Supreme Court reviewing Obamacare


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't think it has been talked about much on this site but the case before the Supreme Court is one of the big ones of our time. If the Supreme Court passes it or punts it--it will be the last nail in whatever small shred of observance of Constitutional limits on govt are left. It probably doesn't really matter but I guess it's human to hold out a small thread of hope that somehow, someway, there can be a return to some manner of Constitutional Republic.

However one thing is for sure. I have flirted with the idea of voting Republican in the next Presidential election because Obama is a disaster and if he can swing the court by selecting more Kagan types then it really doesn't matter what happens elsewhere. The very last use of the Republican party has been to at least be forced by their supporters to offer up justice candidates that are somewhat amenable to the old America.

But if the things I am reading, for example Mr. Federalist Society and Catholic Chief Justice, or Catholic Anthony Kennedy, support the Act then I am through with the R party forever. That is their last use and if they can't stand up at this time then they are truly useless.

In fact I think it would be a good meme to get out there--if the Supremes blow this decision then the Republicans should be abandoned.
Oct 22, 2011
My guess is that it will be a split vote 4-4, with justice Kennedy being the decision maker. He tends to vote against liberty and freedom, instead of having a "partisan" record. Like everything else, I believe this is all orchestrated and the outcome has already been decided. About a year ago the State of Missouri put it on the ballot and 75% of people voted against complying with the mandate. I have not heard anything since.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I don't think it has been talked about much on this site but the case before the Supreme Court is one of the big ones of our time. If the Supreme Court passes it or punts it--it will be the last nail in whatever small shred of observance of Constitutional limits on govt are left. It probably doesn't really matter but I guess it's human to hold out a small thread of hope that somehow, someway, there can be a return to some manner of Constitutional Republic.

However one thing is for sure. I have flirted with the idea of voting Republican in the next Presidential election because Obama is a disaster and if he can swing the court by selecting more Kagan types then it really doesn't matter what happens elsewhere. The very last use of the Republican party has been to at least be forced by their supporters to offer up justice candidates that are somewhat amenable to the old America.

But if the things I am reading, for example Mr. Federalist Society and Catholic Chief Justice, or Catholic Anthony Kennedy, support the Act then I am through with the R party forever. That is their last use and if they can't stand up at this time then they are truly useless.

In fact I think it would be a good meme to get out there--if the Supremes blow this decision then the Republicans should be abandoned.
As always, Jaxvid posts an astute and important thread. Yes, if voting means a thing to you, vote Republican for future justices, such as Allito and Roberts, two things that W did that were outstanding. I believe this is our most important case. If defeated we can start to roll back the dems Marxist entitlement agenda and reclaim our freedom set forth by the constitution. If considered constitutional, the expedited road to tyranny begins, with Whites further f..ked.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Well said Gentlemen,

Another small point is the fedgov going at this with the Interstate commerce clause of the Constitution. They dare not argue this point on its merits. They always have to come in through the side door when they pull this type of action.

That's exactly what they did when they forced motels and all other business' dealing with the public to accept blacks. They used the Interstate commerce ploy, because it is lawful for an American to refuse service to a person for any reason whatsoever.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Feeling good today! Looks like Obamacare will meet the trash heap of history and join the communist manifesto. It clearly appears that the 5 conservative justices will strike down the individual mandate and then the rest of the bill will fall. Great news. Its great listening to learned men tear this 2770 page bill apart, rather than listen to misguided libs, socialists and communist blather on in support of it. Maybe there is hope for the U.S.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'd temper my enthusiasm. Every big Supreme court case I've followed closely has seemed from the questioning to be going the right way and then those bastards get behind closed doors an come up with completely opposite decisions. The trial is just show anyway. On an issue this big I'm expecting one of their half assed opinions that will just kick the can down the road, like every branch of Govt does.


Apr 6, 2007
I'd temper my enthusiasm. Every big Supreme court case I've followed closely has seemed from the questioning to be going the right way and then those bastards get behind closed doors an come up with completely opposite decisions. The trial is just show anyway. On an issue this big I'm expecting one of their half assed opinions that will just kick the can down the road, like every branch of Govt does.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they didn't punt this travesty down the road.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Obviously, as jaxvid says, we always have to keep a wary eye on the lousy fedgov bums, but in this case, I think it's clear obama care is going down. The CNN guy, Jeffrey Toobin was pretty much convinced on a video I saw. The week before he'd predicted obama care would prevail 8-1 or 7-2. But after hearing the arguments for and against and listening to the justices, he completely turned around his thinking. I'm even shocked an outfit like CNN let that interview be posted. Maybe it had something to do with the beautiful blonde who stood next to Toobin the entire length of the video. She never said a word, just stood there looking beautiful.

