The NFL goes to War against the Patriots


Oct 15, 2004
The NFL goes to War against the Patriots.

With the release of the Wells report, the report the NFL commissioned to determine the details of allegations that the New England Patriots intentionally used footballs that had slightly less air in them then is specified, it appears that the league is set to go to war against the Patriots and especially Tom Brady.

Sources close to the commissioner have said that a suspension and fine is going to be levied and it may be a heavy one. The league has determined that the evidence leads them to believe that Brady’s involvement in the action is “more probable then notâ€. This is the same league that ignores black players beating their wives on video and treats serial abuser Jim Brown like a hero.

The “more probable then not†might someday be the standard of evidence in all government cases against citizens. It’s a bit of Orwellian legal-speak that twists into pieces the former principles of “beyond a reasonable doubt†and a “preponderance of evidenceâ€. “More probable then not†is a touchy-feely decision that can be made depending on your point of view or agenda.

Some commentators have wondered “why� Why would the NFL go after the New England Patriots? Aren’t they the beloved league champions? Isn’t Tom Brady the popular face of the league?

Details in the Wells report show that the NFL essentially operated a “stingâ€. Intentionally deflating balls or making sure that the refs did not have access to check them until halftime. This was clearly done to impugn the Patriots and be able to catch them in a rule infraction. Note that even with a plan in place the league was unable to truly determine their guilt.

Furthermore if the NFL knowingly allowed the Patriots to do this so as to gain some imagined advantage for a half of a championship football game, then the league is much more guilty of a serious offense then New England.

In fact the NFL report itself admits that it doesn’t really know what happened. On page 228 of the report: "In sum, the data did not provide a basis for us to determine with absolute certainty whether there was or was not tampering, as the analysis of such data ultimately is dependent upon assumptions and information --"

Thus the whole idea of some kind of punishment, suspension, or fine being levied in this case is wholly based on what the league and Roger Goodell want. And what they want is to punish the Patriots.

So you have a situation where the league has intentionally gone after a team, gathered evidence that proved nothing, and manipulated the very eager to be manipulated members of the media to create a firestorm of negative publicity. It is obvious the league has manufactured, nursed, and encouraged this action against the Patriots. Why?

As we have pointed out repeatedly here at the Patriots are successful because their prodigious offense is nearly all white. This is not lost on the NFL or the media. Though they don’t want to call too much attention to it else some fans might start asking questions about the racial composition of every other team in the league.

But more importantly to the league and especially the media, the Patriots represent an example of white men being successful. And that just can’t happen in a league whose sole purpose to the media-government-corporate complex is to provide highly publicized and constantly promoted examples of successful black men. If you have an entertainment vehicle that is designed and controlled to provide positive images of black men to a white public that sees nothing but negative images in real life, and then… oops you have white men being successful instead, it undermines the whole point of the league. So a corrective action must be taken.

Tom Brady is in the cross-hairs because he is the reason for the Patriots success. His QB play is why the team is so successful and in addition Brady is something else. He is a handsome, articulate, white man, who dates and marries white super models. In some ways you could make a case that Tom Brady is the most successful white man in America. But the media does not like successful white men and only allows it if they present themselves as weak and subservient or totally invested in the ways of white ethno-masochism. (Ethno-masochism means racial self hatred).

While Tom Brady probably has the liberal politics of a California kid, educated at the University of Michigan and working in Massachusetts, he is certainly not backing down at this moment. He expressed his obvious annoyance over the issue by skipping a team visit to the White House, which was basically him sending a coded message to the sports-government-media triumvirate that he is not on board with the idea of him being the target of this character assassination.

And the league wants a white scapegoat. It badly wants a high profile successful player, especially a QB, to make some serious transgression that it can stack next to the unending parade of high level crime committed by many of the leagues black players. Crimes recently which range from beating dogs to beating women to beating kids.

Perhaps the primary target of the league is the Patriot head coach Bill Belichick. Because while Brady is a successful white QB, there are plenty of those guys, Belichick however is a head coach that uses white players in the forbidden positions (on offense anyway) in violation of the unspoken rules on how NFL teams are built. Belichick has been fined several times by the league for various offenses, none of them particularly serious, and all of them probably business as usual in the NFL. The league has wanted to get Belichick and they probably realize the best way to do that is to attack Brady, the on field embodiment of Belichick’s winning strategy.

