Tea Parties and the Race Card


Sir, it doesn't matter anymore who says what. The genie is out of the bottle. The tax trail leads inexorably to race, whether it be Afirmative Action, Acorn, Set Aside contracts, School "free" breakfast and lunch, free minority pre school, scholarships for minorities, etc.
All roads lead to racial preferances.

That's why the guy in the video above is hysterical. They know their time is running out.

As far as Jimmy Chitwood's picture above, same old same old. We're used to seeing blacks looking angry. There's an old service saying to cover their anger, TS (Tough Sh*t)

Tom Iron...
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Jaxvid and Thrashen, this is for you. and me, too.

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The last time I saw that many disappointed blacks was when the Welfare office was closed.
As a person who has attended a number of Tea Party event and a wife who is actively involved,I can tell you that the attacks by the MSM are not working, will not work, and will only grow the movement.

The Tea party members are all aware that the MSM is the enemy. That is why the CNN people were booed at the big rally in Washington a year ago.
A lot of people have come to realize that the race card is just a left wing bomb thrown to try and distract and stop debate. The MSM in its one sided coverage has brought their ratings so far down that they have become all but irrelevant.

I think the tea party members have come to realize either consciously or subconsciously that whites in america have been targeted for extinction and are trying to figure a way to fight back against it.

I know some of you are expecting more form the Tea Party members in terms of coming out with a pro white stance, but that is a lot to expect right away after the damage liberal america has done to the physche of the average white person over the past thirty or so years.

I think for now a movement and gathering of mostly white people in an organized manner is a good sign. At some later point they may come to realize as whites in America are expected to become a minority some time in 2050, that we need to gather like other minorities so we don't get discriminated against, have our own tv channels devouted to our culture, and have a history month for white europeans, and develop a sense of culture so our children marry within their own culture so white europeans don't fall to extinct levels in the US.

I think more and more people have become aware of the liberals agenda in this country and we must stop them before it is too late. The school systems from grade school through colleges are all filled with indoctrinating educators who are brainwashing our white youth, and they need to be stopped somehow.
Good post, newguy. Just the fact that middle class Whites are gathering in large numbers all over the country is fantastic, something unprecedented since the 1930s. The passing of Obamacare will only intensify the passion and determination of the tea party folks. The key is to remain non-partisan and as independent from centralized organization and control as possible.
Newguy that was a very eloquent synopisis of the TEA Party movement which I plan on joining tommorrow in Ventura Ca.


I've already painted Sic Semper Tyrannis on my "Don't Tread on Me" flag for the upcoming 04-15 rally here. That's another thing people can do. Adorn these flags with Mottos.

I knew this wasn't going to stop with Ron Paul. It's got legs of its own now. The politicians are running scared now. The only thing is not to allow the movement to be coopted.

Tom Iron...
Great stuff, those pics are a real pick me up with the way things have been going. It's always nice to see my "people" in action.
Don, thanks for positing partner. It's good to see Americans (finally) getting PO'd about the tyranny (of the PTB) via the puppets on "Crapitol sHill". The only "downside" is that far too many Tea Partiers are duped by the phony Left/Right control mechanism & follow NeoCONs like "Pawn Vanity", "Bull O'LIElly", Gingrich, Beck & Palin.
I find the pics depressing. A bunch of good manpower going to waste protesting someone (Reid) who doesn't care. Even if he did care, he does not seem to have the intellectual and cultural tools to help advance the society. And this can perhaps also be applied to whomever ends up as Reid's political opponent.
I hope the Tea Party keeps moving forward -- but to what goal? I am not at all confident that Washington & Jefferson are a match for Marx & Lenin, nor even against Muhammad. Decentralization and subsidiarity are certainly worth pursuing, but it is not easy to organize to wage a cultural war when the guiding principle behind your war is decentralization.
Waiting for Charlegmagne, El Cid, of Jan Sobiecski.
newguy said:
As a person who has attended a number of Tea Party event and a wife who is actively involved,I can tell you that the attacks by the MSM are not working, will not work, and will only grow the movement.

The Tea party members are all aware that the MSM is the enemy. That is why the CNN people were booed at the big rally in Washington a year ago.
A lot of people have come to realize that the race card is just a left wing bomb thrown to try and distract and stop debate. The MSM in its one sided coverage has brought their ratings so far down that they have become all but irrelevant.

I think the tea party members have come to realize either consciously or subconsciously that whites in america have been targeted for extinction and are trying to figure a way to fight back against it.

