The Greatest Danger from Obama

It actually looks like Obama will lose. He has lost the anti-war vote he once had when he started pandering to AIPAC. I think that's how the script was supposed to play out anyway. I predicted a long time ago that Obama was put up there to lose.
guest301 said:
To answer Jimmy's question, no Jindal's minority status is not problematic for me at all because I largely agree with him on the issues.
Jindal's parents are from the Punjab region, a caucasian people speaking an Aryan language.
He is a minority, but so too would also be an Italian, an Irishman or an Austrian if one were to speak only of nationality. He is the same religion as the Italian, Irishman, or Austrian, having converted from Hinduism as a teenager.
The writer of the article gives more credit to Obama than is due.This line for example: "Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his generation, the intellectual superior of all his competitors, " Who really believes that? Without a cue card he often stumbles and stammers. The intellectual superior of all his competitiors?Give me a break! Superior to Al Sharpton, maybe. More affirmative action bunk.
Whoa! I am reading this stuff and am riveted! I never thought for a second that I would see pro-Obama stuff on here, though I can see the attraction of watching this media creation go down in flames.

Stubbornly I will vote for McCain, but only because Palin is on there. In reality, she is "everyman" here. She has not, that I have noticed, used her gender as a weapon. The MSM wants you to believe that, but what I see is a concerned person who was able to beat incredible odds, and through political savvy, whipped the entrenched oligarchs in Alaska....and that state was rife with them. I know because I lived there during both Don Youngs and Stevens' reign of stupidity.

If she were a man, you McCain detractors would most likely be firmly on board.

Don't let the fact that she is a woman mislead you into misogyny. She never struck me as one of these women who believe in castrated men. The lady is a warrior, love her or not.

All that said, McCain makes me sick with the reaching across the aisle crap. Those liberal bastards would cut out his liver and eat it warm if they could. I admire what he went through in VN, but his sucking up to the left makes me want to barf.

Man, what a show its going to be for the next couple of months.
Bart said:
The writer of the article gives more credit to Obama than is due. This line for example:"Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his generation, the intellectual superior of all his competitors, "Who really believes that?Without a cue card he often stumbles and stammers. The intellectual superior of all his competitiors?Give me a break! Superior to Al Sharpton, maybe.More affirmative action bunk.

Spot on, Bart, I also flagged that comment. BO is a typical intellectual over-educated poser. People say, oh he has a graduate degree from an Ivy League, and I reply, yeah, so does George Bush.

That usually shuts 'em up.
Animalmuther0 said:
Whoa! I am reading this stuff and am riveted! I never thought for a second that I would see pro-Obama stuff on here, though I can see the attraction of watching this media creation go down in flames.

Where do you see any pro-Obama stuff on here? If you're referring to the article I linked, did you even read it? That article is critical of Obama.

Animalmuther0 said:
If she were a man, you McCain detractors would most likely be firmly on board.

Where do you even come up with a supposition like this? Do you actually think that the men on this board would hesitate to say that they're not voting for Palin because she is a woman? We discuss some of the most un-PC topics in today's society on this board. I doubt very seriously that the men who talk about Negroes and Jewish supremacy would hesitate to say they're not voting for a woman because she's a woman.

Animalmuther0 said:
All that said, McCain makes me sick with the reaching across the aisle crap. Those liberal bastards would cut out his liver and eat it warm if they could.

And that's exactly why many on this board will not vote for him. On top of that, he is a neo-con. Even if Palin were not, her boss certainly is. Edited by: White Shogun
Observer said:
guest301 said:
To answer Jimmy's question, no Jindal's minority status is not problematic for me at all because I largely agree with him on the issues.
Jindal's parents are from the Punjab region, a caucasian people speaking an Aryan language.
He is a minority, but so too would also be an Italian, an Irishman or an Austrian if one were to speak only of nationality. He is the same religion as the Italian, Irishman, or Austrian, having converted from Hinduism as a teenager.

