After the debate, I watched "post debate coverage" on Fox, CNN, and and MSNBC. As always, every single analyst on every network bemoaned the exact same issues and employed the exact same talking points. They all mentioned the "nasty woman" (saying it was sexist) and "hombre" (saying it was racist) comments and literally uttered the exact same phrase ("Trump did great tonight, but he erased all of his progress by not accepting the election results. He rejects our democratic process!") in their commentary.
After learning that the DNC (via Project Veritas Action's recording) literally paid rioters to incite violence at a Trump rally in Chicago this past March, Donald brought up a good point when he said:
"I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence. She’s the one, and Obama, that caused the violence. They hired people, they paid them $1,500, and they’re on tape saying, be violent, cause fights, do bad things When I saw what they did, which is a criminal act by the way, where they’re telling people to go out and start fist-fights and start violence. In particular in Chicago people were hurt, and people could’ve been killed in that riot. And that was now all on tape started by her."
Citizens, rioters, rally-goers, or police certainly could've indeed gotten killed, as many were injured in the countless brawls and melees that occurred inside/outside the arena that night.
Some damning quotes about paying/instigating people to intentionally incite violence at Trump rallies that were caught on tape:
"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want. The whole point of it is, we know Trump’s people will freak the f-ck out, the security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their sh-ts."
"There’s a script. There’s a script of engagement. Sometimes the crazies bite, and the crazies don’t bite."
"The key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic. I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these f-ckers to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get in the rally in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or Trump is a Nazi. You can message to draw them out and message them to punch you."
"The campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the the Foval Group goes and executes this sh-t on the ground."
CF posters aren't surprised by any of this stuff, but JoeSixPack should be. Too bad he'll never know.