Tea Party Subverted By NeoCON(s)

Great posts Jimmy! Much like Pearl Harbor, info about what really happened on 9-11 is swept under the rug by the media and the powers that be. When I first heard that no steel structure had ever collapsed like that, I knew there was more to the story that what the jewish run networks were telling me. Glenn Beck is a man of many contradictions, but that doesn't surprise me considering who he is. Some truth mixed with lies is much more dangerous to me than all lies, as the former isn't usually as easily distinguished as the latter.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
It doesn't matter to me whether or not 9-11 was caused by Muslims or our own government or both. I also do not care whether or not the holocaust is a hoax. All I care about is that we stop fighting wars for Israel and all the Jews.
While I believe the physically-tangible evidence and eye-witness accounts debunking the official story of 9/11 are very credible (certainly more credible than the "official" story), what is often overlooked in these discussions is the foreknowledge of what was about to happen.

As is often said, "Follow the money..."

For instance, Pre-9/11:
Financial transactions in the days before the attack
suggest that certain individuals used foreknowledge of the attack
to reap huge profits.<sup></sup></font>The evidence of insider trading includes:

<ul>[*]Huge surges in purchases of put options on stocks of the two airlines
used in the attack -- United Airlines and American Airlines
[*]Surges in purchases of put options on stocks of reinsurance companies
expected to pay out billions to cover losses from the attack --
Munich Re and the AXA Group
[*]Surges in purchases of put options on stocks of financial services companies
hurt by the attack --
Merrill Lynch &amp; Co., and Morgan Stanley
and Bank of America (Morgan Stanley occupied 22 floors of the North Tower and Merrill Lynch had headquarters near the Twin Towers). Morgan Stanley's stock dropped 13% and
Merrill Lynch's stock dropped 11.5% when the market reopened.
<a shape="rect" name="financial"></a>[*]Huge surge in purchases of call options of stock of a weapons manufacturer
expected to gain from the attack -- Raytheon
[/list]On Sept. 6-7, when there was no significant news or stock price movement
involving United
, the Chicago exchange
handled 4,744 put options for UAL stock,
compared with just 396 call options.

On Sept. 10, an uneventful day for American,
the volume was 748 calls and 4,516 puts,
based on a check of option trading records.

Over three days before terrorists flattened the World Trade Center
and damaged the Pentagon, there was more than 25 times
the previous daily average trading in a Morgan Stanley "put" option
that makes money when shares fall below $45.
Trading in similar AMR and UAL put options,
which make money when their stocks fall below $30 apiece,
surged to as much as 285 times the average trading up to that time

Bank of America
showed a fivefold increase in put option trading
on the Thursday and Friday before the attack

A Bank of America option that would profit if the No. 3 U.S.
bank's stock fell below $60 a share
had more than 5,900 contracts traded
on the Thursday and Friday before the Sept. 11 assaults,

almost five times the previous average trading, according to Bloomberg data.
The bank's shares fell 11.5 percent to $51 in the first week
after trading resumed on Sept. 17

Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, saw its stock soar immediately after the attack. Purchases of call options on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on the day before the attack.
Raytheon has a secretive subsidiary, E-Systems,
whose clients have included the CIA and NSA.

This information can be found at:

To this day, this has not been investigated by any U.S. Government agency that has the authority to do so.

Along with Jimmy Chitwood's excellent points and analysis, what's the chance of all of this being pure coincidence?

Edited by: Highlander
Thanks for the solid insight Jimmy & Highlander!
Loose Change (Final Edition) is a solid documentary pointing out the litany of holes in the "official" version & 9/11 Commission's white-washing. I also question OKC, Ruby Ridge, Waco AND Viet Nam (Gulf of Tonkin incident) & WW2 (did FDR have knowledge of the jap advance towards Pearl Harbor, etc.). It's the Globalist Elite (with their Central Banking Cartel allies) who always gain from warfare!

That's exactly why the Tea Party movement must ensure it doesn't embrace chicken-hawk, Machiavellian, NeoCONs like Palin & Gingrich, etc. As Thomas Jefferson wisely advised, our Republic needs to steer clear of ALL foreign entanglements!

