The Trump Era Begins

Years ago, I made a comment about Uncle Teddy Kennedy getting sodomized by Old Scratch 24/7 in the bowels of hell. I can now see the real miscreant McCain arriving down there shortly to provide Ted some much-needed relief by letting Scratch get to work on Johnny, mosh gosh.
Absolutely GREAT that Trump has finally fired Priebus. Never should have hired him in the first place but he is finally gone.

General Kelly has been one of the more low profile Administration members so far. At least initially he seems like a good choice. He would seem to have to be better than Priebus.

Agree. Yes. Yes. That Priebus always looked like a little weasel with his shifty, scared eyes. He was very likely spying and leaking every chance he could. He's a regular rat-fink. He reminded me of this guy: Peter Lorre

An important tweet from the Russian Embassy imo. The rest of the world recognizes that the political elite are not even close to a representative voice of the American people especially with regards to international matters. Even the most ardent trump haters, I get the sense, wonde why we are going so hard against Russia when we have had international influence in elections from Israel and to a lesser extent Britain, china and parts of the EU for decades

Russia could and should be a great ally to the US but the "deep state" has successfully nixed that for anything less than a show of pure disdain and hatred for Russia will "prove" the election influence conspiracy as seen by the recent bout of sanctions voted on which trump more or less had to sign

Have to give credit to Trump for announcing support for Cotton and Perdue's immigration reduction measure. It would take a miracle for it to pass, but nice to see Trump on record as supporting it. Say what you will about the man, that's a huge difference between him and Hillary Clinton or the latest Bush on this all important issue.
Trump is our last chance to right America's ship. Sure he is flamboyant and says some head scratching things. But his policies are exacting is whats needed. Never will we a White American President push the things he is pushing. I am sure Gen Kelly will get a grip on the West Wing and get everyone on the same page and root out those f**king leakers. The Republican Senate has been an utter failure thus far, especially those two c*nts and that rotten bitter McCain.
Agree. Yes. Yes. That Priebus always looked like a little weasel with his shifty, scared eyes. He was very likely spying and leaking every chance he could. He's a regular rat-fink. He reminded me of this guy: Peter Lorre


Peter Lorre on the Jack Benny show, Jan 1963, part 1:

Part 2:

Trump will be holding a big rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on August 22nd. Given recent events, I expect another melee between rally-goers, white nationalists, Antifa protesters, and Soros-funded plants. Who would've thought that one man could get white people out of their comfort zones and ready to fight for their lives against the country's plethora of bottom-feeders. Of course, Trump chose Arizona so that he could humiliate Juan McCain and Jeff Flake (the Cuck Twins) along with the Mayor of Phoenix (Stanton) who also despises Trump.
So far Donald Trump seems to be attempting to implement most of his campaign promises and does appear to be putting his own stamp on things…however, it’s unfortunate that the frequent turnover in administration cabinet members (as in the case of Sean Spicer and Anthony Scaramucci) is probably detracting from the more important pursuits and causing unnecessary media firestorms.

Something I am curious about as an Eastern European who is not that attuned to political developments in the United States - was Barack Obama’s presidency generally in the same mold as that of other Democratic Party presidents or was it significantly more pro-minority and anti-white? Do you believe that Obama was genuinely liberal & cosmopolitan or was he actually more motivated by black nationalism in terms of implementing his policy goals? Did his commitment to liberalism and globalism trump his commitment to pro-black causes or was it vice versa?

If the answer is the latter, maybe a hypothetical Hillary Clinton presidency, even if not as promising as a Donald Trump one and unlikely to bring about a major paradigm shift when it comes to white pride, would not have been too bad from the standpoint of European-Americans.

I am quite conservative in my viewpoints, but I can respect liberal people who are good-hearted and not hypocritical – i.e. do not make claims along the lines of whites never suffering racism and are willing to entertain the notion that quite a few white people have every reason to fear for their future in countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. However, I would find it difficult to find common ground with a person who claims to be tolerant and a liberal, but is unwilling to extend the same tolerance to whites or justifies racist violence directed against whites.
Massive waves of illegals flooding into Canada...from the United States

President Trump, DHS and ICE have been cracking down on illegal aliens. As a consequence, in June of this year 884 illegal aliens fled the U.S. for asylum in Canada. A month later, in July, that number skyrocketed over four hundred percent to more than 3,100. And now in the first two weeks of August it has doubled again to more than 3,800 flooding into Canada through August 15th. At this rate August will see over 7,000 illegal aliens fleeing the U.S. for safe-harbor in Canada.

