The Trump Era Begins

Absolutely right on target!!

No wonder the Communist Jews in control of all that is controllable HATE Putin. He openly espouses Christ and Christianity as the ONLY hope for even our survival. They are out to destroy us, and leaders like Putin and even Trump stand in their way.

I can only wonder out loud if Trump will not be assassinated before even the 2020 election cycle. They speak of killing him or his Presidency in one way or another EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Did anyone else catch what Trump said during a rally two weeks ago in Montana? During a segment of the speech, he was making fun of Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren and urging her to take a DNA test to prove that she's actually a featherhead. In a facetious manner, he said that upon administering the test, he "would be very gentle, because we're in the MeToo generation." He says this at the 1:45 mark...

Unless I'm mistaken, this is only the second time Trump has discussed the ultra-contrived #MeToo feminist pity party. The other was a tweet from February where he wrote...

"Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?"

Trolling leftists such as Pocahontas, attacking the NFL "Anthem Kneelers," openly mocking a prominent feminist movement, deporting brown people, enraging SJW/AntiFa/Hollywood/Academia types to the point of literal psychosis, defending Confederate monuments, referring to the Lügenpresse as "fake news" nearly every single day, fostering peace of North Korea, suggesting that he trusts Putin/Russia over American Deep State intelligence officials, the Travel Ban, the "Sh-thole Countries" comment, his recent comments about African/Muslim immigration being the downfall of Europe, re-tweeting @whitegenocide and anti-Muslim videos, the tax cuts, re-working trade deals, forcing American companies (Carrier, Dow Chemical, Ford, GMC, Sprint, etc) to stay in the U.S., and two decent Supreme Court nominees. He's far from perfect...but he's changed politics in this country, and the world, forever.


Good post with a thorough list of accomplishments.

It’s easy for us to get down on the guy because we know how drastic the situation is and what measures it’s going to take to correct it. The communists and tribesmen (redundant I know) have had a century to ruin things so there was no way Trump would fix it in a year and a half. We just need to build on these accomplishments and keep pushing the public and the president rightward.
Trump’s Big Truths
July 18, 2018 by CH

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Trump's European Trip -

Demanded that NATO deadbeats pay their fair share
Scolded May on her mishandling of Brexit
Stated that immigration is destroying European culture
Worked with Russia to reduce the threat of war

Best. President. Ever.

The Fake News Media menstruates over Trump’s “lies” but what they don’t see is that their agenda is driven by psychological projection of their own Big Lies onto Trump, who has committed the sin of telling Big Truths, which is a crucifix and garlic to the vampires of the media who traffic in pushing a decades-old Narrative that defies reality and sucks the lifeblood of healthy, humanized nationhood.

Trump’s very existence — and by extension the existence of an Army of Shitlords who voted for him — is a corporeal rebuke to the Lords of Lies. As I’ve written, Trump’s hyperbole is on the level of little fibs meant to drive his foes over the edge of sanity, exposing their inherent extremism, a provocation to which they dutifully comply. But in the world of Real News, Trump tells Big Truths, which daily reminds media whores that they sacrificed their integrity to tell Big Lies to push an agenda driven by self-fluffing fealty to their elitism.

The media are adept in telling Little Truths — adherence to semantics and trivial “fact checks” that hide more than they illuminate — to cloak themselves in the garb of trustworthiness and to conceal their real purpose as manipulators of consensus, but Big Truths like the kind Trump tells every day expose Big Lies to bleaching sunlight, which explains the incoherent rage of the media, deep state, and uniparty.

They can’t stand that Trump effortlessly and routinely belies their pretensions and exposes their malevolence simply by “telling it like it is”.

Trump tells more stone cold truth in a few days than the Globohomo Establishment — media, deep state, bureaucracy, academia, entertainment — tell in their miserable lives.

And that is why they hate him.
One of the biggest problems afflicting White Americans over the past 10-15 years, especially rural White Americans, has been the opioid epidemic.