Belichick wins a lot, plenty of division titles; league Championships and now four Super Bowls. His recent Super Bowl win had to really bug the league and its willing co-conspirators in the media. The league had set the Patriots up for failure by promoting the so called “Deflategate†scandal during the important two week break before the Super Bowl. It was a transparent attempt to try and psych the team out, especially Brady. It basically failed miserably. Brady played well and the hoped for conclusion: a black QB making a clutch last second passing TD to snatch the Super Bowl from the likes of Brady and Belichick was foiled yet again by the Patriots coach’s keen knowledge of the game and pregame planning for the very thing that happened, thereby allowing a DB to jump the route to make a game winning interception.

The very issue at hand, some small difference in the amount of air in the football has been shown to be virtually negligible in providing any advantage. Furthermore the game in question was merely 7-0 at halftime and when the league allowed the balls with the correct air in them to be used the Patriots destroyed the Colts. That serious sportscasters could take the extreme views on this issue (such as ban Brady from the game, suspend him for a season, put asterisks next to his record’s) is proof enough, if any was needed, that the whole crooked group is out to get the Patriots. We know why.
One thing the mainstream media never mentions is how, exactly, the supposedly deflated balls gave the Patriots an advantage. After all both teams are using the same football.

This omission proves that they have an agenda and a political purpose in promoting "deflategate" as a serious, major issue.

Otherwise they would have a fair and balanced discussion of the issue and not ignore obvious topics of discussion.
That was an excellent article JB. And Extra Point unless I'm mistaken each team uses its own set of footballs
That was an excellent article JB. And Extra Point unless I'm mistaken each team uses its own set of footballs

I believe you are correct Lew. Which begs the question - why isn't the NFL monitoring these things from the beginning of the game? It's just another massive failure of Goodell. The irony is this is a week after Goodell hugged and welcomed the next batch of sexual and domestic abusers, drug users and general malcontents into the NFL a year after so many high profile black players received suspensions. Depending on the punishment of Brady I expect the race card to be played.

Great article JB.
I believe you are correct Lew. Which begs the question - why isn't the NFL monitoring these things from the beginning of the game? It's just another massive failure of Goodell. The irony is this is a week after Goodell hugged and welcomed the next batch of sexual and domestic abusers, drug users and general malcontents into the NFL a year after so many high profile black players received suspensions. Depending on the punishment of Brady I expect the race card to be played.

Great article JB.

Goodell is in over his head.
Goodell is in over his head.

Goodell can't even pronounce many of the draft picks' names correctly. He was particularly buffoonish this year, not even pronouncing Mariota's name the right way. But he gets paid some $30 million a year to be the owners' loyal front man, such a deal.

As far as the war against the Patriots, New England beat Indy 45-7. Does anyone seriously think it would have been a close game had the Patriots' balls not been deflated? In the meantime the Cowboys just signed the sumo who was questioned a few days ago about the murder of his girlfriend, and this after drafting the "troubled" Randy Gregory in the second round, but not a word of criticism for Jerry Jones while "Deflate-gate" makes endless national headlines. Ray Rice received a two-game suspension for his knockout punch, let's see how many games Tom Brady gets. Will it rival the suspension given Ben Roethlisberger, who was never even charged with a crime but was made the White fall guy to lump in with the endless list of afflete-thugs in the league?
Goodell can't even pronounce many of the draft picks' names correctly. He was particularly buffoonish this year, not even pronouncing Mariota's name the right way. But he gets paid some $30 million a year to be the owners' loyal front man, such a deal.

As far as the war against the Patriots, New England beat Indy 45-7. Does anyone seriously think it would have been a close game had the Patriots' balls not been deflated? In the meantime the Cowboys just signed the sumo who was questioned a few days ago about the murder of his girlfriend, and this after drafting the "troubled" Randy Gregory in the second round, but not a word of criticism for Jerry Jones while "Deflate-gate" makes endless national headlines. Ray Rice received a two-game suspension for his knockout punch, let's see how many games Tom Brady gets. Will it rival the suspension given Ben Roethlisberger, who was never even charged with a crime but was made the White fall guy to lump in with the endless list of afflete-thugs in the league?

Marcus Mariotto! Lmao disgrace. Domination by Pats no doubt.
Goodell can't even pronounce many of the draft picks' names correctly. He was particularly buffoonish this year, not even pronouncing Mariota's name the right way. But he gets paid some $30 million a year to be the owners' loyal front man, such a deal.

As far as the war against the Patriots, New England beat Indy 45-7. Does anyone seriously think it would have been a close game had the Patriots' balls not been deflated? In the meantime the Cowboys just signed the sumo who was questioned a few days ago about the murder of his girlfriend, and this after drafting the "troubled" Randy Gregory in the second round, but not a word of criticism for Jerry Jones while "Deflate-gate" makes endless national headlines. Ray Rice received a two-game suspension for his knockout punch, let's see how many games Tom Brady gets. Will it rival the suspension given Ben Roethlisberger, who was never even charged with a crime but was made the White fall guy to lump in with the endless list of afflete-thugs in the league?

