Tebow signs with Eagles

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
This is great news! Let's hope Tebow takes advantage of his opportunity and becomes a big success.

It was well known that Tebow had work to do on his game when he came out of college. Some were saying he was a three year project.

After two years and a playoff win he wasn't given any more opportunities to play. Hopefully he'll play well after his two year layoff.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Most people don't know this but Tim Tebow has been working with Tom Bradys QB Coach for almost 2 years now. The coach says that Tebow now thows a tight spiral and he is very accurate. This guy helped teach Brady so he knows what he is doing. I really hope Tim gets a chance to be more than just a special teams player or just gets used for a few trick plays. Would love to see him get one last shot. The kid deserves it. He has suffered too long. I hope Chip Kelly throws caution to the wind and gives him a fair chance to become the starter! I applaud Coach Kelly for having the courage to do what no other nfl coach would do. No matter what happens, I like every move Chip has made with the exception of letting Nick go. Other than that he has been golden since day one. Hope the Eagles continue to win for many, many years.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I think Chip Kelly saw what White players do, especially offensive white players did for NE. He has bought into it big time. I foresee Chip's Eagle Offense with various packages featuring Bradford and wildcat packages or passing plays with Tebow to keep the defenses guessing and on their heels.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The Eagles now have Bradford, Sanchez, Barkley, Kinne, and Tebow on the roster. If Barkley is traded (so he can eventually start elsewhere) during the draft, Tebow will have a better chance to make the 53-man roster. Sanchez seems locked into the #2 position, which is unfortunate given how frequently Bradford is injured.

Regardless of how Tebow’s roster spot and playing time work themselves out, it’s great news!

His last great moment (beating the Caste Steelers in a playoff game) in the NFL came in January 2012. Notice the CBS imbeciles mocking Tebow at the 22 second mark...



Let's hope that somehow, someway, Tebow can get back on the field and torture the Cultural Communists who detest his personality, beliefs, morality, and style of play.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Interesting move. Hopefully Tebow is able to leap sanchez on the depth chart. I hope he gets some meaningful snaps and is used smartly and correctly by Kelly.

The NFL is better with Tebow in it. It kills the dwfs, BSPN and the clowns that babble on these pre game shows when Tebow is in the league.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
It's about time due. Tim is an extraordinary talent that in a sane world would already be some team's dream full time starter. Tim didn't fit the operative persona the league silently forces on the few white players that are permitted to participate in this cultural spectacle. As no black quarterback with running ability has ever succeeded, the psyche-masters of the league can't take the embarrassment of a white overtly Christain quarterback with better running ability succeeding. If Tim limits his own running and primarily passes, while knocking off that on-field praying, he could be around for awhile.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
The news about Tebow was trending on Facebook yesterday. They a have deal where a live feed will show what people are posting about trending topics. I would say a good 80% of the comments about Tebow were positive. The few unfavorable posts were mostly from blacks. I used to slam Facebook and I’m still uncomfortable being part of the operation. If I can used the tool to get what I want out of it, I’ll take advantage. Anyway, that was a nice little sampling of what some of the members thought concerning Tebow. Maybe Caste Football can find some supporters on FB. I realize there is a difference between supporting Tebow and Caste Football, but I’m just saying.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Tebow needs to understand that his job is to play NFL football, not proselytize to others while on the clock.

He can still go to hospitals, visit sick kids, and give his testimony at church, just save it for when he's not working.

Tim is not getting paid by the Eagles to spread the word. He's getting paid to play a spread offense.

Just like many of us, there are limitations for Tebow in terms of translating his faith to others while on the employer's dime.

If he does it right, he will ultimately reach far more folks with he's message, while still remaining in the NFL. I hope so.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Tebow needs to understand that his job is to play NFL football, not proselytize to others while on the clock.

He can still go to hospitals, visit sick kids, and give his testimony at church, just save it for when he's not working.

Tim is not getting paid by the Eagles to spread the word. He's getting paid to play a spread offense.

