The Greatest Danger from Obama

White Shogun said:
Those of you who are religious, does the pro-life angle have any bearing on who you support for president?

As a Baptist (albeit "backrow" Baptist), I absolutely look to support a pro-life candidate, but it's by no means my litmus test. I believe life begins at conception. However, I also think it should be left to the states to decide.

That being said, there's abolutely NO way I can/will support a Globalist/NWO pawn like "Juan McAmnasty" or "Bacrock Obummer". They're totally beholden to their Internationalist ma$ters. Barr is solid on the Bill of Rights but has past Neocon leanings, so I'm supporting Dr.Chuck Baldwin 100%!

Baldwin 2008
You know Dixie, I'm not trying to pick on you or other folks here that claim they are pro-life, but how can you (or anyone) say that they believe 'life begins at conception' then say it should be left up to the states to decide? If a state government said that rape was legal (think sharia law) should the federal government step in or let the states decide?

Just sayin'.
White Shogun said:
You know Dixie, I'm not trying to pick on you or other folks here that claim they are pro-life, but how can you (or anyone) say that they believe 'life begins at conception' then say it should be left up to the states to decide? If a state government said that rape was legal (think sharia law) should the federal government step in or let the states decide?

Just sayin'.

Wow. Shogun, you mentioned Sharia law. Is that actually a topic down there in Tex.? I can't imagine anyone is badgering for it down there!
No, no one is trying to establish sharia in Texas as far as I know, although there are large Muslim communities in even some of the smaller cities. However, I felt it a perfect example of a weakness in delegating the establishment of certain laws to the states.
I hear BO had a meeting with the first black President Bill Clinton. I know some of you think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread based on your posts.

I know Clinton in a master politician but all around dirt bag. That being said, I know he will give the "magical Negro" some advice to undermine him in short run. Both Bill and Hill are counting on BO's ship sinking so they can slip in 2012.

News flash: Just read on Drudge that BO is going to unleash hell on McCain/Palin in the next few days. We'll see. So far McCain's campaign is performing great. My guess is that they are going to unleash the Alaskian Amazon on the black boy. Can't wait!
Kukulcan said:
I hear BO had a meeting with the first black President Bill Clinton. I know some of you think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread based on your posts.

This is the kind of retarded comment that puts people off the rest of your better arguments. You know well that no one here supports Bill Clinton. Why do you do this? You could have used the this situation to bolster your anti-Barack argument even further, but now everyone will just see your insults and ignore the rest of what you have to say.
White Shogun: I do agree with you in regard to uniformity of laws with issues like human life status. I do not see abortion as a state/province issue. In Ontario and British Columbia muslim lobbyists came very close to having the right to practice some sort of Sharia law because it was one of those "...if they can why can't we situations...". What I mean is Jewish family law was allowed in Ontario and this made the Muslim male activists wild with envy to be allowed to have Sharia. The Premier (Canadian equivalent to a Senator) had to remove Jewish family law rights so that he could strike down Muslim advances for Sharia law. I have never heard a complaint in the media from Jewish groups. The Premier is noted as saying: "... one law for all -Canadian law..." as well he should have.
White Shogun said:
Kukulcan said:
I hear BO had a meeting with the first black President Bill Clinton. I know some of you think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread based on your posts.

This is the kind of retarded comment that puts people off the rest of your better arguments. You know well that no one here supports Bill Clinton. Why do you do this? You could have used the this situation to bolster your anti-Barack argument even further, but now everyone will just see your insults and ignore the rest of what you have to say.

I had the exact same thoughts you had on that post. There are certainly no fans of Slick Willie here.
White Shogun said:
Very well thought out post Solomon.

As you may or may not be aware, I'm not a fan of John McCain. I disagree with any number of his policies and stance on various issues.

However, I don't see Obama as a peacenik. He has changed his stance on the war in Iraq and the war against Iran. Nor will he do anything to shut down the border. I haven't seen him make any negative remarks against Putin, but Putin's belief or lack thereof should have no bearing on the would-be president's political stance concerning Russia.

Believing that McCain will nominate conservative judges is indeed a gamble, a true roll of the dice. But there is no doubt that Obama will not appoint a conservative judge. No doubt.

Having asked this question, and engaging you on this topic, I now somehow find yself in the unenviable position of defending John McCain for President.



I realize that you're not a fan of McCain, and I appreciate your questions and the dilemmas which you raise.

My mentioning of Putin's Christianity was a dig at those who think that Bush and McCain's aggressiveness against Russia somehow represents a "noble Christian" stand against a resurgent crypto-communism. Putin seems to be more of a Christian than Bush or McCain.

Obama is currently (and foolishly, for him) running away from his peace record, particularly his opposition to the war in Iraq. But he does have a peace record--whereas McCain has none. Thus he is *less likely* at least to start WW3.

