The Most Beautiful Women of All Time

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This is Leigh Taylor-Young. In a few older films and was truly a doll.
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Here she is again.
Is that Ann Margret in post #123? If not she definitely deserves to be listed in this thread. It would be helpful to identify the beauties.
Those of us of a certain age remember voluptuous Italian sex symbols like Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale from 1960s movies. Here's Claudia:


I'm not going back to check but if Jane Seymour from "Live and Let Die" era is not included then I expect most of you really have Fabio posters on your walls in your bedroom.
Is that Ann Margret in post #123? If not she definitely deserves to be listed in this thread. It would be helpful to identify the beauties.
Yes, that is indeed Ann Margret. I have now added her name in the post. She was indeed a beauty.
...And for Wile and our comrades:
Another Italian sex symbol from the '60s I couldn't think of when I made post #129 above was Gina Lollobrigida. She, Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale were the "Big 3" to put it in sports terms, the fantasies of a lot of White boys and young and not so young men back in the day.

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Great Beauties posted Don!
Here's someone I forgot from some of our HS days...Knockout >>Erin Gray from the Buck Rogers TV series:
There are no more "sex symbols" allowed are there? The joyless, humorless communists and toxic feminists find enjoying femininity to be "sexist" and so the commissars have banned sex symbols. The kickass, hardass "females" (a better term for them than women) in movies and on TV today are mostly abominations of healthy femininity. I look forward to the coming day when this country and Western civilization are liberated from the soulless mutants destroying them and we can again openly celebrate the good, normal and healthy things in life such as beautiful women.
There are no more "sex symbols" allowed are there? The joyless, humorless communists and toxic feminists find enjoying femininity to be "sexist" and so the commissars have banned sex symbols. The kickass, hardass "females" (a better term for them than women) in movies and on TV today are mostly abominations of healthy femininity...

All part of the White Genocide Project. Chinese and other Asian women can be strong but still feminine. They r in the military but in their own separate units, not pretending to be men. Black Africans and blacks around the world pay no attention to it, same with Covid # 19 jabs, and they are reproducing as fast as possible. The "gender fluid" baloney is intended for Whites only.
There are no more "sex symbols" allowed are there? The joyless, humorless communists and toxic feminists find enjoying femininity to be "sexist" and so the commissars have banned sex symbols. The kickass, hardass "females" (a better term for them than women) in movies and on TV today are mostly abominations of healthy femininity. I look forward to the coming day when this country and Western civilization are liberated from the soulless mutants destroying them and we can again openly celebrate the good, normal and healthy things in life such as beautiful women.
Thank you Don, for posting one of the greatest, most accurate and succinct posts ever on this site or anywhere on the internet. No exaggeration or hyperbole in my statement at all. It's sick but true about where we are now.

And yes, WW, it's all part of the plan.

God... these miserable people want us all to be miserable as well.

Ok, post some more sex symbols... Wahaahaahaa!!
All part of the White Genocide Project. Chinese and other Asian women can be strong but still feminine. They r in the military but in their own separate units, not pretending to be men. Black Africans and blacks around the world pay no attention to it, same with Covid # 19 jabs, and they are reproducing as fast as possible. The "gender fluid" baloney is intended for Whites only.

Very true, but Asian women quickly become as de-feminized and unlikable as most White women have become after they've been sufficiently "Americanized" here and in other Western countries. Just shows how malleable women and people in general are and how powerful uncontradicted propaganda is when repeated over and over and over and over, etc., etc., etc.
Another Italian sex symbol from the '60s I couldn't think of when I made post #129 above was Gina Lollobrigida. She, Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale were the "Big 3" to put it in sports terms, the fantasies of a lot of White boys and young and not so young men back in the day.


Gina Lollobrigida is definitely worth mentioning.

Very true, but Asian women quickly become as de-feminized and unlikable as most White women have become after they've been sufficiently "Americanized" here and in other Western countries. Just shows how malleable women and people in general are and how powerful uncontradicted propaganda is when repeated over and over and over and over, etc., etc., etc.

Have you ever seen an Asian woman in the west behaving the way you see many young White women behaving now? I don't remember ever seeing that. If it exists it's very rare. I think They probed for, and then exploited, a weakness, a soft spot, a chink in the armor, of the once-invincible White race, especially, but far from exclusively, amongst young White females of child-bearing age. I also believe there is an important biological component. Something is feminizing young males and masculizing (is that a word?) young females of child-bearing age in the west.

"The Screwfly Solution" is a 1977 science fiction short story by Raccoona Sheldon, a pen name for American psychologist Alice Sheldon, who was better known by her other nom de plume James Tiptree, Jr. It received the Nebula Award for Best Novelette, and has been adapted into a television film.

The title refers to the sterile insect technique, a technique of eradicating the population of screwflies by the release of large amounts of sterilized males that would compete with fertile males, thus reducing the native population more with each generation this is done. This story concerns a similar distortion of human sexuality with disastrous results.

"James Tiptree", by the way, was a CIA employee.
What I see, Werewolf, is a lot of Asian women who are left wing fanatics in this country, while others have the same bitch shield and sense of entitlement that other women do. Then again, the bitch shield has become a necessity in this sick society that has so many male predators, most of whom are not White. "Americanization" is not healthy for any women but it has become a promoted survival strategy. If you want an Asian woman with reliably feminine qualities and a healthy respect for men you have to go to their countries and search there.

At any rate, before a wind storm knocked out power here for eight hours I wanted to remember Swiss-born Ursula Andress, who was a reigning sex symbol all through the 1960s until the mid- '70s, beginning when she emerged from the sea in the 1962 James Bond movie Dr. No. She was also featured a few times in Playboy, which was pretty big in that era. She had a great body and a sultry voice to go with the lovely and intelligent face.


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Ursula Andress was an absolute smoking beauty queen. Types like her, and there were a few, made action films and horror movies of that era very watchable and re-watchable.
" Ursula Andress, who was a reigning sex symbol all through the 1960s until the mid- '70s, beginning when she emerged from the sea in the 1962 James Bond movie Dr. No. "

Another part of the de-feminization of women and vilification of men program promoted by the (((usual suspects))) is casting unattractive actresses in leading movie roles. Brie Larson and Daisy Ridley are two excellent examples of this. It's shocking how unattractive they are compared to leading ladies of decades past.
Another part of the de-feminization of women and vilification of men program promoted by the (((usual suspects))) is casting unattractive actresses in leading movie roles. Brie Larson and Daisy Ridley are two excellent examples of this. It's shocking how unattractive they are compared to leading ladies of decades past.
Another thing I've noticed is that older horror movies and action films seemed to have more feminine, sexy ladies even in supporting roles. Even secondary roles seemed to have abundant good-looking women. They didn't even have to be knockouts. They were "just" pretty, and feminine. (Not portrayed as ball-busting, anti-male whores that could beat up and kill the entire Offensive line of the Green Bay Packers with relative ease and delight in it).
Caroline Munro (Bond girl from "The Spy Who Loved Me")
And Caroline again:
Caroline is so beautiful. I love women with green and blue eyes the most. Yes there are many pretty brown eyed women but the blue & green eyes hypnotize me. It also
usually means they will make you a very good looking family. Still waiting to find one someday if I'm lucky. The ones I had when I was younger I didn't hang on to as
we are all young and dumb at one time or another. Love this thread. So many good looking ladies over the years!
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