The Trump Era Begins

Damn. I thought Chuck Jewmer's name was really Chuck Schumer? Yes Thrashen. Jews control everything. So do WASPS. They are not all bad just like not all WASPS and every other race and religion have their bad apples too. I am no fan of Schumer but you don't have to defame the guy.

Why continue this? We all know who you are!
Why continue this? We all know who you are!

Exactly. And why is "McCaffrey Dude" still here, after all the name changes?

As for Chuck Schumer, I will never forget how he sat on his high bench and wore his best talmudic reptilian sneer as he looked down at and mocked the tearful survivors of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church (what the controlled media called a compound) in Waco Texas. The real reason those innocents were singled out to be holocausted was because someone from The Cult Awareness Network noticed that the saps were flying the devils foot (aka star of david) flag over their wooden church and this upset the Jewish groups. Schumer's disgusting act is shown in the original uncut "Waco - Rules of Engagement".
Damn. I thought Chuck Jewmer's name was really Chuck Schumer? Yes Thrashen. Jews control everything. So do WASPS. They are not all bad just like not all WASPS and every other race and religion have their bad apples too. I am no fan of Schumer but you don't have to defame the guy.

Here are some interesting facts about the life and times of Cuck Jewmer. His "story" is, quite literally, the blueprint for nearly every privileged Jewish Marxist formerly or currently holding any power or influence in the United States...

-He was born in NYC to Jewish family
-He has a fake Germanic (Schümer) surname
-He attended Harvard Law School
-He Immediately began running for various elected positions until worming his way into a job as a NY State Senator
-He was pro-gay marriage 20 years before it was popular
-He is rabidly pro-abortion, but supports this organization that attempts to reduce abortions in Israel:
-He's one of the few pro-Israel Democrats
-He's a hardcore gun-grabber
-He one of those pathetic, cucked, pro-feminist liberal males who has fought for decades to close the phony "gender wage gap"
-He's always been militantly pro-3rd world immigration
-He's been a massive "Trump Hater" from Day #1
-He's the second cousin of the vile, ultra-liberal female "comedian," Amy Schumer
-He hired Anthony Weiner, who was one of his top aides
-He married a Jewish woman (how xenophobic of him!)
-Has two Jewish children (how ethnocentric of him!) who both attended Harvard Law school, thus repeating the "Cycle of Jewish Privilege"

But you're right, I "don't have to defame" him, but I will.

One area of his life that is surely praiseworthy is his Shebrew wife, Iris, who is a real looker. Raw femininity incarnate...





Schumer is just a garden variety Jewish liberal Democrat. Comparing him to the odious Jews who actually "run the world" (via the Federal Reserve, Hollywood, Big Banks, Wall Street, the CIA/Deep State, etc.) isn't accurate at all. Do you really think vermin like George Soros are bawling about temporary Muslim bans or whining about what Trump tweeted that day like Cryin' Chuck?


No, they're busy destroying everything that is white and good in the world and getting rich along the way.
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Megyn Kelly's new show on NBC is tanking already. The "Curse of Trump" strikes again...



Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson (who was always pro-Trump and is constantly discussing stories that involve racism against whites) currently has the highest ratings for any show on cable TV (not just news shows)...

Thrashen, that quote from Trump is the funniest thing I ever heard in my life. I am not even exaggerating.
Here are some interesting facts about the life and times of Cuck Jewmer. His "story" is, quite literally, the blueprint for nearly every privileged Jewish Marxist formerly or currently holding any power or influence in the United States...

-He's one of the few pro-Israel Democrats

No, they're busy destroying everything that is white and good in the world and getting rich along the way.

Nice post that took a lot of time to put together like so many of yours, but I can't let that one go by without comment. America's two-party charade isn't illustrated any better than the way any piece of pro-Israel legislation is rubberstamped, Soviet-style, 535-0 by Congress. Any heretics who dare to dissent are defeated in the next round of elections. Would be great if one of the two permanently entrenched political gangs wasn't pro-Israel, but the Dems and Repubs are as one when it comes to the Jewish supremacist apartheid police state "democracy."
Megyn Kelly's new show on NBC is tanking already. The "Curse of Trump" strikes again...



Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson (who was always pro-Trump and is constantly discussing stories that involve racism against whites) currently has the highest ratings for any show on cable TV (not just news shows)...

Tucker Carlson needs to cover the cast system, that would blow some lids off :)
Nice post that took a lot of time to put together like so many of yours, but I can't let that one go by without comment. America's two-party charade isn't illustrated any better than the way any piece of pro-Israel legislation is rubberstamped, Soviet-style, 535-0 by Congress. Any heretics who dare to dissent are defeated in the next round of elections. Would be great if one of the two permanently entrenched political gangs wasn't pro-Israel, but the Dems and Repubs are as one when it comes to the Jewish supremacist apartheid police state "democracy."

