The Political Cesspool

I'd be happy to Jimmy. The host of Radio X was Jimmy X. He asked James questions about TPC and about some of the larger issues of race, such as black on white crime (several examples were mentioned) and the double standards that go along with almost any type of behavior. They mocked the sincerity of Eric Holder who said we need to talk about race. James said if they really want an honest dialogue about race, lets put all the cards on the table, including the black on white rape stats and intelligence differences. James repeatedly stressed the urgent importance of white men standing up and taking action to see that our race survives because we are being driven towards extinction. He said talking about it with buddies isn't going to get the job done.

Jimmy X also had on Edgar J. Steele (James had asked Jimmy to bring him on the show as well) who was summarily rejected for membership by the Idaho state Constitution Party this past Friday. Mr. Steele had applied for membership in the party he has worked to build up for some time because he wants to run for governor of Idaho. The Idaho CP has a black chairman and he evidently doesn't like Mr. Steele's honest writings on race (ex. In Defense of Racism), so they rejected his application without reason. James had Mr. Steele on TPC Saturday and encouraged everyone to write the Idaho and nation CP and express your disgust in this decision and your hope for a reversal in this decision. James said if Mr. Steele wasn't accepted by the CP, he'd never consider voting for any of their candidates again.

Thats the meat of what was said. The Radio X show is only one hour long, but I really like the host, Jimmy X. Seems like he's one of us and has no quarrel with being labeled a "racist."

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
One of James Edwards latest blogs includes brief discussion of Glenn Beck and his confusing statements about Obama being anti-white and a youtube clip of his comments. Brings to mind a question that jaxvid posited earlier this week on whether a WN in the MSM could be trusted. Clearly I don't view Beck as a WN, but it does make you wonder exactly who would stand up and call a spade a spade everytime without wavering, especially when Jews are mentioned.

James Edwards is a big proponent of freedom of association. From limited listening, I do know this.

So, Colonel, do you know if James Edwards has recommended his listeners' to view the websites/message boards where ultra-vile (and TOTALITARIAN) negroes, Jews and castrated Whites are arguing that Whites shouldn't have this kind of FREEDOM (of association/choice) in a supposedly FREE COUNTRY?

I think most CFers and Stormfronters' know about the vile things that blacks and Jews post on the net, but as many Whites as possible need to know who the REAL TOTALITARIANS are. Those in the dark need to see what REAL TYRANNY and RACISM looks like. If that doesn't get folks to bear arms and learn to be proficient in their usage, then frankly, nothing will.

No offense, but I think James Edwards wastes time with stories like the re-selling of cemetary plots in Illinois. Our enemies don't want us to have REAL CHOICE and this will certainly be one of our main weapons used to awaken our folk.

I'm not looking to ruffle anyones feathers, nor am I saying that James Edwards doesn't want people to see every facet of the enemy and get to know them like the back of one's own hands. That's why I've asked the specific question that I've asked, does James ever say -- "They call us the racists, they say we want genocide, so I recommend my listeners to read this or that and to tell their friends to read this or that (site) and to think hard about it. It's not uncommon for the MSM to malign Stormfront and then say that there are some really vile and disturbing sites on the net. I doubt the MSM is talking about the vile things that non-Whites write since the MSM never mentions their websites. It's all about inducing "White guilt" and leading sheep to their slaughter. Do you want anti-freedom totalitarians (oxymoron!) controlling you, your family and America? That is the question of our time."
Deadlift, I have heard James say before that whites should take the time to read what our enemies are writing about us or writing in general, on several subjects. I think he does waste some time on his newer broadcasts by rehashing MSM "news". On the whole though, the man does more to awaken whites than most of us ever will and he's still in his 20s. He tries to combat white guilt and show the "tolerant ones" for the hypocrits that they are. He does it through his blog and his radio show. I applaud him and realize that I'll probably never agree with 100% of what anyone does or thinks.
the Cesspool had British National Party chairman Nick Griffin on Saturday night. you can here the discussion here.

