The Trump Era Begins

Feminist 'Comedian' -- I’d Personally Like to Castrate Every Male Conservative Christian

WARNING: Graphic language…

Joe Newby at The Washington Examiner has found a real doozy of a “comedian.” Her name is Laura Levites – with obviously no connection to the priests of the Old Testament. (She’s an atheist with a fondness for Ricky Gervais.)

“I would personally like to castrate every Male Conservative Christian so that they have NO reproductive rights,” she wrote on Twitter, using the hashtag “#HobbyLobby.” She certainly knows how to draw attention to herself. Newby said that’s not all.

Laura Levites@LauraLevites

Pls #Boycott @HobbyLobbyStore I'd rather shop at Home Depot for a hacksaw to chop off David Greens dick just so I can shove it up his ass

1:41 AM - Mar 26, 2014
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She also expressed her hatred of Christians in a tweet calling conservative Christians “scumbags,” claiming they are “really trying” her patience. “Why can’t Agent Orange be legal?” she asked. In another tweet, Levites said she would pay for Hobby Lobby’s David Green to be castrated. She went so far as to advocate violence on Green, proclaiming she would purchase a saw from Home Depot to cut off Green’s male organ so she can “shove it up his a**.”

Laura Levites@LauraLevites

Pls #Boycott @HobbyLobbyStore I'd rather shop at Home Depot for a hacksaw to chop off David Greens dick just so I can shove it up his ass

1:41 AM - Mar 26, 2014
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Like the rest of the feminists, Levites wants complete sexual autonomy, which somehow includes insisting that everyone buying an insurance policy must agree that “women’s health” includes her contraceptives: “I will fight with every bone in my body to be the only owner and operator of my vagina.”

In January, after Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) delivered the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union, Levites also went into Hulk-smash mode. “I want to rip out the uterus of that pro life C**t Cathy McMorris Rodgers and eat it, so I can see the surprised look on her frigid face,” she tweeted.

Her Twitter profile says she “teabagged the Tea Party” and features her wearing an “I [heart] Haters” T-shirt.
Yes, it's pure evil on shameless display. I actually posted that article yesterday in the .. . cartoon thread.
It's really sick, especially for a *woman". Definitely not a lady.
As I've mentioned before, the Trump administration needs to crack down on the communist rabble big-time. His supporters have been attacked all over the country non-stop for the past two years. A right wing group wouldn't be able to get away with 1% of what Antifa does.

SHOCK VIDEO: Brawl Breaks Out at Trump’s Star on Hollywood Blvd. – Youth Pastor Assaulted-Robbed for Wearing MAGA Gear
Indeed, Don!

This has become anarchy against us as Whites and non-Leftist and anyone who holds a different position on things other than what the Communist chunts hold to.

Trump administration needs to work with law enforcement and crack down on this and if Leftist Mayors and Chiefs of Police don't obey they should be locked up for treason.

The next Civil War HAS BEGUN. IT IS HERE.
Regardless, has anyone ever seen a president attacked as much as Trump? They say 92 percent of Trump articles are negative.
Nothing like it in history. The reason the media is on him non-stop, is because he will not lie down. The majority of the media are leftist who have well paying jobs. They believe their prospects will never change. Unlike the millions of dummy leftist who don't have the jobs and are banking that others pay for them.
Even Fox news seems to be trending away from from Trump. That gossipy priss Chris Stirewalt, who seems to have the same chatty rapport with female anchors as gay men do, last night dismissed Trump's base as concerned with "fear" and "lizard brain" issues.
It's all about the '18 midterms to get Democrats elected to impeach Trump and Fox "News" is just doing their part, ratings and ad revenue be damned. Outside of Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Judge Jeanine and Lou Dobbs on Fox Business Channel, Fox represents the cabal/establishment and Trump is a threat to that order.

The '18 elections is also why Twitter is shadow-banning conservatives and conservative groups big time right now and YouTube is deleting conservative or right-leaning or "far right" or truther or MAGA channels now without explanation. The SGT Report was just banned the other day by YouTube and Bill Mitchell was taken off yesterday because of his reports on pedophilia in Hollywood.

By what I'm reading in the YouTube comments sections lately, a lot of people are now fed up with Fox "News" and are turning them off. Don's post of cable companies losing 5 million more subscribers recently is further evidence. If you don't follow the 1984/Brave New World narrative, there's no room for you on network TV, Cable TV, Satellite or the major Internet social media platforms.
I truly believe Trump has been blessed by God.