Before Trump became President, very few politicians even mentioned this devastating crisis that was wiping out much of rural White America. Could their lack of concern and action simply be tacit approval of an intentional deep state program to do exactly that?

Could the lack of concern and action by “our” politicians on securing the southern border that was basically giving Mexican drug cartels carte blanche access to distribute this contraband across all of rural America also be tacit approval to do so? Is this why they are so adamantly opposed to “The Wall” and stricter border control?

Trump brought the opioid issue up early and often in his campaign. No other politician on either side even mentioned it. Could this also indicate their tactic approval of wiping out tens of thousands of White rural Americans, the vast majority of them probably "deplorables", who saw their jobs disappear over the past 30 years to China and elsewhere?

Also, “funny” how opium poppy production in Afghanistan was almost non-existent in 2001 right before we invaded and occupied that country and then just a few years later opium production skyrocketed and we started having the heroin and opioid epidemic here. 2+2=? Deep State?

Is this why they don't want us to "get out" of Afghanistan?

In any case, here’s President Trump’s official policy on combating this epidemic that has devastated the White working class over the past 15 years:

We will work to strengthen vulnerable families and communities, and we will help to build and grow a stronger, healthier, and drug-free society.

President Donald J. Trump

ADDRESSING THE DRIVING FORCES OF THE OPIOID CRISIS: President Donald J. Trump’s Initiative to Stop Opioids Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand will confront the driving forces behind the opioid crisis.
  • President Trump’s Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse will address factors fueling the opioid crisis, including over-prescription, illicit drug supplies, and insufficient access to evidence-based treatment, primary prevention, and recovery support services.
  • The President’s Opioid Initiative will:
    • Reduce drug demand through education, awareness, and preventing over-prescription.
    • Cut off the flow of illicit drugs across our borders and within communities.
    • Save lives now by expanding opportunities for proven treatments for opioid and other drug addictions.
REDUCE DEMAND AND OVER-PRESCRIPTION: President Trump’s Opioid Initiative will educate Americans about the dangers of opioid and other drug use and seek to curb over-prescription.
  • Launch a nationwide evidence-based campaign to raise public awareness about the dangers of prescription and illicit opioid use, as well as other drug use.
  • Support research and development efforts for innovative technologies and additional therapies designed to prevent addiction and decrease the use of opioids in pain management.
    • This will include supporting research and development for a vaccine to prevent opioid addiction and non-addictive pain management options.
  • Reduce the over-prescription of opioids which has the potential to lead Americans down a path to addiction or facilitate diversion to illicit use.
  • Implement a Safer Prescribing Plan to achieve the following objectives:
    • Cut nationwide opioid prescription fills by one-third within three years.
    • Ensure that 75 percent of opioid prescriptions reimbursed by Federal healthcare programs are issued using best practices within three years, and 95 percent within five years.
    • Ensure that at least half of all Federally-employed healthcare providers adopt best practices for opioid prescribing within two years, with all of them doing so within five years.
    • Leverage Federal funding opportunities related to opioids to ensure that States transition to a nationally interoperable Prescription Drug Monitoring Program network.
CUT OFF THE SUPPLY OF ILLICIT DRUGS: President Trump’s Opioid Initiative will crack down on international and domestic illicit drug supply chains devastating American communities:
  • Keep dangerous drugs out of the United States.
    • Secure land borders, ports of entry, and water ways against illegal smuggling.
    • Require advance electronic data for 90 percent of all international mail shipments (with goods) and consignment shipments within three years, in order for the Department of Homeland Security to flag high-risk shipments.
    • Identify and inspect high-risk shipments leveraging advanced screening technologies and by using drug-detecting canines.
    • Test and identify suspicious substances in high-risk international packages to quickly detect and remove known and emerging illicit drugs before they can cause harm.
    • Engage with China and expand cooperation with Mexico to reduce supplies of heroin, other illicit opioids, and precursor chemicals.
