Thoughts on White Women

Just a clarification that I have no issues with the topic itself. I agree that it's a valid subject that warrants a civilized debate, and that's why we have the Happy Hour forum for all non-sports related subjects.

I also wouldn't mind people responding to trolls and the like and destroying their arguments, as it has happened many times in the past, as long as folks then don't turn against each other, which seems to be an unfortunate by-product.

My primary beef here is with the OP himself, who has told us at least a dozen times in 2 different posts how good looking, educated, cultured, and intelligent he is. You simply can't take someone like that seriously.
There's nothing I need to "put to bed." The issue is that you disagreed with a post I made and instead of disagreeing in a thoughtful, reasoned way, you responded like a troll, and still are.

Why won't you answer the questions I asked you in my previous post? I'll ask them again: What is historically inaccurate regarding my analogy of the negative attitude toward southern Europeans -- an attitude btw I've fought against consistently and vigorously my entire life as an activist -- toward that of certain Persians and North Africans in the present? Is it your belief that there are no White people in those countries? What about Central and South America? Are they all also non-White?

yeah, you got me. i'm a troll. why not a jew? that would have been even better.

what is historically inaccurate about your analogy is that s.euros are indigenous to europe, and n.africans are not. they are apples and oranges, the latter is separate and distinct ethnicitiy from anything that is european or... wait for it...... white.

north africans and persians are not white. are they Caucasoids? yes? are persians the foundation of our race? yes? are light skinned arabs genetically similar to s. euros? yes?

well the jeez derwood... what is the difference then?

culture. customs. land. history. nations. traditions. genealogy. ancestry. religion (mostly).

all of these things including scientific taxonomy are a consideration before someone can be called white.

if you're including n. africans as white, then all of your work has been wasted. nobody except subverts considers the people of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara white. and most importantly, those people would slit your throat if you tried to tell them they were white.

south of america is a different story. it's more complex. if you're truly interested in my perspective, rather than avoiding the flaw in your definition of what white is, then you can ask me more specific questions.

well? are you satisfied? can you define white now?
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I also wouldn't mind people responding to trolls and the like and destroying their arguments, as it has happened many times in the past, as long as folks then don't turn against each other, which seems to be an unfortunate by-product.

what is white is a very serious topic. hacking out this now will save 1000 arguments in the future.
yeah, you got me. i'm a troll. why not a jew? that would have been even better.

what is historically inaccurate about your analogy is that s.euros are indigenous to europe, and n.africans are not. they are apples and oranges, the latter is separate and distinct ethnicitiy from anything that is european or... wait for it...... white.

north africans and persians are not white. are they Caucasoids? yes? are persians the foundation of our race? yes? are light skinned arabs genetically similar to s. euros? yes?

well the jeez derwood... what is the difference then?

culture. customs. land. history. nations. traditions. genealogy. ancestry. religion (mostly).

all of these things including scientific taxonomy are a consideration before someone can be called white.

if you're including n. africans as white, then all of your work has been wasted. nobody except subverts considers the people of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara white. and most importantly, those people would slit your throat if you tried to tell them they were white.

south of america is a different story. it's more complex. if you're truly interested in my perspective, rather than avoiding the flaw in your definition of what white is, then you can ask me more specific questions.

well? are you satisfied? can you define white now?

No, I'm not satisfied. Well, a bit amused that you actually tried to somewhat explain your position, in your usual pissed off way, rather than merely cast aspersions at me.

I never claimed North Africans are White. I used the word "certain," but subtlety is clearly not your strong suit. There is always a gray area in determining whether someone is White or not. There have been numerous instances on this board of disagreement on whether an athlete written about is White or not. I don't recall any of the posters who disagreed on the background of an athlete hurling accusations that the poster they disagreed with was therefore not pro-White.

Are Turks White? By your reasoning they are, because Turkey is generally considered part of Europe. If some (or all) Turks aren't White, is it possible that some Persians in the next-door country of Iran are White? What about all the Central Asian "Stans" which have a lot of admixture of White and Oriental blood? Is there a single White person in any of them? Not by your breath-takingly ignorant definition.

The reality is that I or anyone else can post pictures of people from say Turkey, Iran, Syria and Kazakhstan, and mix them in with some pictures of people from Portugal, Sicily and Greece, and if I ask you which ones are White and which aren't, you won't be able to tell based on your simplistic definition that all people born in Europe are White while none born anywere else are.

Yes, South America is "complex," unlike your simplistic definition, but there are many millions of Whites in Central and South America. Do you deny that also?