InfoWars 9/11 Archive

Palin = Z.O.G Puppet

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Here's James Edwards' take on recent developments within the Tea Party.
<h2>Tea Party movement dead in the water</h2>
Category: <a href="http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/category/conservatism-is-dead/" target="_blank">Conservatism
Is Dead</a>, Palin, Republicans|GOP,
Ron Paul

The Tea Party movement has become nothing but a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Republican party. Their favorite person, Sarah Palin,
just got paid $100,000 to give a speech at the Tea Party Convention.
It was nothing but a boring "Go GOP!"Â￾ sermon. It meant so little to
Palin that even though she'd had months to prepare for it, she had to
write notes on her hand reminding herself to talk about energy and
taxes. Not only can she not remember to talk about lower taxes to an
anti-big government convention without a crib note, she's completely
unaware of what's actually going on.

In her speech, she talked about newly elected Senator Scott Brown
being part of the Tea Party "revolution"Â￾; never mind that Brown <a href="http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/2010/02/03/scott-brown-turns-his-back-on-tea-party-supporters/" target="_blank">has
already turned his back on the Tea Party movement</a>, saying that it
had little to do with his victory, and <a href="http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/21/scott-brown-my-model-for-governing-is-john-mccain/" target="_blank">he
wants to be the kind of Senator John McCain is.</a> He doesn't even
want anything to do with Palin herself. Palin called him to
congratulate him the night of his election victory, <a href="http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/02/02/did-scott-brown-speak-to-sarah-palin-on-election-night/" target="_blank">but
a few days before her big speech Brown denied he's ever spoken to her</a>.

She's brilliant, I tell ya. The other day she denounced Rahm Emanuel
for calling some Democrats "retarded"Â￾, saying Obama should demand his
resignation because the word "retarded"Â￾ is extremely offensive. (She
has a kid with Down Syndrome.) But a few days later, when Rush Limbaugh
mocked people like Palin herself by saying that because of politically
correct types we can "no longer call a retard a retard"Â￾, <a href="http://rawstory.com/2010/02/colbert-palin-retard/" target="_blank">Palin said that
was fine, because Limbaugh was using "satire."Â￾ </a> In other words, she
has no principles at all, and will praise a Republican for doing the
exact same thing she denounces Democrats for. She quit her job as
governor of Alaska in order to get rich, and she has no intention of
letting facts or principles stand in her way.

And it appears the average Tea Party supporter is no smarter than
Palin. If there's any single person who's responsible for the rise of
the Tea Party movement, it's Congressman Ron Paul. This is an election
year, and Rep. Paul normally doesn't have any challengers in the GOP
primary. But this year he's got three. <a href="http://rawstory.com/2010/02/tea-partiers-fighting-against-ron-paul/" target="_blank">And
all three of them are self proclaimed Tea Party types</a>. They're
angry with Paul because he not only wants lower taxes, he actually
thinks if you want low taxes you have to restrain spending, and he
refuses to bring home the bacon for his district. He also doesn't think
fighting two unwinnable wars for Israel in countries that are no threat
to us at all, and that are costing us trillions of dollars, qualifies
as small government or fiscal restraint. In other words, Tea Party
supporters don't really want smaller government; they like big
government fine but just don't want to pay for it. <a href="http://rawstory.com/2010/02/paul-cautions-neocon-influence-infiltrating-tea-parties/" target="_blank">Ron
Paul says</a> that the GOP and neocons have hijacked the Tea Party
movement away from its founding principles to benefit themselves, and
he's right.

And if you're still optimistic, and holding out hope that the Tea
Party movement can really bring about change in this country, then keep
reading. <a href="http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0210/32692.html" target="_blank">This
should disabuse you of that notion</a>:

The South Carolina Republican Party announced Monday
that it's uniting with tea party groups in the state to share resources,
coordinate messaging and push the GOP in a more conservative direction.