I know some of you are expecting more form the Tea Party members in terms of coming out with a pro white stance, but that is a lot to expect right away after the damage liberal america has done to the physche of the average white person over the past thirty or so years.

I think for now a movement and gathering of mostly white people in an organized manner is a good sign. At some later point they may come to realize as whites in America are expected to become a minority some time in 2050, that we need to gather like other minorities so we don't get discriminated against, have our own tv channels devouted to our culture, and have a history month for white europeans, and develop a sense of culture so our children marry within their own culture so white europeans don't fall to extinct levels in the US.

I think more and more people have become aware of the liberals agenda in this country and we must stop them before it is too late. The school systems from grade school through colleges are all filled with indoctrinating educators who are brainwashing our white youth, and they need to be stopped somehow.

Excellent post newguy. It's nice to read a post by someone else here who doesn't think the Tea Parties are a waste of time as I couldn't possibly be more steeply involved in it as I am now and would hate to think I am wasting my time. So keep writing about your experiences with the Tea Party newguy and I look forward to reading them and continue to post about my own experiences.

Westside, as I said to you in a PM, congratulations on your decision to join a Local Tea party in California as that state has more debt racked up than any other. I am sure you will quickly become a influential member and make a difference.

Tom Iron, good post. The "Don't tread on me Flags" are big sellers and I purchased a couple of them for myself and a friend.Edited by: guest301
I recently ran across an AP article that mentioned the "Don't tread on me" flags and stated that theywere a symbol "used by right wing militia groups". These leftists have no clue as to the historical significance and history of this flag and its meaning to the founders of this country!

Sir, please consider inserting a motto. I put my "Sic Semper Tyrannis,"
centered in the first White stripe over the snakes head. There are plenty of Revolutionary and Civil War mottos that go great with the Tea Party idea.

Tom Iron...
It will be interesting to see how the tea parties react to the next thing in line - Amnesty. We will find out if the tea parties are for real, or just another organization co-opted by the usual suspects.
Kaptain, I agree. Amnesty is going to be forced down our throat by the Marxists in power, although there is a chance we will be able to expel the foreign objects before we choke.
Tom Iron said:

Sir, please consider inserting a motto. I put my "Sic Semper Tyrannis,"
centered in the first White stripe over the snakes head. There are plenty of Revolutionary and Civil War mottos that go great with the Tea Party idea.

Tom Iron...

I'm considering it now, thanks for the advice. For those recent posts concerning amnesty, I will make sure my local Tea Party group takes the proper stand on that issue, I think most of them are with me on that issue anyway.
The way affirmative action "professors" have come on the Talmudvision and demonized these largely White gatherings, is precisely why I tend to have NO sympathy for negroes. Their (blacks/zionists) petty "hate Whitey" agenda is so clear in 2010, but there's much at stake. We mustn't allow ourselves to be disarmed.

Also, the SPLC Jew - Potok - went on MSNBC and he was so worried about (White) people believing in "conspiracy theories" like the existence of FEMA camps, etc.

What does that tell us? That the FEMA camps DO EXIST!! Anyhow, we should be able to "think" whatever the f*ck we want!!
I am going to a tea party meeting tonight and trust me, the name of "David Duke" will never come up. He's right about a few things but he's damaged goods.
guest301 said:
I am going to a tea party meeting tonight and trust me, the name of "David Duke" will never come up. He's right about a few things but he's damaged goods.

David Duke is only right about "a few things?"Â￾

I see"¦he speaks particularly disapprovingly with concern to Jews, so he must be living in a hateful, Aryan daydream. Despite the fact that he's light years ahead of non-conservatives like Rush, Hannity, O' Reilly, Coulter, Savage, Ingram, etc, you refer to him in the same fashion as the American media"¦as an easy race pariah.

You're right, though, he is indeed "damaged goods."Â￾ The hypocritical, intolerant Jewish revolutionaries you routinely defend made certain of that.