he was on August 8, in the first hour.

also, Pat Buchanan was on the Cesspool the week before, if i recall correctly.
The Political Cesspool just celebrated their 5 year anniversary. You can listen to last Saturday's show for free until this upcoming Saturday here:

Something I didn't know was that James financed the first two years of the radio show through an inheritance that his grandmother left him when she died in October 2004. October 2004 was a pretty big month for CF too, as Don unveiled the free site during that month.
James Edwards will have Hutton Gibson, Mel's father, on TPC this afternoon. From James email:

HuttonGibson is an author, World War II Veteran, formerJeopardy
Champion and father of Academy Award winning director Mel Gibson.
After spending three years in the seminary, Hutton has dedicated his
life to Defending the Faith of Our Fathers.

We will be talking to Mr. Gibson about the manifestation of
politically correct heresy in the Church, as well asthe secularization
of the Christian faith in general.

Hutton's books include Is The Pope Catholic? and The Enemy Is Still Here! Both titles are autographed and available for purchase at:</font>

But that's not all!

Dr. Kevin MacDonald, tenured professor of psychology at California
State University - Long Beach, is also slated to appear during this
live installment of our award-winning talk show! It should be a VERY
big night of hard hitting radioas onlyThe Political Cesspool can provide!

The Political Cesspool can be heard live each Saturday
night from 6pm-9pm Central Time on AM 1380 WLRM in Memphis, Tennessee,
and on the AM / FM affiliate stations of the Liberty News Radio Network.

You may tune in live (oraccess the broadcast archives after the fact) by visiting our official</font>
Dr. Michael Hill, the President of the League of the South, will be a guest on TPC today. I look forward to hearing what he says.

Dr. Michael Hill, President of The League of The South, will be our
featured guest on tonight's live broadcast as our annual coverage of
Confederate History Month continues on The Political Cesspool Radio

Dr. Hill recently wrote an article titled <a href="" target="_blank">Why
My Heart's In Dixie</a>
exclusively for TPC!

In addition to our conversation with Dr. Hill, you can count on us to
provide our unique commentary a litany of other hot stories that have
made headlines this week.

As always, <a href="" target="_blank">The
Political Cesspool Radio Program</a>
can be heard live each
Saturday night from 6pm â€" 9pm Central Time on AM 1380 WLRM (Memphis,
TN), our internet stream, and via the Liberty News Radio Network's
internet stream, affiliate stations, and shortwave / satellite system.

<a href="" target="_blank">Our
broadcast archives</a>, dating back to 2005, are available on demand.
Colonel_Reb said:

A lesson in how they operate. Good businessmen right?


Last year in Pennsylvania, a private swim club agreed to let a liberal group bring some inner city kids to the pool for the day. When they got there, it turned out that they had brought far more kids than they had initially talked about, and many of them were unruly. So they told the group they would have to leave, and refunded their money. In a free country, that would be the end of the story â€" a private business could decide who's allowed on their property and who isn't, and it wouldn't be anyone else's business. But because the swim club was all white, and the kids were black and brown, they didn't have the freedom to ask them to leave for everyone's safety.

A Jewish attorney promptly sued them in civil court for violating the "civil rights"Â￾ of the kids, and then the Department of "Justice"Â￾ sued them for violating the "civil rights"Â￾ of the kids, and then the state of PA human rights board went after them, too. The club had to pay so much in legal bills defending their alleged "freedoms"Â￾ that they went bankrupt. They had to sell the club at an auction the other day as part of the bankruptcy, and you can probably guess who the proud new owner is. Yep, a local synagogue. Probably the one the attorney who sued them attends"¦

The Philadelphia-area swim club which 56 Black and Latino children were barred from attending last year was sold at a bankruptcy auction on May 13 to a nearby synagogue, after legal bills racked up in its defense of the incident left it broke.

