They’ve won.

Sep 24, 2006
I know I said I wouldn't be back as a poster, but I'm finally giving up the NFL. Vince Young has essentially killed any future hopes of a white resurgence of any sort, while simultaenously robbing whites of any chance to play QB. Bear with me for a moment, if you would.

He's won what? Seven or eight of twelve, has begun putting up decent passing numbers, and still adds the 'afleticism' of being black. There might very well be something to the idea of blacks playing harder for a black coach, so why not playing harder for a black QB? The Titans have stepped up their game for the most part since Young began playing. He was atrocious early, but he really is coming on strong now. Now college, and high school coaches are going to see him and think, i can have it all with a black QB. There will still be a few standouts, since it will take a few years for this to truly trickle into the mainstream, but the writing is on the wall. Whitey not only is no longer welcome, he isn't needed in the Negro Felon League. It's an extremely depressing thought for me; I thought that after this season's pathetic dropped passes, whites might be given a shot, but I think Vince Young is the final nail in the coffin of white football players. Back to lurking now.
Hey Bowen, I agree with your post.Must have had too much egg-nog today.
We've learned that black players prefer playing for black coaches and with other blacks, and also play harder for black quarterbacks, so I suppose, before too long, the only whites on the field will be kickers. Edited by: Bart
Nah. The teams around the league just need to see him a couple of times to
stop his game. If he keeps running, he'll get injured too. Just give him a
little while to implode.

Black QB's McNabb, Vick, and McNair haven't changed the game much.
Neither will Young.
I don't think they have won at all. Once enough game film of Young is available teams will learn how to defend him just like they did to Vick. Its nothing new. Watch Bellichek confuse him with all sorts of schemes this week. Young is stupid, you can't get away with running the ball like he does all the time.
Give up?That is not an option!Do what you want but that is just what the system is set up to do.Break down all sense of pride and competetivness.Look at the sack leaders.Two of the three are white.How can that happen.Look at a guy like Mike Furrey.About to go over a thousand yards and he came out of nowhere.What we need is for our skill guys to start getting drafted a little higher,and to go to teams that will play them.The Shark is too good not to play.So is Brady Quinn and Brian Leonard.Look at Weddle.He should have been nominated as a Heisman Candidate.Don't give up the hope.One Vince Young does not make a nfl.There are far more K.Stewart Types.Trust me.Hang in there and keep on fighting.We need you here.Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Young didn't win all those games by himself, although he is getting all the credit. He has had a couple of atrocious games in which the Titans were bailed out by turnovers and defensive touchdowns. They scored like three or four touchdowns on D and special teams in one recent game, while Young passed for like 86 yards and 2 INT.

The thing that makes Young effective in the 4th quarter is that he is too dumb to feel any pressure when the Titans are trying to come from behind. Thats the one good thing about having a Wonderlic score of 6. He probably can't do the math that will tell him his team is behind.

Young: "We winnin' yet, Coach?"
Fisher: "Not yet, Vince. Can you score us another TD?"
Young: "Sure, Coach." [runs back onto the field]

Here is another exchange after a Young interception:

Young: "Did I do bad, Coach?"
Fisher: "Yeah, Vince, you did bad. I told you to throw to the guys in the WHITE jerseys, Vince."
Young: "But he wad open, Coach."
Fisher: "That's because he was on the other team, Vince. Remember, Vince - just throw to the guys in the white jerseys."
Young: "Okay, Coach. Coach...?"
Fisher: "Yes, Vince?"
Young: "Whats a jersey, Coach?"Edited by: White Shogun
Young's current QB rating is 69.7. No one seems to notice. They just keep heaping on the accolades. You can't improvise your way to a super bowl. That is unless the league has become so watered down that you can actually improvise your way to a super bowl. We see it every week don't we? Increasingly selfish, stupid and undisciplined play down after down it goes on. All of this unprofessional play makes it easier for the Young's of the world to succeed...for a time. The question is how far will the NFL let play deteriorate for the benefit of the black QB?
I think Vince Young has played okay but it won't last. He'll turn out to be a mediocre QB. Has he faced Urlacher yet?
Vince Young has had no games close the many good games Billy Volek had. Yes, Young's team probably plays harder because he is black. That is the sad state of the supposedly ultra-competitive NFL. Players take plays off and decide when they should play hard with no fear of ever getting benched. The Tennessee defense came to life when Young came in - but that can carry a team only so far as evidenced by the many mediocre seasons the Falcons have had with Michael Vick.