Palin also recently showed her neo-con hawkishness in the Gibson interview. So we can look for no relief from a neo-con foreign policy even if McCain dies.

Add these facts with the uncertain results of the aforementioned supreme court issuea, and you have a plausible case for voting for a third party (or not voting at all) even though this may result in an Obama presidency.

As a final point.

If we keep rewarding republicans with the presidency,despite their disastrous embrace of a down the line neo-con agenda, *what incentive do they have to change? If you constantly reward idiocy, idiots will continue to be nominated and elected.*

And isn't there a justice-value to simply punishing the republican neo-cons? Or at least not rewarding them?

These guys have got to be smirking and laughing over their martinis in Washington, DC and NYC. I can hear them now:

"Geez man, we must be gods,...we have started two disastrous wars, are moving towards a third war, we have intensified and expanded a national totalitarian security apparatus, have run unimaginable deficits, have revived the old monster "stagflation" (a recessionary economy and inflation], increased even more our aid and support for Israel, and...even...even after all this...

we have *still succeeded in nominating our favorite candidate, the man we wanted all along, the one we supported in 2000, John McCain!!!"*

I want to make it clear that I consider the "hold your nose and vote for McCain" view a respectable one.

I distinguish this view from enthusiastic support for McCain.
White Shogun said:
I'm beginning to hope that McCain will win, just to piss off black people:

And what if Obama loses?

Watching Detroit, LA, Chicago, Houston, and every other U.S. city with a major black population go up in

The message being presentednow, is that we had better elect Obama or we can expect riots. Apparently by virtue of tossing his hat into the ring, blacks are demandingaffirmative action results for BO, or there will be hell to pay. I'm sure this rhetoric will increase as the election draws near. I wonder how the everyday Joe will react? Willhebe angered by threats of violence,and pull the lever for anyone but Obama, or willhe submitto the pressure? Interesting to ponder.

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Black Unease Is Growing

An anxious murmur is rising among black voters as the presidential race tightens: What if Sen. Barack Obama loses?

Black talk-show hosts and black-themed Web sites are being flooded with callers and bloggers reflecting a nervousnessâ€â€￾and angerâ€â€￾over the campaign. Monday night, Bev Smith, a nationally syndicated black talk-show host in Pittsburgh, devoted her entire three-hour show to the question: "If Obama doesn't win, what will you think?"

"My audience is upset," she said. "Some people said they would be so angry it would be reminiscent of the [1960s] riotsâ€â€￾that is how despondent they would be."

Warren Ballentine, a nationally syndicated black talk-radio-show host, added: "Once Sarah Palin was picked and African-Americans saw the Republicans ignited again, they got worried. We are scared now."


"If he loses, it will shake the very ground that we stand on mentally as far as what we need to be to succeed," said Robert Gordon, a 48-year-old engineering surveyor from Dallas. "From day one, we've been told to be a certain way, to be neat, intellectual, speak clearly. He is the symbol of what we were told to be by our parents and by society as a whole. If this doesn't work, what does that do to our psyche? What do I tell my sons? No matter what the hell we do, it doesn't matter? We can only assimilate so far."
We can only assimilate so far.

So what is the black alternative to being neat, intellectual, and articulate then? Does the speaker plan to immediately revert to ebonics, beat up his wife, pimp out his daughter, and put his son on the streets to sell crack?

Why does it not surprise me that blacks think they should be rewarded for being NORMAL?
Wow, the feminists, libs, and blacks are going bonkers over Palin! Still another article attacking her.with a vengeance.

Black female columnist fuming--Palin stole Barack's rmojo. Can you detect a little animus?

[url],CST-NWS-mitch1 4.article[/url]

Palin should be laughingstock to all feminists
<DIV =date>
<DIV style="DISPLAY: block; FLOAT: left">September 13, 2008

<DIV =byline style="CLEAR: left">BYMARY MITCHELL Sun-Times Columnist

Sarah Palin makes me sick. I hate that she was able to steal Barack Obama's mojo just by showing up wearing rimless glasses and a skirt.

I hate that she makes Joe Biden look like John McCain and John McCain look like the maverick he is not.

I hate that Palin reminds me of Susan Sarandon's feisty character in "Thelma &amp; Louise." I loved Sarandon in that movie, yet I couldn't stand Palin's feistiness at the Republican National Convention.

Sarah Palin makes me sick -- not because she may speak in tongues -- but because she is a fast talker.

Not even ABC's Charlie Gibson can slow Palin's mouth. (snip)
Palin is a nutcase. In a interview she said that war with Russia could not be ruled out. In another interview she was extolling the fact that her husbands Grandmother was a eskimo (which is fine, but the way she said it was as if she was saying , see my husband is not all white)
Mccain equals nutcase Zionist lackey.
Obama equals black nationalist muslim gone bad.
WOW, the American people are in one HELL of a jam.