As far as troll behavior, I figure calling me a Jew was going to be something you were going to do, not me. Again, I made a post you didn't agree with, and you responded by first impugning my integrity and then implying I am not pro-White, as if I have anything to prove to you. You constantly tried to make me the issue rather than defending your position in an intelligent and civil way. So yes, you have acted like a troll. And you're an ******* to boot.
a lot of Persians consider themselves white, and not Arabic, I however don't consider them white.
Darwin, I deleted your post. I'm not about to waste any more time dealing with you. Your posts in this thread speak for themselves, and so do mine.

As I've written before, anyone who isn't comfortable here is under no requirement to stay. And if you think I am not dedicated to the cause, I would make the same suggestion.

You've made over 1,100 posts here over a five year period. You've never had a post deleted or edited (until now). You've had complete freedom to post what you want. But if you continue to attack me you're going to be leaving involuntarily. The choice is yours.
for the record, there were no personal jabs at don in the post that he deleted. in fact, there was a sincere apology. i find it odd that the site owner doesn't want to talk about this. i'm not swearing at him, i'm simply asking him to be definite.
Your post had a dozen or so quotes of mine and then your attempt at replying to each of them. Again, I don't have the time or interest to continue this, especially not to get into an endless multi-quote posting duel with you which you would continue indefinitely and which bores to tears everyone else.

And it did have "personal jabs" at me. I can take jabs and a lot more, I have very thick skin after 25 years full-time in a mostly thankless "movement" that has no shortage of people like you in it -- never contributing financially, filled with negativity and always ready to think the worst of anyone who doesn't meet exactly your singular definition of purity. Without knowing you personally, I know you pretty well because I know your personality type.

If you continue to insist on having the last word on my "home field" so to speak -- one of the few places in life where I don't have to put up with ******** like you -- then they will be your last words here. Again, the choice is yours.
banning me says way more about you, than it does about me. i've tried to have a discussion, and you don't want to. yeah, it is your ball, and if you don't like the way the neighborhood kids are playing, you can take it home. if that's your criteria for banning, go 'head.
No, you never wanted to have a discussion, as you never once wrote, "I disagree with your post and here's why." Instead you began attacking me personally in different ways. I had to ask you repeatedly to respond to what you disagreed with in my post before you finally, reluctantly, did.

And it's clear you will keep this going indefinitely, so ok you got what you wanted.
What is historically inaccurate regarding my analogy of the negative attitude toward southern Europeans -- an attitude btw I've fought against consistently and vigorously my entire life as an activist -- toward that of certain Persians and North Africans in the present?

As far as that goes there really is a big difference even between Sicilians and their northern countrymen.
It is beyond ridiculous that Don would have to respond in any manner to allegations that would impune his credentials as a supporter of white people and interests. Also absurd is any criticism of what happend with the Populist Party, if someone would in fact have done reading about it on the internet, as is alleged, then they would know that the nutjob that Don and others had to deal with is the reason for the troubles that occurred.

It is also ironic that the Populist Party met with such difficulty because of the regretful tendency of some people to wreak havoc over slight differences in opinion that lead to internecine warfare based upon some perceived lack of purity in beliefs. And here we have a long time poster, a member in good standing, choosing to attack a man who has dedicated his life to the cause???

Don, I do not know how you can stand it after so many years, you must have a very strong stomach for this type of thing. Take your ball and go home?? I would have punted the damn thing away.
Sorry that the thing with C Darwin went down like that. At some point we have to realize that there are big differences, and little differences. Every single person on the planet has little differences between them, including identical twins. As has been stated numerous times, the common bond between all of us is supporting white athletes. From then we all diverge in different areas. Yes, we've gotten into plenty of discussions about whether certain athletes are white and on and on. But what good is it going to do to lash out at someone because their definition of white might be more inclusive, or even worse just determining what locations on Earth have people that are considered white!

I think in the future if someone gets upset at someone else to the point where they will be storming out of this forum or getting banned, then maybe a breather is in order and you decide to post on topics that won't reek this kind of havoc...

or spend the time posting links to on other blogs, youtube, newspaper sites, sports sites, and elsewhere.
Sorry that the thing with C Darwin went down like that. At some point we have to realize that there are big differences, and little differences. Every single person on the planet has little differences between them, including identical twins. As has been stated numerous times, the common bond between all of us is supporting white athletes. From then we all diverge in different areas. Yes, we've gotten into plenty of discussions about whether certain athletes are white and on and on. But what good is it going to do to lash out at someone because their definition of white might be more inclusive, or even worse just determining what locations on Earth have people that are considered white!

