Thoughts on White Women

Ahmet 2k

Jul 13, 2011
First of all let me say I used to post as "BoxingFanUK", and Ive been on this site about 1 year. I love the cause and I love supporting the cause. :)

I am a proud white-European guy, good-looking, 22 years old, good job for my age, University educated. I have many Arabic and Persian girlfriends (currently I am with Persian) and I feel for sure I will end up marrying one and having kids with her.

Although I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white athletes. I have to say, sometimes I dont feel proud of white women, and I dont think they measure up to white men. Im simply not attracted to white women as far as marriage goes.

White women are:
- Disloyal
- Extremely slutty
- Weak minded (slutty, bad mothers, can't hold together a marriage, highest divorce % in the world)
- Feminist
-Stupid (They grow up watching MTV and literally act like the dumb blondes/ pseudo-feminists on the shows)

This is just my observations into this issue.

Keep in mind I am a young man so I might be more "up to date" with current things than a lot of you older guys on the site.
On the topic of white women, I just have to say, white women are hands down the sluttiest girls Ive ever dealt with or had sex with. Im speaking from first hand experience. Many times, Ive dated white women in one night, or even literally within 15 minutes of meeting them at a bar/club, and they have sex with me just after meeting me, or on the first date.

Ive had sex with several white women and several Middle Eastern women. White girls always have sex with me on first date/first night, and will perform oral sex on me easily. Sometimes I meet white girls at a hotel bar or club and within 20 minutes we're basically having sex. Middle Eastern women takes me about a month/2 months before sex, and its more restricted sex.

I also find white women to be very weak minded in addition to being slutty. In my opinion, many white women don't make good wives or mothers. I have a white neighbour and she is always screaming at her son, she smokes, and she's just a horrible god damn mother. Also, so many white women initiate divorces and its just ridiculous. I don't agree with divorces and I find usually a white woman is the root of the problem.

Not to mention the countless, and I mean countless of white women who marry/date outside of their race. (Mind you I suppose I am no better, because I always date outside my race as well). But I never date black people, just Persian/Middle Eastern.

So many white women date black men and its god damn disgusting and disloyal behaviour on part of white women. I see that, and I instantly lose respect for all white women. It wouldnt be so bad if they were dating Spanish or Arab guys. But black guys are just gross and taking things too far.

No doubt there are cultural reasons for this. None of this is inherent to white women, its the North American culture (and perhaps Jewish influence) which makes them this way.

I am proud of being a white man, and I support all white men. But when it comes to white women, sorry to say I dont see anything to be proud of.
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the only way to chance the negative things you see in our women, is to have a litter of your own, and raise them properly. if you're doing that, you are doing your part to fix the problem.
First of all let me say I used to post as "BoxingFanUK", and Ive been on this site about 1 year. I love the cause and I love supporting the cause. :)

If you pm me your password, you can sign in as BoxingFanUK.
the only way to chance the negative things you see in our women, is to have a litter of your own, and raise them properly. if you're doing that, you are doing your part to fix the problem.

I respect your opinion, but Im not sure I agree with you.

Quite frankly, I think even in a family that is headed by a racially-conscious-realist man, white women will still deviate into these kind of slutty, weak minded, and feminist behaviours.

A large part of "the problem" faced by the white race is rooted in and can be blamed on white women, in my opinion.

I think a better solution for some white men is to date outside of their race (Middle Eastern or Spanish). Middle Eastern or Spanish is Caucasian anyway, and in fact both races can be considered borderline white on a case-by-case basis.

Just my 2 cents!
I respect your opinion, but Im not sure I agree with you.

Quite frankly, I think even in a family that is headed by a racially-conscious-realist man, white women will still deviate into these kind of slutty, weak minded, and feminist behaviours.

A large part of "the problem" faced by the white race is rooted in and can be blamed on white women, in my opinion.

I think a better solution for some white men is to date outside of their race (Middle Eastern or Spanish). Middle Eastern or Spanish is Caucasian anyway, and in fact both races can be considered borderline white on a case-by-case basis.