Ninety-six percent of them went to Quebec, where an influx of asylum seekers, primarily Haitians, is sparking a backlash from opposition politicians and anti-immigrant groups in the primarily French-speaking province.
So far Donald Trump seems to be attempting to implement most of his campaign promises and does appear to be putting his own stamp on things…however, it’s unfortunate that the frequent turnover in administration cabinet members (as in the case of Sean Spicer and Anthony Scaramucci) is probably detracting from the more important pursuits and causing unnecessary media firestorms.

Something I am curious about as an Eastern European who is not that attuned to political developments in the United States - was Barack Obama’s presidency generally in the same mold as that of other Democratic Party presidents or was it significantly more pro-minority and anti-white? Do you believe that Obama was genuinely liberal & cosmopolitan or was he actually more motivated by black nationalism in terms of implementing his policy goals? Did his commitment to liberalism and globalism trump his commitment to pro-black causes or was it vice versa?

If the answer is the latter, maybe a hypothetical Hillary Clinton presidency, even if not as promising as a Donald Trump one and unlikely to bring about a major paradigm shift when it comes to white pride, would not have been too bad from the standpoint of European-Americans.

I am quite conservative in my viewpoints, but I can respect liberal people who are good-hearted and not hypocritical – i.e. do not make claims along the lines of whites never suffering racism and are willing to entertain the notion that quite a few white people have every reason to fear for their future in countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. However, I would find it difficult to find common ground with a person who claims to be tolerant and a liberal, but is unwilling to extend the same tolerance to whites or justifies racist violence directed against whites.

Democrats / Liberals have been explicitly anti-white all the way back since at least to the 1960s. That's when our anti-white immigration law was passed that opened the flood gates to third world savages.

Personally, I believe Obama was motivated by hatred of whites and his Muslim / satanic beliefs. He claimed to be Christian but grew up in Indonesia in a Muslim family and was listed as a Muslim in his school records there. He had an intense hatred for white people despite being abandoned by his sperm donor negro dad and raised by his white family.

Obama was both a globalist and full of anti-white hatred. The 2 were intertwined. Globalism gave Obama his power and money and the ability to implement his anti-white policies. The main difference with Obama is he had the deep state / CIA to use to illegally collect data and implement anti- white agendas and discriminate against any whites he opposed.

Hillary actually would have been worse for whites because she was planning to build off of what Obama had already accomplished. During the campaign, she gave speeches denouncing the alt-right and white nationalists, with plans in the works to shut them all down by using the deep state against us.

I agree, liberalism could work in an all white society. Sweden before immigration proved that. But big government with tons of non-whites in your society is a recipe for disaster.

It appears that Eastern Europe is the last hope of the white race. Do not fall to the globalist multicultural death trap!
The media is so incoherent these days the word on the street today is now that the Breitbart king Bannon will be a free agent the" knives will be out" for Trump. So the last six plus months has been like a pillow fight? At times it seems CNN has more animosity towards him than ISIS and North Korea. Even last night when the main and only story of the day was the horror attack in Spain (plus a terrorist attack today in Finland) you could see CNN rushing by it so they could get to their" racial stuff."
Many people I know figure Trump won't make it the full four years but I tend to think he will stick around knives and all. I also think the jagged start will settle down a little. Who knows in these crazy times but I would hate to see this "cheap racial morality play" the media has been brewing up being the issue that does him in.
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Reliable reporter Sara Carter is reporting that Bannon told her it was his decision to resign. He will attack Trump's enemies from outside the W.H. via Breitbart. I look forward to this warfare.
Me too. It will be "scorched earth" against the "Progressives" and establishment politicians on both sides. Bannon is calling it "#WAR". He will be much more effective in this capacity than in his role at the WH.
Transcript from a segment of the Rush Limbaugh show today:

"We Are on the Cusp of a Second Civil War"

America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.