I know that someone has to be born in the US to become president,does this law not go for people as vp too?What if something happened to the president if Jindal one day became vp?
fjsdlra said:
I know that someone has to be born in the US to become president,does this law not go for people as vp too?
He was born in the US. His mother and father were attending graduate school in the US.
Observer said:
guest301 said:
To answer Jimmy's question, no Jindal's minority status is not problematic for me at all because I largely agree with him on the issues.
Jindal's parents are from the Punjab region, a caucasian people speaking an Aryan language.
He is a minority, but so too would also be an Italian, an Irishman or an Austrian if one were to speak only of nationality. He is the same religion as the Italian, Irishman, or Austrian, having converted from Hinduism as a teenager.

I didn't know his parents were from the Punjab region but they almost certainly are not white. Jindal has very dark brown skin and that effectively makes him a minority. I also know of his conversion to Christianity which besides his conservatism is the major reason of his support among evangelicals.
Went back through some posts to see what I could have written to get WS"s panties in a wad.

To not get too windy, you agree with me on Palin. Thats who I am voting for.

I disagree with the opinion of those that voting for a 3rd party is sending a message. Its not, and the only thing it will get us is a Marxist black guy. Then the Marxist "minorities" will have a toe-hold. Not good.

I would be all about the 3rd party ethic if the third party was established before the presidential elections. A credible 3rd party with the machination to to at least get in the same arena with the dems and the reps.

We need a credible, legit 3rd party, instead of all these scattered things around. It needs to be legit and big and have money. Ross Perot damn near had it going once so its doable.
Muther, I might have went overboard with the rhetoric; for that, I apologize. You have come into the thread a bit late, there have been people on this thread who do not want to vote for McCain have been accused of being anti-white, among other things. Then you throw in accusation of misogyny or dislike of Palin merely because she is a woman. None of these accusations can be supported or borne out by anything that has yet been posted here by those who dislike McCain.

What's more, when these points are refuted, those who make these accusations ignore what's been said and continue to run on and on with the same arguments.

I get it. The McCain / Palin ticket is the lesser of two evils.

What McCain supporters seem to fail to grasp is that McCain is going to spill more white blood in the Middle East; he is going to permit immigrants from the third world to overrun the United States; he is going to continue to erode our right to privacy, free speech, and other rights. He is not in anyway 'good' for this country, other than by 'not being' Obama.

So pardon me if I'm not gushing all over supporting McCain, even if he is white.
Mccain is far worse for the U.S.A. than Obama. Obama is a Marxist to the core. That is for sure. However, I truly believe, from analyzing Mccainiacs voting record on several issues he heavily leans to the left.
1)Mccain promises complete subservience to Israel. In fact Lieberman is like the father, Mccain the child.
2) Mccain is anti-gun as his co sponsorship of several key propsed legislation shows.
3) Mccain is all about Amnesty.
4)Mccain has said several times that he is pro choice.
maybe I am missing something about Mccain. I don't know. However, I see nothing conservative about him in any way shape or form. Let me say that again. I SEE NOTHING; ZERO, ZILCH, NODDA, NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO A CONSERVATIVE WHEN I LOOK AT HIM.
Mccain is a mummy who will jump sides at a moments notice. In fact, all this talk of him being a war hero is quite possibly bullsh*t as well. If I am not mistaken, there is even a organization of Vietnam vets that are trying to set the record straight in regards to this phony. From what I read, Mccainiac was seen several times in civilian attire wondering around the POW camp.
Anyway, in summing it all up I will say this: White pig politicians have been by far the most vicious enemy that the white working class male has ever encountered in the U.S. of A. (The tribes monopoly of all main stream media excluded of course.) There nees to be a message sent to the white scum who lord over their (less than human in their opinion) white working class servants. The message is this. Unless you work for white interest, you will not get our vote. To keep electing white traitors such as Mccain is only gonna vindicate their traitorous activity.

Sorry for such a long rant, however it makes me sick to see otherwise racially aware white men talking up a guy like Mccain who would spit in your mouth if it meant he would pull a few black votes.
AussieAussie31, good input on Globalist Shill and AIPAC lackey "Juan McAmnasty". Machurian Candidate McManiac is just the flip-side of the Globalist coin to Marxist vermin "Bacrock Obummer". The "Left vs. Right" paradigm is smokescreen meant to dupe the popluce into thinking they actually have a choice between two controlled candidates.