Just my 2 cents!

ooo. i see. white women have a genetic disposition to be sluts. got it. and for the cure, breed with non-white a-rabs. what a great idea. end white promiscuity amongst our females by destroying our ethnicity completely. i wish you could have let us know this sooner, having wasted all this time trying to preserve our people.

the biggest slut at my job right now is a palestinian woman. cheats on her white husband with other white men.

a-rabs are mixed raced with predominant caucasoid cranial features, but are not white. you fail to realise that your prescription to the problem is self -destructive to white people. this is not an opinion, but fact.
the biggest slut at my job right now is a palestinian woman. cheats on her white husband with other white men.

I find that hard to believe. Certainly an exception, not the rule.

The rule is white women are sluttier. (This is rooted in their bringing up and culture through tv, music, movies, north american mentality which says its OK to have sex with random guys)

I personally know from firsthand experience. Ive had sex with numerous white girls and numerous Middle Eastern girls. I can tell you, positively: White women are sluttier, have sex with me on the 1st date, will do almost anything sexual in bed. Middle Eastern girls are usually much more conservative, take 1-2 months before they have sex with me, and are more restricted.

I am speaking from my own experience and I do feel confident this permeates well towards the entire population as a general rule.
Ahmet, that's a great way to preserve our race, date Middle Eastern women. White populations are on the decline all over the world thanks to whites that think exactly like you do. Sorry buddy but your logic is just totally wrong.
breed with non-white a-rabs. what a great idea. end white promiscuity amongst our females by destroying our ethnicity completely. i wish you could have let us know this sooner, having wasted all this time trying to preserve our people.

A child between a white and an Arab, or Persian will probably come out looking completely white.

Arabs and Persians already look white many times anyway, even though technically they are not white. So a child between a white man- Arab woman will come out probably looking completely white. Society will certainly look at the child as being white.

As a white man, I know that white women have the highest probability for divorce, failed marriages/families, single parent families. So, knowing that, there exists a good, statistical reason to avoid white women. White women make poor wives and mothers, and divorce rates, single parent rates show this statistically. North American whites have the highest divorce rates in the World. Thats not a good thing and it gives me good reason to avoid this trap.

A troubled white family is not going to help this cause.
You guys say to find a good white woman, well Im 22 years old, Ive never met a white woman that has impressed me by her mentality, personality.

I'd be better to marry with an Arab and have a successful marriage.

I have a Persian girlfriend now and will eventually marry one. Persians are borderline white anyway. (For example some middle eastern countries like Turkey, Armenia are already considered white)

Thats fine that you don't agree with me. We can politely disagree. Cheers :)
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I respect everyone's opinion, so I should receive respect back for my opinions.

I dont want to cause a fight or argument so hopefully we can all keep the discussion civil and polite.

I support white men 100% and I am racially-concious. I am also aware of the caste system in sports and seek to reduce it. Thats why I post on this site.
Ahmet, that's a great way to preserve our race, date Middle Eastern women. White populations are on the decline all over the world thanks to whites that think exactly like you do. Sorry buddy but your logic is just totally wrong.

My logic is better than ending up in a divorce, or seeing a poor mother to my children. As I said, a troubled white family, or split up white family only adds to the problem.

I am very unsatisfied with the behaviour and mindset of white women in North American society. I wouldnt want one as a wife.

I am happy dating Persians/Arabs, very sexy, make amazing wives and are very loyal. Also, they are basically white anyways. In fact, some middle easterns (Turks, Armenians) ARE in fact considered white.

I would never date black, or Asian.

But dating Arabs, light skin Spanish is tolerable, in my opinion.
My logic is better than ending up in a divorce, or seeing a poor mother to my children. As I said, a troubled white family, or split up white family only adds to the problem.

I am very unsatisfied with the behaviour and mindset of white women in North American society. I wouldnt want one as a wife.

I am happy dating Persians/Arabs, very sexy, make amazing wives and are very loyal. Also, they are basically white anyways. In fact, some middle easterns (Turks, Armenians) ARE in fact considered white.

I would never date black, or Asian.

But dating Arabs, light skin Spanish is tolerable, in my opinion.

All races of women, and not just white ones, have a high rate of getting divorced these days. It's simply a sign of the times and it seems a high percentage of women these days only care about your wallet.