In contrast, when Billy Volek and Drew Bennett were lighting it up the defense laid down and they lost many games. Just look at the sad state of the NFL today. All teams seem to be rather mediocre. People with virtually no football knowledge can win the weekly office pool just by total guess work. Where have the dominant teams of the past gone?
Vince Young has a QB rating of 69.7. Today, this is a terrible statistic, although it was intended to be average.
QB rating doesn't mean everything, but there are still a fair amount of analysts that will criticize his passing once they start to lose because of that rating.
Vick got a lot of credit when the Falcons were winning even though he was his lousy self as a QB. Reality arrived and now even some sports writers are admiting he sucks. Unless Young becomes more of a passer the same thing will happen to him.

As mentioned his fate will be similar to Culpepper and McNabb, eventual injury from running too much. I wouldn't worry too much and the Titans aren't going anywhere anyway.
jaxvid said:
Vick got a lot of credit when the Falcons were winning even though he was his lousy self as a QB. Reality arrived and now even some sports writers are admiting he sucks. Unless Young becomes more of a passer the same thing will happen to him.

As mentioned his fate will be similar to Culpepper and McNabb, eventual injury from running too much. I wouldn't worry too much and the Titans aren't going anywhere anyway.
I actually think Vick was more polished than Young. If Young were anymore raw he would be sushi....
Also if here a were a veteran he would be seen as a serviceable second stringer. I don't recall anybody raving about Bobby Hebert when he ran on broken plays for the Saints. Young is a long way from being the real deal and with the weird angle of his throwing motion he needs alot work.....Edited by: white is right
Well lets look at the evolution of the QB postion...

First and formost they are getting taller. All of the top young QB's (under 30 years old) are at least 6'3''..

Cuter 6'3"
Leinart 6'4
Rivers 6'6"
Alex Smith 6'4"
Rothlessburger 6'5"
Carr 6'3"
Boller 6'4" (unproven but potentially good)
Schuabb 6'4" (unproven but potentially good)
Pennington 6'3" (hes comming around)
Eli Manning 6'4"
Palmer 6'4"
Simms 6'4" (hes 29 and perhaps limited potential)
Harrington 6'4" (we will see with this one)
Bulger 6'3"

All of the top vets are also rather tall...

Manning 6'4"
Brady 6'4"
Hasselback 6'4"
Green 6'3"

Ten years ago many QB's were 6'2" or shorter. Small older QB's still active include:

Favre 6'2"
Brees 6'1"
Burnell 6'1"
Plummer 6'1"
Warner 6'2"
Garcia 6'1"

Black QB's tend to be shorter. To be fast you normally must also be small. They include

Vick 6'0" (smallest in NFL)
McNabb 6'2"
Garrard 6'1"
Leftwich 6'5"
Young 6'4"
Jackson 6'2"
Brooks 6'4"
Culpepper 6'4"

The problem here is in that we still have quite a few white QB's in the league whom are not tall or athletic. Such QB's must rely on their intelligence and arm strenght only. Rex Grossman and Tony Romo are the only starting white QB's who are small, young, and white. All of the other small white QB's are all older. White QB's will generally do better once the height upgrade is complete.

Probable incomming white QB's

Brett Brohm 6'4"
Colt Brennen 6'3"
Drew Stanton 6'4"
Brady Quinn 6'4"

The probable incomming black QB's, meanwhile, continue to resist this trend regarding height...

Russel 6'7"
Troy Smith 6'0"
Chris Leak 6'0"

The QB position is becomming more athletic. However, NONE of the incomming QB's are that athletic. Russel runs the 40 in a 4.8 (very slow) and Troy Smith runs it in 4.6 (not good if your only 6'0"). Drew Stanton is the most athletic of the bunch being 6'4 and running the 40 in 4.6 seconds. None of the other QB's can run the 40 under 4.7 seconds.