  • Advance the Department of Justice (DOJ) Prescription Interdiction and Litigation (PIL) Task Force to fight the prescription opioid crisis. The PIL Task Force will:
    • Expand the DOJ Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit’s efforts to prosecute corrupt or criminally negligent doctors, pharmacies, and distributors.
    • Aggressively deploy appropriate criminal and civil actions to hold opioid manufacturers accountable for any unlawful practices.
  • Shut down illicit opioid sales conducted online and seize any related assets.
    • Scale up internet enforcement efforts under DOJ’s new Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team.
  • Strengthen criminal penalties for dealing and trafficking in fentanyl and other opioids:
    • DOJ will seek the death penalty against drug traffickers, where appropriate under current law.
    • The President also calls on Congress to pass legislation that reduces the threshold amount of drugs needed to invoke mandatory minimum sentences for drug traffickers who knowingly distribute certain illicit opioids that are lethal in trace amounts.
HELP THOSE STRUGGLING WITH ADDICTION: President Trump’s Opioid Initiative will help those struggling with addiction through evidence-based treatment and recovery support services:
  • Work to ensure first responders are supplied with naloxone, a lifesaving medication used to reverse overdoses.
  • Leverage Federal funding opportunities to State and local jurisdictions to incentivize and improve nationwide overdose tracking systems that will help resources to be rapidly deployed to hard-hit areas.
  • Expand access to evidence-based addiction treatment in every State, particularly Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid addiction.
  • Seek legislative changes to the law prohibiting Medicaid from reimbursing residential treatment at certain facilities with more than 16 beds.
    • In the meantime, continue approving State Medicaid demonstration projects that waive these barriers to inpatient treatment.
  • Provide on-demand, evidence-based addiction treatment to service members, veterans and their families eligible for healthcare through the Departments of Defense or Veterans Affairs.
  • Leverage opportunities in the criminal justice system to identify and treat offenders struggling with addiction.
    • Screen every Federal inmate for opioid addiction at intake.
    • For those who screen positive and are approved for placement in residential reentry centers, facilitate naltrexone treatment and access to treatment prior to and while at residential reentry centers and facilitate connection to community treatment services as needed.
    • Scale up support for State, Tribal, and local drug courts in order to provide offenders struggling with addiction access to evidence-based treatment as an alternative to or in conjunction with incarceration, or as a condition of supervised release.
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What would have been Trump's first big step in overhauling the insane Jimmy Carter created 9th Circuit Court of Appeals goes down in flames thanks to 2 non-white Republican Senators. After voting to approve a final vote on Ryan Bounds, Trump's nominee for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Oregon, Rubio and Tim Scott, the token black Republican Senator refuse to vote for the distinguished white nominee because of some writings he made back in college where he said he disagreed with race-based clubs on campus. An unforgiveable error in this era of anti-white hysteria. The conservatives that think non-whites can be conservative or that race doesn't matter are proven fools once again as the "conservative" non-white Republicans choose racial brotherhood over politics once again. Only whites refuse to consider racial brotherhood at all:

Despite their razor-thin numerical advantage over Democrats, Senate Republicans were able to put together a long and impressive winning streak in confirming President Trump’s court of appeals nominees. That winning streak came to an ignominious end today. Not because Sen. Susan Collins or Sen. Lisa Murkowski balked at a conservative nominee. But because Sens. Tim Scott and Marco Rubio ambushed a superb conservative.

Their victim, Ryan Bounds, is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Oregon

So why did Scott and Rubio sink his nomination? They did so because Scott claimed he didn’t have enough information to vote “yes,” and Rubio said he would stand with his under-informed colleague. Lacking the votes needed to confirm, Majority Leader McConnell announced that the nomination was withdrawn (I’m told Bounds requested this).

Scott’s doubts about Bounds apparently are based on some of his writings as an undergraduate at Stanford. The young Bounds had snarky things* to say about multiculturalism, as conceived by “some of the more strident racial factions of the student body.”

Bounds made these comments 25 years (or so) ago. He has apologized for their tone.

