Third and final fight tonight, Donald Trump vs. the Evil Old Hag


Jan 27, 2016
The big thing that is going to come out of the debate is that Trump would not say he would accept the results of the election until it happens. Good! Screw their crooked system, typical cuck attitude, get cheated out of an election yet not complain.


Oct 6, 2007
The Fox news announcer at the end of it said that the most dramatic moment of the debate was when Trump was asked if he would accept the outcome of the election no matter what. Trump declined to do so, saying he would wait until it happened and then he would see. Which is exactly what he should have said. The Establishment of course wants Trump to go along quietly when they steal the election for Hillary. Hillary of course is planning to steal the general election just like she stole the Primary, so the disingenuous witch said she was "horrified" that Trump wouldn't agree to go along with a fixed result and her malevolent plans to steal the election. I am so glad he said that. We all need to email Trump between now and election day and tell him not to accept the result of the election if it appears it was rigged.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I agree, that was the best part. Trump is the first one to call them out on their phony rigged vote counting and news coverage and polls, at least in modern times. The rest of them just stood there sucking on their thumbs when they got robbed. I didn't catch this whole debate, just parts. I can't take that hag's maniacal smile and laugh. Right after it was over i heard a tv talking head "analyze" it. He said Trump took it to "a dark place" again. He read that from the script.
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
When you watch these debates you have to take the analysts opinions with a grain of salt. I saw an obvious bull dyke talk about how Trump came across as pompous and crude. But just from her looks you know that she would be for Hillary even if he she said he she was going to let Mexico annex the entire 50 states.....


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Trump did well. Now its up to the Whites to WTF up. Its a no brainer. Trump never laid down. He will need to go on policy on the teleprompter for part of his rallies to drive the message home. Its a easy decision with anyone with a half a brain. We shall see.


Oct 6, 2007
I agree, that was the best part. Trump is the first one to call them out on their phony rigged vote counting and news coverage and polls, at least in modern times. The rest of them just stood there sucking on their thumbs when they got robbed. I didn't catch this whole debate, just parts. I can't take that hag's maniacal smile and laugh. Right after it was over i heard a tv talking head "analyze" it. He said Trump took it to "a dark place" again. He read that from the script.

The rest of them stood there and took it because they were part of the process of stealing the election for the psychopath oligarch' s candidate. The most recent example was Romney. Ohio and Florida were obviously, blatantly stolen for Obama in 2012. You can't get 100% or more of the vote in a certain district, as Obama did in multiple districts in those two decisive swing states. But Romney and the RNC raised not a peep in protest, because they were in on it. Trump will not do that. I think he will fight this out to the bitter end. Which is exactly what this country and civilization needs.


Nov 25, 2004
Trump was just OK. Actually he left a lot a bullets in the gun. On immigration and open borders Chris Wallace had to bring up her wikileaks "open borders" comment. How could a softball like this escape his mind? In the second debate he was awesome. I think he prepared better or at least performed better because he was pissed off. Perhaps he is just a lazy billionaire who doesn't always do his homework. He could have hit a homerun easily last night but settled for a walk. I'm glad he didn't pledge to accept the results "no matter what". What the blank is that anyway? Why should anyone accept the results if they were illegitimate? Now we all have to get on facebook and detail why we are voting for Trump. A large percentage of people vote based on popular opinion.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Somebody tell me I'm not the only one that thinks Meagan Kelly needs a good beatin'. I just watched her be an absolute bitch to Trump's campaign Manager on the air. It's like she was auditioning to be the world champion at being a total chunt. She has got to be a Democrat. She is a shameless, godless POS.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Somebody tell me I'm not the only one that thinks Meagan Kelly needs a good beatin'. I just watched her be an absolute bitch to Trump's campaign Manager on the air. It's like she was auditioning to be the world champion at being a total chunt. She has got to be a Democrat. She is a shameless, godless POS.

Kelly is a disgusting pig!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
After the debate, I watched "post debate coverage" on Fox, CNN, and and MSNBC. As always, every single analyst on every network bemoaned the exact same issues and employed the exact same talking points. They all mentioned the "nasty woman" (saying it was sexist) and "hombre" (saying it was racist) comments and literally uttered the exact same phrase ("Trump did great tonight, but he erased all of his progress by not accepting the election results. He rejects our democratic process!") in their commentary.