And of course Duke would "never come up" at a Tea Party gathering. His name dare not be uttered by the racially-neutral, yet all-white "conservative movement"Â￾ sweeping the nation. The Republican Party, Phase Two.Edited by: Thrashen
You largely got me pegged right on this one, Thrashen except I don't consider Rush, Hannity and Coulter non-conservatives but I won't argue the rest of your post.
Sometimes we arrive at our particular viewpoints in life based on personal experience. Don't want to share too much details but I don't like David Duke and the KKK and that is largely because my stepfather was a ardent Klansmen and he even took me to a large cross burning/BBQ banquet as a seven or eight year old in Vidor, Texas where I was living at the time. It was televised on the local news coming out of Beaumont, TX. He was a abusive, hateful child beating drunk and adulterer and so excuse me if I don't give alot of credence to the David Duke's and Robert Byrd's of the world. The KKK is nothing but white trash and pretty much doesn't even exist anymore. I believe I shared that story the first few months when I joined the site years ago, thought it was time to share it again.
guest301 said:
You largely got me pegged right on this one, Thrashen except I don't consider Rush, Hannity and Coulter non-conservatives but I won't argue the rest of your post.
Sometimes we arrive at our particular viewpoints in life based on personal experience. Don't want to share too much details but I don't like David Duke and the KKK and that is largely because my stepfather was a ardent Klansmen and he even took me to a large cross burning/BBQ banquet as a seven or eight year old in Vidor, Texas where I was living at the time. It was televised on the local news coming out of Beaumont, TX. He was a abusive, hateful child beating drunk and adulterer and so excuse me if I don't give alot of credence to the David Duke's and Robert Byrd's of the world. The KKK is nothing but white trash and pretty much doesn't even exist anymore. I believe I shared that story the first few months when I joined the site years ago, thought it was time to share it again.

Yes, the modern Klan (for the last 50-60 years onward) is indeed an embarrassment to the WN movement. They've literally made themselves into the running punch line of the PTB. And any white man who is abusive to white children or cheats on his wife is equally wounding our cause.

I don't often say this, but my "dream scenario"Â￾ for the future of white nationalism is for white families to live similarly to the Amish. No money (in know, they DO have money), no TV, no internet, no government, no politics, no pop culture"¦just hard work and love for one's family and race. Modern inventions (plumbing, solar electric, modern medicine etc) could be added as needed. My dad's farm is adjacent to a Mennonite farm (a little different from Amish) and I used to work in their chicken houses and bailing hay and straw. I've never seen such respect for one's culture and elders than in that family.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
I don't often say this, but my "dream scenario"Â￾ for the future of white nationalism is for white families to live similarly to the Amish. No money (in know, they DO have money), no TV, no internet, no government, no politics, no pop culture"¦just hard work and love for one's family and race. Modern inventions (plumbing, solar electric, modern medicine etc) could be added as needed. My dad's farm is adjacent to a Mennonite farm (a little different from Amish) and I used to work in their chicken houses and bailing hay and straw. I've never seen such respect for one's culture and elders than in that family.
I have often thought this as well. When the sh*t finally hits the fan, the Amish won't miss a beat as they are completely out of the "Matrix". They really have nothing of material value that thugs value (cars, car stereos, money, fancy jewelry, flat screen TVs, iPhones, Blackberry's, laptops, etc.), so they are mostly left alone. No debt. Not dependent on food from grocery stores, or clothes from large department stores. Not wage slaves to the Corporate Globalists and Zionist Bankers, "forced" to make their monthly payments on cars, mortgages on "underwater" homes, bloated monthly cell phone/data plans, increasingly-higher energy bills, cable/satellite TV, Internet, etc....and they are not cannon fodder to support our world empire and the NWO.

Whites can move all they want to the outer edges of suburbia, back to revitalized urban areas, into the country, etc. but, as I heard Bill Maher once say, there really is no such thing as "White flight" anymore because if you have cable or satellite TV, ghetto culture from MTV, BET, HBO, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, etc. will be beamed directly into your living room anyway and the next thing you know, little Megan will be bringing home Latravious to meet mom and dad!

With our culture in the toilet, it would be nice if Whites just simply "unplugged" themselves from the Matrix, bought massive amounts of fertile land and set up communities similar to the Amish, Mennonites, etc. and maybe read up on and watch the old episodes of "The Little House on the Prairie" as a blueprint on how to really live a meaningful life, full of community, good memories, and hard and honest work and let the rest of society simply rot.
While I might not totally agree that that scenario is the "answer" for white problems, it is food for thought in the potentially troubling days ahead where we may be without power, water, internet, cable, all of the technology that we take for granted. If there is a financial meltdown and the country implodes to a state of martial law, how many of us are truly prepared?? I know that Thrashen is right in that folks like the Amish and the Menonites would keep on going like nothing ever happened.
Interesting posts guys. If society does breakdown we all better own gold/silver, know how to be self-sufficient (farm) and own/know how to use a firearm. Unfortunately, I am only confidently proficient in 1 of the 3.