Just like many of us, there are limitations for Tebow in terms of translating his faith to others while on the employer's dime.

If he does it right, he will ultimately reach far more folks with he's message, while still remaining in the NFL. I hope so.
This is an interesting post. I've not heard from any of the teams that he's been with, Broncos, Jets, or Patriots, that he's been guilty of "evangelizing". He's just been a hard-working football player. His up-front Christianity is just evident in his lifestyle and his community outreach. So, he has been doing exactly what you suggest. He can't help it that the rabid press hates him for innumerable reasons.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
This is an interesting post. I've not heard from any of the teams that he's been with, Broncos, Jets, or Patriots, that he's been guilty of "evangelizing". He's just been a hard-working football player. His up-front Christianity is just evident in his lifestyle and his community outreach. So, he has been doing exactly what you suggest. He can't help it that the rabid press hates him for innumerable reasons.

The hatred of Christianity is almost as bad as the hatred for White Men in general. Even many of those who are awake enough to root for White players would like to see them suppress the desire to mention Jesus Christ.

Its almost as if they are saying "I wish Tebow all the success in the world, as long as he understands he needs to shut up with the whole Jesus thing".


Tebow needs to understand that his job is to play NFL football, not proselytize to others while on the clock.

He can still go to hospitals, visit sick kids, and give his testimony at church, just save it for when he's not working.

Tim is not getting paid by the Eagles to spread the word. He's getting paid to play a spread offense.

Just like many of us, there are limitations for Tebow in terms of translating his faith to others while on the employer's dime.

If he does it right, he will ultimately reach far more folks with he's message, while still remaining in the NFL. I hope so.

I agree Tebow needs to just shut up and play football. Stop antagonizing his enemies with his proselytizing and just focus on football.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
I'm not denigrating Tebow's faith, quite the opposite. He is a commendable young man, with fantastic qualities that our people should be proud of and emulate.

However, the powers that be will not stand for Tebow mania 2.0, and If he gets another shot at starting in the NFL, he would do well to answer football questions with football answers.

In the remote chance that a interviewer asks about his faith, he should by all means tell them. Otherwise, focus on what he was hired to do, to play football and keep his dialogue focused on that.


Jan 7, 2013
So happy about this news. I love what Chip is doing. Screw the media, he does not give a $*$# about a circus. I have a hard time believing Tebow won't make the roster because of the options he gives Chip and his offense. I think Chip is thinking about a guy who fits what he wants to do and is durable. Bradford is injury prone. That's the truth until he proves he make a full season healthy. Hopefully Tebow has improved as a passer so maybe some team, if not the eagles, gives him a shot down the line.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I mostly play only 'fifa' as my brainless vidya escapism... a friend told me that after the Jets cut Tebow, Electronic Arts deleted him from the game completely (whereas all other player cuts were put into the 'free agent' pool... they did not want an army of vidya supporters winning championships with him!!)

Now, two years later, EA is forced to add him into their composite pool! Good trolling! Love him or dis-love him, Tebow is hated by all our enemies, venomously and loudly. If you are a feminist Democrat minority blogger with an axe to grind... you hate Tim Tebow. I was ecstatic when Michigan beat him in the 2006 bowl game, but I am so much more supportive of him now. The humble manner with which he presents himself is an antithesis of all ****** bratty nerd journalism.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Tebow needs to understand that his job is to play NFL football, not proselytize to others while on the clock.

He can still go to hospitals, visit sick kids, and give his testimony at church, just save it for when he's not working.

Tim is not getting paid by the Eagles to spread the word. He's getting paid to play a spread offense.

Just like many of us, there are limitations for Tebow in terms of translating his faith to others while on the employer's dime.

If he does it right, he will ultimately reach far more folks with he's message, while still remaining in the NFL. I hope so.

This is a good post by a likely troll. Tebow has been blackballed by enemies he cannot name. He fights out loud for a different cause than we do here. Yet, he represents something much different and preferable than the norm.