I’m thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.

Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us, in order to defend America, you have to begin knowing our history. If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.

None of this that is happening on the left is random. None of the riots, none of the protests. They are not the result of the left being offended by individual acts. Antifa didn’t show up in Charlottesville because they found out something was going to happen that offended them. They showed up in Charlottesville to create mayhem and cause hell. They showed up in Ferguson, Missouri, to do the same thing.

They showed up in Baltimore to do the same thing — and wherever they show up today and tomorrow and next week, it’s by design, on purpose, has an objective and an agenda. And that agenda is to erase American history. That agenda is to distort, erase, and impugn our history. It is crucial if they are to succeed. Because, you see, if enough Americans can be persuaded that America, as founded, is unjust — if enough Americans can be persuaded that America as founded is inherently racist and immoral and illegitimate — then it will be all that much easier to erase America as founded.

The two go hand in hand, which is the objective of all of these groups on the left. Whatever they’re called and wherever they go and however they organize and whatever their day-to-day purpose, their objective is to erase the history of America. It’s to restate it, to recharacterize it in such a way as to convince a majority of Americans that their country is illegitimate and has been from the get-go — is unjust and racist and bigoted and has been from the get-go.

If enough Americans can be persuaded of all of that — that America is inherently racist, that America is and has been a lie — then it’s over. That is the objective, and we are in the midst of it. Sometimes you’re so close to the forest you don’t see the trees. That’s what we are in the midst of here: An ongoing effort to erase America by discrediting the entire premise of our culture, our history, our founding. The objective is to create in as many American minds as possible that America as founded is not worth defending. Serious times.

This is a very, very serious effort that is underway. Sadly, it has a lot of allies. It has a lot of people helping it that ought to be opposing it, but they are choosing what they think is the path of least resistance, which is defined by the media. You’ve got several Republicans who I believe are unwittingly participating in the effort to cast America as indefensible, particularly with Donald Trump as president. Trump as president is, in their view…

The attacks on Trump, the characterization of his presidency, is designed to show how really flawed America is. That somebody like this could be elected, that means it’s time to get rid of the Constitution. That means it’s time to get… Whatever made Trump possible, it’s time to change it and get rid of it. This is very, very serious stuff happening here, and it has the aid and support of the media, which means it has the aid and support of the worldwide left and the Democrat Party.

America’s profound morality, kindness, widespread prosperity, and design for equal opportunity should be self-evident. But that assumes that factual, historically accurate reporting in education is taking place, and we know that it isn’t. It is a shame and a near crime that the profound morality and greatness and kindness and widespread prosperity and equal opportunity that is America isn’t known. It is a crime that those characteristics of our country are in the process being recast and erased. We are getting hysterically inaccurate reporting.

We have been in the midst of hysterically inaccurate education for generations. America is unique. America copied no other country. Every other country was a copycat of others, with governments that denied individual freedom, denied opportunity, denied sovereignty. That’s what was copied. Tyranny was copied, nation to nation, people to people. That is the history of humanity: Living in tyranny, living under authoritarianism, living in poverty, living in sickness — until the United States came along, which copied nothing.

The United States and its founders rejected all of that tyranny, oppression, poverty. In America, the individual was the supreme power. That is being erased under the premise that the individual is corrupt. The individual is likely a racist or a transphobe or a homophobe or some other ill-prepared sack of humanity, and so we need to overcome the corruption that is the individual, that incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States of America.

There’s no place on this planet that human beings would rather be than the United States of America. And yet people born and raised in this country have been persuaded that America is a sinkhole, a hellhole, a sewer, a garbage dump, or a dungeon, and they’re in the process of actually creating all of that — under the guise that civil rights, equality, and liberty. The incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States is under attack. Leftists, Democrats seek control over 100% of the population. They accomplish this with lies, such as the Affordable Health Care Act.