If the founding fathers would have known the country would have turned out like this, they most likely would have not even bothered to fight for their independence.Edited by: aussieaussie31
I cannot vote for B. Hussein. He was asked who he would root for if the Cubs and white sox are both in the world series. He made a firm decision and said he would be for the white sox. What upset me was the reason. He claimed that Cub fans come to the ballpark to socialize while white sox fans come to watch the game.
White sox park is a three ring circus that has fireworks, jumbotron, restaurants, gardens, ect. The game seems to be an afterthought. The cubs have just THE GAME. You come to Wrigly field to see a game.
The result is that the Cubs sell out nearly every game. The White sox rarely sell out a game.
If he cannot see what is happening in his backyard how can we trust him on serious matters.
McCain? or a 3rd party candidate? I will decide in 7 weeks.
aussieaussie31 said:
If the founding fathers would have known the country would have turned out like this, they most likely would have not even bothered to fight for their independence.

You're probably correct.
there have been a few posters that say they support McCain, in part, because of his stance on the economy...

my question is this: what is his economic policy? judging from this debate with Ron Paul, he appears completely and utterly clueless.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
there have been a few posters that say they support McCain, in part, because of his stance on the economy...

my question is this: what is his economic policy? judging from this debate with Ron Paul, he appears completely and utterly clueless.

I'm not sure about McCain's overall economic policy, but according to the Tax Policy Center, Obama's tax plan actually benefits 'the people' better than does McCain's:

Comparison of Candidate Tax Plans
McCain said he would balance the budget in four years. That he would veto any earmarks. His economic advisor (though now in an unofficial capacity) is Phil Gramm, very much a Chicago School economist.

As a Republican President McCain would have to at least pretend to consider Republican base viewpoints. Bush very much wanted Meirs and Gonzalez (or some other Hispanic) on the Supreme Court but reversed course when he realized how angry Repubs were. Obama would be under no such obligation.

Obama is now getting heavy Zionist support (billionaire Haim Saban to name one example). So how likely is peace?

McCain's potential damage is pretty much known; amnesty, war with Iran, extended stay in Iraq/Afghanistan. He's tired from the start and may lack the energy to do much of anything. He may suck but it's a familiar suck.

Obama's potential damage, in tandem with a Dem congress, is unknown. What do highly ambitious egoists do with great power?
Liberal policies would be much easier to pass with a liberal Republican Administration. Think about it. What opposition is left? The "kooks" and "wackoos?" Talk about marginalizing the conservative movement. At this point we'd be better off if we selected our public officials the same way the winning powerball ticket is selected.
Biden: Vote for Obama because he is black

Biden said the policies of running mate Barack Obama make his presidency even more urgent and declared this to be the most important election that any living person has seen in their lifetime. But he particularly singled out the meaning of electing someone who is black.

"That will be a transformative event in American politics and internationally," Biden said. "That all by itself will be significant."Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
You know Dixie, I'm not trying to pick on you or other folks here that claim they are pro-life, but how can you (or anyone) say that they believe 'life begins at conception' then say it should be left up to the states to decide? If a state government said that rape was legal (think sharia law) should the federal government step in or let the states decide?

Just sayin'.

I'd certainly like to see Roe v. Wade overturned, but I'm also a big advocate of state's rights & minimizing the power of the Feds. Uncle Scam has far too much control & it's obvious looking at the total federalization of law enforcement (to better enhance the police state). I guess I'm just fed up with the non-stop squandering of the fiat U.S. taxpayer dollar (by the billions). The legions of Globalist shills on "Crapitol sHill" have certainly soured my (& many Americans) faith in the federal government.
I saw a report today that the Obama campaign is carrying and using teleprompters at his campaign stops now. Yesterday they had one Obama used in the middle of a rodeo stadium he spoke at. Obviously his aides are tired of dealing with all of Obama's ad libs and flubs these past few weeks. So the scripted candidate become even more scripted.
From a show called Our World with Black Enterprise, Spike Lee comments on a Barack Obama presidency:

On the black community's expectations of Barack Obama:

He's not Jesus. I don't think there's going to be a president that's ever going to come into office and have this much messâ€â€eight years of messâ€â€to clean up. Black people have got to relax. Don't expect that because brotherman is in there the first thing he has to do is start addressing every little thing that deals with us. Give the brotherman some timeâ€â€chill. I mean, he's not just going to be the president of the United States of Negroes; it's not like that. [He's going to be president] of the United States of Americaâ€â€everybody. I think [blacks are] going to have more expectations of him than anybody.

On the possibility of a McCain presidency:

I can't talk about it because it's not going to happen. I'm not thinking that way. November fifthâ€â€all over the world it's going to be a better day.
American Freedom News