedite proceedings - but not exactly in a positive way (it will instead “confirmâ€￾ the over-exuberant White Nationalist’s sneaking suspicions about the inherent “worthlessnessâ€￾ of White women):

“Right, before we order any drinks, I might as well get things out into the open. I’m a proud, racially aware White man. I make no excuses for hating [insert the full-colour catalogue of derogatory racial terms beginning with n, Y, b, s, t, et cetera]. They’re all ****ing subhuman parasites that have no right to inhabit the planet, let alone pollute our country with their filthy presence. If I was running the government, I’d gas the lot of them! By the way, are you into heavy metal?â€￾

When I met my girlfriend through work, she was anything but right-wing or racially aware. She was beautiful, warm, and intelligent yet had, like countless other females, been indoctrinated with leftist poison while at university, although she was completely disinterested in politics. “Typicalâ€￾, thinks I, “all of the fittest-looking women always seem to be bloody leftists.â€￾ But, as she obviously possessed a brain (as well as other, non-cerebral charms) I decided to bide my time and let her get to know me - sans racial politics (for the present...).

I let fly with my usual topics of conversation: “safeâ€￾ observations about various eras of history (planting the seed of the superiority of Western culture and achievement in her mind), literature and poetry, folk music (and even metal... :icon_lol:), et cetera – all in all, everything which doesn’t fit the stereotype of the flat-faced, knuckle-dragging “racistâ€￾ thug of popular imagination.

It was only after we were “togetherâ€￾ for a while that I began to ease into the political side of things and - finally - once the necessary subtler discussions to cushion the unavoidable heavy blow had taken place, I picked my time and tactfully revealed and justified my racial philosophies, complete with an explanation of why I hadn’t mentioned this earlier. The poor girl was quite shocked, which was fair enough - but after that first jolt she didn’t run for the hills and was open to listening as she knew that I was a dependable “nice guyâ€￾ who loved her.

Presuming that a girl is intelligent and classy (after all, who wants some boneheaded harlot, no matter how physically attractive she may be), once she becomes acquainted with Your positive character traits and sees that You truly respect her she will potentially be far more amenable to pro-White thinking. This may take a bit of time, effort and forbearance but, believe me, ‘tis bloody well worth it.

Here’s the thing: decent White women will respect a fellow who behaves like a gentleman and possesses his own set of convictions. Such women are searching for a person with whom they can feel safe, comfortable and appreciated as ladies, and not treated like the trashy, “empoweredâ€￾ modern career woman who behaves much like a male. Despite the propaganda, they ultimately don’t want run-of-the-mill idiots who blindly follow trends and cannot think for themselves - they want the White men of the past, not the slobs of the present. So if You have allowed the woman in question to familiarise herself with the “bigger pictureâ€￾ of what You have to offer, she shall think twice about terminating the relationship once the racial beans are spilled. Why? Because You have proven to be too rare a “catchâ€￾ to let go. If she leaves (which is, unfortunately, possible), well, that’s her loss.

We must have faith in ourselves - but we must also have faith in our women, who are subconsciously a lot more “racially awareâ€￾ than many of us may believe...
Interesting and thought provoking post, Rebajlo. :thumbsup:
I really enjoyed reading that post as well. Excellent points made my friend. I totally agree that you must be in a relationship for a while before you can bring some of your views into the picture. I agree that the two people should be in love first. After that, you can slowly try to influence her by telling her how you view politics, sports, music, movies, etc. Keep up the great writing mate.
I too agree with Ahmet. White women are extremely fake and two-faced. Most of them are over confident & disloyal.
Rebajlo, you homered on that one, well done! :high5:

Best wishes to you, and your girlfriend.
I too agree with Ahmet. White women are extremely fake and two-faced. Most of them are over confident & disloyal.

Interesting! And what kind of women do you prefer? Arabic? Hispanic? Yeah, I bet? Did you come here to advertise your courier services?
I too agree with Ahmet. White women are extremely fake and two-faced. Most of them are over confident & disloyal.

Too? Nobody else agreed with him.

You and that metrosexual Turk, Ahmet, must be shopping for white prostitutes in the same whore-house.
I too agree with Ahmet. White women are extremely fake and two-faced. Most of them are over confident & disloyal.

Translation: You got turned down. Those women aren't "over-confident" they are what is called "out of your league."

My suggestion is to go back to whatever Middle Eastern sandbox you crawled out of because you definitely need to live in an area where it is permissible to physically beat the confidence out of your women.
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