They accomplish it with one lie after another. The lies being told today are the lies designed to convince people their country is not worth maintaining as it is, their country is not worth maintaining as founded because it was founded as racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic (you know the drill), immoral and illegitimate. Ignorant people will not remain free for very long. The media is working on a path parallel with school systems to actively and passively distort information to wipe out from the vestiges of our history and our memory any collection of stories that testify to the greatness of America and her people.
knightedsoldier5000 said:
Democrats / Liberals have been explicitly anti-white all the way back since at least to the 1960s. That's when our anti-white immigration law was passed that opened the flood gates to third world savages.

Personally, I believe Obama was motivated by hatred of whites and his Muslim / satanic beliefs. He claimed to be Christian but grew up in Indonesia in a Muslim family and was listed as a Muslim in his school records there. He had an intense hatred for white people despite being abandoned by his sperm donor negro dad and raised by his white family.

Obama was both a globalist and full of anti-white hatred. The 2 were intertwined. Globalism gave Obama his power and money and the ability to implement his anti-white policies. The main difference with Obama is he had the deep state / CIA to use to illegally collect data and implement anti-white agendas and discriminate against any whites he opposed.

Hillary actually would have been worse for whites because she was planning to build off of what Obama had already accomplished. During the campaign, she gave speeches denouncing the alt-right and white nationalists, with plans in the works to shut them all down by using the deep state against us.

I agree, liberalism could work in an all white society. Sweden before immigration proved that. But big government with tons of non-whites in your society is a recipe for disaster.

It appears that Eastern Europe is the last hope of the white race. Do not fall to the globalist multicultural death trap!

Thank you very much for the thorough response! It's great to hear the perspective of an American who is proud of his European heritage. I think it’s obvious that the views expressed at castefootball could no longer be considered fringe or non-mainstream given Trump’s success and the centrifugal forces that he has unleashed.

I initially naïvely assumed that Obama would be willing to bracket the subject of race and could be a unifying figure but it's disappointing if he himself seems to be unable to overcome race-related biases and actually holds personal animosities against whites. I always found it slightly odd that he only claimed the black side rather than identifying as biracial - one could definitely make the case that he did not acknowledge his white ancestry often enough (though I have to admit that he did show a strong interest in Ireland and visited his ancestral home there). Also, this may seem trivial, but it struck me as peculiar that Obama used the word “brother” when referring to the other black guy during this exchange:

I know that this is probably a legacy of slavery (there is nothing wrong in itself with blacks having a strong bond with each other) but it creates the impression that the Commander in Chief feels much closer to a certain demographic and would prefer to keep the rest of the Americans at arm’s length.

You may be right regarding his pro-Islamic leanings – it’s interesting that according to many surveys Obama is among the least popular US presidents in Israel.

As for liberalism, countries like Iceland that are ethnically homogeneous and where the bonds between people are very strong may indeed benefit from it (as long as the demographics don't change rather significantly).

Thank you! I am happy that I hail from the eastern part of the continent and at the same time am confident that whites from Western countries should not be written off and will not give up the good fight for their values and the preservation of their ethnic heritage. For better or for worse, Eastern European nationalisms frequently have defensive elements to them, as Bulgarians, Hungarians, and other Eastern Europeans feel that they have constantly been on the wrong side of history, so they (just like Trump) do not like to go overboard when it comes to making apologies and do not respond well to unwarranted attempts to guilt trip them for supposed past transgressions involving members of their racial or ethnic group.

Back on topic: it's good to see that Bannon is still supportive of Trump and there hasn't been a rift between him and the president. I guess Bannon feels that Trump would have an easier time weathering certain storms if he is no longer part of his administration in any official capacity (due to the perception that Bannon provides a platform for white nationalists). However, it may also be the case that Trump’s former White House Chief Strategist found it increasingly difficult to hold his own against some of his rivals within the White House such as Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn.
Why top White House officials won't quit Trump

A notable tidbit:

So why do the others stay? We talked to a half dozen senior administration officials, who range from dismayed but certain to stay, to disgusted and likely soon to leave. They all work closely with Trump and his senior team so, of course, wouldn't talk on the record. Instead, they agreed to let us distill their thinking/rationale:

  • "You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill": The most common response centers on the urgent importance of having smart, sane people around Trump to fight his worst impulses. If they weren't there, they say, we would have a trade war with China, massive deportations, and a government shutdown to force construction of a Southern wall.
American Freedom News