AnimalMuther, had Ron Paul chosen to run 3rd party, he would have possibly dwarfed Perot's prior impact. Chuck Baldwin is cut from the same Constitutionalist mold as Dr.Paul, so I'm supporting Baldwin. As previously stated, I'll not fall into the "lesser of two evils" mode again (if on nothing but principle).

Baldwin 2008
aussie, you are exactly right about McCain, which is why many of us here do not want to vote for him.

The 'other side' of the debate though, is that either Obama or McCain will be elected, regardless. From their point of view having a black president will damage the psyche of white people, as well as push us further toward socialism.

Essentially, it is just the same old 'lesser of two evils' argument that occurs in almost every election. "This is the most important election EVER!" stuff.
"What McCain supporters seem to fail to grasp is that McCain is going to spill more white blood in the Middle East; he is going to permit immigrants from the third world to overrun the United States; he is going to continue to erode our right to privacy, free speech, and other rights. He is not in anyway 'good' for this country, other than by 'not being' Obama."

WS, Dixie and Aussie I do understand where y'all are coming from. McC's stance on the immigration thing makes me nuts. B-Ho is worse. He's also gonna prove what a nice guy he is and in the long run, screw the white man even more.

We are getting more and more liberal in this country and having B-Ho at the wheel is a nightmare come true. His goal in all of this is to prove how african he can be...believe it. He hates his white ancestry. He is a media creation that is being borne up and other socialists.

As far as Paul goes, I would be totally on board with the guy if he or his faithful can get something going.
aussieaussie31 said:
Mccain is far worse for the U.S.A. than Obama. Obama is a Marxist to the core. That is for sure. However, I truly believe, from analyzing Mccainiacs voting record on several issues he heavily leans to the left.
1)Mccain promises complete subservience to Israel. In fact Lieberman is like the father, Mccain the child.
2) Mccain is anti-gun as his co sponsorship of several key propsed legislation shows.
3) Mccain is all about Amnesty.
4)Mccain has said several times that he is pro choice.
maybe I am missing something about Mccain. I don't know. However, I see nothing conservative about him in any way shape or form. Let me say that again. I SEE NOTHING; ZERO, ZILCH, NODDA, NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO A CONSERVATIVE WHEN I LOOK AT HIM.
Mccain is a mummy who will jump sides at a moments notice. In fact, all this talk of him being a war hero is quite possibly bullsh*t as well. If I am not mistaken, there is even a organization of Vietnam vets that are trying to set the record straight in regards to this phony. From what I read, Mccainiac was seen several times in civilian attire wondering around the POW camp.
Anyway, in summing it all up I will say this: White pig politicians have been by far the most vicious enemy that the white working class male has ever encountered in the U.S. of A. (The tribes monopoly of all main stream media excluded of course.) There nees to be a message sent to the white scum who lord over their (less than human in their opinion) white working class servants. The message is this. Unless you work for white interest, you will not get our vote. To keep electing white traitors such as Mccain is only gonna vindicate their traitorous activity.

Sorry for such a long rant, however it makes me sick to see otherwise racially aware white men talking up a guy like Mccain who would spit in your mouth if it meant he would pull a few black votes.

you can disagree all you want with McCain the politician. i got no problem with that. there's a lot that isn't perfect. there are somethings that are horrible.

but you better have some f**king proof if you're going to call his military service to question. and i am not talking about some anti jewish cabal web site blog you read 2 yrs ago. if you're going to go after a white war hero's honor you better come in with some concrete sh*t. this WHITE MAN got 5 years of torture, disease, beatings, and psychological attacks. when the *******s offered to let him go, this WHITE MAN refused to leave his brothers behind. do you think your candy ass could have handled more?
Kukulcan, man, wow. just wow.
Muther, I totally agree with your last post, down to the last line.

These facts about McCain get lost in the one or two paragraphs people write while trying to persuade someone to vote for him. I know what works for me is when someone states their case as, 'Look I know McCain xyz, but here is why he is better than Obama,' instead of calling me a misogynistic race traitor.

