The "new" Church?

I was all set to be voted in a few years back , then I missed a fish fry where I was going to be doing all of the grunt work like hauling up the fish up the stairs etc. Declined and glad now, because yeah, its like you said, free labor and I don't mind helping out the church but its too much, I mean I have other obligations and to not make one thing get on their bad side? Its ridiculous.

At my parish its not just the women doing the work (although they do a fair share), its the Deacons, the married deacons, and they usually say a lot of stuff during mass as well (sometimes pretty much the entire service besides the whole communion stuff). I have more respect for them and know them much better than most of the priests.

One priest is super old and can barely walk so I understand why he can't do physical work, but there is one from some village in Africa that just got running water a few years back, always talking about how spoiled we are with how little work we have to do, yet he is young and doesn't do crap.

We had a cool young priest that did a lot of work, actually had a regular life that I could identify with (not as much as the Deacons but close) before deciding to become a priest, but he got moved to a bigger/more populated parish.

But in my parish, its pretty much married deacons running most of the stuff.

As far as Vatican II, I am guessing that is why Mel Gibson claims to be a "Vatican I Catholic"

Personally I like Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, its closer to the original church, but we don't have any churches like that around here. In Denver where I am visiting they do though.

However, today we went to a Roman Catholic church and had our son baptized, priest went on a long rant about homosexuality being a sin and talking about accepting it with the notion "oh were all sinners" is just leading to more decline in our morality. My liberal relatives looked pretty upset haha.

Yeah my friend mentioned that the bar was pretty high to get in, lots of competition, they can be very picky. I guess the whole idea of the Knights was that they were some kind of guards of the parish, at one time maybe even expected to physically defend the parish.

I knew some people that actually converted to Catholicism years ago because of their "conservative" stands on butt-sex and moral perversion. This new pope might be ending that trend.

I can't abide the Church's invasion support but it's a pretty good social club with a good path to a decent education system for the kids and decent White people to hang out with.

It also seems to me that Catholics are usually upper middle class with less problems then other similar religious groups. Whenever I go to a Catholic function it seems all the people are decently dressed, act right, don't have a bunch of problems. But when I go to other religious functions there are a bunch of people trying to recover from the effects of bad life decisions or bad luck. Most of the people are great but there are a lot more oddballs. But that's an extremely non-expert opinion.
Gentlemen, To answer your question, no I'm not in the Knights. To be truthful, if it weren't for my wife, I probably wouldn't be a Catholic (that's if I am actually one at all). She asked me to help once and it multiplied from that. I don't mind physical labor in the least. It's in me down to the marrow of my bones. And I also know many men haven't led physically demanding lives, but they should be willing to do put their hands on what they could do. That's my beef with these priests. The parish priest allowed a philipino and a columbian priest say Christmas Day Mass. I would've gotten up and left, but that would've humiliated my wife, so I stayed. Most people understand I'm not the Catholic they are, but because of the work I do, they let it pass. I was disgusted. With him, not with them. The parish priest is about 60 yrs. old and obviously just playing out the string. What a bum. We do have one good priest who's an experienced man (retired), but they're very cagey about not letting it be known when he's going to say Mass, because they know that Mass will be filled and theirs empty.

And yes, there are some very good people there. I do love a lot of them.

Understood, this thread is primarily, & originally, addressing Catholicism.. but wanted to additionally comment on the Evangelical Lutheran Church (edit: Communists) of America.
Like Catholicism they've become distracted with cultural-Marxist advocacy. Other CF posters have covered the Lutheran church's work in importing unprepared, unassimilated, misogynistic African immigrants. A political trend that has everything to do with Marxist destabilization, and little to do w/championing God's grace, and man's faith in it.
Anyways, saw today that the Lutheran World Federation has announced the church is boycotting fossil fuels. Another Marxist political pet project. Lutheran 'leadership' is crying out for climate justice. Completely irrelevant to the work of preaching God's grace. The vanguard of Protestantism is being enveloped in a politicized, worldly agenda.

For whatever it's worth, I'm gonna post some more on the ELCA's recent political positions when I have a chance. Almost exclusively left-wing, and tied to (culturally-suicidal) 'works' as opposed to Luther's Sola Fide.
The Lutheran church like most mainline denominations are now a tool to destroy and destabilize our culture and our people. And they love it. They think they are doing Gods work.

