Hall of Famer
Ok White Shogun...I never said that blacks were not "at all" more genetically prone to violence. If I did I would agree that that would be contradicting myself. It is just something in my opinion that I think is demeaning to discuss, I also think it is more out of quick tempers than bad nature. There are also cultural issues like serious poverty, gangs, crack addictions in the inner cities...and Rap is a very bad influence. There could also be Jimmy the geek type geneology theories from back in days of slavery as to why blacks may have quicker tempers ("rare instances" of inbreeding? That is a strong theory historically as to why certain Royal Families had quick tempers!)
There are occasional Hillbillies that do this on purpose "what's a virgin in West Virginia? A 12 year old that can outrun her cousins ]
. However, a cousin is not close enough related to strongly present your pronounced bad family genetic traits...You get the idea and I don't feel like diagraming demeaning theories any further...I already have crossed the line way too far.
It's like that joke: What is the definition of total mayhem? Fathers day in Harlem. Many of these kids dads are in jail for drug dealing etc. and the cycle continues on b/c they don't have proper guidance. Bill Cosby has spoken out about this and even said that blacks have to stop playing victim. The guy has alot of courage for speaking the truth. The Emmancipation Proclamation was issued Jan 1 1863 it is now 2006...slavery ended a long time ago. That is one thing that I have no problem saying about blacks, most are holding grudges from the past and too many of them play the race card.
I am trying to be postive here by building postives out of negatives. I believe in downplaying "all" negative stereotypes. Tell me why people on this site believe that whites are "alot smarter than blacks" if whites are alot smarter than blacks than it is just strengthening the other sides arguement...Many of these white race traitor Caste supporters in my opinion are actually very racist. They pretend to be these liberal academic types but really repress their real feelings about race. I believe there are small differences. I think believing there are small differences, and the genetic research I have read attests to that, strengthens our case!
Secondly, I may not have clarified, but that was my exact point when saying that there are even "very few black running backs" that posess that kind of hip swerve. My point was just that! I am skepticle however that this white Barry Sanders exists...
There is blatant discrimination that goes on, but with the way scouts droll over agility (They definitley totally undervalue power running and white skin in general
) I think that even a strong caste system couldn't hold a white Barry Sanders back, at least from getting carries in Div I! I don't know I haven't seen Jared Hawkins or Jake Sharp play so you'll have to inform me if I am wrong...I guess I went way to far with this post and probably offended everybody. I only need apologize to WV residents, b/c there are no blacks on this site! I have now defended and outlined my veiws and will no longer ever do political rants! Thats why Dennis Miller was canned from Monday night football!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
There are occasional Hillbillies that do this on purpose "what's a virgin in West Virginia? A 12 year old that can outrun her cousins ]

It's like that joke: What is the definition of total mayhem? Fathers day in Harlem. Many of these kids dads are in jail for drug dealing etc. and the cycle continues on b/c they don't have proper guidance. Bill Cosby has spoken out about this and even said that blacks have to stop playing victim. The guy has alot of courage for speaking the truth. The Emmancipation Proclamation was issued Jan 1 1863 it is now 2006...slavery ended a long time ago. That is one thing that I have no problem saying about blacks, most are holding grudges from the past and too many of them play the race card.
I am trying to be postive here by building postives out of negatives. I believe in downplaying "all" negative stereotypes. Tell me why people on this site believe that whites are "alot smarter than blacks" if whites are alot smarter than blacks than it is just strengthening the other sides arguement...Many of these white race traitor Caste supporters in my opinion are actually very racist. They pretend to be these liberal academic types but really repress their real feelings about race. I believe there are small differences. I think believing there are small differences, and the genetic research I have read attests to that, strengthens our case!
Secondly, I may not have clarified, but that was my exact point when saying that there are even "very few black running backs" that posess that kind of hip swerve. My point was just that! I am skepticle however that this white Barry Sanders exists...
There is blatant discrimination that goes on, but with the way scouts droll over agility (They definitley totally undervalue power running and white skin in general