The way to beat the Caste System

Sep 17, 2006
My Opinions on this...

1.We Need Coaches who recognise the Discrimination against White Football players employedat High School and College level.

2.We Need parents to recognise it, and encourage the White Youth of America to stick together...attend the same colleges etc

3.White Colleges... How many "historically" black colleges are there especially in the south,which looked after the interests of the brothas and sistas over the years?We need Colleges where White Football players can be among each other and not suffer the jealousy and backstabbing and group warfarewhich is so prevalent in Football programmes which are entirely or mostly black...

whats everyones opinions on this?
NDF you really hit it on the head.

Those are great suggestions. Especially the 'white colleges'. Some may say they already exist at the lower levels and that all white colleges couldn't compete but when an Air Force Acadamy can play a Tennessee to a tie when the acadamy has part time white football players and Tennessee is a black football factory then I believe it can be done.

Won't hold my breath though!
I agree. I do not see why some d-1coachfor a crappy team does not justrecruit whitesand promise to play them at positions they excelled at in college. It would really be a stroke of genious.

A great deal of the talented white players end up at smaller schools, playing the game they way it was meant to be played. For the love of the game, no media hype and coverage but just football that is simple and pure.
The real solution is for the white fans to become fed up and quit supporting the universities and pro teams that continue to ignore white players. If you consider that 95-99% of the revenue for these institutions comes from white fans through ticket sales, alumni contributions, and memorabilia the solution is simple but WE ARE THE PROBLEM. As long as 75,000 whites continue to show up and shell out their $45-$100+ for the cheap seats to watch 80% black teams play one another nothing is going to change.Edited by: Triad
NotreDameIrish said:
3.White Colleges... How many "historically" black colleges are there especially in the south,which looked after the interests of the brothas and sistas over the years?We need Colleges where White Football players can be among each other and not suffer the jealousy and backstabbing and group warfare which is so prevalent in Football programmes which are entirely or mostly black...

whats everyones opinions on this?

I agree. We should be entitled to our own institutions. We could name our first "historically White" school... Kevin Kasper University, and our mascot will be the "fightin' whitey" (with platinum blond hair of course)

I'm just jazzin'. But in all seriousness, we should have our own institutions, its only fair. Plus, it would expose our athleticism as a race to the whole country once we started playing other mixed teams. The closest thing we have to our own school right now is BYU. Go Cougars.
Triad is right on "the money." as Don has repeatedly said, white folks won't put their moeny where their mouth is when it comes to this stuff. lots of white people are frustrated at the situation, but none with the ability (read that: lots of cash) are willing to step up to confront the problem.

until someone with the power to force the issue into a public setting coomes along, there won't be any progress because whites are terrified of being labeled as racists. "I'm not a racist. i have lots of black friends," the sheeple bleat.

on the other hand, you have the incredibly vocal minorities crying on all the news shows, newspapers, and so forth. the squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say.
Minorities can complain about a lack of black baseball players and MLB repsonds by instituting black youth programs in the inner cities.

"If" (and that's a big if) whites started to complain about the injustices faced by white football players then things might improve, but I wouldn't count on any special youth programs in suburbs or, God forbid, rural areas instituted by the NFL.

Personally, I have cut the cable and refuse to watch the NFL. My only regret is that I miss our great boxers, international basketball players, and mixed martial artists.Edited by: Alpha Male
The colleges are run by Marxists who have as their one of the sole missions to expand the minority presence and demean the cultures of the West. There is no way a coach at any division one school is going to be able to get it by the president and AD and the commie professors why they are recruiting and playing a vast majority white team.

Just look at that article about the Duke lacrosse players. The school adminstrators are so freakin' scared of the minority mobs. And that also goes to the schools that used to have a religious doctrination too.

I agree with Alpha Male, only way to get them to change their ways is to keep our dollars from them. Notice how quickly Harvard caved on the ROTC recruiting when Congress threatened to withhold money. Suddenly the ROTC wasn't so bad after all.
Personally, I have cut the cable and refuse to watch the NFL. My only regret is that I miss our great boxers, international basketball players, and mixed martial artists.

MMA alone is enough reason to cut the cable back on or just go to right after the fights and watch for Free!
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