It seems to be mostly from the top down. Like politics. Sure there are a lot of supporters but a lot of the rank and file don't feel the same way. Like in politics it seems those people that think like us have no representation. Strange how that works. I seem to remember in the old days that where ever you were on the political spectrum you had some politician guy (or gal) that felt the same way. But now the whole system has consolidated around an agenda that a lot of people don't buy into at all.
Fr. Malachi Martin was an insider who had worked in the Vatican. He wrote about how Satanists had taken over the Vatican in his book *The Windswept House*. Agents of the Vatican murdered him.

I was a tourist in the Vatican a few years ago. I always like to poke around where I'm not supposed to, so I found a keyhole to peek into in a big locked door. Inside were Swiss Guards cavorting around in private. It looked like a Monty Python skit. They looked like homos.
I've heard "Jesuit" conspiracy theories that basically say that they rule not only Rome, but the world. With this Jesuit pope, they might run the Vatican (via the "black pope"), but I don't buy the "world domination" bit.

I'd counter that "Jesuit" theory by pointing to who controls "Hellyweird", "Madiscum" Avenue, the p0rnography racket & the Central Bank$ter Cartel. The proof is in the pudding.
I've heard "Jesuit" conspiracy theories that basically say that they rule not only Rome, but the world. With this Jesuit pope, they might run the Vatican (via the "black pope"), but I don't buy the "world domination" bit.

I'd counter that "Jesuit" theory by pointing to who controls "Hellyweird", "Madiscum" Avenue, the p0rnography racket & the Central Bank$ter Cartel. The proof is in the pudding.

Yeah, It's more like Jewsuit controlled, world domination.
Average American said:
Other CF posters have covered the Lutheran church's work in importing unprepared, unassimilated, misogynistic African immigrants. A political trend that has everything to do with Marxist destabilization, and little to do w/championing God's grace, and man's faith in it.

Wasn’t Jesus Christ the world’s original Cultural Marxist?

If he were alive today, I could easily envision him ushering non-whites into western nations by the millions, preaching “racial diversityâ€￾ and “social toleranceâ€￾ from his pulpit, giving white tax dollars to the so-called “less fortunate,â€￾ helping millions in the third world at the expense of whites, supporting a socialist/communist governmental system, championing globalism, marching with Malcolm X, “Dr.â€￾ King, and Farrakhan, protesting the deaths of Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray, fighting for “gender equality,â€￾ and of course, combating the plague that is “white racismâ€￾ tooth and nail.

We’re all pro-white here and most of us are “Christianâ€￾ or were raised to be. Do you think Jesus would accept your views? According to the Bible, holding a sense of pride in oneself is considered a terrible “sinâ€￾…so having “white prideâ€￾ must surely be a sin also.
For some reason I can reply to quotes from everyone here except Thrashen.

Thrashen your post number 33 is almost 100% wrong!
Wasn’t Jesus Christ the world’s original Cultural Marxist?

If he were alive today, I could easily envision him ushering non-whites into western nations by the millions, preaching “racial diversity†and “social tolerance†from his pulpit, giving white tax dollars to the so-called “less fortunate,†helping millions in the third world at the expense of whites, supporting a socialist/communist governmental system, championing globalism, marching with Malcolm X, “Dr.†King, and Farrakhan, protesting the deaths of Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray, fighting for “gender equality,†and of course, combating the plague that is “white racism†tooth and nail.

We’re all pro-white here and most of us are “Christian†or were raised to be. Do you think Jesus would accept your views? According to the Bible, holding a sense of pride in oneself is considered a terrible “sinâ€â€¦so having “white pride†must surely be a sin also.

Thrashen, you're one of my favorite posters & a credit to our race. That being said, you're incorrect here. I think you're confusing this modernist, soft, Mr.Softy (false) "Jesus" from the true Christ of the Bible. See, we (true) Christians believe Christ is one with God the Father (& Holy Spirit), & God is far more a "divider" (of us in the flesh) than a "unifier". Jesus was stated as 'no respecter of persons'. I believe race mixing to be Biblically sinful (see the clip from Pastor John Weaver below). There was/is no "variance" between God the Father, the Son & Holy Spirit. Also, God's Word is clear that we are NOT all born "equal" (in the flesh). The primary Christian "unity" is to be spiritually under/thru Jesus. Lastly, pride (as is vanity & self-aggrandizement) is indeed a sin, but being proud of one's forefathers & heritage is not.
Thrashen, hi.. You asked if I thought Jesus would condemn ethnocentrism, and was Jesus essentially a cultural Marxist. And I get your point about the seemingly similar rhetoric of Christianity & Marxism, but their motives are different.