In the long run QB position will become more athletic. However, we need not sacrifice height for athletic tallent. Vince Young has both. Young is 6'4" and runs the 40 in 4.5 seconds. It will be a while before Vince Young types take over the NFL. But when they do. THEY MIGHT ALL BE WHITE. Lets look at the top INCOMMING freshman college QB's whom are both tall and athletic.

White tall and athletic. (must run the 40 under 4.7 seconds) They include....

Aron Corp, USC6'4" 4.6
Keith Nichol, Oklahoma 6'3" 4.68
Chris Forcier, UCLA 6'34.5
Zac Lee, Nebraska6'3" 4.6
Logan Gray, Georgia 6'3"4.45
Willy Korn, Clemson 6'3"4.44 (nations #2 prospect)
Kellen Killisgrad, Stanford 6'3"4.6

We also had a cupple fast and tall white QB's who came into the college ranks last year. They include....

Tim Tebow, Flordia 6'3 4.6
Jevan Snead, Texas 6'3" 4.6
Jake Locker, Washington 6'3" 4.6
Jeremy Ricker, Maryland 6'3" 4.6

Meanwhile there have only been two black QB's whom are both fast and tall comming into the college ranks between the high school classes 2006 and 2007... They include....

Demetruis Jones, Notre Dame 6'3"4.5
Cameron Newton, Flordia 6'4"4.5

Both of these guys will back ups. They will back up Jimmy Clausen of Notre Dame and Tim Tebow of Flordia.

For the purposes of the arguement above I included only QB's with a 4 or 5 star rating by I also included only QB's listed as "Dual Treat". I would like to point out that only 5 years ago ALL of the highly rated Dual Threat QB's were black. Two of these QB's are listed as being a bit smaller on I obtained their respective upgraded heights vie of other sources. This because some high school seniors are still growing. To be fair I looked up the upgraded heights of all black incomming QB's as well.

The QB postion requires intelligence. When looking at the NFL intelligence tests we see that Vince Young got the lowest score of all QB's. Blacks, on average, have lower IQ's then whites. (go to, type in "Race and IQ")

The QB position requires arm strenght. Many black QB's do have arm strength. However, see any strong man competition. The strongest men are white. Whites have no disadvantage strength-wise.

The QB position requires height. The average black man and the average white man in America are of equal height. (Go to, type in "male height")

The QB position will soon also require speed. Whites may be slightly slower, on average, then blacks. But the incomming white QB's are significantly faster then they were five years ago.

With the evidence that I posted above maybe you will reconsider your position that "blacks have won". It is only true if whites believe it. Unfortunatly middle aged whites have lost belief in their own childrens athletic abilities. Blacks may have a slight speed advantage. But Whites have advantages too. All we can do is our best. We must encourage our kids. Tell them that they truely can be successfull in popular sports even if the media says otherwise.

Finally, here are the top ten QB's by rating. (

P. Manning 100.9
Huard97&nbsp ;; (he is 6'3")
NcNabb95&nbs p; (only black QB highly rated)

And by most passing yards... All are white

Manning P 4100
Rothlessburger 3200
Grossman 3100

Yards per attempt: All in top 10 are white....Romo leads

Total Completions: All in top 10 are white....Brees leads

Completion Percentage: 9 of 10 are white....Carr leads... NcNair is comes in as #10 as the only black QB in the top ten.

Total Touchdowns: 9 of 10 are white... Payton Manning leads. Vick comes in at # 9 as the only black QB in the top ten.

There are a total of 32 teams. Seven start black QBs on any given week. Thats roughly 1 in 4.5 NFL QB's. This being the case, Black QB's should represent 2 of 10 leaders in any given statistic. But they dont.

Edited by: OC football
Good post OC. I wonder if the ban on white running backs in college is forcing the good white high school athletes to move to QB like they do to LB?
Vince young is playing well. His team is winning and when that happens, rightly or wrongly, the QB gets the lion's share of the credit or blame (unless you are Rex Grossman, in which you only get the blame.:)).