At Cold Hard Football Facts, they have been dismissive of the whole thing. Strangely, CHFF just put out an article starting off with "Brady should be punished," but went on the say the Wells report indicated the Colts were also playing with deflated footballs.

CHFF finished by saying the footballs had no affect. Why, then, do they think "Brady should be punished?" Do they think they have to "go along?"
Enjoyed the article! The league has handled this so shabbily that I can only conclude that their role in this trumped up fiasco is extremely nefarious.
Wow! A four game suspension for Brady, loss of 1st and 4th round draft choices in 2016, and a $1million fine for the Patriots. There really is a war against the Patriots. Surely the Pats appeal this as vigorously as possible. If I'm Brady I'm tempted to tell the NFL to stick it and just retire.
Wow! A four game suspension for Brady, loss of 1st and 4th round draft choices in 2016, and a $1million fine for the Patriots. There really is a war against the Patriots. Surely the Pats appeal this as vigorously as possible. If I'm Brady I'm tempted to tell the NFL to stick it and just retire.

It's so stupid. Brady actually played better in the 2nd half of that game with the normal inflated footballs. He doesn't need under aired up footballs. They know this but want to stop the Pats at all cost. This league is such a joke. Why do I bother watching? Great article JB.
I remember someone on this site predicting that the NFL was going to go after the whiter teams. I don't remember where though.

It's my understanding that the report was inconclusive, that it wasn't definite as to what happened, saying it was more probable that Brady was involved than not but not saying conclusively that he was. This doesn't sound to me to be a good basis for such a large penalty.

The penalty is likely, in part, a response to the media witchhunt against Tom Brady and the Patriots.
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A 4-game suspension for Brady, despite absolutely no proof whatsoever, is a heavy-handed penalty. The investigation even checked all of his private text messages between the Colts game and the Superbowl, which revealed nothing incriminating.

Even if the Patriots start the season 0-4, they’ll still make the playoffs. Realistically, with Garoppolo starting against the Steelers, Bills, Jaguars, and Cowboys, they’ll likely go 1-3.

Brady could always appeal this and it could be reduced.
The Patriots went 11-5 with an inexperienced Matt Cassell at QB when Brady was lost for an entire year so this won't derail their season. If anything it will make them even more motivated to win.

If Brady's suspension is upheld, he'll return for Week 6 (the Pats have an early season bye) against none other than the crybaby Colts. Hopefully they'll stomp the Colts' asses yet again.
Screw Goodell and the NFL - just a bunch of morons who speak out of both sides of their mouth. Brady along with Manning have been the reason the NFL has been propelled to its current state of popularity. Once they leave and the rosters continue to blacken and play mediocre football the league will diminish in popularity.

As someone else mentioned, it would be kind of nice for Brady to say screw it and leave the game. I don't think he will as he is as competitive a person as their is in the sports world. I am interested to see what Jimmy G. does in his 4 starts.
Wow! A four game suspension for Brady, loss of 1st and 4th round draft choices in 2016, and a $1million fine for the Patriots. There really is a war against the Patriots. Surely the Pats appeal this as vigorously as possible. If I'm Brady I'm tempted to tell the NFL to stick it and just retire.

You think Brady would be telling them to "stick it" by giving them what they want ? If he really wanted to put it to the league he would play lights out and win another Super Bowl. He's already said he plans on playing until he's just not good anymore
You think Brady would be telling them to "stick it" by giving them what they want ? If he really wanted to put it to the league he would play lights out and win another Super Bowl.