Tom Iron...

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Nine posts on this thread vs one hundred twenty on the Zimmerman thread, but this issue is so much more far reaching. If they can knock this Obamacare down, at least for a while, I'll feel like the patient is showing some signs of life.

I heard some of Bader-Ginsberg's questioning. Oh man, that voice, that accent. You sense that she feels no connection to the Constitution. Has no use for it other than parts that she might twist to her agenda, which runs deeper and superscedes any old document written centuries ago by some dead old white men. Thank God her faction (I hope) is a minority of the court.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Hey Hock,

I caught a segment of the Limbaugh show where he was talking to caller about the 4 liberal justices. He actually hit the nail on the head with his bloviating analysis. The caller was asking how the lib justices could simply ignore the straightforward language of the Constitution, here is a portion of it:

RUSH: Because the four on the left don't like it. The four on the left would like to throw it out and rewrite it. One of the four on the left is named Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She went recently to Egypt to speak to some students there who want to write a constitution now that the Muslim brotherhoods taken over Egypt, and she said to them, (paraphrasing) "Do not use the US Constitution as a model. It's old, it's antiquated, and it's insufficient when it comes to human rights and civil rights." She doesn't like it. She will not defend it. The other three libs on the court are pretty much the same. They want to change it, and they do it in cases like this. They ignore the Constitution and then write laws to change it so that whatever they say is constitutional is constitutional. It really isn't any more complicated than that. It may be hard to accept, but it's the truth. They don't like it and they want to change it.

CALLER: And that's wrong. I still can't wrap my brain around that because that's not why they're put there on the court. Maybe they shouldn't have a lifetime appointment then.

RUSH: No, it's exactly why they're put on the court. No, no, no. Liz. Listen to me again. Look at me. That is exactly why they're put on the court. They are not put on the court because they are profound thinkers. They are not put on the court because they are reliably curious and robust intellectually and because they are and have demonstrated an ability of superior judicial intellect and IQ. They are put there as a vote, a reliable liberal vote. Those four are on the Supreme Court because they will reliably vote the liberal interpretation of every case. Elena Kagan doesn't have the slightest idea what she is doing. She was nominated and confirmed for one reason. She helped cheerlead Obamacare as a member of the administration. She then prepared the defense of this law while she was the solicitor general.
For that reason alone, she should not be allowed to sit on this case. She should be recused. She should recuse herself. She is there not to examine the case. She is there not to find the truth, and neither is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And neither is Stephen Breyer. They are not there to find the truth. They are there to create a new one, their version, their view. They believe the Constitution is flawed. They believe that it is a flawed and unjust document that needs to be thrown out. Short of being thrown out, it needs to be altered, rewritten and changed. It is no more complicated than that. I know you're having trouble getting your arms around it 'cause you don't think that's American. You think it's fully, totally American, the Constitution is it. Everybody embraces it, like the Declaration. No, not these people. They don't like it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Democrat presidents always nominate reliably liberal justices for the Supreme Court, while Republicans nominate a mixture of liberals and conservatives, so that the Court never truly has a conservative majority despite GOP domination of the executive branch for a good portion of the past 44 years. Going back to Earl Warren and forward to the likes of Suter, some of the most ultra-liberal judges were picked by Republican presidents, more evidence, as if any more were needed, that the United States suffers from a one-party system with two corporate brand names.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Communist j3wess Ginsturd has no business serving on a local municipal court...much less SCOTUS. The same goes for G@ygan. They're traitors to the Constitution.
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Oct 12, 2008
Most experts agree that the swing vote is Anthony Kennedy. The fact that Kennedy has been positing difficult questions toward Obama's Solicitor General tells me one thing: he will vote to uphold the individual mandate. The public questions are nothing but political cover for Kennedy to give the appearance that he seriously considered that matter and had to make a difficult decision. Throughout history, the Supreme Court has repeatedly allowed for the expansion of the Commerce Clause, and this will be no exception.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Sir, you may be correct. But now it's time to sit back and await the decision. June isn't a long time in the future. We'll see how it goes. But if what you say is correct, the fedgov is just putting another nail in its own coffin. At some point, the sh*t will hit the fan and these stupid so called intellectuals will be looking for a hole in the ground to hide in once things starting getting nasty. All they are are people of words. they have no idea of the depth of meaning of even their own words. They think they can say anything that comes into their minds and walk away as if they aren't responsible for what they bring forth.

Tom Iron...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
if it weren't so heinously absurd, it would be funny ... Obongo issues "stern language" to Supremes over health care ruling.

and there's so much (apparently un-troubling) anti-American stuff written in this single, seemingly benign, journalistic (sort of) snippet, that i wonder if i've literally gone mad.