My view, a cultural Marxist is someone who hates, and actively destroys, it's host culture. Jesus conversely, was sent to save, not to destroy his host culture. Jesus was immersed in (but not confined by) ethnocentrism, surrounding himself with disciples of a singular background, etc. I believe Jesus was sent, and sacrificed, to reconcile sinful mankind with a graceful God. All the moral teachings of Christ are secondary to this exchange of God's grace with man's faith in that grace. Jesus has nothing to do with a destructive cultural-Marxism, which only masquerades as caring about those less fortunate (3rd Worlders are actually the manipulated and exploited tools of power-hungry Marxists).

Jesus actually wanted to save the souls of less fortunate.. along with all of humanity.
Thrashen, hi.. You asked if I thought Jesus would condemn ethnocentrism, and was Jesus essentially a cultural Marxist. And I get your point about the seemingly similar rhetoric of Christianity & Marxism, but their motives are different.

My view, a cultural Marxist is someone who hates, and actively destroys, it's host culture. Jesus conversely, was sent to save, not to destroy his host culture. Jesus was immersed in (but not confined by) ethnocentrism, surrounding himself with disciples of a singular background, etc. I believe Jesus was sent, and sacrificed, to reconcile sinful mankind with a graceful God. All the moral teachings of Christ are secondary to this exchange of God's grace with man's faith in that grace. Jesus has nothing to do with a destructive cultural-Marxism, which only masquerades as caring about those less fortunate (3rd Worlders are actually the manipulated and exploited tools of power-hungry Marxists).

Jesus actually wanted to save the souls of less fortunate.. along with all of humanity.

Pretty good post AA.

I would add what Jesus said in Matthew 7: 13-14. " Enter through the narrow gate. For WIDE is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and MANY enter through it. But small is the gate and NARROW is the road that leads to life, and only a FEW find it." Matthew 7 13-14.

These two verses smack the face of what some call Cultural Marxism, to me.
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For 20 years, I attended a United Methodist church and was forced to study the Bible quite extensively. I’ve read the entire Bible many times and have written numerous book reports, took many tests, went to weekend camps, attended seminars, and engaged in deep physiological debates on many of its offerings. Based on this, I do believe that Jesus Christ was the supreme social liberal. Here are a few quotes from Christ himself…

Matthew 5:39 – “Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.â€

By that rationale, one could surmise that Christ would also teach: “If a Negro rapes one of your daughters, give the other to him also.†Of all his contrived inversions of traditional European thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, this might be the most damning of all.

Matthew 6:31-33 – “So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.â€

Don’t worry, Jesus, the inner-city Welfare Class adheres to the same principal with great proficiency whilst us “lowly white pagans†(the word “pagan†is rooted in farming and nature) worry about supporting ourselves through hard work and sacrifice. Then, after reaping our crops, career politicians like Christ force us to hand it over to these lazy-good-for-nothings. Socialism/Communism at its finest.

Matthew 19:24 - “And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.â€

The moral of the story? Never accrue wealth or accumulate material possessions of any kind...but if you do, be certain to give it all away to the “less fortunate.†Wait, I thought the act of owning possessions was a terrible sin, so why is Jesus encouraging us to give our sinful materials to others? Never make anything of yourself as a man. Just blather and philosophize and preach to the mindless rabble while you sponge off of society. Hating the “rich†(i.e. those who have earned a better life for themselves) is a highly Marxist principle.

Luke 14:13 & 14 – “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.â€

Ahh, I understand. So we should use the “less fortunate†as pawns for our own personal, selfish desire to achieve “heaven credits†to impress God? Sounds a lot like the government and big corporations earning their “Marxism Credits†by giving endless aid to third worlders and “inviting†them into white nations. And how are we supposed to “host a feast†if we can’t have any possessions? Perhaps we could invite all of these pathetic losers to our homes and we could all “fast†together instead of eating?

Matthew 19:21 – “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.â€

Possessions are the “tool of devil,†so go ahead and give them away to become a poor person’s vehicle for “sinning.†Even Karl Marx himself would blush at such a ridiculously-Communist (and hypocritical) statement.

Matthew 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.â€

Gangs of feral non-whites roam the planet, causing me, my family, and my race endless strife. I can’t make peace with them no matter how hard I try…so what should we do about it, Jesus? Get raped, tortured, enslaved, and murdered so that we don’t offend you and your “father,†lest we be deprived of the ever-dangling carrot of heaven. Sounds a lot like white liberals justifying the “joys†of multiculturalism, despite its infinate failures.