That air of superiority and name calling by the Democrats is what is driving people to support Palin right now. And I think that's partly why recent arguments in support of McCain on this board have fallen on deaf ears.

The best argument I've seen put forth on this board thus far for supporting McCain is that an Obama victory will encourage blacks to be even more aggressive, overbearing, and racist; and it will demoralize white people, even in ways they may not recognize or understand themselves.

That's what's got me re-thinking this election than anything else.
Law Givers(Don, W.S., Jimmy) hey just got back from Vegas. I really don't know how this thread devolved into me against you guys but I am extending an "olive branch". I think the InfamousOne wanted to know one reason why "He" should support McCain. I gave the reason as not to lose the Iraq War to a bunch of Islamo Terrorist who can't shoot straight. Just a reason, IMO. thats is all.

I dig this Lady Palin and hope after 4 years if McCain is elected, to give it up, then she steps in to become President. Just my opinion. Just a reminder, I never called any one a race traitor. I just believe for whites that McCain is the better choice, compared to BO.
Some people sometimes forget that our cause often flourishes better when its in opposition than when it is in power.

When the bad guys win the presidency it galvanizes the opposition, sharpens distinctions, look at the

Clinton moved Republicans to defeat Hilary's universal health care with humiliating ease, it led to an opposition govt, a new wave of genuine conservatives elected to Congress, it even moved Clinton to say the age of big spending was over, hell we even had a balanced budget during the clinton era, and we didn't have as much foreign adventurism (though what we had was still too much)

its true that Newt "neocon" Gingrich did little to press his advantages, fact you could tell Newt was embarrassed by the new wave of genuine conservatives elected, and he showed his establishment credentials by scorning all the genuine conservatives who wanted to permanently roll back the welfare state.

**Also remember how the David Dinkins era as Mayor of New York led to a rise of disdain for "black rule" and "black activists"?**

And how Rudy Giuliani (whom I don't like as a national candidate) was able to get away with mocking black activists? Say what you like about what a lousy president he would make, and set aside the questions about 911, he was a good mayor---he pissed off all the right people--ie, blacks and former mayor Ed Koch.

The same thing could happen with Barack Obama. We already know he's an incompetent, vacuous phenomenon who has no real philosophy other than to be the first black president. But whatever philosophy he is hiding now is just another brand of the same odious "hate whitey" stuff which we see in his wife and his pastor.

This will come out during his administration...and it could galvanize whites into having a genuine white consciousness, into mocking Obama, black "competence", etc.

Obama will be a lousy president...and he will turn many white Americans off. He will show to the world what Dinkins, Robert mugabe, and nelson mandela have already shown--black incompetence.

Don't vote for aussieaussie has said---this guy has displayed zero genuine conservative credentials throughout his career. And

He *will* start WW3 with our white brothers in Russia* at the behest of his masters in Israel

this will kill millions of people...

Hows that for a "prolife" president?
johnnyboy said:
aussieaussie31 said:
Mccain is far worse for the U.S.A. than Obama. Obama is a Marxist to the core. That is for sure. However, I truly believe, from analyzing Mccainiacs voting record on several issues he heavily leans to the left.
1)Mccain promises complete subservience to Israel. In fact Lieberman is like the father, Mccain the child.
2) Mccain is anti-gun as his co sponsorship of several key propsed legislation shows.
3) Mccain is all about Amnesty.
4)Mccain has said several times that he is pro choice.
maybe I am missing something about Mccain. I don't know. However, I see nothing conservative about him in any way shape or form. Let me say that again. I SEE NOTHING; ZERO, ZILCH, NODDA, NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO A CONSERVATIVE WHEN I LOOK AT HIM.
Mccain is a mummy who will jump sides at a moments notice. In fact, all this talk of him being a war hero is quite possibly bullsh*t as well. If I am not mistaken, there is even a organization of Vietnam vets that are trying to set the record straight in regards to this phony. From what I read, Mccainiac was seen several times in civilian attire wondering around the POW camp.
Anyway, in summing it all up I will say this: White pig politicians have been by far the most vicious enemy that the white working class male has ever encountered in the U.S. of A. (The tribes monopoly of all main stream media excluded of course.) There nees to be a message sent to the white scum who lord over their (less than human in their opinion) white working class servants. The message is this. Unless you work for white interest, you will not get our vote. To keep electing white traitors such as Mccain is only gonna vindicate their traitorous activity.