Now I know some people will take offense but Mckinney the "crazy" black woman who talked about that pledge to Israel thing is very have to be zionist blackmailed and unquestioning of Israel UNLESS agreed controlled opposition/. Israel geared its propaganda for years as "right wing" "anti-communist" and "conservative" to appease the ears of Americans aka White Americans...they still do that? Why? The contradictions are a myriad....and they aren't called on them why no "DIEversity" in Tel Aviv? Why during the Cold War were trying to con the west into believing Palestinians were all "DIE HARD MARXISTS" lol who we had to help fight against because of "terrorism" when in most of the cases Mossad agents were always in charge and hell several were blown wide open I remember reading abou a PLO "terror" cell was caught and the mossad agents were sent back to Tel Aviv and gave a press conference? The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty incident, the many spy rings exposed I mean when it comes to foreign policy you are right both parties have Israel as their highest "God" in the Pantheon of BS.
Now I know some people will take offense but Mckinney the "crazy" black woman who talked about that pledge to Israel thing is very have to be zionist blackmailed and unquestioning of Israel UNLESS agreed controlled opposition/. Israel geared its propaganda for years as "right wing" "anti-communist" and "conservative" to appease the ears of Americans aka White Americans...they still do that? Why? The contradictions are a myriad....and they aren't called on them why no "DIEversity" in Tel Aviv? Why during the Cold War were trying to con the west into believing Palestinians were all "DIE HARD MARXISTS" lol who we had to help fight against because of "terrorism" when in most of the cases Mossad agents were always in charge and hell several were blown wide open I remember reading abou a PLO "terror" cell was caught and the mossad agents were sent back to Tel Aviv and gave a press conference? The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty incident, the many spy rings exposed I mean when it comes to foreign policy you are right both parties have Israel as their highest "God" in the Pantheon of BS.

Cynthia McKinney has more courage and integrity than just about all White politicians.
Trump claims 'clear victory' after Supreme Court says his 'Muslim' travel ban can go into effect NOW against people without U.S. ties
  • Supreme Court justices will act on Trump's travel ban in the fall, and allowed a major part of it to go into effect immediately
  • Refugees and others from six Muslim-majority countries who already have a 'bona fide relationship' with legal U.S. residents will be allowed to come
  • While the case is pending, the lower court's injunction will apply only to those people who have no U.S. ties
  • Rumors also abound in Washington, DC that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, 80, may announce his retirement on Monday

Read more:
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Small victory in a big war but we'll take it anyway. Sends a message around the world Mohamedans not welcome here.
By now most that voted for Trump ought to know that he is giving to get, he is compromising to accomplish, he is playing both sides. This we know. We have to accept this reality. If he really did everything he promised he'd likely end up like Kennedy. So, we got TPP cancelled, we got the Paris accord pull out, we got a SCOTUS appointment that wasn't Jewish, we got a travel ban on scumbags, the old broadcasting media is having fits, and now we get Tariffs. That's better than 8 years of Barrack Hussein. I guess we can say we are winning a bit.

Trump "Overrules" Cabinet, Prepares To Unleash Global Trade War
Nice to see Trump double-down on the Mika tweet "controversy". Instead of apologizing and groveling, like the media "forces" other men to do when they transgress against some politically-correct precept, Trump tweets the following this morning:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!

25,218 replies 9,537 retweets 34,580 likes

Classic stuff for sure, but I wish he wouldn't have made the tweet a few days ago since it was a low-rated show and not worth the backlash and the fact that it will only increase their ratings...all of this while CNN was being exposed as "FAKE NEWS" with Project Veritas and the whole "Russian Collusion" B.S. was disintegrating. So, no need to give the Dems and media any more ammunition and revive them...Morning Joe would probably have been canceled in a few months anyway considering the direction of their ratings, etc.
From the expert in black hoes:

Stephen Hawking says Donald Trump could turn Earth into planet like Venus with 250C and sulphuric acid rain

Stephen Hawking has warned that Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change could “push the Earth over the brink” and lead to a point where global warming is “irreversible”.

The President announced last month that the US would be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, which has been signed by nearly 200 nations, claiming he wants to “renegotiate” the US’s part in the agreement to ensure American businesses are not disadvantaged.

He has highlighted the coal industry as one that would suffer under the climate change deal.

Mr Trump’s decision has been widely criticised, with France, Italy and Germany issuing a statement that the deal is “not negotiable,” while Prime Minister Theresa May expressed her “disappointment” to the President in a phone call at the time.

Former President Barack Obama hit out at the decision, while the leaders of Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Goldman Sachs condemned Mr Trump’s judgement.

At an event to mark the theoretical physicist’s birthday, Mr Hawking told BBC News on Sunday he believes the President’s decision will cause avoidable environmental damage to the planet for generations to come.

Associated Press Stephen Hawking."We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

He added that climate change is one of the “great dangers” facing the planet, which can be prevented it action is taken now.

By denying the evidence of climate change and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, the President “will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children,” Mr Hawking told the broadcaster.

The professor marked his birthday with a series of specially-organised public lectures on gravity and black holes.

His talk on Sunday at Cambridge University reflected on his life and scientific work, following an afternoon of lectures from other distinguished scientists, including Professor Brian Cox.