Dinging a nominee based on such college writings is ridiculous. The Wall Street Journal’s editors put it mildly when they say, “these are flimsy and unfair grounds to defeat a nominee.”

What’s more, Bounds’ writings have been part of the debate over his nomination for months. In May, liberal Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee tried to beat Bounds up with them.

If Scott had concerns about the writings, he should have spoken to Bounds about them or obtained more information well before the Senate was about to vote. But Scott apparently was asleep at the switch. Thus, months of effort to confirm this nominee have gone up in smoke — time that could have been used to confirm other nominees if Scott truly viewed Bounds’ ancient snark as a deal breaker.

What really gets me is that Scott and Rubio apparently voted for cloture — i.e., to end debate on Bounds and bring his nomination to a vote. As I understand it, once cloture is invoked, there must be a vote. Either that, or the nomination must be withdrawn.

Thus, there was no way to supply Scott with the information he claimed he needed. It was too late for that. McConnell had to fish or cut bait, and Scott wouldn’t let him fish — not successfully, at any rate.

This was a truly pathetic performance by the South Carolina Senator and his Florida colleague — one with potential adverse consequences for Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

* You can read Bounds comments in this Washington Post article. Here is what I take to be the most relevant part of it:

In one of his Stanford articles, Bounds described a phenomenon he called “race-think,” in which “multiculturalistas” and ethnic minorities bonded together to form groups of “racial purity” that he claimed ended up creating more division.

“During my years in our Multicultural Garden of Eden,” he wrote, “I have often marveled at the odd strategies that some of the more strident racial factions of the student body employ in their attempts to ‘heighten consciousness,’ ‘build tolerance,’ ‘promote diversity’ and otherwise convince us to partake of that fruit which promises to open our eyes to a PC version of the knowledge of good and evil. I am mystified because these tactics seem always to contribute more to restricting consciousness, aggravating intolerance and pigeonholing cultural identities than many a Nazi bookburning.”
Putin is Killing Americans With His Invasion Over the Southern Border! (Oh, Wait...)

by Ann Coulter

I don't know what Trump said during that two hours when he met privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but like so many in the media, I know what I hope he said: Mr. Putin, I need you to publicly admit your complicity in our illegal alien problem.

Only if Putin owns up to deploying a vast network of Russian assets to personally direct the movements of millions of illegal aliens across the Sonoran Desert, through dozens of checkpoints and into our country, in fulfillment of his master plan to attack America's financial viability, national security and future prospects, will the media, the Democratic Party and corporate Republicans ever emerge from their stupor and admit that we have a huge problem on our southern border.

Illegal immigrants have killed multiple times more Americans than Russia has in its entire history—or could ever hope to kill, even with a well-placed nuclear bomb.

But nothing will be done, unless we can prove Putin is behind it.

Our media and government want you to fixate on Russia's annexation of Crimea as the big problem facing our country, hoping you'll forget about the gaping hole on our border.

I haven't counted to see how many Americans died as a result of Putin's reacquiring Crimea—yes, I have! ZERO. Meanwhile, Mexican drug couriers kill more Americans every week than the Communist Soviet Union did when it shot down Korean flight 007 for flying into its airspace, almost starting a nuclear war.

Obsessing over irrelevant, unsolvable problems in remote parts of the globe is how liberals prove they are intellectuals. North Korea, Syria, Russia—that's what you're supposed to care about. Not your own country. Only Walmart shoppers care about their own country.

It would be as if in 1939, as the Nazi threat was looming, British newspapers discussed nothing but the bushfires in Victoria, Australia. How many died? Do they need our help? What shall we do? Where does the prime minister stand?

With Russia, liberals get an extra bonus of bludgeoning Trump over his nonexistent collusion with Russia—our greatest enemy since very, very recently.

At least no Democratic president ever publicly embraced a Russian dictator, while handing him all of Eastern Europe at Yalta, so the left's conscience is clear!

Actually, no. Until all the Roosevelt statues come down, liberals need to settle down about Russia. At least Trump isn't calling Putin "Uncle Vlad" and giving him one-third of Europe, as he is being advised by two Russian spies.

