The White Purge 2009


Sep 3, 2009
F this positive stuff. I'm going back to using WHITE NOISE. No golden, happy, oneness with the universal spirit of hope is going to change the fact that the NFL is a racist organization committed to taking down the white man by not allowing them on the field.

I will not hold my tongue and I will not hedge my feelings. I knew well ashed of time that Woodhead and the rest of our white brothers were/are going to get screwed. The rest of you can be positive, I'm going to be practical and say it like it is. Oh, and F the Jets!

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
bigunreal said:
There is just no hope for the NFL. They clearly want an all black league, except for the punters, kickers and long snappers (and if the affletes ever want to do those things, then the league will be 100% black). Certainly the drunk white fans will be happy.

Woodhead getting cut, after the fact, was just incomprehensible. Here we had a prolific college RB running for 158 yards in the last preseason game, and still not making the roster. We're not likely to find another white RB who will do something like that. I guess I should have known that Buddy Ryan's boy would never carry a white RB on his roster.

While the situation is pretty hopeless, I'm going to start writing these teams and letting them know how I feel about their blatantly discriminatory practices. I have already contacted the Lions (John Standeford), Seahawks (Mike Hass) and Jets (Danny Woodhead), and admonished them for releasing such skilled players solely because of their skin color. While they may simply ignore my protests, if enough of us start doing this, stressing the racial discrimination involved, perhaps it might make a difference. And it may make you feel better.

My hope for the NFL is that it turns out exactly like the NBA, teetering on the verge of becoming a second class league since their embrace of the thug life in the 1990's. Nothing would please me more than seeing half empty stadiums, sinking ratings and an uncertain future for the NFL. They truly deserve it. In reality, I think it is going to happen and I don't think there is anything they can do about it barring an miracle economic turn around and a stop to the flood of immigration coming into this country. Our economy is in the crapper and the population who supports the NFL is aging, and being replaced by people who don't like American Football. That fact alone is enough to signal the end of the NFL's dominance in the future. I bet the NFL knows this too. If not, they are truly living in a dream world of greed and arrogance. They can say all they want to about wanting to expand the regular season because there are too many preseason games, but I believe the real reason is that they are looking to squeeze ever last cent they can out of the market while it is there. To me, it is the same reason why they are trying to expand into Europe where there really isn't a high demand for American football. My personal plan is to help them in their decline every step along the way. I may only be one person, but that is one less fan, one less revenue stream. If enough people do it, then it will be a difference maker. My wife and I are planning on having kids in the next few years and I will do everything in my power to keep them away from the NFL as well.


Nov 25, 2004
Wow, Danny Woodhead being cut. WTF! Every year gets worse and more absurd. I really do hope that the NFL goes the way of the NBA. I think the upcoming depression will help. If not for fantasy football, I think the NFL would well be on its way to goint the likes of the NBA. I'm now considering quitting all my fantasy teams next year. I used to root for the Vikings as kid and teenager like nothing was more important. When Denny Green took over I quit and actually rooted against them. If not for fantasy football and the few remaining white players I wouldn't have followed the NFL for at least the last 15 years. You can't even make a decent fantasy football team anymore with all white players - God knows I've tried. This country is about 70% white and I can't even watch whites play our national sport. Back to baseball I guess. At least baseball has undeniable individual stats that make it more difficult to cull white players. Soon all we will have left is baseball, high school sports, MMA, tennis, and watching Russian boxers knock the crap out of our affletes. I guess we are already at that point. Limited to statisically individual sports with local pockets of white team sports. Is there cheap land available in Iceland? I don't see myself sticking around to watch this destruction of America. OK, I feel a little better.


Oct 26, 2008
Kaptain Poop said:
Wow, Danny Woodhead being cut. WTF! Every year gets worse and more absurd. I really do hope that the NFL goes the way of the NBA. I think the upcoming depression will help. If not for fantasy football, I think the NFL would well be on its way to goint the likes of the NBA. I'm now considering quitting all my fantasy teams next year. I used to root for the Vikings as kid and teenager like nothing was more important. When Denny Green took over I quit and actually rooted against them. If not for fantasy football and the few remaining white players I wouldn't have followed the NFL for at least the last 15 years. You can't even make a decent fantasy football team anymore with all white players - God knows I've tried. This country is about 70% white and I can't even watch whites play our national sport. Back to baseball I guess. At least baseball has undeniable individual stats that make it more difficult to cull white players. Soon all we will have left is baseball, high school sports, MMA, tennis, and watching Russian boxers knock the crap out of our affletes. I guess we are already at that point. Limited to statisically individual sports with local pockets of white team sports. Is there cheap land available in Iceland? I don't see myself sticking around to watch this destruction of America. OK, I feel a little better.

There was a big push last year to get the Mexicans more interested in football, so they are aware of the problem.

Why should I pay money to make these NFL players millions so they can retire in luxury and on top of that they are trying to take our white women?


Dec 11, 2004
The Jets only Superbowl winning team in 1969 had only 4 black starters.

I don't consider the current Jets , the real Jets. I refer to them as the Black Jets. Although I grew up a Jet fan, now I hate the Jets.

