The Political Cesspool

Just got this email from James Edwards and thought it worth sharing here if for no other reason than to show that there are those who, under the guise of helping us, would keep us quiet about some of the issues that really matter. I know Don could use a similar injection of funds right now, so I encourage you all to give what you can to help out CF and/or the ANU. Even if it is only $10, it adds up if enough of us give.

"I debated whether or not I should share the following news with you before ultimately deciding that you deserved to have full disclosure. After all, we're all family here.

A few weeks ago I had a lucrative offer on the table from a local businessman who had previously given large amounts to The Political Cesspool Radio Program. He let it be known that he was offering to completely fund my work on the air for five years (we're talking upper five figures). All I needed to do in return for having the ceaseless stress of fundraising go away in an instant was to stop talking about certain signature issues that have always defined this show.

Never before had such a significant amount of money been within my grasp. For the first time in my career I would have been well compensated for what I do. It was there for the taking, but I felt convicted to decline the deal. I'd have been better off cashing the check and altering the soul of my show, but the cause wouldn't.

I let the gentleman know that, despite being grateful to have such an opportunity, I couldn't accept his terms. He then let me know that he would no longer be contributing to The Political Cesspool Radio Program in the future and would be investing his money elsewhere.

I don't know what percentage of other men would have "sold out" in a similar situation. I can only speak for myself when I say that principles mean something to me. And with that, the glorious burden of moving forward falls back on all of us."

I like James Edwards and his show/blog and I am not insinuating anything but that story doesn't make sense to me. Who would have anything to do with him that was not 4 square into the Edwards style southern white nationalist?

What donor to his show would have ever donated a penny unless they were of the same mind as, for example the posters here at this site? What use is having Edwards do anything if it is not what he is doing now?

And it's not like Edwards can just stop pointing out black pathologies and the agenda of the occupation govt then go out and be a good little Christian Republican spokesperson. His forceful output on the issues have marked him for life. If nothing changes in society he will never be able to work for a major network, run for office, get a book published by a major (ie jew) publishing outfit. etc.

His life course in those matters are set in stone. Who associated with him would not and/or does not, realize it and would offer bankrolling him into something he is not and could never succeed at?

Perhaps the person in question is in fact trying to sabatoge him by "buying" him off. If that is the case then why would he have to let the "gentleman" know that and be grateful about it? It seems the James Edwards I am familiar with would more likely have told him to take a flying leap.

Perhaps I am mis-understanding the whole issue but it just doesn't seem to make sense.
jaxvid, I don't claim to know what happened, but maybe James had some respect for the man up to that point, hence his polite rejection. Just a thought. Your thoughts about the man trying to buy James off are probably correct. I've heard of similar stories where someone was trying to get a person to tone down their message and they ended similarly. Who knows, maybe James was nice to the guy because he thought he might have a change of heart one day. That or maybe the (Proverbs 25:21-22) heaping coals of fire on his head idea by being polite to the enemy of a Christian. Again, I have no idea if that is accurate, but it is one explanation.
Thanks for posting that, Col. Reb! Also, James Edwards will be on my show tonight at 11:00 pm Eastern time. Tune in, call in, help support alternative radio!
I'm going on James' show at 8:30 Central for the last half hour of his show. To listen to mine, refer to the info on my signature for American Liberation Radio.
Thanks for posting that, Col. Reb! Also, James Edwards will be on my show tonight at 11:00 pm Eastern time. Tune in, call in, help support alternative radio!

Very cool, Don! I don't know if I'll still be up at 11PM, but if I'm not, I'll definitely check it out in the archives. James just called you the hardest working man in the business. After being on CF for over 10 years and subscribing to the Nationalist Times for a while, I believe it.
Btw Don,
I listened to the archives of your show with James and his last hour Saturday with you.
I really enjoyed both and hope some of his many listeners will come on board here and check out CF and contribute, to our conversation at least. Keep up the fine work!
Thanks, BFU.

A Political Cesspool listener did try to access the site but sent me this email (I deleted his name):

Was listening to the Political Cesspool interview and went to Caste Football hoping to find a link to the AFU site and found Open DNS was blocking Caste Football. (Was able to remember AFU when you mentioned it just before the end of the interview. AFU is not being blocked.)

If you can reach Caste Football it is because you are using a different DNS provider, probably your ISP's. OpenDNS is one of the biggest

This domain is blocked due to a phishing threat.

P.S. you have a a great site, but you desperately need an RSS feed and/or an alert block that will e-mail the subscriber whenever the site is updated or new content is added.

Has anyone else encountered this? I wish I had an IT background so that I could deal with some of this stuff myself instead of always having to pay someone.
I'm going on James' show at 8:30 Central for the last half hour of his show. To listen to mine, refer to the info on my signature for American Liberation Radio.

Dadgum! I'm sorry I missed that. However, I'll aim to listen to the re-play.
Thanks, BFU.

A Political Cesspool listener did try to access the site but sent me this email (I deleted his name):

Was listening to the Political Cesspool interview and went to Caste Football hoping to find a link to the AFU site and found Open DNS was blocking Caste Football. (Was able to remember AFU when you mentioned it just before the end of the interview. AFU is not being blocked.)

If you can reach Caste Football it is because you are using a different DNS provider, probably your ISP's. OpenDNS is one of the biggest

This domain is blocked due to a phishing threat.

P.S. you have a a great site, but you desperately need an RSS feed and/or an alert block that will e-mail the subscriber whenever the site is updated or new content is added.

Has anyone else encountered this? I wish I had an IT background so that I could deal with some of this stuff myself instead of always having to pay someone.

Since the reboot I haven't encountered any problems at all with the site
A poster pm'ed me and explained that few people have OpenDNS, which apparently adds another level of protection from infected sites. The "phishing" status this one was labeled with by OpenDNS likely relates back to the crap that the hackers installed on the site but which is now completely gone as far as I know. So hopefully it's a matter of OpenDNS updating CF's status.

This domain is blocked due to a phishing threat.

Has anyone else encountered this? I wish I had an IT background so that I could deal with some of this stuff myself instead of always having to pay someone.
The last time I encountered this was in March when I was staying at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas. I wrote in a complaint to the ISP.