The points of contact between the state party establishment and the
grass-roots will be the Greenville County Republican Party â€" one of the
most conservative wings of the state party â€" and the Upstate Coalition
of Conservative Organizations, an umbrella structure of state tea party

The agreement, as announced by South Carolina Republicans, is
designed to serve four goals: increase precinct involvement, improve
communication between the state party and grass-roots groups, create
liaisons between the state party and the various tea party organizations
and to work "closely to make the Republican Party more conservative."Â￾

State Republican Party Chairwoman Karen Floyd told POLITICO that the
arrangement came at the suggestion of a local activist who works with
both the state party and local tea party groups.</blockquote>
Just for a laugh here is popular mechanics guru "debunking" in an interview - complete with 24 hour DNA matching evidence identifying the suspects and other riculous claims. I'm sure most of you have seen it, but in case you haven't seen the debunking of Popular Mechanics: Part one below:

Davin Coburn PM interview gone bad for Davin
From James Edwards' blog:

For over a year now I've been saying that the Tea Parties are a dead
end, and they're going nowhere until they face the fact that they're a
white movement, and not only face it, but unashamedly embrace it. Of
course, they never listen, and just keep packing their podiums with
black and brown tokens to prove to liberals that they're not about to
start looking out for white people's interests. Well, Jared Taylor of
American Renaissance has written a great article along the very same
lines. Of course, Jared said it far more elegantly and succinctly than I
ever could, but it's nice to know he shares my assessment of the
movement! Everyone should read <a href="http://www.alternativeright.com/main/blogs/left-right/no-great-awakening/" target="_blank">Jared's
fantastic piece </a>and email it to everyone they know. Because until
the Tea Party folks take Jared's advice, and start speaking up
unashamedly as white people and for white people,
they're never going to accomplish anything.

On a related note, check out this comment one TPC reader left on <a href="http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/2010/04/20/psst-tea-parties-youre-not-fooling-anybody/" target="_blank">one
of my recent articles</a> about the Tea Party movement:

You are right about Tea Parties. Local tea party close
to where I live had an April 15 rally. It was 100% white attendance. A
few days after the rally I was invited to attend their "steering
committee"Â￾ meeting. I politely accepted. The Tea Party steering
committee focused mostly on rounding up local blacks and black pastors
to "diversify"Â￾ their Tea Party. They spent more time on how to recruit
blacks than any other issue. More time and energy was to be spent on
recruiting token blacks than expanding the white base. Why? Whites have
been conditioned like Pavlov's dogs about race. Throw a tea party or
ring a bell and they salivate "diversity or die"Â￾.</blockquote>

How does the Tea Party movement expect to accomplish its goals of
reducing the size of government, and fighting Obama's agenda, when they
spend so much of their time not working toward these ends, but on their
#1 goal, which is trying to prove they're not a white movement?
I have said it before in other postings on this sad thread. The minute we admit we are a white movement(we are not) we are dead and accomplish nothing. The Tea Party group I am a part of has spent absolutely no time on recruiting minorities and it hasn't even come up in discussions but we welcome everybody that agrees with our goals and wants to become involved no matter what race they are. If some of you guys can't get rid of your 100% white litmus tests then stay out of our movement, you are not welcome. We are accomplishing alot without you!
I'm sure not every local Tea Party group is pandering or actively looking for minorities, but the fact that some are is worth mentioning. Nearly all Tea Party folks are White, and their refusal to acknowledge that fact is what turns me off of it. While the national leadership looks for minorities to put in the public eye, they effectively spit in the eye of almost all of their members by not admitting that it is largely a White movement. Most of the members realize that fact (that it is 99% White) and would not abandon it if they were to proclaim themselves as such. To say that the movement would immediately die upon such a statement is just a cop out, imho.
It's no cop out Reb, it's a reality. To my knowledge Reb you have never been to a Tea Party and certainly never to a organizational meeting of Tea Partiers while I have been to several..I have literally lost count. I know the character of the average white Tea Partier and I know most would be uncomfortable at a site like Caste Football. That's unfair and anybody that would stick around for a week at CF and look around would see that more times than not we have a point around here. The reason why we would die off if we said we were a white movement is because we would probably lose 50 % of our membership right away and The MSM would savage and marginilize us even more than they already are. Some of you White Nationalists are so consumed with finding something 100% sympatico with your beliefs, to finding something perfect that you miss out on something that is good happening right in front of your eyes. Some other posters around here besides myself have said essentially the same thing and that the Tea Party is accomplishing things and making the estabishment in both parties take notice. So keep straining at gnats if you want, while us Tea Partiers are on the frontlines every week making a difference, growing in number and taking all the arrows while the rest of you continue your search for what's perfect. Just a little mad and frustrated today and none of this was intended in a personal way.
Colonel_Reb said:
From James Edwards' blog:For over a year now I've been saying that the Tea Parties are a dead
end, and they're going nowhere until they face the fact that they're a
white movement, and not only face it, but unashamedly embrace it.