Professor Hawking said mankind must continue to go into space "for the future of humanity".

"I don't think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our natural planet," he said. "I therefore want to encourage public interest in space."


The facilitators of the event may have just propped him up on stage and typed words into a computer for him? Who knows? Either way, not scientific to be babbling on and dabbling into politics without verifiable facts.
Hawking: "I don't think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our natural planet," he said. "I therefore want to encourage public interest in space."

1,000 years? What improved? Global warming/cooling? Last year he said he didn't think the human race would survive the 21st century.
REPORT: Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party with Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos

Here's a reprint of an excerpt from a recent article from Politico magazine, called "Trump's Fake War on the Fake News.". Maybe the article is itself "fake news" but it should be kept in mind when trying to decipher Trump and his inner circle:

“Seven days before Donald Trump took office, the inauguration festivities got off to a low-key start inside a modest conference room at the Capitol Hill offices of the American Trucking Associations. There, a hundred-odd familiar faces from the Washington set gathered to fête one of their own, incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer. The party spilled out into the hallway as entrepreneur Susanna Quinn, ubiquitous Republican consultant Ron Bonjean and Spicer’s wife, Rebecca, a staffer at the National Beer Wholesalers Association, rubbed shoulders with CBS’ White House correspondent Major Garrett and its political editor Steve Chaggaris, Time’s Zeke Miller and several journalists from CNN, including Washington bureau chief Sam Feist. Spicer arrived late, but in good spirits, and after 20 minutes of schmoozing he strode to the front of the room to deliver brief remarks. In public, Trump’s team and the press had been engaged in bitter clashes for months. Just two days earlier, during a contentious transition-team news conference, Spicer had threatened to eject CNN’s Jim Acosta from Trump Tower. But in the end, ratings were up and Trump was president-elect. The overlit conference room was a safe space, not a war zone. Spicer made light of the Acosta incident, jokingly threatening to eject Feist from the room. Feist took Spicer’s teasing in stride, briefly turning as if to make for the exit, and the room laughed along. . . On the campaign trail, Trump called the press ‘dishonest’ and ‘scum.’ . . Since taking office, he has dismissed unfavorable coverage as ‘fake news’ and described the mainstream media as ‘the enemy of the American people.’ And there’s been a string of symbolic, almost gratuitous little slaps: He not only rejected the traditional invitation to the White House Correspondents Association dinner, but announced the Saturday beforehand that he’d be holding a rally the same night, meaning some reporters will have to skip their own professional event to cover his. Not since Richard Nixon has an American president been so hostile to the press — and Nixon largely limited his rants against the media to private venting with his aides. But behind that theatrical assault, the Trump White House has turned into a kind of playground for the press. We interviewed more than three dozen members of the White House press corps, along with White House staff and outside allies, about the first whirlwind weeks of Trump’s presidency. Rather than a historically toxic relationship, they described a historic gap between the public perception and the private reality. When he is not fulminating on stage or on Twitter, the president himself has mustered a number of cordial interactions with reporters since taking office, often showing them more courtesy than he grants his own staff. When White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is not labeling the media ‘the opposition party,’ he can be found sending crush notes to journalists to let them know they’ve nailed a story. And when Spicer is not popping off from his podium, he is often busy maintaining old relationships with journalists and building new ones. . . The great secret of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is that Trump’s war on the media is a phony one, a reality show that keeps his supporters fired up and distracted while he woos the constituency that really matters to him: journalists.
Trump needs to do a better job of "wooing" journalists, the majority are going 24/7 anti-Trump with a vengeance. There may be a few that are favorites and get treated ok by the Trump team but it's hard to see any support for him amongst the vast majority of media.
Trump needs to do a better job of "wooing" journalists, the majority are going 24/7 anti-Trump with a vengeance. There may be a few that are favorites and get treated ok by the Trump team but it's hard to see any support for him amongst the vast majority of media.
The only way to "woo" journalist is to attack Russia/Syria and support massive legal and illegal immigration. Any amount of niceness or "wooing" short of this means nothing. Trump has always been arrogant, narcissistic, and loose with his words but he was never hated, in fact kind of loved and respected, by the media until the day he bashed illegal immigrants. Mr. Rogers would be hated by the media if he opposed immigration and was friendly with Russia. Just look at what the media did to Ron Paul, the Mr. Rogers of politics, for attacking the Federal Reserve and having a sane foreign policy.
REPORT: Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party with Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos

Ha ha they're all pals and the jokes on us!

Ha ha they're all pals and the jokes on us!


I see some other "all star" lonsmen were also in attendance...Stephen Spielberg & "UpChuck Schumer". I'm sure those nefarious megalomaniacs did alotta scheming against us goyim.

Ha ha they're all pals and the jokes on us!

I see some other "all star" lonsmen were also in attendance...Stephen Spielberg & "UpChuck Schumer". I'm sure those nefarious megalomaniacs did alotta scheming against us goyim.

Uy vey no offense but your Yiddish spelling is not so good. They are landsmen there not "lonsmen"!
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