The Most Beautiful Women of All Time

Linda Harrison who played "Nova" in the original "Planet of the Apes". She was a mute in the movie but Charleton Heston (Taylor) took a liking to her. Easy to see the benefits of her. I could make a comment about women who talk too much and it ruins an otherwise beauty, but I won't.
My top ten : Gale Gadot, Lonnie Anderson, Laura Fraser ( think Knights Tale ), Scarlett Johanson, Bar Rafaeli , that chick ruining McCaffreys career ( she used to date Danny Amendola ), Laura Cohan ( spelling ? from the Walking Dead ), Natalie Portman, Liv Tyler, Lucy Liu and Amy Schumer ( Joke )
Gal Godat is stunning. Laura Cohan is also very pleasing. I mentioned Diane Lane earlier... she will always be the public figure woman I find most attractive.
@Don Wassall I agree with everything you said. Even the soundtracks of today's shows and movies are full of irritating sounds and music. Never any quiet moments or even anything subtle at all; just a headache inducing drumbeat. Speaking of comedies from back then, the sixties version of Barbara Feldon as Agent 99 was pretty hot:

Here's a picture of Barbara Feldon, as mentioned by HZ, She was a model and played agent 99 in Get Smart.

I had a big crush on agent 69, er 99 as a kid. You know the one thing that made her so sexy is that she played the character as clearly in love with Smart. Even though the Max Smart character was played as a bit of a clown he was still a man that woman would want.

In the modern reboot Steve Carroll plays a clumsy imbecile that is repeatedly saved by the actress playing 99, who played it as all modern womyn are played, a hyper masculine better then any guy type that they have to force them to act like they love the beta male lead.

It was unfortunate as Steven Carroll seemed like a natural to play the Maxwell Smart character. The complete lack of believable chemistry with the un-likeable 99 made the movie crap.
Good description of the original Get Smart, a funny show. That reminds me of another "secret agent" show from that era, The Avengers, which was tongue in cheek but not as over the top funny as Get Smart. Diana Rigg was sexy and sophisticated in her role. Ah, the days when women were smart, sexy and contentedly feminine.


Has Sharon Tate, the Texas beauty been mentioned? I always thought she was gorgeous. A shame what happened to her.
Good description of the original Get Smart, a funny show. That reminds me of another "secret agent" show from that era, The Avengers, which was tongue in cheek but not as over the top funny as Get Smart. Diana Rigg was sexy and sophisticated in her role. Ah, the days when women were smart, sexy and contentedly feminine.



Another of my childhood crushes, I always thought that that Diana Rigg was one of the most beautiful women in the world. Funny you should mention the show as I have been streaming it recently. My wife was giving me a hard time about spending the money as they were charging per episode. I told her to mind her own business and watch another Magnum PI.
Faye Dunaway was quite the beauty. The movie Bonnie and Clyde made her famous:



That third pic of Faye Dunaway is pure class. Nice!
If you've ever seen the video for Avicii's Wake Me Up (which has over 2 billion views), you'll recognize Russian model Kristina Romanova:


If you've ever seen the video for Avicii's Wake Me Up (which has over 2 billion views), you'll recognize Russian model Kristina Romanova:



Oh my. All I can say is she makes me think of one of the James Bond Movies. "From Russia With Love".
I know we are under directives to obey posting guidelines and keep posts productive, but I feel like sometimes coming to this thread and just posting:
Kristina Romanova is beautiful, but I still prefer the Russian model I posted, Marina Semenova. Here are a few more of her:

Mariska Veres, Lead singer of the rock band Shocking Blue.

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Nice pic of Mariska, EP. Thanks mate.
Another of Marina the Russian model, with a nice tan this time.

I don't think Jessica Alba has been mentioned yet, but I'm not going to go back and check right now either, as enjoyable as it would be to view all the pictures!


Angie Harmon

Good grief! Three in a row!! You guys are killing me/us! WOW.............
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