Good post. The Tea Party is being infiltrated on every side by the usual suspects.Be aware! They are devious, treacherous and relentless.


Updated April 16, 2010
Teacher Who Sought to 'Demolish' Tea Party Placed on Leave From School
By Jana Winter
- FOXNews.com

An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to "dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line.

An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to "dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line.

The state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission is also conducting an investigation into Jason Levin, a media teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton.

"Jason is on paid administrative leave," Maureen Wheeler, the school district's spokeswoman, told FoxNews.com. She described the suspension as "standard practice during an internal investigation."

Levin has come under fire for saying he'd do anything short of throwing rocks to bring down the Tea Party. In the last two days, the Beaverton School District has received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people across the country who said they were outraged at his behavior.

The school district is defending Levin's right to free speech, but it's investigating whether he used district computers to spread his political message or worked on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site during school hours.

Levin has said he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches.


If not, Jesse Ventura. Even Noam Chompsky (not an insider although leftist in beliefs). These people will end the fed, end our support of Israel, uphold the constitution, and destroy the CIA. If these things are done, I have a funny feeling much of the evil in America will take care of itself. Being pro white is great, but let's take baby steps and make America what it ought to be first.
guest301 said:
It's no cop out Reb, it's a reality. To my knowledge Reb you have never been to a Tea Party and certainly never to a organizational meeting of Tea Partiers while I have been to several..I have literally lost count. I know the character of the average white Tea Partier and I know most would be uncomfortable at a site like Caste Football. That's unfair and anybody that would stick around for a week at CF and look around would see that more times than not we have a point around here. The reason why we would die off if we said we were a white movement is because we would probably lose 50 % of our membership right away and The MSM would savage and marginilize us even more than they already are. Some of you White Nationalists are so consumed with finding something 100% sympatico with your beliefs, to finding something perfect that you miss out on something that is good happening right in front of your eyes. Some other posters around here besides myself have said essentially the same thing and that the Tea Party is accomplishing things and making the estabishment in both parties take notice. So keep straining at gnats if you want, while us Tea Partiers are on the frontlines every week making a difference, growing in number and taking all the arrows while the rest of you continue your search for what's perfect. Just a little mad and frustrated today and none of this was intended in a personal way.

My label for the Tea Parties is the "Republican Party, Phase II."Â￾ Yes, I appreciate that they exist, but only for the opportunity of them getting elected as a 3rd party over the two (which happen to be mirror images of one another) sincerely malevolent political corporations.

Unfortunately, Guest301 is correct, any sort of official (or unofficial) declaration that the Tea Party is a "whites only"Â￾ affair and the worldwide MSM would never cease its assault"¦.nor would talk show hosts, political analysts, DWFs, magazines, TV shows, blogs, and office water-cooler morons the world over. Not to mention the fact that most of the Tea Party members would likely leave in "disgust"Â￾ over supporting an openly pro-white organization.

I've heard their leadership speak on racial issues"¦namely the notion that skinheads and neo-Nazis and other hardcore racists have been attending Tea Party rallies. The reality, of course, is that none of those types of people would be caught dead amongst the moderate-leaning Americans who attend those rallies. The leader was laughing at the idea, and suggesting that those "far right wingnuts"Â￾ aren't welcome whatsoever. I've also heard one too many stories of the minority recruiting which takes place, as well as allowing Republicans like super-neo-con Sarah Palin to headline events. So yeah, I'm luke warm to the Tea Parties"¦.as any true white nationalist should be.

That said, assuming any Tea Party member runs for any political office, they will certainly have my vote. Edited by: Thrashen
Good analysis Thrashen. I agree that if the Tea Party "admitted" to being pro-White, they'd justify all the (bogus) Leftist rhetoric. I just wish Tea Party core wouldn't allow NeoCON usurpers to pull them off focus on FULL Constitutional adherence. I support the Tea Party & well-meaning members like G310. I just hope they don't "lower the bar" (ala the GOP) and pander to minorities to appease the "mainstream"...media & the sheeple who buy their propaganda.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
It looks like we are seeing this NeoCon-TeaParty mongrelization being pushed as we speak, in Minnesota's Republican state convention. Many of the delegates are Tea Party activists, or at least sympathetic to it. It is curious to see how this will play out in the choosing of the gubernatorial candidate. Sarah Palin, Washington insider Vin Weber, former Senator Norm Coleman -- all throwing their weight around in a what had earlier looked like a race with two exceptionally solid candidates.
Update on the Minnesota NeoCon-TeaParty situation: mission accomplished, consolidation of NeoCon-Republicans-TeaParty now complete.