Let's give Young credit and also point out that there are a lot of quality QB's, Brady Quinn, Brett Brohm, etc. who will be entering the NFL that are projected to do better than the current Heisman winner, Troy Smith.
White Shogun said:
Young: "But he wad open, Coach."
Fisher: "That's because he was on the other team, Vince."
Edited by: Ground Fighter
I see the success of Jeff Garcia as an exposure to and a small victory over the caste system. Jeff has played well when supported by good players and has preformed poorly with the absence of talent. Garcia has made the Pro-Bowl in the past, but I don't think that anyone would put him in the "Hall of Fame" category. Undoubtedly, the media will push McNabb into the hall of fame, but is he any better than Jeff Garcia? Garcia and McNabb have a 96.2 and 95.5 QB rating respectively (as of 12/26/06). So if Garcia can perform at the same level as McNabb, Should Garcia go to the HOF as well? Of course not, neither should go. The commentators have given all the praise to the Eagles coaching staff for "coaching Garcia up" and "making adjustments". The truth is, they are two people with similar ability, playing in front of a solid offensive line.
Bart said:
Hey Bowen, I agree with your post. Must have had too much egg-nog today.
We've learned that black players prefer playing for black coaches and with other blacks, and also play harder for black quarterbacks, so I suppose, before too long, the only whites on the field will be kickers.

It's funny b/c I hate discussing stereotypes about race other than in sports, but that is definitley true that blacks in sports want to play with other blacks. Probably b/c they have the wrong belief that whites can't play and stick together like most races do...Many black players would rather have the NFL 100% black.

The only arena where I think segregation would be a good idea is in sports because of the strong discrimination that exists...I'd like to see the Non-African Football Conference (NFC) and the African Football Conference (AFC). We wouldn't have to worry about the Gruden and Del Rio type caste zeolots b/c depending on what conference you were in you'de have either all Africans or all non-Africans...I think society would be shocked when the NFC started outplaying the AFC! and the castesystem would come crumbling down!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
It's funny b/c I hate discussing other stereotypes about race, but that is definitley true that blacks in sports want to play with other blacks. Probably b/c they have the wrong belief that whites can't play...The only arena where I think segregation would be a good idea is in sports because of the strong discrimination that exists...I'd like to see the Non-African Football Conference (NFC) and the African Football Conference (AFC). We wouldn't have to worry about the Gruden and Del Rio type caste zeolots b/c depending on what conference you were in you'de have either all Africans or all Non Africans...I think society would be shocked when the NFC started outplaying the AFC! and the castesystem would come crumbling down!

I've posted the same idea a few times, pie-in-the-sky concept that it is given the current fanatical commitment to "multiculturalism" and forced integration by the powers-that-be (for everyone but themselves that is).

The quality of football would improve instantly and dramaticallyif it were organized along racial lines. Would we see black defenders making half-hearted attempts to tackle running backs and receivers, like we do now, if the running backs and receivers were white? Would we see black receivers "self-tackling" (falling to the turf to avoid contact) like we do now? Football would be a far better sport than it is now and would be played the way it used to be played and was meant to be played.And the interestfrom fans would be phenomenal, rather than based on gambling and fantasy football results as it is now. I also think the white teams would clean up, though it might take a few years given that whites have been shut out at most positions at the highest levels for so long. Edited by: Don Wassall
Yeah it would be very interesting, like the Olympics! I do think that whites would fair better. I was wanting to ask other posters: which positions you think whites would have the edge at?

I think whites would have the advantage in play at every position except CB and HB...even WR and Saftey b/c it's extremly close and there is a much larger pool of whites in the American population. I wouldn't even be surprised if most of the the top rushers (they'd have better blocking) and CB's ended up coming out of the Non African Football conference (NFC) like you're saying after some adjustment to their new chance to play those positions at the top level.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I found myself watching alot less of the NFL this year. The draft left a sour taste in my mouth. The product is not nearly as good as it was, dropped passes,missed tackles and showboating antics have really taken center stage. I will never be convinced of Vince Young, he is a media darling and will not face criticism until 5-6 years into his career when he does not suceed much like Vick. I only really watch for white players these days and know just about all of them. So in fact the NFL has not won, they have lost and I am sure they will continue to lose fans as the nonsense continues and the rascist caste system is exposed.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Yeah it would be very interesting, like the Olympics! I do think that whites would fair better. I was wanting to ask other posters: which positions you think whites would have the edge at?