After learning that the DNC (via Project Veritas Action's recording) literally paid rioters to incite violence at a Trump rally in Chicago this past March, Donald brought up a good point when he said:

"I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence. She’s the one, and Obama, that caused the violence. They hired people, they paid them $1,500, and they’re on tape saying, be violent, cause fights, do bad things When I saw what they did, which is a criminal act by the way, where they’re telling people to go out and start fist-fights and start violence. In particular in Chicago people were hurt, and people could’ve been killed in that riot. And that was now all on tape started by her."

Citizens, rioters, rally-goers, or police certainly could've indeed gotten killed, as many were injured in the countless brawls and melees that occurred inside/outside the arena that night.

Some damning quotes about paying/instigating people to intentionally incite violence at Trump rallies that were caught on tape:

"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want. The whole point of it is, we know Trump’s people will freak the f-ck out, the security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their sh-ts."

"There’s a script. There’s a script of engagement. Sometimes the crazies bite, and the crazies don’t bite."

"The key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic. I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these f-ckers to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get in the rally in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or Trump is a Nazi. You can message to draw them out and message them to punch you."

"The campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the the Foval Group goes and executes this sh-t on the ground."

CF posters aren't surprised by any of this stuff, but JoeSixPack should be. Too bad he'll never know.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I thought overall Trump held his ground and appreciated his comments about conceding if defeated. He did however repeat himself and did not go into much detail but rather spoke in broad terms about many of the topics (Mosul, Syria, the Debt). I would of liked to have seen him bring out specifics, cite examples but that is just me nitpicking. I guess my main "gripe" was not using the full wikileaks data dump to his advantage - when that bitch went on her rant about him saying everything was rigged all he had to say was well the Wikileaks data dump shows that you and the DNC chairman rigged the nomination process to steal it from Bernie Sanders. Overall though Trump is unapologetic and taking no prisoners.

I really cannot understand why she isn't in prison already. I can't understand that people actually ignore all of the illegal stuff she has done that has been exposed through wikileaks and I really cannot stand seeing her up on stage just spewing out ******** and not being called out because the powers that be are doing their best to protect her. The amount of indoctrination done on so many amerikans so that they will blindly support this piece of **** is amazing - so many lack basic self-awareness, intuition, unable to question anything, thinking for themselves - it just goes to show how dumbed down this country is.


May 1, 2015
Somebody tell me I'm not the only one that thinks Meagan Kelly needs a good beatin'. I just watched her be an absolute bitch to Trump's campaign Manager on the air. It's like she was auditioning to be the world champion at being a total chunt. She has got to be a Democrat. She is a shameless, godless POS.
I wonder if that was Breitbart's O'Bannon. Much of Breitbart's ascendance is due to Fox's move to the left. They are helping to fill that void. While Fox are sycophants for the neoconservatives, Breitbart skews more towards what an authentic Tea Party would be and border-line Alt Right. So, she's trying to discredit Breitbart, a true competitor to Fox, just like she's been as a pawn to move Fox to the left and to the establishment right.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Hillary kept looking down while she was talking, as if reading from a script. She wasn't, but her eyes are very weird. When she wasn't looking down her eyes were darting around very quickly. On the few occasions she looked at the live camera, it was only for a split second, as if she couldn't maintain any eye contact. And her eyes aren't aligned quite right; something is off there, perhaps from the medications she's taking.

Trump should have hit the leaked Wikileaks material on Clinton much harder. There is so much there to damn her with, and of course the corporate media is suppressing it so Trump should have been hammering it over and over instead of reciting some of his previous talking points about for example Mosul, which few Americans actually care about. And when she was again going through the litany of Trump's supposed insults toward women, Mexicans, etc., Trump again and again should have countered with Hillary's derogatory remarks about Trump's supporters, Bernie Sanders' supporters, and her hatred of ordinary Americans as made clear from the Wikileaks material. He should have pointed out the discrepancy in media coverage of his campaign and Hillary's. Trump was too much on the defensive but overall did a good job again. If there's an honest vote count he should win. If there's an honest vote count and he loses, then it will be impossible for anyone not from the far left to win a national election again, unless a powerful nationalist political party is formed (and led by Trump) that can win three-way races.


May 1, 2015
Trump started off his rally speech in Ohio today that he will now support the election results...if he wins! Ha!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Somebody tell me I'm not the only one that thinks Meagan Kelly needs a good beatin'. I just watched her be an absolute bitch to Trump's campaign Manager on the air. It's like she was auditioning to be the world champion at being a total chunt. She has got to be a Democrat. She is a shameless, godless POS.
Not quite, Kelly lit into the lying DNC chairwoman Donna Brazil for providing the hag debate questions prior to debates, that were exposed by Wikileaks. Brazil was flustered and called Kelly a thief on the air! LOL Its all over the political sites.