While I'm sure Russia's invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea were a grave threat to every man, woman and child in America, Putin should also be held to account for the rape and murder of thousands of Americans on our own soil every year, as a result of apparently unstoppable illegal immigration. (Who knew a wall was such an inconceivable engineering feat?)

Where else to lay the blame for this monstrous attack but on Putin, the most evil man since Hitler?

True, liberals have spent decades lobbying for a never-ending flow of illegal aliens. But that shouldn't be a problem. They also spent decades defending Russian dictators.

Abandoning every position they've ever held to attack Trump is standard operating procedure these days.

In addition to Trump's not challenging Putin to a fistfight in Helsinki, the media have gone bananas over the fact that he cited the findings of our intelligence agencies—but then added that Putin denied the charges.

HE'S BELIEVING PUTIN OVER OUR OWN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES? Moral equivalence! Treason! High crimes and misdemeanors! Kristallnacht! Trump might as well have trampled on a portrait of George Washington. (Or, since we're talking about liberals, Stalin.)

But the way I remember it, elected Democrats—even Democratic candidates for president—have criticized our intelligence agencies pretty ferociously, particularly regarding the Iraq War.

The media turned that clown Joe Wilson into a national hero for ridiculing the findings of our intelligence agencies.

At the inception of the war, U.S. intelligence, British intelligence and the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that Saddam Hussein had been seeking massive quantities of uranium from Niger.

But Joe Wilson was sent by his wife, a non-covert, paper-pushing CIA agent, on a trip to Niger, where he looked government officials directly in the eye and asked them: Did Saddam send envoys to this godforsaken country that has nothing to sell but uranium in order to buy uranium? Be honest! I have absolutely no way of knowing if you are lying, and powerful, nuclear-armed nations will be really mad at you if you say "yes."

It was on the basis of this conversation that Wilson concluded, as he wrote in The New York Times: "I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat."

Far from condemning this unpatriotic lout for crapping on our intelligence agencies, the media made him a star! Only a fool like George W. Bush would believe our inept intelligence agencies over the word of a government official from Niger.

So doing an about-face on a previous, long-held position is no problem for liberals, provided it serves the larger purpose of getting Trump.

I don't know if liberals have noticed, but trying to work the public into a white-hot rage over Putin's annexation of Crimea hasn't been wildly successful.

Apart from the fact that who owns Crimea is of absolutely no conceivable national security interest to the United States, Crimea has been a part of Russia since forever. (Technically, since 1783—when they took it from the Muslims, bless them.)

Google "Potemkin village." The story is that an aide to Russian Empress Catherine II, Grigory Potemkin, tried to impress her with her newest territorial possession by setting up fake villages along their route through it. Dateline: Crimea, 1787.

The left needs something a little more consequential to make us mad at Russia—and illegal immigration is just the ticket! The only thing liberals care about is Russia, but the only thing most Americans care about is their own country.

The solution is staring us right in the face. Convince Putin to admit that he is responsible for the millions of foreign invaders sneaking into our country, depressing wages on a good day, and raping little girls and committing sickening murders on the bad days.

In exchange, we'll give Putin Bill Browder and George Soros.
I think the most common sense and best approach of taking a position on persons or issues is just see how and where the jewish-controlled mass media views any given subject.

Do they hate Trump? Yep, with a vengeance. Translation: He's great.
Do they despise his stance on an issue or his tweets? Yep. Translation:. He's exposing the godless snakes and their disingenuos tactics.

Best approach:. Call them out for the godless pukes satanic pieces of scum that they are.

Trump is doing that. It's totally righteous to do. They are evil to the core. Period.
I would hate to say it Westside, but I think Trump is in trouble.
How so? If he used his own money no biggie. However, if he used campaign funds another story. I do not believe he would make that mistake. WA 33, don't the scum MSM. Every week since he became President they have tried wildly to take him out. Not going to work.
Why would he be in any kind of trouble? Another fake scandal manufactured by the left, nothing more. They have been trying to take him down for three years now ever since he announced his candidacy. The derangement has now reached epic proportions since he won the election.