I don't know all the details, but as mentioned in the previous post, the NeoCons pushed THEIR "Tea Party" candidate through for endorsement in Minnesota. The strange thing about this is not that the endorsed candidate is a bad guy (Emmer), but that they decided to go against Seifert, who actually has a long legislative record replete with Tea Party bona fides long before there was a Tea Party -- and has managed to do this even while acting as House Minority Leader for many years. In other words, he was both (a) Tea Party material; and (b) electable as a mainstream Republican -- a very rare combination (although it should be noted that mainstream Republicans in outstate Minnesota have become very conservative, even reactionary -- in a good way -- in recent years). Even the Constitution Party had given Seifert endorsements, even though they have their own candidate. Really, an excellent candidate. Besides that, he is still young enough to go even further (38, I think). But in this case the NeoCons seem to have had their own agenda and a need to retain control (maybe it is separate people acting with different aims, but the end result looks conspiratorial).

I'm not sure if they decided to push Emmer because they thought they could control him (he has a couple minor scandals in his background). Emmer's last-minute pick as Lieutenant Governor is Newt Gingrich's former chief of staff. I have nothing against her, but it looks to me like the title of this thread has been vindicated, at least in Minnesota.
is this a glimmer of hope?

US Senator Bob Bennett (R) ousted at Utah GOP convention.

an excerpt is below:

SALT LAKE CITY â€" Republican Sen. Bob Bennett was thrown out of office Saturday by delegates at the Utah GOP convention in what represents a stunning defeat for a once-popular three-term incumbent who fell victim to a growing conservative movement nationwide.

Bennett's failure to make it into Utah's GOP primary â€" let alone win his party's nomination â€" makes him the first congressional incumbent to be ousted this year and demonstrates the difficult challenges candidates are facing from the right in 2010.

"The political atmosphere obviously has been toxic and it's very clear that some of the votes that I have cast have added to the toxic environment," an emotional Bennett told reporters, choking back tears.

Bennett's endorsements by the National Rifle Association and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney did little to stave off anger toward the Washington establishment from delegates.

"The bailout bothers me. That in and of itself is unforgivable in my opinion," said delegate Scott White, a 58-year-old general contractor from Taylorsville ...
DixieDestroyer said:
Thanks to Don for posting this at ANU News!

Tea Party Platform Told to Embrace GOP via NeoCON Palin

Palin is another Neocon/Globalist shill. She's also a Zionist/Z.O.G pawn. Her speech at the Tea Party was filled with Neocon propaganda about the "terrorist" boogeymen, etc. Like her pal "Juan McAmnesty", Palin is a puppet of the PTB. The Elite thought they'd throw a pretty face & some quasi-Old Right rhetoric in the mix to deceive more sheeple.

All true. Palin is a creation of neocon monster William Kristol, a zio-supremacist and the ultimate enthusiast of third world immigration to the US. He sees whites as animals, to be used as slaves and soldiers for Israel expanding its 'empire' in the Middle East. No, I'm not engaging in hyperbole. That's him to a tee.
Sarah Palin Endorses Carly "No American has a God-given right to a
job" Fiorina

(Although, apparently, the Indians do have that right...with the 10,000 American jobs she exported over there when she was CEO of Hewlett Packard.)

Tea Party Activists upset with endorsement. More proof of her true NeoCon colors.
Jim DeMint: Moving the Repbulican Brand to the Right.

<DIV =byline><CITE =vcard>By JAY NEWTON-SMALL Jay Newton-small </CITE>â€" <ABBR =timedate title=2010-05-20T00:10:00-0700>ThuMay20, 3:10amET</ABBR>
<DIV =yn-story->

Senator Jim DeMint knows when a brand's gone bad and what to do to fix it. The South Carolina Republican spent more than 25 years in advertising before going into politics, and his demeanor - from the pin stripe suit to his salesman pitch delivered with a smile - has a Mad Men quality to it, almost as if Don Draper had been thrown forward 50 years and his only client was the Tea Party movement.