I think whites would have the advantage in play at every position except CB and HB...even WR and Saftey b/c it's extremly close and there is a much larger pool of whites in the American population. I wouldn't even be surprised if most of the the top rushers (they'd have better blocking) and CB's ended up coming out of the Non African Football conference (NFC) like you're saying after some adjustment to their new chance to play those positions at the top level.

I wouldn't concede a single position, including CB and TB. For one thing, the NFL doesn't have nearly as many speedy players as people think. When you see a really fast player he sticks out, which only goes to show how many don't have great speed.

Most running backs, especially after they've been in the league a few years, "lumber" down the field.So many whites would make capable power backs. And there are lots of smaller ones who are quick and elusive. We see them every year confined to Div. II teams.

Whites on average are as good or better than blacks in every aspect of the sport except straight-line speed, and even there the far greater number of white football players neutralizes that small advantage. Intelligence, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, feel for the game, strength, endurance, youname it and whites are second tono one.

Add in love of the sport and football is a whiteman's game.It sure would be fun to find out for sure through race-based football!Edited by: Don Wassall
pt.guard2 said:
Vince young is playing well. His team is winning and when that happens, rightly or wrongly, the QB gets the lion's share of the credit or blame (unless you are Rex Grossman, in which you only get the blame.:)).

Let's give Young credit and also point out that there are a lot of quality QB's, Brady Quinn, Brett Brohm, etc. who will be entering the NFL that are projected to do better than the current Heisman winner, Troy Smith.

Interesting post, but I don't entirely agree...Yes, Young is helping the Titans to win games, but as usual being overhyped by the media because of his race. He has only recently began to have a decent completion percentage even for a rookie starter. A first year starting QB who's playing much better, such as Philip Rivers of the 13-2 chargers has taken second place to Young in media coverage!

As far as Troy Smith your point is true, but he is still being overhyped by the media. He's expected by many scouts to be the second QB off the board in this draft in the mid 1st round ahead of Drew Stanton...ridiculous! He's only 6'0 ft and only runs a 4.58 40 which isn't blazing for a small QB. I'd be surprised if he makes the Pro Bowl in the NFL. I think if he were white he'd be a late 2nd/early 3rd round pick at best!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
In the past 12 games, Vince Young has thrown for 1,819 yards, or just over 150 yards per game, Michael Vickian production. Tennessee has won mostly by smoke and mirrors, with big plays on defense and a couple of long runs by Young. And of course the team's black players are inspired by Young's amazing "leadership qualities."This is the spike we often see when a team gets a black quarterback or a black head coach.Young and the Titans have been lucky more than good. Vick was lauded the same way -- "his stats aren't great but he wins" -- until reality set in.

And even ifYoung does become a great black quarterback, that will make exactly one currently playing in the NFL after a decade of non-stop media mania about black QBs replacing white ones.
Don Wassall said:
Whites on average are as good or better than blacks in every aspect of the sport except straight-line speed, and even there the far greater number of white football players neutralizes that small advantage. Intelligence, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, feel for the game, strength, endurance, you name it and whites are second to no one.

Add in love of the sport and football is a white man's game.It sure would be fun to find out for sure through race-based football!

I had this debate with White Shogun having to do soley with the HB position...and he made a similar point to your first paragraph that football is not a 100 meter dash. There have been virtually no starting HB's and WR's in the extreme elite for speed. The ones that are like Michael Bennett are big anomolies and he wasn't very good!

I do think though, that at CB elite speed is more important. WRs can get open with simple good route running, smarts, agility or just plain outjumping the CB, and tough good handed WRs are under valued in the NFL. However, if the CB gets beat on a move he has to have great speed to close the gap. WR's rarley get super open in the NFL unless someone blows their assignment.

There is also one other area where I think blacks have a small advantage...and that would be agility...I have seen many whites with great agility, but have yet to see quite the eliteness of a Barry Sanders, Gale Sayers or probably even Ladamian Tomlinson in that area.

However I agree with all your other anaylsis about whites being better or equal in all the other categories...Maybe I'm undervaluing a hardnosed powerrunner with great quickness, cutback ability smarts and vision...and Speaking of RBs white college players Jared Hawkins and Jake Sharp are pretty damn agile.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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