He is extremely fortunate in the fact that Democrats have far more Senate seats up for re-election vs. the number up for re-election for Republicans.

Currently, Democrats have 24 seats up for election, including the seats of two independents who caucus with them. Republicans have nine seats up for election. The seats up for regular election in 2018 were last up for election in 2012; in addition, special elections will be scheduled if vacancies occur, as has already happened in Minnesota and Mississippi.

It's virtually impossible for Republicans to lose the Senate, even in a Democrat wave election. The only vulnerable Republican seats are AZ and NV, while Democrats have to defend about 10 seats in states that voted for Trump.

The good news, is that with a Republican Senate, Trump can keep getting Judges and other nominees confirmed despite united Democrat opposition.

The House, unfortunately, is another matter but I think Republicans will hold it. Not that Paul Ryan has done any good for Trump, but a Democrat majority could create a lot of extra mischief.
I truly believe Trump has been blessed by God.

He is extremely fortunate in the fact that Democrats have far more Senate seats up for re-election vs. the number up for re-election for Republicans.

Currently, Democrats have 24 seats up for election, including the seats of two independents who caucus with them. Republicans have nine seats up for election. The seats up for regular election in 2018 were last up for election in 2012; in addition, special elections will be scheduled if vacancies occur, as has already happened in Minnesota and Mississippi.

It's virtually impossible for Republicans to lose the Senate, even in a Democrat wave election. The only vulnerable Republican seats are AZ and NV, while Democrats have to defend about 10 seats in states that voted for Trump.

The good news, is that with a Republican Senate, Trump can keep getting Judges and other nominees confirmed despite united Democrat opposition.

The House, unfortunately, is another matter but I think Republicans will hold it. Not that Paul Ryan has done any good for Trump, but a Democrat majority could create a lot of extra mischief.

Good points but look how many of the so called Republicans also hate Trump. They went behind his back with the China tariffs.
Trump Speaks (Well, Tweets). Tech Totalitarians May Not Succeed In Forcing Patriots Back to the Newsletter Days



Finally, the purge of patriots by Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, PayPal and other Silicon Valley SJWs is getting pushback—President Trump tweeted this morning against political shadow-banning, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz (NumbersUSA Grade: A+) is enraged that his Twitter account was (incredibly) sandbagged after he criticized the company in a hearing [Rep. Congressman Threatens Twitter With Complaint Over 'Shadow Banning,', July 26, 2018] and American Renaissance’s law suit against its Twitter ban has cleared the first hurdle, establishing the critical point that Politically Correct purgers face legal consequences. Which is great—because I remember the Dark Age before the internet: The Newsletter Days.
That 2 bit, libtard hack has it dead wrong. It’s the debase vermin at the Sanders & Hildabeast rallies that utterly epitomize the lowest levels of best.

Indeed. They are the real racists. The real haters.

Imagine how fast a journalist would be fired if they even suggested such a thing about Obummer supporters...
So many ludicrous and maniacal Leftists claimed, "Trump is literally Hitler".

Now, CNN, aka (((Cabal News Network))), guest host David Axelrod, of Obummer infamy is going full-on time machine travel and claiming, "Trump is literally Nero", and even blaming him for the wildfires in California.

You can't make up stuff this outlandish and absurd:
This tweet is an all-timer

Wow! Hilarious!

And just think about what the msm thinks of Trump meeting yesterday with all these inner-city Black Christian ministers who absolutely love Trump and tell their congregations to love him. Then the Black pastor closes in prayer, in Jesus' name blesses Trump and then another pastor praises Trump also. Trump himself even said something to the effect of "maybe we can help other people become believers (in the Lord)...". Take a listen and that's what he meant. Yeah, this man is a real hater and racist, isn't he?

No wonder the Jewish media hates him. I didn't see this in any msm reports:

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Wow! Hilarious!

And just think about what the msm thinks of Trump meeting yesterday with all these inner-city Black Christian ministers who absolutely love Trump and tell their congregations to love him. Then the Black pastor closes in prayer, in Jesus' name blesses Trump and then another pastor praises Trump also. Trump himself even said something to the effect of "maybe we can help other people become believers (in the Lord)...". Take a listen and that's what he meant. Yeah, this man is a real hater and racist, isn't he?

No wonder the Jewish media hates him. I didn't see this in any msm reports:

In fact, Darrell Scott said he was the most pro-black president ever. I literally thought I was in a different universe.
American Freedom News