The Huntingdon Valley Swimming Club was sold for $1.46 million to Congregation Beth Solomon of Northeast Philadelphia. Vlad Tinovsky, the synagogue's attorney, did not say what the club would be used for.

"The congregation is very excited, but we are not yet sure how we intend to use it. We would like to use it within its existing recreational and educational nature,"Â￾ Tinovsky told CNN.

On June 29, children from Philadelphia's Creative Steps day camp visited the swim club on what was to be the first of a series of arranged swimming trips. When club members, none of whom where Black, complained, the deal with the day camp was rescinded and the day camp's $1,950 payment was returned.

The swim club said the deal was rescinded due to safety and crowd control, not the racial makeup of the day camp, but by then a public furor had already begun.

As a result, the club was hit with lawsuits from the family of one child and the Justice Department, as well as a state Human Relations Commission investigation. The legal bills associated with the lawsuits left the swim club broke.
thanks for those links, Colonel.
Bart said:
A Jewish attorney promptly sued them in civil court for violating the "civil rights"Â￾ of the kids, and then the Department of "Justice"Â￾ sued them for violating the "civil rights"Â￾ of the kids, and then the state of PA human rights board went after them, too. The club had to pay so much in legal bills defending their alleged "freedoms"Â￾ that they went bankrupt. They had to sell the club at an auction the other day as part of the bankruptcy, and you can probably guess who the proud new owner is. Yep, a local synagogue. Probably the one the attorney who sued them attends"¦

I'm from PA, so I heard this sob story the day after the great "tragedy"Â￾ occurred.

The American flag is much too soiled to be used as toilet paper for white Americans.
Your welcome, Jimmy. I thought those blogs were pretty timely, considering some recent happy hour threads by f3dor.
Keith Obermann is upset by the coverage of the Tim Adams story.

Keith Olbermann attacks TPC, WND, CofCC and Tim Adams

Radical left wing talk show host Keith Olbermann denounced WorldNetDaily for their coverage of the Tim Adams story. Why? Well, it seems that WorldNetDaily is only supposed to get breaking news stories from left wing sources like MSNBC, and they didn't follow the rules. Instead, they expanded on a story that we broke on our radio show. And our show was broadcast live from the Council of Conservative Citizens meeting. And since we're openly pro-white, and CofCC opposes efforts to mix the races, that makes us and CofCC bad guys, and it makes WND bad guys for following up on a news story we broke.

You can watch the video of Olbermann denouncing us here.

Funny, Israel has laws against interracial marriage, yet I don't recall Olbermann ever denouncing them. They also go to great effort to oppose the mixing of Jews and Palestinians, and Olbermann has no problem with that, either.

I wonder why that is?
While correct on the totalitarianism of the (so called) "Patriot" & Military Commissions acts, Olbermann is a arch-marxist, pencil-neck douchebag & a puppet of his Zionist masters (who control the MSM).
Since we don't have a Father's Day thread, I figured I'd post this here. Its an article linked by James Edwards from Pastor Chuck Baldwin on the need for masculine leadership in the home. By the way, James has released a book entitled "Racism, Schmacism: How Liberals Use The "R" Word To Push The Obama Agenda"

You can order a copy here:

Former Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin, who has been
a featured guest on The Political Cesspool on numerous occasions, <a href="" target="_blank">has written the
following commentary on Father's Day</a> that we'd like to share with
our audience.


Father's Day 2010: Masculine Leadership Needed Now More
Than Ever

By Chuck Baldwin

As we approach Father's Day this Sunday, I think it is necessary to
once again draw attention to what has become one of America's greatest
problems: the dearth of masculine leadership in the home.

As everyone universally acknowledges, there are more children being
raised by single mothers today than at any time in our nation's history.
Obviously, divorce is far and away the biggest contributor to this
unfortunate phenomenon. But another factor is that many women are
choosing to have children out of wedlock. And, of course, a small
percentage of single mothers became this way due to the premature deaths
of their husbands. But it is safe to say that the vast majority of
fatherless families are the result of choice, not circumstance.

