First of all let me say I used to post as "BoxingFanUK", and Ive been on this site about 1 year. I love the cause and I love supporting the cause. 
I am a proud white-European guy, good-looking, 22 years old, good job for my age, University educated. I have many Arabic and Persian girlfriends (currently I am with Persian) and I feel for sure I will end up marrying one and having kids with her.
Although I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white athletes. I have to say, sometimes I dont feel proud of white women, and I dont think they measure up to white men. Im simply not attracted to white women as far as marriage goes.
White women are:
- Disloyal
- Extremely slutty
- Weak minded (slutty, bad mothers, can't hold together a marriage, highest divorce % in the world)
- Feminist
-Stupid (They grow up watching MTV and literally act like the dumb blondes/ pseudo-feminists on the shows)
This is just my observations into this issue.
Keep in mind I am a young man so I might be more "up to date" with current things than a lot of you older guys on the site. On the topic of white women, I just have to say, white women are hands down the sluttiest girls Ive ever dealt with or had sex with. Im speaking from first hand experience. Many times, Ive dated white women in one night, or even literally within 15 minutes of meeting them at a bar/club, and they have sex with me just after meeting me, or on the first date.
Ive had sex with several white women and several Middle Eastern women. White girls always have sex with me on first date/first night, and will perform oral sex on me easily. Sometimes I meet white girls at a hotel bar or club and within 20 minutes we're basically having sex. Middle Eastern women takes me about a month/2 months before sex, and its more restricted sex.
I also find white women to be very weak minded in addition to being slutty. In my opinion, many white women don't make good wives or mothers. I have a white neighbour and she is always screaming at her son, she smokes, and she's just a horrible god damn mother. Also, so many white women initiate divorces and its just ridiculous. I don't agree with divorces and I find usually a white woman is the root of the problem.
Not to mention the countless, and I mean countless of white women who marry/date outside of their race. (Mind you I suppose I am no better, because I always date outside my race as well). But I never date black people, just Persian/Middle Eastern.
So many white women date black men and its god damn disgusting and disloyal behaviour on part of white women. I see that, and I instantly lose respect for all white women. It wouldnt be so bad if they were dating Spanish or Arab guys. But black guys are just gross and taking things too far.
No doubt there are cultural reasons for this. None of this is inherent to white women, its the North American culture (and perhaps Jewish influence) which makes them this way.
I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white men. But when it comes to white women, sorry to say I dont see anything to be proud of.
I am a proud white-European guy, good-looking, 22 years old, good job for my age, University educated. I have many Arabic and Persian girlfriends (currently I am with Persian) and I feel for sure I will end up marrying one and having kids with her.
Although I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white athletes. I have to say, sometimes I dont feel proud of white women, and I dont think they measure up to white men. Im simply not attracted to white women as far as marriage goes.
White women are:
- Disloyal
- Extremely slutty
- Weak minded (slutty, bad mothers, can't hold together a marriage, highest divorce % in the world)
- Feminist
-Stupid (They grow up watching MTV and literally act like the dumb blondes/ pseudo-feminists on the shows)
This is just my observations into this issue.
Keep in mind I am a young man so I might be more "up to date" with current things than a lot of you older guys on the site. On the topic of white women, I just have to say, white women are hands down the sluttiest girls Ive ever dealt with or had sex with. Im speaking from first hand experience. Many times, Ive dated white women in one night, or even literally within 15 minutes of meeting them at a bar/club, and they have sex with me just after meeting me, or on the first date.
Ive had sex with several white women and several Middle Eastern women. White girls always have sex with me on first date/first night, and will perform oral sex on me easily. Sometimes I meet white girls at a hotel bar or club and within 20 minutes we're basically having sex. Middle Eastern women takes me about a month/2 months before sex, and its more restricted sex.
I also find white women to be very weak minded in addition to being slutty. In my opinion, many white women don't make good wives or mothers. I have a white neighbour and she is always screaming at her son, she smokes, and she's just a horrible god damn mother. Also, so many white women initiate divorces and its just ridiculous. I don't agree with divorces and I find usually a white woman is the root of the problem.
Not to mention the countless, and I mean countless of white women who marry/date outside of their race. (Mind you I suppose I am no better, because I always date outside my race as well). But I never date black people, just Persian/Middle Eastern.
So many white women date black men and its god damn disgusting and disloyal behaviour on part of white women. I see that, and I instantly lose respect for all white women. It wouldnt be so bad if they were dating Spanish or Arab guys. But black guys are just gross and taking things too far.
No doubt there are cultural reasons for this. None of this is inherent to white women, its the North American culture (and perhaps Jewish influence) which makes them this way.
I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white men. But when it comes to white women, sorry to say I dont see anything to be proud of.
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