There are still a decent amount of good white women out there who are honest and have some morals. A statistic such as divorce rates is not a good enough excuse for me to date outside my race.
I respect everyone's opinion, so I should receive respect back for my opinions.

I dont want to cause a fight or argument so hopefully we can all keep the discussion civil and polite.

I support white men 100% and I am racially-concious. I am also aware of the caste system in sports and seek to reduce it. Thats why I post on this site.

Nobody is trying to disrespect you, but you are wrong in saying white women are the sluttiest out there. I know from experience of friends and relatives that don't date white women, and there is no possible way to say women of other races hold some sort of moral highground over white women. Just not true.

Now, you have identified a persistant problem in the white community, the MTV bs that a lot of white girls imitate. That's something that should be noted and something we should work to solve. But ditching white women, and disrespecting all of our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, etc. is very rude and self-defeating. Yes I know a lot of white women are problematic, but that hasn't stopped me from dating them, and hopefully one day marrying one.

Your attitude is actually the goal of the multicultural forces of the world, divide white people against each other. Fortunately a lot of us don't think your way. I know numerous young white guys and girls that have gotten married, are real religious, and have kids right away. There's no chance of divorce because there's no history of divorce in those families. That these are people, like me and you, who are in their 20s. How do you explain these white men who found quality white women, when you claim there are non out there?
I think white women could be a bit more what people would call slut.
But ypou have to realise of people that some bisexuals have very strong attraction to both sexes but on average it is a bit splitted so the psychicall attraction to both is splitted.
From study I saw very high portion of white women see therselves as straight and for non white even more.But if you ask to who men women do you find attractive, amount , where do you fantasy about, attraction the women of the straight women answer less liklely what you would expect compared to there oppinion that they are straight.Even a big portion is bisexual with the test shows more attracted to same sex then to the other but becuase they only practise men, the hunters, the see therlves as straight and would at the most fill in if there was a category for bi curious ( althrough some interpertate differnt and think they know there bi without practising it).I think sexuality is genetic and interperattion is other port of genetic but also a third or quarter of women with stronger attraction to women( around a third of or less of like35% of women) that are whites goes with women and that portion is much bigger then for let say Arab women were nearly every lesbian goes with a men except maybe the ones living in the west but that is few generations and so have more same sex attraction genes.Becuase average white women is more attracted to men then average other race women are.I think of arab asian black living outside west but also still in west the women have still same amount attraction psychically no mather the gender so with more gay genes on x chromosme where it is most prevalent but also more prev;lant for men on the y chromosome .I think being less attracted to the opposite sex place next to environment caracter a part in playing hard to get , and the guy have to be more funny etc. for an arab women and it takes more time to be attracted then it takes for relatively straight white women.In the test you saw that men where much less likley to be bi and I wouldn't be suprised that men are more slutty on average becuase they are more straight.

I dont say you cant be bi and be attracted to both sexes a lot or that you can't be very straight without being slutty but I think it is a factor.For example the women that are bisexual and first call thers;ves straight and later go to a women becuase they found out they love them more and cal, terslves then lesbian are not the wome for example that would have been very ''slutty'' to men in the past.
I experienced myself that if women are very into you and straight it is just logical that you go easier further and be slutty, altrough I just dont would call it slutty.
bad written. I just mean that white women are from scale 1 gay and 10 straight loving guys on average 6.5. and in history much closer to 5 where women from most cultures are still close too acoording to dutch study and calculating the results from questions.It was always more important the most importnant for the male hunters to be straight.becuase of the hunting males less gayness on y chromosome.Becuase of white women live in cultrue with less taboo more non straight genes are selected out compared to that of arabs and others espacially the ones not living in western culrure or only 1 generation etc.I think straight women can play hard to get but a non straight women plays it close to men.
Below are some pertinent quotes concerning your sagacious opinion of white women’s sexual promiscuity…

ahmet 2k said:
White women are:
- Disloyal
- Extremely slutty
- Weak minded (slutty, bad mothers, can't hold together a marriage, highest divorce % in the world)
- Feminist
-Stupid (They grow up watching MTV and literally act like the dumb blondes/ pseudo-feminists on the shows)

ahmet 2k said:
On the topic of white women, I just have to say, white women are hands down the sluttiest girls Ive ever dealt with or had sex with

ahmet 2k said:
I also find white women to be very weak minded in addition to being slutty.