I think in the future if someone gets upset at someone else to the point where they will be storming out of this forum or getting banned, then maybe a breather is in order and you decide to post on topics that won't reek this kind of havoc...

or spend the time posting links to on other blogs, youtube, newspaper sites, sports sites, and elsewhere.
I pretty much agree with Electric Slide's post. I have had two running "post battles" here. But I totally respected those posters for their knowledge and being a CF members. I never questioned their integrity.

I don't know if C Darwin was permanently banned, but to question Don's on his status as a front line defender and integrity in the way he did was shocking! Maybe he had a bad day. It is unfortuneate. We have enough enemies against us. Hopefully he will make contact with Don and offer a sincere apology and get back on here.

On a another note, Adment 2k is a clever divider. I still believe he is fedor and spartan and posting threads to persuade us to quarrel amoungst ourselves IMO.
Don Wassall said:
If you continue to insist on having the last word on my "home field" so to speak – one of the few places in life where I don't have to put up with ******** like you -- then they will be your last words here. Again, the choice is yours.

Haha, great line.

Jaxvid said:
It is beyond ridiculous that Don would have to respond in any manner to allegations that would impune his credentials as a supporter of white people and interests. Also absurd is any criticism of what happend with the Populist Party, if someone would in fact have done reading about it on the internet, as is alleged, then they would know that the nutjob that Don and others had to deal with is the reason for the troubles that occurred.

It is also ironic that the Populist Party met with such difficulty because of the regretful tendency of some people to wreak havoc over slight differences in opinion that lead to internecine warfare based upon some perceived lack of purity in beliefs. And here we have a long time poster, a member in good standing, choosing to attack a man who has dedicated his life to the cause???

Don, I do not know how you can stand it after so many years, you must have a very strong stomach for this type of thing. Take your ball and go home?? I would have punted the damn thing away.

As always, Jaxvid produces a quality synopsis.

Perhaps CDarwin simply wasn’t acting himself and will return to normal. I’ve always enjoyed his posts, so hopefully he can mend his relationship with Don after this abnormal exchange of words.

Instead of attacking a true sage of pro-whiteness, he / we would be much better suited in bombarding Ahmet 2k with facetious barbs. He’s the habitual liar with multiple personalities (from multiple countries) and is most likely a non-white man or woman "posing" as white. I’ll personally scrutinize this little hemorrhoid’s every post from this moment forward.
I'm confident that he is trying to divide and conquer us!

For instance, he wants us to think that a large and significantly-populated country that is mostly in Asia (that being Turkey) is "homogenous" and filled with White people.. university-educated, really? Turkey is filled with many races, cultures, languages and various religious practices. No doubt that there are some eugenic families that understand race and want White-looking kids, but they don't exactly constitute the "mass man" in Turkey, or in other places like North Africa (that has some White-looking athletes).

The OP came here to proselytize, as most of us don't care about who he proclaims to be "dating"..

A forum I use to post at was run by a White woman of Georgian decent, people who knew her personally on the site compared her looks to Nordics, who was born and raised in Turkey, who immigrated to USA and became a citizen. She estimated that Turkey is about 15% White. She, also, had stories about sluts in burkas.

Others believe it was over 50% before the massacres and expulsion in the 20th century.

It looks like Turkey (Asia Minor), Persia (Iran), the Middle East, and North Africa once were majority White areas who built the early civilizations and then the nonwhites came and in time, ethically cleansed the Whites from the area but a remnant remained, who often formed a technological class because the nonwhites couldn't do the task. The fall of once White lands to nonwhites is a warning about what is taking place today but also shows that Whites have been able to survive and remain relatively pure in a hostile nonwhite area. Do these Whites possess a strong instinct against race mixing?
I'm in favor of the big tent theory as far as whiteness is concerned. Persians, Eastern slavs, Afghans, etc. But only as far as this. Can they become fully "WHITE" by embracing the best in white culture as exemplified by golden era America and Western European standards.

I often get into arguements with other white people about how can ALL white people (ie Europeans) be considered ONE people--a race--if there are so many differences in culture, language, etc. In other words how can a person from England be considered the same as someone from Poland (for example).

Easy-I reply, did their ancestors come over to America or England or Western Europe and effortlessly embrace the concepts of the culture? After 1 generation do their offspring fit in effortlessly in language, manners, customs, habits, temperment, with the native white people. For Poles, Russians, Sicilians, Nordics, Spainards, yes most definitely. And in my experience it is also true for Persians and some other Arabs. Is the skin a little darker-yes but so what, many Italians and Spainards are darker and it doesn't effect their ability to join white society effortlessly.

Is the same true for africans? No, an african is the same type of person in the Sudan as they are in South Africa, as they are in Haiti as they are in Detroit. Africans will even agree with this as long as you only consider those qualities they perceive as good.