Matthew 5:44 – “I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute youâ€

In other words…lose every battle in your life, but win in the afterlife! Suppress all masculine urges to retaliate, but trust that a hateful, judgemental God will sentence your enemies to hell (how nice) and you'll get your revenge. Humiliate your family in the name of weakling passivity. Lay down and die like a coward to impress God so that he may fulfill your own selfish desire to “go to heaven.†So much hypocrisy. Sounds like the white liberals who adore non-whites, no matter their stupendous languidity, bacteria-like breeding habits, or propensity for violent crimes against whites.

John 8:7 – “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone at her.â€

Don’t punish criminals…instead be introspective of your own minor wrongdoings and forgive the most heinous of crimes! Typical liberal. I wonder if Jesus would oppose the death penalty for all those white farmers raped, tortured, and killed (in the most savage manner ever witnessed in human history) by Negros in South Africa? I’m thinking…yes.

Matthew 5:27-28 – “You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.â€

Says the virgin “white knight†who had no wife, children, or family of him own. Like a modern feminist, Jesus appears to believe that only men “commit adultery.†Liberal.

Matthew 5:47 - “If you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?â€

Oh, right, because we are “all brothers of humanity.†And again with the insults of pagans because they aren’t under the control of the church. Typical multiculturalist.

I’m not trying to offend anyone, but I’ve been thinking about these issues for a long time and I simply don’t agree with many of Jesus’ philosophies on life. I want to work hard and earn a better life. I want to exclusively associate with my own kind. I want to punish, persecute, and fight against my enemies instead of allowing them to ruin my life. I think that white men should embrace their masculinity as they once did.
I still can't put your post on my reply, Thrashen, however, I will respond to your post #38!

You haven't offended me at all, but you have totally misinterpreted every quote you posted from the Bible!

I don't care how many churches one attends, how many papers or book reports or discussions one has had about the Bible and or Christianity, you can't understand the Bible and Christianity unless you are a born again believer.

....and here's the verse that backs this up, I hope you'll read and ask God to give you an understanding of what the Bible and Jesus Christ is saying!


Thrashen, friend, not to offend you, but you don't understand any of those Biblical quotes you posted.

A total misrepresentation of Jesus and the Bible!
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I still can't put your post on my reply, Thrashen, however, I will respond to your post #38!

You haven't offended me at all, but you have totally misinterpreted every quote you posted from the Bible!

I don't care how many churches one attends, how many papers or book reports or discussions one has had about the Bible and or Christianity, you can't understand the Bible and Christianity unless you are a born again believer.

....and here's the verse that backs this up, I hope you'll read and ask God to give you an understanding of what the Bible and Jesus Christ is saying!


Thrashen, friend, not to offend you, but you don't understand any of those Biblical quotes you posted.

A total misrepresentation of Jesus and the Bible!

Carolina speed is right. The Lord Jesus Christ was in effect, burying those that believed they could gain God's favor by fulfilling the Law.

Thrashen, you quoted Jesus Christ teaching under the law to show the Pharisees and their followers that no one can live-up to God's standards (not then, and not now).

"But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."Matthew 5:28

The Lord took the law up another notch prior to going to the cross , in order to show us that no one can be justified by doing the law,

"Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
Romans 3:20"

Ultimately, and most important is turning from (repenting) from the law or religion ,and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ's and accepting his Grace by faith.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9

He offers eternal life (born again) to all that turn from their works and accept his free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through his Grace (his works, his gift-not our works or religion).

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8
I can't reply to Thrashens quote either. Must be the work of God. (or Satan). However I agree with him that the typical portrayal of Jesus is one of being a peace and love hippy dippy masochist. I think that is inaccurate in some ways. First of all Jesus was a man of his times, to translate his life and events directly into the modern day is, to me, an error.

Furthermore Jesus was sent to earth for a specific purpose. A blood sacrifice for the sins of mankind. While that means much of his life is meant as an example of the way to live I do not believe that God sent me here for the same purpose. So I am not expecting to be nailed to a cross and do not feel that I need to live exactly like Jesus did.

Also Jesus had strict beliefs in moral behavior concerning morals which would not play so well in today's permissive environment.

Some of the quotes Thrashen posted are seen differently by me. Here are a couple of examples.

Matthew 5:39
– “Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.â€

I imagine in those days people slapped each other a lot for disagreements, short of a physical attack. For example I had an elderly aunt that slapped me occasionally for small misbehavior's, the slaps were not painful just an irritation and a way for her to exercise some small domination over me. Perhaps this was common in Jesus day and his point was to not be upset over small disagreements.