Who cares about Trump's affairs and womanizing before he became POTUS? It's not like any of these is a big secret. Everyone knew Trump has been married three times, banged supermodels, porn stars and playmates in his time as a celebrity billionaire and has done and said many controversial things.

We didn't vote for him because he's a Boy Scout, but because he was someone who could shake up the establishment and maybe buy us some time by implementing policies that will delay/prevent the country from becoming a dysfunctional, corrupt, violent third world hellhole because of unchecked non-white immigration. And they are fighting him tooth and nail with everything they've got, they being the swamp, the deep state, the media, the left, right, you name it.

wa33 is coming across a concern troll here, IMO.
Why would he be in any kind of trouble? Another fake scandal manufactured by the left, nothing more. They have been trying to take him down for three years now ever since he announced his candidacy. The derangement has now reached epic proportions since he won the election.

Who cares about Trump's affairs and womanizing before he became POTUS? It's not like any of these is a big secret. Everyone knew Trump has been married three times, banged supermodels, porn stars and playmates in his time as a celebrity billionaire and has done and said many controversial things.

We didn't vote for him because he's a Boy Scout, but because he was someone who could shake up the establishment and maybe buy us some time by implementing policies that will delay/prevent the country from becoming a dysfunctional, corrupt, violent third world hellhole because of unchecked non-white immigration. And they are fighting him tooth and nail with everything they've got, they being the swamp, the deep state, the media, the left, right, you name it.

wa33 is coming across a concern troll here, IMO.

Excuse me? I suspect you are a troll!
Why would he be in any kind of trouble? Another fake scandal manufactured by the left, nothing more. They have been trying to take him down for three years now ever since he announced his candidacy. The derangement has now reached epic proportions since he won the election.

Who cares about Trump's affairs and womanizing before he became POTUS? It's not like any of these is a big secret. Everyone knew Trump has been married three times, banged supermodels, porn stars and playmates in his time as a celebrity billionaire and has done and said many controversial things.

We didn't vote for him because he's a Boy Scout, but because he was someone who could shake up the establishment and maybe buy us some time by implementing policies that will delay/prevent the country from becoming a dysfunctional, corrupt, violent third world hellhole because of unchecked non-white immigration. And they are fighting him tooth and nail with everything they've got, they being the swamp, the deep state, the media, the left, right, you name it.

wa33 is coming across a concern troll here, IMO.

btw, coward you would never, ever say that to my face!
Trump stirring it up again with the National Felons League. Ha!

Verified account 16h16 hours ago

The NFL National Anthem Debate is alive and well again - can’t believe it! Isn’t it in contract that players must stand at attention, hand on heart? The $40,000,000 Commissioner must now make a stand. First time kneeling, out for game. Second time kneeling, out for season/no pay!

74,654 replies 22,345 retweets 88,407 likes
Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen, This me be off topic but as an older man, I want you all to see this before it's gone forever. This is the way childhood was when I was brought up on the streets of Brooklyn. You'll notice few adults in the video and those who were pictured were seeming ignoring us (I said seemingly, but if what we were doing was too stupid, they didn't hold back, they told us in no uncertain terms. You'll notice, every boy was in motion and an athlete. I hope it comes through and I hope you enjoy it.

1959 - Children At Play In New York City Slums 220639-08 - YouTube

upload_2018-7-21_10-11-56.jpeg▶ 7:23

  1. Similar
Dec 2, 2014 - Uploaded by footagefarm
For broadcast quality material of this reel or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at ...
Trump stirring it up again with the National Felons League. Ha!

Verified account 16h16 hours ago

The NFL National Anthem Debate is alive and well again - can’t believe it! Isn’t it in contract that players must stand at attention, hand on heart? The $40,000,000 Commissioner must now make a stand. First time kneeling, out for game. Second time kneeling, out for season/no pay!