ahmet 2k said:
Quite frankly, I think even in a family that is headed by a racially-conscious-realist man, white women will still deviate into these kind of slutty, weak minded, and feminist behaviours.

ahmet 2k said:
I can tell you, positively: White women are sluttier, have sex with me on the 1st date, will do almost anything sexual in bed.

ahmet 2k said:
The rule is white women are sluttier.

Below are some pertinent quotes in which you openly reveal your own sexual promiscuity…

ahmet 2k said:
white women are hands down the sluttiest girls Ive ever dealt with or had sex with. Im speaking from first hand experience. Many times, Ive dated white women in one night, or even literally within 15 minutes of meeting them at a bar/club, and they have sex with me just after meeting me, or on the first date.

ahmet 2k said:
Ive had sex with several white women and several Middle Eastern women. White girls always have sex with me on first date/first night, and will perform oral sex on me easily. Sometimes I meet white girls at a hotel bar or club and within 20 minutes we're basically having sex. Middle Eastern women takes me about a month/2 months before sex, and its more restricted sex.

Exactly how many women (white, Arabic, or otherwise) have you engaged in sexual intercourse, Mr. Anti-Slut? If you supposedly loathe white women, and allegedly despise “sluts,” then why did you consciously decide to have sex with either “15 minutes after" first meeting them? You, and the prostitute-level women you’ve so thoroughly derided (post-sex, of course), certainly deserve one other. If you’ve failed to recognize the amusing irony in, well, every single word you’ve posted…the rational cells within your brain matter must be truly nonexistent.

ahmet 2k said:
I respect everyone's opinion, so I should receive respect back for my opinions.
I dont want to cause a fight or argument so hopefully we can all keep the discussion civil and polite.

Sleeping around with every whore you can locate (in 15 minutes or less ) at bars and hotels is now considered an “opinion?” Only in your immature, Jew-conceived fantasy world. And no, you should receive no “respect” until it’s been properly earned (through work and dedication to the cause), Newbie-Jew.

For the record…I don’t believe any of the digital-feces you’ve composed in this thread accurately describes your real life in the “UK.” Especially the parts about being “good looking” and “University educated.”
The only "test" here is whether or not one roots for White athletes. For a long time in the U.S., dating an Italian or Greek was considered controversial, not much different really than dating a Persian or light-skinned North African is now in certain circles.

The reality is that in extremely multi-racial societies such as Britain and the U.S., there is going to be a lot of race mixing; it's unavoidable. Thrashen, as usual, makes a lot of good points, but to end by calling the op a "newbie-Jew" is to take the easy way out.
then maybe the site should be redefined as a pro trans-aryan site, if that is the position of the site owner.

makes me wonder about the rumors of why the populist party failed.
So what is your explanation as to why the Populist Party "failed."

I'm sure you supported it whole-heartedly financially and through activism, right? So what went wrong?
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The only "test" here is whether or not one roots for White athletes. For a long time in the U.S., dating an Italian or Greek was considered controversial, not much different really than dating a Persian or light-skinned North African is now in certain circles.

The reality is that in extremely multi-racial societies such as Britain and the U.S., there is going to be a lot of race mixing; it's unavoidable. Thrashen, as usual, makes a lot of good points, but to end by calling the op a "newbie-Jew" is to take the easy way out.

Our friend, ahment 2K, is hardly a Jew based on his new handle. My guess is that he is a Persian Muslim or a Pakistani Muslim, which I have no problem with him posting or giving his view on sports, particularly boxing. I am friends with a older Paki who works at a 7-11 with the same name, he is Muslim in religion, but is more Americanized than being a devote Muslim. He believes it has a place in his life, approximately an hour of prayer tops. He is a great guy. Never to one to hurt a soul.