As Don said cutting Woodhead wasn't as outrageous considering who the Jets have who play the same position as Woodhead. But cutting him, just reminds me of the Caste system. The last white Jet running back was Pat Chafee from Oregon around 2000. What no one knows or cares is how Chafee's career ended. The Jets were running out the clock at the end of the first half. Chafee was in the game to take last few hand offs. On his last carry, he slowly ran straight into the center of the line. He was totally vulnerable .One of the black Defensive linemen rapped him up, and in a move that MMA fans would love, he lifted Chafee off the ground and carefully positioned Chafee's body so he would land on his knees and threw him to the ground tearing up his knew and ending his career.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
We can only hope he gets picked up by another team. The Browns supposedly have some interest and he would be better off in Cleveland anyways. Even though he has freakish athletic ability playing for a small school hurt his case.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Wow, Danny Woodhead being cut. WTF! Every year gets worse and more absurd. I really do hope that the NFL goes the way of the NBA. I think the upcoming depression will help. If not for fantasy football, I think the NFL would well be on its way to goint the likes of the NBA. I'm now considering quitting all my fantasy teams next year. I used to root for the Vikings as kid and teenager like nothing was more important. When Denny Green took over I quit and actually rooted against them. If not for fantasy football and the few remaining white players I wouldn't have followed the NFL for at least the last 15 years. You can't even make a decent fantasy football team anymore with all white players - God knows I've tried. This country is about 70% white and I can't even watch whites play our national sport. Back to baseball I guess. At least baseball has undeniable individual stats that make it more difficult to cull white players. Soon all we will have left is baseball, high school sports, MMA, tennis, and watching Russian boxers knock the crap out of our affletes. I guess we are already at that point. Limited to statisically individual sports with local pockets of white team sports. Is there cheap land available in Iceland? I don't see myself sticking around to watch this destruction of America. OK, I feel a little better.



Aug 27, 2008
jwhite96 said:
and in a move that MMA fans would love, he lifted Chafee off the ground and carefully positioned Chafee's body so he would land on his knees and threw him to the ground tearing up his knew and ending his career.

I didn't see it but I can imagine it. It's typical of the kind of sportsmanship that was directed toward Patrick Jeffers, Ed McCaffery, et. al.


Sep 29, 2008
The black locker rooms let it be known that they would not tolerate some 'crackas' taking brothas well deserved jobs.
It is common knowledge that there exists de facto segregation in the locker room and the White players are now becoming a victim of numbers. The less they have on the team, the less clout and networking they have. The NFLPA and union protect the black affletes as well. Coaches cave due to the number ratio. Plus, almost all coaches are vehemently pro-caste.

What also comes into play is the fact that almost all White players in camp actually have a degree and can form a coherent sentence both in speaking and writing. The NFLPA realizes this. The 'brothas' usually are not as adept. Most are total f'n idiots and quite frankly, mildly retarded. Besides, I've heard of stories that an assistant coach relays a sad sap story after getting a call from NY (union? league office?) in coaches cut meetings about a poor black afflete and his tough child hood, no dad, hotel cleaning lady mom, supporting like 30 kin, etc.
So the assistant coach basically lobbies to keep the afflete. A 3 or 4 year contract should set him and his family up for a decent life.

Ah, we are talking about idiot black dolts here. Even ones who play 10 years or so tend to retire with not a pot to piss in. I have heard these stories from former White Dolphins for what it's worth.
That is kind of the 'inside scoop' on how these things tend to happen.

What is transpiring know is basically a hyper caste system where the few White players are basically being totally outnumbered in the locker room and thus, the underground networking system.
Plus, wussy coaches are huge proponents of the black as superior afflete myth (which of course has been proven 100% incorrect time and time again).
To top it all off, you have the downward pressure from the mass media who basically controls the NFL (and all major sports for that matter). We know who controls the mass media industry. I'll spot you the J.

Colt Anderson
Vinny Perreta

all could be true stars in the NFL if given the opportunity.
It is a joke, but not a funny one. A cruel and sad one that is nothing less then total racist discrimination.

I think writing letters to the team offices would be good. No it wouldn't change a damn thing, but it would be nice to call them on it and let them know full well some fans do realize what's up.
They would be privately surprised that more and more White fans are catching on.
But this is a business first league and the powers that be have decided that blacks are to be pushed and hyped and White players are relegated to the trash heap save the figure head QB position. Also, because QB is the general and most important position, it gives the DWFs a false belief that there exist no overt plan to discriminate. Hence, the caste system can be called a myth.

The Caste system has been proven valid once more as the great '09 purge continues.


Think about the many


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I will just hope for injuries to many affletes this year in order for some white players to get signed and or substantial playing time. Is it wrong for me to think that way?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't mind some blackletes getting hurt if it means our white warriors get some playing time. The way the deck is stacked against so many white players, I'll take whatever I can get.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I hope the Jets go 0-16. Woodhead not only deserved to make the squad, but to be the starter (jYOnes is overrated). The NFL is for crap. I have Danny on my CF Fantasy team, so I'm even more PO'd he got scr-wed like a $2 ho on half-off night!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I checked Hass's stats for his senior season. He averaged over 17 yards a reception. How does that not prove he has speed? Even sports illustrated felt he would be a productive second or third receiver in the league.