The Grand Ole Party's brand has been failing for some time, DeMint says in an interview at the Capitol Hill Club - an exclusive Washington institution for Republican members and Senators. "The angst was growing during the Clinton years, during the Bush years. And then the bailout was the wake up call," DeMint says. "The Tea Parties, they're just saying: 'Enough is enough.' The question is are Republicans going to open their arms and say, 'We're sorry we made a mistake, trust us again.' Or are they going to keep spit-balling them?" (See "Portraits of the Tea Party Movement.")

For years, DeMint has been the Cassandra of the fiscal right, warning that his colleagues were ignoring their base on everything from No Child Left Behind and the Medicare Prescription Drug Program to the Bridge to Nowhere. Such gloom and doom - not to mention to DeMint's amazing capacity to single - handedly gum up the Senate when he objects to a spending bill - would in years past have earned him the chairmanship of the Subcommittee for Underwater Basket Weaving.

But this cycle, Jim DeMint is a prophet. "I think for most Republicans in the Senate the Tea Party is viewed as a threat; to me it's the cavalry I've been waiting for," DeMint says with a laugh.

And so, with his army at his back - an army that has given him more than $1 million to recruit potential lieutenants - DeMint set off to remake the Republican Party's brand. He had his political action committee rate all of his colleagues on their ideological purity; only one person scored 100, DeMint. His first target was one of the lowest scorers, Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. Disgusted with Specter's betrayal on the stimulus bill and weary of fighting the ardent appropriator's earmarks, DeMint endorsed Specter's primary opponent, former Pennsylvania Rep. Pat Toomey. Five days later Specter left the Republican party, a victory in DeMint's book.

Next DeMint bucked the party establishment, which had lined up behind Florida Governor Charlie Crist to fill retiring Senator Mel Martinez's seat. DeMint endorsed little-known Marco Rubio, a former Florida Speaker of the House, and helped him raise more than $300,000. "Jim DeMint believed in me when the only people who believed in me lived in my house," Rubio told the annual Conservative Political Action Conference to a standing ovation and shouts of "DeMint for President!" Crist last month left the Republican Party to run as an Independent after polls showed Rubio beating him by more than 20 points in the GOP primary. (See 10 elections that changed America.)

Since then, DeMint has endorsed what he calls "rock-solid Republicans" in Senate GOP primaries in California, Texas, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky and Utah. None are the candidates his party leaders would prefer. "When the grassroots gravitate towards a candidate and that candidate is not supported by the leadership here, I do everything I can to get those candidates a voice and a platform so at least Republicans know that they have an alternative," DeMint says. Sometimes his efforts are successful, as with Rand Paul, who on Tuesday beat Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's protÉgÉ, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson, to become the Republican nominee for the Senate in the Bluegrass State. Other times, he's not: his pick for the open Indiana Senate seat, Marlin Stutzman, lost to former Senator Dan Coats even after DeMint raised $200,000 for him.

For some Republicans, DeMint is fighting an ideological war at the expense of practical politics. He and his candidates are drawing millions away from the party, its committees and their candidates. DeMint's snowballing effort has frustrated Senator John Cornyn, charged with electing Republicans to the Senate. DeMint's goal "is to try and move the Republican conference in a more conservative direction," Cornyn told McClatchy Papers last week. "But I think as a pragmatic matter, we've got to nominate Republicans who can get elected in their states." (See the top 10 unfortunate political one-liners.)

Is the former ad man starting a revolution? No, but he'll settle for five more Republicans like him in the Senate come November, a prospect that scares Democrats and worries some Republicans who see DeMint as an obstructionist. "Jim is trying to express the frustration that a lot of people feel and I think that's a healthy thing as long as we can come together after the primary," says the senior senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, also a Republican. "But somebody's got to fix immigration, somebody's got to fix Social Security. Somebody's got to do something about out long-term debt and that's going to require bipartisanship."

But, to DeMint, bipartisanship is not a slogan that's going to work for Republicans - or Democrats - in 2010.
Although I could post this just about anywhere here in the Happy Hour section, I chose the Tea Party thread because they are one of the groups that cancelled an appearance by Steve King because his views, although absolutely correct, are "controversial". Political correctness rules!