I believe ahmet 2K is an Arab, Persian, or Paki.
Nobody is trying to disrespect you, but you are wrong in saying white women are the sluttiest out there. I know from experience of friends and relatives that don't date white women, and there is no possible way to say women of other races hold some sort of moral highground over white women. Just not true.

Now, you have identified a persistant problem in the white community, the MTV bs that a lot of white girls imitate. That's something that should be noted and something we should work to solve. But ditching white women, and disrespecting all of our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, etc. is very rude and self-defeating. Yes I know a lot of white women are problematic, but that hasn't stopped me from dating them, and hopefully one day marrying one.

Your attitude is actually the goal of the multicultural forces of the world, divide white people against each other. Fortunately a lot of us don't think your way. I know numerous young white guys and girls that have gotten married, are real religious, and have kids right away. There's no chance of divorce because there's no history of divorce in those families. That these are people, like me and you, who are in their 20s. How do you explain these white men who found quality white women, when you claim there are non out there?

I'm confident that he is trying to divide and conquer us!

For instance, he wants us to think that a large and significantly-populated country that is mostly in Asia (that being Turkey) is "homogenous" and filled with White people.. university-educated, really? Turkey is filled with many races, cultures, languages and various religious practices. No doubt that there are some eugenic families that understand race and want White-looking kids, but they don't exactly constitute the "mass man" in Turkey, or in other places like North Africa (that has some White-looking athletes).

The OP came here to proselytize, as most of us don't care about who he proclaims to be "dating"..
don wassall said:
The only "test" here is whether or not one roots for White athletes. For a long time in the U.S., dating an Italian or Greek was considered controversial, not much different really than dating a Persian or light-skinned North African is now in certain circles.

The reality is that in extremely multi-racial societies such as Britain and the U.S., there is going to be a lot of race mixing; it's unavoidable. Thrashen, as usual, makes a lot of good points, but to end by calling the op a "newbie-Jew" is to take the easy way out.

Don, I apologize for using inappropriate language. I was curt with “Ahmet 2k” simply because this thread evoked a memory of a similarly Arab-adoring thread created in early 2010. The thread was called “Dating NonWhite Females” and was created by a poster known as “Listen2Trance.” Take note of the writing style and some of the bolded portions in which he uses the exact same wording in this thread. Gee, I wonder if this is “Ahmet 2k?”...

listen2trance said:
First let me describe myself by saying I am a 21 year old European male. I consider myself "proud" of my heritage. I don't harbour any feelings of hate towards anyone else, but I do like to support white athletes and such.

I have been involved in a number of sexual and dating relationships with Persian & Arab Females. Of course, Muslim.

Sometimes I feel like white, European people are very similar to Arabs, Persians, but then again there are some differences as well! Language, culture, appearance, also some physical features.

Do you think its OK to consider whites and Arabs the same race?

Sometimes I also feel very warm towards the religion of Islam, and I notice many Muslims are in fact white (Russian, Bosnian, Albanian etc). Also many (but not all) Arabs/persians are friendly towards white people.

Basically I am asking, how do you feel about dating nonwhite females? What about Arabs and Persians? (I would never date a black girl, only Arabs/persians). What about having kids with these kinds of girls?

How do you value Arabs and Persians and do you consider them white? Also, how do you feel about Islam.

Plz & Thnx this is a very personal issue to me!

He was supposedly 21 years old back then, and supposedly 22 years old now.

Later in that particular thread, he stated the following…

listen2trance said:
My girlfriend, that I have been with 5 years is Afghan. I am living in Canada. We are both 21. I am Canadian-born but I have English/French background.

He also started a thread entitled “Arab Girls” several months later. In this thread, he simply posted several hand-picked photos of attractive, white-looking Arabic women.

He also created a thread praising Andre Ward, a black boxer with a white father.

His formula is simple…create a thread concerning his infatuation with Arabic women, make 2-3 more token posts in defense of his position, then disappear as veteran members fight over whether or not Arabs should be considered “white.”

As I said before, I don’t believe a single word of his lies. For instance, under the name “Listen2Trance,” he was living in Canada, and under “BoxingFan UK” he was living in England.

I suppose he'll resurface again in a few more months to repeat the cycle.
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