74,654 replies 22,345 retweets 88,407 likes

I am glad he is rubbing the cat the wrong way AGAIN! It's fantastic to call out the PTB. None of us can do it on such a huge scale. Screw the Felons League. Anything now is seemingly worth getting the Leftists panties in a wad since they live to be "offended".

I'll gladly comply.
Nice vid, TomIron. Looks like children making use of the sunshine, getting outdoors and being creative on how to make use of their space and whatever is handy to play with!

Outdoor physical fun time, what a concept for children!!!
Are some of you guys familiar with Michael Scheuer? I'm sure Don is if he wants to jump in here. Anyway, he is hammering not only Brennen, Clapper, the Democrat media and Meuller here about their non-stop assault on Trump but outright says in this interview that the FBI, NSA and CIA (whom he used to work for) cannot be trusted even at the lower levels because there are ZERO whistle blowers even among the underlings.

He also touches on Putin welcoming White S.A. farmers needing asylum into Russia, Mandela being utter murderous scum and Putin encouraging Christianity in Russia.

I've heard him in years past be very critical of U.S. unwavering support of Israel on several occasions, but I hadn't listened to him the last couple of years or so. The clip is 19 minutes but worth checking out. Opinions welcome....

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Twitter erupts after Trump warns Iran's Rouhani: 'NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN'
by Daniel Chaitin
| July 23, 2018 12:10 AM

Twitter went in a frenzy late Sunday, when President Trump abruptly sent an all-caps warning to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, threatening "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."


The tweet, sent just before midnight on the East Coast, came after Rouhani issued a warning to Trump earlier in the day about the possibility of "the mother of all wars" should he pursue aggressive policies.

Journalists, politicos, celebrities, and others appeared to be caught off guard.

Iran's Rouhani warns Trump about 'mother of all wars'

Reuters Staff


DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday cautioned U.S. President Donald Trump about pursuing hostile policies against Tehran, saying “war with Iran is the mother of all wars”, but did not rule out peace between the two countries.

Iran faces increased U.S. pressure and looming sanctions after Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a 2015 international deal over Iran’s nuclear program.

Addressing a gathering of Iranian diplomats, Rouhani said: “Mr Trump, don’t play with the lion’s tail, this would only lead to regret,” the state new agency IRNA reported.

“America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Rouhani said, leaving open the possibility of peace between the two countries, at odds since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

“You are not in a position to incite the Iranian nation against Iran’s security and interests,” Rouhani said, in an apparent reference to reported efforts by Washington to destabilize Iran’s Islamic government.

In Washington, U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Reuters that the Trump administration had launched an offensive of speeches and online communications meant to foment unrest and help pressure Iran to end its nuclear program and its support of militant groups.

Current and former U.S. officials said the campaign painted Iranian leaders in a harsh light, at times using information that is exaggerated or contradicts other official pronouncements, including comments by previous administrations.

Rouhani scoffed at Trump’s threat to halt Iranian oil exports and said Iran has a dominant position in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping waterway.

“Anyone who understands the rudiments of politics doesn’t say ‘we will stop Iran’s oil exports’...we have been the guarantor of the regional waterway’s security throughout history,” Rouhani said, cited by the semi-official ISNA news agency.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday backed Rouhani’s suggestion that Iran may block Gulf oil exports if its own exports are halted.

Rouhani’s apparent threat earlier this month to disrupt oil shipments from neighboring countries came in reaction to efforts by Washington to force all countries to stop buying Iranian oil.

Iranian officials have in the past threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation for any hostile U.S. action.

On Sunday, Iran’s ground forces commander became the latest military figure to back Rouhani’s apparent threat, the semi-official news agency Tasnim reported.

“The Strait of Hormuz region must either be safe for all or be insecure for everyone,” said General Kioumars Heydari, quoted by Tasnim.

Separately, a top Iranian military commander warned that the Trump government might be preparing to invade Iran.