QBs like Brady, Peyton Manning, and Aaron Rodgers drive the ratings and thus revenue. They are the real stars of the show. I think the NFL wants them to be around as long as possible but in this case they want to be seen to be punishing a prominent white player who didn't play by the rules and lied about it. That what Brady did, or might have done, pales into insignificance compared to what black players are constantly in the news for (ie violent criminality) is irrelevant to many black and leftist media pundits. They jump on any opportunity to confirm their white privilege black victimhood narrative and point out so-called double standards. Combine that with their already simmering resentment over the fact that the QBs, usually whites, get much of the attention - Michael Wilbon used to, probably still does, sneer at Brady as "the golden boy" - and you can see why the NFL dished out this OTT punishment. Manning won't be around much longer either so if Brady goes too the NFL will be a lot less compelling to the public. Russell Wilson, Superstar? I don't think so. The NFL may be banking on Brady being the typical good white boy just going along with things and not making waves.
QBs like Brady, Peyton Manning, and Aaron Rodgers drive the ratings and thus revenue. They are the real stars of the show. I think the NFL wants them to be around as long as possible but in this case they want to be seen to be punishing a prominent white player who didn't play by the rules and lied about it. That what Brady did, or might have done, pales into insignificance compared to what black players are constantly in the news for (ie violent criminality) is irrelevant to many black and leftist media pundits. They jump on any opportunity to confirm their white privilege black victimhood narrative and point out so-called double standards. Combine that with their already simmering resentment over the fact that the QBs, usually whites, get much of the attention - Michael Wilbon used to, probably still does, sneer at Brady as "the golden boy" - and you can see why the NFL dished out this OTT punishment. Manning won't be around much longer either so if Brady goes too the NFL will be a lot less compelling to the public. Russell Wilson, Superstar? I don't think so. The NFL may be banking on Brady being the typical good white boy just going along with things and not making waves.

While it's true that white quarterbacks like manning and brady are the driving force for ratings and revenue I don't think the NFL sees it that way. They take their ratings and their revenue for granted. Otherwise they wouldn't constantly antagonize their core demographic by pushing things like feminism, gay rights, gun control, etc. I think most of the money the NFL makes comes from their multi billion dollar tv contracts they have with the major networks and I think pushing the cultural Marxist agenda matters more to them than ratings, not that the ratings still wouldn't be there anyway. Just look at the $24 billion contract the NBA just signed with the TV networks, and the NBA has bad ratings and awful attendance.

Now when it comes to quarterbacks like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning I don't think the NFL really wants them around anymore regardless of their star power. Both of them are pushing 40 years old and are about to retire soon, if the NFL really wanted more players like that they would have been looking for their replacements. But the league is doing the exact opposite, they hype up and promote black quarterbacks while simultaneously tearing down and burying the young white quarterbacks who could be the eventual successors to Manning and Brady . It is becoming almost as difficult for a young white quarterback to make it as it is for a white skill position player. Look at what's happening to guys like Nick foles, Matt Barkley, Kirk cousins, colt McCoy, Ryan Nassib, Mike Glennon,zach metenberger, Matt Flynn, manziel, Ryan mallet , Blaine gabbert, jimmy clausen, and many others . Young white qb's are never given any meaningful chance to succeed and when they somehow make it it's always against the odds. The Andrew lucks of the world are the exception .
Brady and his agent vow to appeal the suspension ASAP…

Good for them. Like I said, I could see this 4-game penalty being overturned or lessened upon appeal. Seriously, what evidence do they have of any wrongdoing? The “Wells Report†revealed absolutely nothing that the general public didn’t already know as a result of the Zio-Media’s ceaseless blitzkrieg of “Deflategate.†They have no proof, and Brady knows it.

Bottom line…the nearly all-white Patriot offense, which started 9 whites in the SB, defeated the all-black Seahawks. Gronk, Edelman, and Amendola shined the brightest and humiliated the Caste System on the grandest stage. The game seriously couldn’t have gone any better for cause. It’s tough to win a Superbowl and the Patriots were very fortunate to defeat the Ravens in the Divisional Round and, of course, Malcolm Butler’s goal line INT of Russell Wilson was a perfectly-timed, gut-wrenching ending for Plantation Pete and Co. After such a great season in which he won his 4th Championship, who cares if Brady is suspended for a few games to start the season? As we all know, the Patriots looked terrible in the first 4 contests of last season; starting 2-2 after bad loses to the Chiefs and Dolphins.

As Don said, if anything, the loss of Brady will motivate the squad to play that much better in his absence and certainly upon his return. They’ll grind the tar-hued Colts defense into the dust, as they always do. Either way, the Patriots will be back in the playoffs in 2015-2016 with an even whiter offense, as the talented former Bills TE, Scott Chandler, will now be paired with Gronkowski.
While it's true that white quarterbacks like manning and brady are the driving force for ratings and revenue I don't think the NFL sees it that way. They take their ratings and their revenue for granted. Otherwise they wouldn't constantly antagonize their core demographic by pushing things like feminism, gay rights, gun control, etc. I think most of the money the NFL makes comes from their multi billion dollar tv contracts they have with the major networks and I think pushing the cultural Marxist agenda matters more to them than ratings, not that the ratings still wouldn't be there anyway. Just look at the $24 billion contract the NBA just signed with the TV networks, and the NBA has bad ratings and awful attendance.