Jesus was a guy who turned over money changers tables and used the whip on them. His right hand man, Peter, took a sword out and cut a piece of a guys ear off when they nabbed Jesus. Carrying a sword and using it does not seem the philosophy of guys that "turn the other cheek".

Matthew 6:31-33 – “So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.â€

In other words, lead a moral life, and hard work and your honest behavior will help with the rest. There was no welfare system in Jesus day, the idea would have seemed preposterous, so Jesus is not saying these things are going to be given to them right out of the blue but only as a result of their acting in a righteous manner.

Matthew 19:24 - “And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.â€

I don't see this as a condemnation of having money but of the corrupting influence of the love of money. Rich people have a lot more options to sin and behave in a non-God like way, I know this from personal experience.

Luke 14:13 & 14 – “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.â€

Nothing wrong with helping poor or unfortunate people. Humans are social animals and members of a tribe helping one another is what enabled us to survive this long. Jesus existence was closer to the idea of tribal ethics then the modern society of mixed tribes and multiculturalism. Jesus probably preached this to discrete groups of people and how important is was for them to help each other. This idea of in-group altruism was responsible for the superiority of Euro societies.

Matthew 5:27-28 – “You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.â€

Adultery is a married spouse cheating. So technically this would only apply to married people. Also the use of "his" was probably meant as gender inclusive as everyone referred to both sexes in that way (the original translation would probably clear that up), like "mankind" referring to both men and women. At any rate I think this was just an extreme example, the point being that if you are thinking about cheating, the cheating itself becomes much easier.

Matthew 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.â€

What's wrong with trying to be peaceful? This doesn't necessarily mean you never wage war, the bible if full of war, but only that every attempt should be made towards peace.

---I won't go through all of the ones posted but the point I am making is that the nuance behind the quotes is lost when the full context is not understood. And it is my personal opinion, (one probably NOT shared by other bible people) that these "quotes" were cherry picked by the writers of the Gospels for effect and were probably the most extreme of Jesus speaking on these matters, which he did everyday for years.

You have to realize the metaphors that Christ used for deferring to the (Holy) Spirit rather than our sinful flesh. Our "human nature" is indeed sinful, that's why we don't have to "teach" a baby to be self-centered or a toddler to lie. Furthermore, that's why both humanists AND (Laveyian) Satanists exalt the "flesh"/sinful nature. Whereas, the Bible says submit to God's Holy Spirit to gain the "fruit", peace, joy, patience, etc. It's not that Christians are not to have riches or "success", but we're not to make these our "gods".

As for self defense, have a listen to the outstanding sermon from Bible scholar & historian John Weaver (below) entitled "The Sin of Refusing to Fight"...
Postscript to my earlier post on the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.. The ELCA's current bishop is a macho-looking woman (& Al Franken doppelganger) named Eaton. She seems to me to be immersed in cultural-Marxist advocacy. I'm linking an article of hers, that is emblematic of a lot of her writings & efforts. The thinking being that Lutherans are somehow failing because the church body is not an exact replication of society's racial demographics. It's patronizingly implied that the White churches are at moral fault, it's never considered that maybe Black Christians are ok staying within their own ethnocentric churches (?)
To me, personally, there is nothing un-Christian about largely self-segregating churches, as long as they are still teaching & celebrating God's graceful pardon..

If we are all children of God, why would it matter what the complexion of your church is(?) It's only an issue to Godless cultural-Marxists, who want to use/infuse White guilt to further corrode Western Civilization..

Eaton's truncated article:
Thanks for the nice responses, guys. Perhaps I’m taking Jesus’ quotes too literally and out of context by comparing our modern society to one from 2,000 years ago.
(Thrashen, et al) Earlier in the thread it was cited: the passage in Mark (10:25), where Jesus talks about the virtual impossibility of a rich man entering into heaven (camel fitting thru the eye of a needle). A famous passage, and one that does sound like class-envy Marxist bigotry. It's a passage that alone, is puzzling. And a teaching that distressed the disciples who instinctively responded 'Who then can be saved', and it's a teaching that confused me personally.
But in the wider context, Jesus qualifies the rich man, who will struggle to enter heaven. I was re-reading the chapter, & in the previous passage Jesus qualifies this kind of rich that 'trust in riches' (as opposed to trust in God). And re-confirms that wealthy believers aren't doomed, in 10:27, saying 'with God all things are possible'.

I don't think it's a blanket condemnation of wealth, it's a condemnation of putting $ before God.. which some wealthy people do, but putting God second, is not necessarily an innate characteristic of pursuing financial gain (?)
American Freedom News