“The enemy’s behavior is unpredictable,” Tasnim quoted military chief of staff General Mohammad Baqeri as saying.

“Although the current American government does not seem to speak of a military threat, according to precise information it has been trying to persuade the U.S. military to launch a military invasion (of Iran),” Baqeri said.

Iran’s oil exports could fall by as much as two-thirds by the end of the year because of new U.S. sanctions, putting oil markets under huge strain amid supply outages elsewhere.

Washington initially planned to shut Iran out of global oil markets completely after Trump abandoned the deal that limited Iran’s nuclear ambitions, demanding all other countries stop buying Iranian crude by November.

But the United States has somewhat eased its stance, saying it may grant sanction waivers to some allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies.


(((they))) cry out in pain as they strike you
It would be nice to see American populist/nationalist parties be a part of this also, but we don't do no stinkin' right wing third parties in this country:

Pro-EU Crowd Braces as Bannon Unveils Right-Wing Counterpart to Soros’ Foundation

Steve Bannon’s idea to set up a Soros-styled NGO to prop up Europe’s right-wing parties has caused quite a stir among liberals and the left, who rushed to accuse the former Trump advisor of planning an “attack on democracy.”

Bannon’s new non-profit organization, blandly dubbed ‘The Movement’ is set to establish itself in Brussels and would bring together right-wing parties from across Europe. The former chief advisor of Donald Trump unveiled the plan last week, seeking to provide like-minded parties with the support of think tanks, the organization of polls and valuable insights on data-targeting.

Ultimately, The Movement would challenge the influence of the George Soros’ liberal left Open Society Foundation. The NGO, established in 1984, has spent some $32 billion to support “liberal” causes. And now, Bannon seems to be adamant on giving broad support to Europe’s right.

The Movement is yet to be established, but the very idea of it has seemingly shaken the Eurocrats and pro-EU politicians, who rushed to fight Bannon in advance, labelling the envisioned NGO a “far-right” tool to shatter the union.

Member of the European Parliament from Germany and center-left politician Udo Bullmann branded Bannon’s idea “an attack on freedom and democracy in Europe,” vowing a “response’ to his initiative. Renata Alt from Germany’s Free Democrats Party, for her part, described the plan to establish The Movement as a “frontal attack on the EU and European values.”

Belgian liberal politician, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) and MEP Guy Verhofstadt called to “ban Bannon” from Europe altogether, to prevent him from preaching “hate.”

“Steve Bannon's far-right vision & attempt to import Trump's hateful politics to our continent will be rejected by decent Europeans. We know what the nightmare of nationalism did to our countries in the past,” Verhofstadt tweeted.

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Guy Verhofstadt


Steve Bannon's far-right vision & attempt to import Trump's hateful politics to our continent will be rejected by decent Europeans. We know what the nightmare of nationalism did to our countries in the past. We must #BanBannon! #GenerationEurope must stop him!

2:03 AM - Jul 22, 2018 · Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, België
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Funding of The Movement raises questions as well, Greek journalist and MEP Stelious Kouloglou told RT, since it was quite unclear whose interests this “obscure movement” would actually represent. Kouloglou, however, failed to explain what exactly makes Bannon’s proposed NGO any different from Soros’ foundation, which has been operating in Europe for decades. The MEP also described the right-wing European parties as mere “demagogues.”

“It’s very easy to be a demagogue, to find scapegoats. Whether this scapegoat is Mr. Soros or the scapegoat is the refugees,” Kouloglou stated.

Rich European countries, he added, should man-up and take their “historical responsibility” instead of resorting to populism.

“If you see so many people coming from different places you have to ask why. And the people, they are coming from, for instance, the Middle East, the people are political refugees,” Kouloglou said. “We, the United States, Great Britain and other people, bombarded … destroyed their countries and now they are denying any historical and political responsibilities. This is the same cause for the poor people, not refugees, but immigrants, to come from Africa. Who devastated Africa for decades and centuries? The rich European countries, they have to take their historical responsibility for that.”
American Freedom News