How about Turks. I would say no. They don't seem to assimilate as well for whatever reason. So I think it's more then about skin color or tone (although that's a good indicator).

That is also why "Cubans" and American Indians were welcomed into MLB before Jackie Robinson. People of that time understood that there was something about certain people that allowed them to fit into their societies. For some others in was nearly impossible. Is it so hard for us a few generations removed from our greatest generations not to understand the nuances? Have we been so racially brainwashed as to not understand the basic human ability to sense those important qualities in other humans that would make them natural allies vs. natural enemies?
I'm almost in shock reading this thread. I haven't seen anything like this before, although I do remember some debate about whiteness not too long after I started posting here. I don't know what came over C Darwin for him to attack Don like that. Don has done more for our people than anyone else I've ever had personal dealings with. I'm ashamed of myself that I haven't personally called him up and talked to him after having been a poster on his site all this time. I don't see how anyone could honestly accuse Don of such things. He's put himself on the front lines fighting for the rights of White people for years and I wish we had millions more courageous White men like him.

I do agree with a couple of you who hope that Darwin will regain some semblance of balance and apologize to Don. There is nothing to be gained from us arguing about how to define whiteness anyway. We agree on who makes up the vast majority of Whites and among those groups are the Whites who are of central importance to this site. We should remain united in our effort to see that White athletes are recognized for their accomplishments and that they are no longer discriminated against. If we can help accomplish this, then many of the other ills that threaten our people and our way of life will be much less imminent than they are now.
I'm shocked as well that Darwin went after Don like that. After all, this is on the only pro-white sport website on the planet.

It seems that these ridiculous threads created by users with multiple personalities seem to bring us apart time and time again.
I'm shocked as well that Darwin went after Don like that. After all, this is on the only pro-white sport website on the planet.

It seems that these ridiculous threads created by users with multiple personalities seem to bring us apart time and time again.
This is an old "Trick" used my the multicultural goons for years.
Find the "Little" difference between like minded people and use it as a prybar to pull them apart. C Darwin just fell for it.....
This is an old "Trick" used my the multicultural goons for years.
Find the "Little" difference between like minded people and use it as a prybar to pull them apart. C Darwin just fell for it.....

I totally agree. Fortunately most of us have been exposed to this kind of externally caused infighting and are able to avoid it. At moments like this it's important to band together.

I actually like it when there are disagreements on this board over things like political issues, and we can have a nice back and forth conversation and get to espouse our beliefs, while the undecided can start to make up their minds. We have people here of all sorts of different political and religious backgrounds, yet we all can get behind the common bond we have which is supporting white athletes.
I totally agree. Fortunately most of us have been exposed to this kind of externally caused infighting and are able to avoid it. At moments like this it's important to band together.

I actually like it when there are disagreements on this board over things like political issues, and we can have a nice back and forth conversation and get to espouse our beliefs, while the undecided can start to make up their minds. We have people here of all sorts of different political and religious backgrounds, yet we all can get behind the common bond we have which is supporting white athletes.

I agree! After all it's a 'discussion' board which kind of means it's an 'argument' board. ;)
yes, respect to Don for this great website.Not many on the internet I like only castefootball, and some googling.
I also dont like much on TV like discussion programms becuase they nearly always think so differnt then me, for example when you are at the border of what would be the border of political correctness according to the left elite journalist ,they always say you are stereotyping,and that is not true for all.There were times in history the word P.C. didn't exist but is was not P.C. or it was taboo to say that the earth turned around the sun....But that you sterotyping argument you can use always even for sigarete even some would get older from using it becuase they have more chance on obesitas and sugar disease then of the lung and when they smoke they dont eat etc. and are less hungry.when it is not 100% the case it can still be really relevant %. If P.C. people need a medicinee from the doctor will they when he sais that is is a best medicine with least risk ( in stead of saying this is the best medicine for most people ) will they then also talk about stereotype, doesn't work for all etc. lol.On otherside when a P.C guy mentiones an clearly exception to some rule he thinks he makes a good argument which is in my opinion the worst argument you can make.I always go off topic lol.
I agree! After all it's a 'discussion' board which kind of means it's an 'argument' board. ;)

haha yes but when you think completely differnt about something argumention don't work and you get easily mad.
You can never turn a P.C guy into a castefootball lover even if you had 100% prove of caste system i think...
I have seen 1 or 2 times a guy giving an perfect argument or very close to it but the other opposite thinker still didn't stopped his mouth and keeped talking.You can change you're mind but nearly always only when you don't think about complete the opposite.
I think argumnetating works the best if you think a little different from eacother but not too much.
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