The ramifications of raising children without a father are taking a
toll, not only on children, but also on society itself. According to
published reports, 63% of teen suicides come from fatherless homes, 90%
of all runaways and homeless children come from fatherless homes, 80% of
rapists come from fatherless homes, 85% of children with behavioral
problems come from fatherless homes, 71% of all high school dropouts
come from fatherless homes, 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical
abuse centers come from fatherless homes, and 85% of all youths in
prison come from fatherless homes. See the following sources for these
(and related) stats:

<a href="" target="_blank">Fatherless
Homes Breed Violence</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">Children of
Divorce &amp; Separation â€" Statistics</a>

Before militant feminists assail me as a sexist and male chauvinist, I
most certainly understand that there are many examples of women who
have overcome the most adverse circumstances in order to raise fine,
upstanding children.

I not only understand it theoretically, but I also understand it
practically, as a single mother raised my wife, and she turned out
marvelously (as did her older sister and younger brother). My
mother-in-law is among the outstanding success stories of single women
who have overcome some of the most adverse circumstances possible to
successfully raise three young children. All three children are living
prosperous, productive lives, and not one of them is dysfunctional or

So, to all the Betty Friedans out there, please spare me your jaded
knee-jerk reactions and mindless accusations!

That there are wonderful exceptions to the rule doesn't change the
fact that the overwhelming majority of evidence conclusively proves that
a family is much better off when Dad is in it. Boys, especially,
require the firm hand of masculine leadership. And that is a fact! And
this brings to mind another problem: many fathers are either chronically
away from home due to work schedules or are deliberately taking a
passive, non-leadership role in the home.

Either way, the result is the same: too many families are
experiencing a dearth of masculine leadership. Let's say it another way:
masculine leadership is needed now more than ever!

Black families have been hit especially hard. According to the Pew
Research Center (PRC), 72% of all black babies born in 2008 were out of
wedlock. [The New Demography of American Motherhood, by Gretchen
Livingston and D'Vera Cohn, May 6, 2010]For all intents and purposes,
the black community is now overwhelmingly a matriarchal society. Is it
any wonder that the crime rate is so high among young black males?

PRC also reported that 53% of all Hispanic babies born in 2008 were
out of wedlock, 29% of white babies born in 2008 were out of wedlock,
and 17% of Asian babies born in 2008 were out of wedlock. Nationwide,
41% of all babies born in 2008 were out of wedlock.

The lack of masculine discipline and leadership in America's homes is
easily visible everywhere you go. Stroll down the aisle of most any
shopping center, eat out at just about any restaurant, and attend
practically any movie theater or church service and one is inundated
with unruly, disrespectful, disobedient, bratty kids. And in almost
every instance, there is either no father anywhere to be found, or if he
is present, he is completely unattached and devoid of leadership

I recently witnessed one of these out-of-control brats take almost
total control of a restaurant with his incessant temper tantrums, while
the mother hid her face in her hands (literally) and the father buried
his head in a newspaper. Meanwhile, the entire restaurant (customers and
staff) was forced to endure an hour of non-stop belligerence and
blood-curdling screaming. In the meantime, I am still anxiously waiting
for the first restaurant that provides a "brat-free"Â￾ section, similar to
the way they often provide a "smoke-free"Â￾ section: I want to be its
first customer! (Commercial airplanes need such a section, too.)

There are many contributing factors to the decline of masculine
leadership, of course. Society, itself, has mostly feminized our entire
culture by ridiculing and lampooning manhood. Note the television
commercials and programs that denigrate fatherhood. In most of these
commercials and shows, the dad is caricatured as being the resident
nincompoop, a bungling buffoon who barely has enough sense to walk and
chew gum at the same time.