<H1>Iowa Republican: Obama favors blacks over whites</H1>
<DIV =byline><CITE =vcard>By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer Charles Babington, Associated Press Writer </CITE><ABBR =recenttimedate title=2010-06-15T16:05:34-0700>1hr44minsago</ABBR>

WASHINGTON â€" Democrats on Tuesday denounced an Iowa Republican congressman who says President Barack Obama favors blacks over whites, and a GOP candidate from Colorado canceled a fundraiser the Iowan was to keynote.

Rep. Steve King, known for sometimes incendiary remarks about immigration, Abu Ghraib and other issues, criticized Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, who also is black, in an interview Monday on G. Gordon Liddy's nationally syndicated radio talk show.

"I'm offended by Eric Holder and the president also, their posture," said King, 61. "It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race."

King continued: "The president has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race on the side that favors the black person in the case of professor Gates and officer Crowley."

He was alluding to last year's incident in which Obama commented on a white police officer's arrest of a black professor from Harvard University.

As news of King's remarks spread, GOP House candidate Cory Gardner of Colorado canceled a planned $100 per-plate fundraiser where King was to speak. King's appearance was also canceled at a Colorado tea party gathering where he was scheduled to appear.

"His comments do not represent the tea party," said Owen Loftus, a spokesman for Republican Ken Buck, who is running for Senate in Colorado.

Andy Stone, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, criticized Gardner for having scheduled King. "This is just the kind of over-the-top extremism that Colorado voters have rejected again and again," Stone said.

King, a four-term lawmaker, made similar remarks about Obama in a speech last month.

"When he had an Irish cop and a black professor, who'd he side with?" King said. "He jumped to a conclusion without having heard the facts. And he ended up having to have a beer summit. The president of the United States has got to articulate a mission. And instead, he's playing race-bait games to undermine the law enforcement in the state of Arizona and across the country."

Holder, in a 2009 speech, did not suggest that whites are more cowardly than blacks when discussing race, as King indicated in the radio interview.

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot," Holder said, "in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."

When asked Tuesday night in a telephone interview whether he regretted his comments, King said: "In no way do I. It's the White House that needs to answer questions, not me. It is absolutely right and I will continue to make the point."

King, a former construction company owner, drew earlier criticism for comments about the Iraq war. He said the news media exaggerated the story of abuses at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and dismissed it as hazing.

And after compiling what he called an accurate civilian violent death rate for Iraq, he said living there was safer than in some U.S. cities, including New Orleans and Detroit.

Christopher Reed, an Iowa conservative activist, defended King.

"He is one of those few politicians who really says what he thinks," Reed said. "One man's controversial is another man's truth."


Associated Press writer Mike Glover in Iowa and Kristen Wyatt in Denver contributed to this report.
James Edwards' take on the Les Phillip Tea Party debacle in Alabama.

I've written a few times about Les Phillip, the black Republican who
was running for Congress in Alabama, and had Tea Party types swooning
over him because he's black. <a href="http://theothermccain.com/2010/05/23/video-les-phillip-swore-to-defend-against-enemies-foreign-and-domestic/" target="_blank">
They really went gaga</a> when he made an anti-white campaign ad, whose
gist was "you evil white folks can't oppose Obama because you'll be
called racists, so send a black guy to do the job."Â￾ Tea Party
supporters all over America sent small donations totaling over $600,000
to help Phillip fund his campaign. He didn't tell them that three
quarters of the money they sent would go to the direct mail company. He
also forgot to mention that <a href="http://blog.al.com/breaking/2010/06/times_watchdog_report_north_al.html" target="_blank">he
sometimes doesn't make his mortgage payments:</a>

Five days after finishing third in one of the most
expensive congressional primaries in the nation, Les Phillip found
himself in the legal notices. His house in Madison had been scheduled
for foreclosure.

Phillip last week said he never received a registered letter or
warning. "I did miss a payment way back when. It started to pile up on
penalties and interest."Â￾</blockquote>

His house is in foreclosure, but he's going to bring fiscal
responsibility to Washington?

Really, Tea Partiers and neocons (sorry for the redundancy), how
about doing just a bare minimum of investigation before championing the
next "black conservative"Â￾ that comes down the pike?

Here's his ad, for old time's sake. It ends with "they're not gonna
call ME a racist!"Â￾ No, they're not. They're gonna call you a
American Freedom News