If the world was full of more Tebows, perhaps we'd actually tame and civilize Africa. Not a pretty thought, but worth pondering.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
This is a good post by a likely troll. Tebow has been blackballed by enemies he cannot name. He fights out loud for a different cause than we do here. Yet, he represents something much different and preferable than the norm.

If the world was full of more Tebows, perhaps we'd actually tame and civilize Africa. Not a pretty thought, but worth pondering.

There's no question Tim Tebow represents something much different than the norm (his faith), which is not what the NFL is paying him for, nor will the executives, station owners and other media moguls stand for.

If we want to see more of Tebow on the field (and I do), he had better stick to reading defenses, rather than defending his faith (something that is not is his job contract).

The NFL is a money making entertainment business (much like the Simpsons), that does not want to promote overt Christianity with it's product.

I hope Tim ultimately gets to start, plays compelling football ( like we all know he can), and gets an extended contract under Chip Kelly.

BTW, I have been posting on Castfootball (under various user names) for about 10 years now. I am not a troll.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
I don't claim to know much about NFL football, but it seems to be the most successful quarterbacks are what you guys sometimes call "pocket quarterbacks" who stand protected behind an o-line and throw to the player most likely to make a catch at a given moment. If Tim uses his intelligence and arm and sticks to throwing like a Brady or Manning he'll likely start and be successful; he doesn't need to run much to be a running threat -he could not run once in a game and still keep the defense guessing just because he CAN run. Running opportunities will be present and he can take them only as or if they come. Brady uses his head and he runs something like an 8.8 second 40 (exaggerating obviously) but the ball moves faster than the legs and that Brady is just too damn smart for those suckers.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Chip Kelley is trolling the NFL hard. Racist Riley, born again Tim, what next Ritchie Incognito?!?! I just hope there's no backlash coming. Kelley is going to have to win and trading away a franchise type QB doesn't help. I wish them the best but expect some blowback.


Jan 7, 2013
Chip Kelley is trolling the NFL hard. Racist Riley, born again Tim, what next Ritchie Incognito?!?! I just hope there's no backlash coming. Kelley is going to have to win and trading away a franchise type QB doesn't help. I wish them the best but expect some blowback.

Hehe I'm afraid he missed the Incognito boat Jax, He signed with Rex and the Bills. Too bad, that would have been entertaining to see.

People are already calling Chip Insane. Before Chip signed with the Eagles, the same people were saying the Eagles would never reach the playoffs with Chip's offense.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Im curious if anyone has read, or heard ANYTHING half way good said, or written about Tebow signing with PHI??

I did a google search, and its ALL stuff like....

"Tebow destined for failure, again"

"Chip Kelly has lost his mind"

"Tebow proved with NE that he sucks"

"Tebow has no chance of success"

"Tebow still not an NFL QB"

"Eagles will still draft a QB"

And so on and so fourth. Does anybody besides us think he stands a chance what so ever?


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
There's no question Tim Tebow represents something much different than the norm (his faith), which is not what the NFL is paying him for, nor will the executives, station owners and other media moguls stand for.

If we want to see more of Tebow on the field (and I do), he had better stick to reading defenses, rather than defending his faith (something that is not is his job contract).

The NFL is a money making entertainment business (much like the Simpsons), that does not want to promote overt Christianity with it's product.

I hope Tim ultimately gets to start, plays compelling football ( like we all know he can), and gets an extended contract under Chip Kelly.

BTW, I have been posting on Castfootball (under various user names) for about 10 years now. I am not a troll.
Why should he have to keep his faith under wraps? It's who his is. Nobody complained about the Reverend Reggie White when he was with the Eagles and Packers. or Tony Dungy who would praise God after a win in his post-game interviews. How about very openly Muslim Hakeem Olajuwan, praising Allah? A.C. Green from the Lakers 80's dynasty years was an ordained minister who constantly advocated celibacy. All of these players/coaches were admired. Tebow is much more than merely an openly Christian athlete. He's a confident WHITE man and he's encroaching on a blacks-only position. He's the perfect lightning rod for everything that Cultural Marxists hate.