guest301, the notion that 19 Muslims flew into the twin towers andmade the sky scrapers fall into their own footprintarmed only with exploding jet fuelis easily refutable ... especially when you consider that 1) many of the 19 Muslims who died for Allah in the attacks are "somehow" still alive, 2) jet fuel can't burn hot enough to melt steel except under carefully controlled conditions (else jet engines would melt in flight), and 3) no other steel-framed sky scraper has EVER collapsed due to fire. EVER. that's just throwing aside the laughable notions that 1) the identitifying papers of the terrorists survived falling through the planes' fireballs, 2) no one "suspected" anything was going to happen on that day, and 3) the third tower would have collapsed due to not getting hit at all. this, among many other problems with the official fable, er, story.
furthermore, literally thousands of scientists, engineers, aviation experts, and on-scene firemen and police officers have risked their careers by pointing out the HUGE holes in the official story. and that includes the Popular Mechanics article which refused to address most of the well-established facts of the problem, and instead dealt with weirdo notions of lasers and what not.
feel free to watch the first, and simplest,
Loose Change documentary.
i don't know that the US gov't was in on the whole deal, but they certainly didn't try to stop it (and many US gov't guys got wealthy, or should i say even wealthier,because of it).furthermore, the idea that a gov't would do such a thing to its own people isn't outrageous, as such events have been thoroughly documented throughout history.
i, for one, suspect that this was an op initiated, funded, and trainedby the Zionists to further their agenda in the Middle East. but then, i could be wrong.
but a legitimate question should be this: if the Muslims were so incredibly skilled that they could evade every acronym in the book (CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, Mossad, etc.) while planning and executing such a complex scenario, evade in-airport security four times in a single day, and train two completeidiots who could barelywalk and chew gum at the same timeto operate jumbo jets with fighter-jet precision, then how come the moronic muslims these days can't manage to even successfullyexecute a suicide-bomber attempt? hello? the Fruit-of-Kaboom bomber? really?
that's the best that cave-dwelling muslims can manage these days, and you expect me to believe that they orchestrated 9-11?
i think there is more to the story, myself.