Now when it comes to quarterbacks like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning I don't think the NFL really wants them around anymore regardless of their star power. Both of them are pushing 40 years old and are about to retire soon, if the NFL really wanted more players like that they would have been looking for their replacements. But the league is doing the exact opposite, they hype up and promote black quarterbacks while simultaneously tearing down and burying the young white quarterbacks who could be the eventual successors to Manning and Brady . It is becoming almost as difficult for a young white quarterback to make it as it is for a white skill position player. Look at what's happening to guys like Nick foles, Matt Barkley, Kirk cousins, colt McCoy, Ryan Nassib, Mike Glennon,zach metenberger, Matt Flynn, manziel, Ryan mallet , Blaine gabbert, jimmy clausen, and many others . Young white qb's are never given any meaningful chance to succeed and when they somehow make it it's always against the odds. The Andrew lucks of the world are the exception .

The media would become enraged every year when Brett Favre wouldn't retire for good. They wanted him gone, and I agree that the NFL and its media enablers won't be sad when Manning and Brady retire. The failure of blacks to take over the quarterback position, the most worshipped position in American sports, angers them to no end.

Virtually everything in this "culture" is a big 24/7/365 f-you to straight White men, with the NFL being perhaps the most effective messenger of the agenda.
The media would become enraged every year when Brett Favre wouldn't retire for good. They wanted him gone, and I agree that the NFL and its media enablers won't be sad when Manning and Brady retire. The failure of blacks to take over the quarterback position, the most worshipped position in American sports, angers them to no end.

Virtually everything in this "culture" is a big 24/7/365 f-you to straight White men, with the NFL being perhaps the most effective messenger of the agenda.

Media types were asking Favre "When are you going to retire," when he was 35.
The media would become enraged every year when Brett Favre wouldn't retire for good. They wanted him gone, and I agree that the NFL and its media enablers won't be sad when Manning and Brady retire. The failure of blacks to take over the quarterback position, the most worshipped position in American sports, angers them to no end.

Virtually everything in this "culture" is a big 24/7/365 f-you to straight White men, with the NFL being perhaps the most effective messenger of the agenda.

Good points Don I remember the constant media coverage of favre's potential retirement and I really didn't understand it at the time but it did make me dislike Favre and want him to retire . They desperately wants blacks to take over the quarterback position but the problem is that they're just not any good. I guess their plan is to just get rid of the white qb's and eventually blacks will take over by default. We are already seeing it at the college level and in the drafting process. A lot of big-time college football programs are now almost exclusively using black quarterbacks . And whenever a white quarterback is drafted it's almost always either to an awful team where he's destined to fail and we all know just how short the leash is for white quarterbacks , or it's in the later rounds where he's automatically written off simply for the sole reason of being picked late in the draft. You see if he were any good he would have been picked in the first round, that's how they think.
I'll put these "fines" and "suspensions" in fewer words:

NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (NEP) corporation is punished for not following scripted agenda of parent corporation NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE; NEP's offenses are hiring too many whites for black roles and winning too many championships.

Now you guys finally comprehend why teams don't hire whites and don't draft whites. Corporatism is socialism is corporatism is socialism...
I normally cant stand Tony Kornheisser, but I just heard him say that "the only reason Brady gets suspended is because he is White. Goodell wants to show the world its NOT just black guys that get suspended".

His black buddy Wilbon is arguing that that is ridiculous, of course.
The media would become enraged every year when Brett Favre wouldn't retire for good. They wanted him gone, and I agree that the NFL and its media enablers won't be sad when Manning and Brady retire. The failure of blacks to take over the quarterback position, the most worshipped position in American sports, angers them to no end.

Virtually everything in this "culture" is a big 24/7/365 f-you to straight White men, with the NFL being perhaps the most effective messenger of the agenda.

I don't totally disagree with the points you and Lew made but without a few star white QBs at the centre of the sport - whether loved or hated just as long as they are there - the NFL's usefulness as "the most effective messenger of the agenda" would evaporate. Promoting the Cultural Marxist agenda through the NBA is kind of pointless today because few whites follow it. The NFL is different. For now the NFL is the last form of truly mass live entertainment in an otherwise fragmented popular culture they can utilise for their own nefarious purposes. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the CMs and their money-grubbing corporate allies feel the whites are so passive and/or demoralised now that they can move onto a great white-free NFL future without losing revenue but my guess is it is too soon for that.

On Favre there probably was an anti-white element to it. But the media loved the annual "will he retire" and its sequel "will he come out of retirement" stories whether they were pro or anti-Favre as it was a subject their readers/listeners/watchers also found interesting. The fans don't care about similar questions about linebackers or running backs as the QB is the main focus of interest.
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