President Obama on Monday issued stern language to the Supreme Court of the United States regarding his health care law, expressing confidence "Obamacare" will not be overturned by the nation's highest court.

"I'm confident this will be upheld because it should be upheld," the president said Monday afternoon at a White House press conference that included ‪Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who are attending the North American Leaders' Summit. The president said overturning the law would be "an unprecedented and extraordinary step" and compared the court's rejection of the law to "judicial activism."

"For years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism," the president said, baiting conservatives who have long complained about justices' political agendas. The president stressed that the judges are "unelected" and noted that the law was passed by a democratically elected Congress.

Monday's comments were the first public warning the president has issued since the justices heard oral arguments last week on the constitutionality of the law, which includes an individual health care mandate ...
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Oct 22, 2011
Most experts agree that the swing vote is Anthony Kennedy. The fact that Kennedy has been positing difficult questions toward Obama's Solicitor General tells me one thing: he will vote to uphold the individual mandate. The public questions are nothing but political cover for Kennedy to give the appearance that he seriously considered that matter and had to make a difficult decision. Throughout history, the Supreme Court has repeatedly allowed for the expansion of the Commerce Clause, and this will be no exception.

You are correct sir! This ruling just out today. Notice how Kennedy is always the swing vote and votes in favor of the state or federal government. It will go down the same with Obama care as well. Meanwhile the media will tell us how "ideologically divided" the court is, with the exception of Kennedy and we just don't know how he will vote.

In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled against a New Jersey man who was strip searched in two county jails following his arrest on a warrant for an unpaid fine that he had, in reality, paid. Justice Anthony Kennedy said the circumstances of the arrest were of little importance. Instead, Kennedy said, Florence's entry into the general jail population gave guards the authorization to force him to strip naked and expose his mouth, nose, ears and genitals to a visual search in case he was hiding anything.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The only reason to vote for Romney was crushed today, so I guess I should apologize for inferring that republican presidents do anything to improve the Supreme Court. We just officially became a socialist government today. (officially). Took a couple hundred years but we got there.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The only reason to vote for Romney was crushed today, so I guess I should apologize for inferring that republican presidents do anything to improve the Supreme Court. We just officially became a socialist government today. (officially). Took a couple hundred years but we got there.
Yep, Republicans are scum just like Democrats. Only a viable 3rd party or the whole system collapsing will save us from this mess.

Ventura's got it right:


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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Even if Obamacare is repealed by Congress next year, the precedent has been set. The FedGov now has legal precedent to tax (or mandate,same thing says the court) anything. Something to chew on now that we have, as noted above, officially become a socialist state, comrades.
Nov 8, 2006
Yet another defeat for the party of compromise and good losers. Has the so-called right ever won a lasting victory over the steady slouch toward Communist dictatorship? I can't think of any. Willard says he'll repeal it. Sure.

Our last hope that doesn't involve national collapse and racial Balkanization is actual, real conservative candidates. Hopefully the Tea Party can draw some energy from this disaster.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Even though we've been heading down this road for a long time, it is indeed a dark day for what's left of the USA.


Jul 12, 2007
Technically, there is one last method of defeating this act of war against the American people. But I don't think there are any members of the federal government who actually want it defeated.
However, if such real Americans existed in Congress, their only remaining option would be to pursue the birth certificate and citizenship issue. If they pressed the matter, and Obama could not prove he was eligible to be President, then every law passed during his administration would be null and void (signed by an illegitimate President, after all).
That's pretty much all that's left to us. Romney certainly isn't going to do anything about it. A woman asked him for a simple "yes" or "no" answer at one of those town hall meetings and he couldn't do it. I don't recall the exact wording of her question, but it was something like "I need a yes or no. If elected, will you overturn Obamacare?" His reply: "Why would I not?" She didn't get the opportunity to speak again.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Riddlewire, you are probably right. I doubt anyone currently in (or soon to be) Washington will do anything about that issue, even though they could if they wanted to. This should be a great example of how the two parties are in effect joined at the hip when it comes to the destruction of the Republic.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Gentlemen, Okay, the deed is done.

I've got a question. What's your take on the effect of this mad ruling on this already lousy economy, if any?

Tom Iron...


Jul 12, 2007
Nothing immediate, I suspect.
The machinations will continue behind the curtain to prop up the economy at least until Obama's re-election. After that the PTB will assess where they stand on House and Senate votes to ram through their wildest fantasy laws. If they think they can legalize forced RFID implants, total income seizure, etc., then they will keep the charade going for quite a while. It's easy to create the illusion of prosperity when you have 100% control of the flow of information.