Sorry for such a long rant, however it makes me sick to see otherwise racially aware white men talking up a guy like Mccain who would spit in your mouth if it meant he would pull a few black votes.

you can disagree all you want with McCain the politician. i got no problem with that. there's a lot that isn't perfect. there are somethings that are horrible.

but you better have some f**king proof if you're going to call his military service to question. and i am not talking about some anti jewish cabal web site blog you read 2 yrs ago. if you're going to go after a white war hero's honor you better come in with some concrete sh*t. this WHITE MAN got 5 years of torture, disease, beatings, and psychological attacks. when the *******s offered to let him go, this WHITE MAN refused to leave his brothers behind. do you think your candy ass could have handled more?

I agee with your sentiment there Johnnyboy. There are alot of things about McCain I don't like but questioning his military service and the things he went through as a POW is a place I am very reluctant to go. I need proof and it has to be 100% that he is anything but a lugit war hero. Now to the rest of the crapola he has given us such as McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy, shame on him.
I heard that in response to the Alaskan Amazon, B. Hussein is planning a sex change operation. They are going to turn him into a man.
Many men on this site are unhappy with McCain and the Republicans for -among other things- not closing the southern border and being tougher on illegals. I agree they should have shut that business down a long time ago. But now the Republicans are playing softball with the Latinos because states like Texas, California, Nevada, and New Mexico, and others, have such large and growing Latino populations. To win votes in these states, the Republicans do not want to give more reasons for Latinos to not vote for them. I doubt McCain personally wants to see the southwestern states returned to Mexico but the Republicans are caught at the moment. The demonic Democrats are not going to make things better.
Johnnyboy said "you can disagree all you want with McCain the politician. i got no problem with that. there's a lot that isn't perfect. there are somethings that are horrible.

but you better have some f**king proof if you're going to call his military service to question. and i am not talking about some anti jewish cabal web site blog you read 2 yrs ago. if you're going to go after a white war hero's honor you better come in with some concrete sh*t. this WHITE MAN got 5 years of torture, disease, beatings, and psychological attacks. when the *******s offered to let him go, this WHITE MAN refused to leave his brothers behind. do you think your candy ass could have handled more?"

My final say on this subject.

Well, well, well. Candyass!

Anyway, let me respond to your comments my little neocon pal.
1) If you were literate enough my little brainwashed neocon slug you would have seen that my exact comment was " In fact, all this talk of him being a war hero is quite possibly bullsh*t as well." Now, read, and then reread that remark. Quite possibly means just that.
2)Mccain's father was a big shot in the navy. A admiral I believe. In fact I believe his father played a role in the covering up of the cowardly Israeli attack on the unarmed American ship U.S.S. Liberty.
3) Mccain graduated near the bottom of his class.
4) Mccain is talking about isolating and punishing Russia. Punishing Russia? You have to be kidding me. When I heard Mccain say that he went from traitor, to traitor who is suffering from alzheimer's.
I realize you are probably all pumped up right now because of the Republican mardi gras that just took place. However, know this my little neocon internet soldier. A VOTE FOR MCCAINIAC IS A VOTE FOR THE STATUS QUO. Edited by: aussieaussie31
Aussie, you state that a vote for McCain is a vote for the status quo.

Considering what the alternative is, the status quo is looking pretty good!

As bad as McCain is, B.O. is a lot worse, on every measure, including foreign policy and immigration.

B.O.s supporters don't even care what his policies are. They are voting for him because he is the Magical Negro.

Fair enough, I am voting against him for the same reason. Unfortunately, there is only one person who can beat him, McCain, so I am voting for him.

Failing to vote for the "lesser of two evils" just means you are increasing the chance that the "greater of two evils" will win.

Supporting third parties is great for the off season. When it comes to game day, you have to lay your money down on one of two teams.

Without proportional representation and run-offs, those are the rules of the game.
American Freedom News