Hollywood is no better. Think about it: when was the last movie you
saw that extolled genuine masculinity? I'm not talking about bulging
muscles, either. I'm talking about moral strength along with the inner
character of virtue and integrity. As far as the social acceptance of
masculinity is concerned, it seems that manhood died out with the black
and white westerns.

Think, too, about how our children are being raised. The vast
majority of them are being raised in a home devoid of strong, masculine
leadership. In our schools (public, private, parochial, or Christian)
the vast majority of teachers are women. The same is true for most
churches. Think about it: unless a young man plays sports, he may grow
from childhood to adulthood without hardly ever being exposed to real
masculine leadership. No wonder more and more boys seem to be confused
about their sexuality.

In addition, our laws increasingly discriminate against fatherhood.
Let a father discipline his children according to Biblical instruction
and there is a very good chance that he will be charged with some sort
of criminal abuse, and have his children taken from his home by the
authorities. Even an unfounded or unsubstantiated accusation against a
father can result in State agencies removing his children from his home.
Furthermore, the father may be subjected to a lifetime of government
harassment by being permanently declared some sort of child abuser; he
may also be forced to forfeit his freedom to purchase a firearm or to
live where he chooses.

I can tell you this: if a bruised butt is evidence of child abuse, I
was abused BIG TIME! My dad took seriously that maxim, "Spare the rod;
spoil the child."Â￾ I can say this, however: I never got a spanking that I
did not deserve; and looking back on it, I thank God for every spanking
I got, because Dad's correction gave me the sense of security, love,
and direction that I desperately needed to make the right choices in
life. I shudder to think where (or what) I would be today had my father
not disciplined me.

I also thank God that I was raised in a better time, when the culture
had not ditched the laws of God and Nature in favor of this stupid,
senseless, asinine political correctness that is rampant today!

I tell you the truth: there are not too many problems that could not
be solved today with an old-fashioned, honest, morally upright,
courageous disciplinarian-father who would lovingly bring up his
children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. And let's all remember
that it is extremely difficult for a man to be this kind of father
without the love and support of his wife. In this regard, the feminist
movement is largely responsible for destroying both the femininity of
our women and the masculinity of our men.

So, while we are rightly concerned and focused on the myriad problems
facing us today, let's remember that America has no greater need than
the need of families to be led and strengthened by good, Godly fathers.
Furthermore, that is something each of us men should aspire to do beyond
anything else. To paraphrase the words of our Lord, "What shall it
profit a father if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own

Therefore, to all of America's outstanding fathers out there who
quietly go about the business of being an example to their children; who
consistently and humbly discipline their children; who instill the
time-tested principles of honor, integrity, and devotion in the hearts
of their children; who bravely accept the responsibility of fatherhood
without grumbling and complaining; and who are willing to put the
security and well-being of their families above their own personal


Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church
in Pensacola, Florida
Thanks for the heads up CR. We'll be at a rodeo tomorrow night, but I'm eager to hear the archive from Don's interview tomorrow.
We are just over 4 hours away from Don's appearance on TPC, and with Christophe Lemaitre running a 9.98 in the 100M yesterday, I am more excited than ever to hear what Don has to say about it and everything CF related!
unfortunately, i missed Don's appearance today on the Cesspool. Colonel, do you have an idea of when the broadcast will be archived? or a link, perhaps?
It was a great guest spot by Don as usual.
He started off talking about the fantastic news of Christophe Lemaitre's run. It would have been better if James had given Don a little more free reign and had him on for 2 hours instead of 1. Still, a great hour of exposing the Caste System. I believe the second hour with Don is already archived, JC. Here's the link.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
That was the fastest hour of radio I have ever listened to. Great info by Don and he was right. Castefootball is the only place to go to find out how white athletes are doing. I take it for granted since I am on this site all the time. But I have not heard one piece of news about the french sprinter other than at Castefootball.

If only Don could get on a more mainstream radio talk show program, we would really get some attention.