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Highlander said:I have often thought this as well. When the sh*t finally hits the fan, the Amish won't miss a beat as they are completely out of the "Matrix". They really have nothing of material value that thugs value (cars, car stereos, money, fancy jewelry, flat screen TVs, iPhones, Blackberry's, laptops, etc.), so they are mostly left alone. No debt. Not dependent on food from grocery stores, or clothes from large department stores. Not wage slaves to the Corporate Globalists and Zionist Bankers, "forced" to make their monthly payments on cars, mortgages on "underwater" homes, bloated monthly cell phone/data plans, increasingly-higher energy bills, cable/satellite TV, Internet, etc....and they are not cannon fodder to support our world empire and the NWO.Whites can move all they want to the outer edges of suburbia, back to revitalized urban areas, into the country, etc. but, as I heard Bill Maher once say, there really is no such thing as "White flight" anymore because if you have cable or satellite TV, ghetto culture from MTV, BET, HBO, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, etc. will be beamed directly into your living room anyway and the next thing you know, little Megan will be bringing home Latravious to meet mom and dad!With our culture in the toilet, it would be nice if Whites just simply "unplugged" themselves from the Matrix, bought massive amounts of fertile land and set up communities similar to the Amish, Mennonites, etc. and maybe read up on and watch the old episodes of "The Little House on the Prairie" as a blueprint on how to really live a meaningful life, full of community, good memories, and hard and honest work and let the rest of society simply rot.Thrashen said:I don't often say this, but my "dream scenario" for the future of white nationalism is for white families to live similarly to the Amish. No money (in know, they DO have money), no TV, no internet, no government, no politics, no pop culture"¦just hard work and love for one's family and race. Modern inventions (plumbing, solar electric, modern medicine etc) could be added as needed. My dad's farm is adjacent to a Mennonite farm (a little different from Amish) and I used to work in their chicken houses and bailing hay and straw. I've never seen such respect for one's culture and elders than in that family.
HL, very astute points sir. We'd all best have our BOBs/BOLs, plenty of ammo, firearms, gold & gas when the SHTF. If I had the means, I believe I'd go ahead & "pre" bug-out (to AK, WY, ID or MT) right now. I'd say the PTB will stage another major false flag op within the next year to three years & then declare martial law immediately thereafter. Once martial law is declared, they'll begin sending out Fed "goon squads" to haul all non compliers (deemed "domestic terrorists") to FEMA/re-education camps. IME, these camps will immediately put all "dissidents" (therein) on a cache of toxic vaccines & psychotropic drugs. They'll separate kids from parents, and quite possibly start terminating the adults. I believe this to be part of the (Biblically predicted) Tribulation. I'm also not sold a (pre-Trib) "Rapture", although I hope it's indeed the case. All & all, we Americans had best be ready for these "end of days".
Survivalist Info
Edited by: DixieDestroyer