Supreme Court reviewing Obamacare


Nov 28, 2009
This ruling is appalling and outrageous. What a whore Roberts has shown himself to be. First Citizen's United where unlimited and anonymous campaign donations can be made by anyone from anywhere in the World to political campaigns in the U.S., including foreign nationals and foreign corporations, and now this. Utterly disgusting to the nth degree.

The whole way this decision came down is very suspect. The delay until June and then the second delay until the end of this week. I think that whore Roberts was bought off. Either that, or he was blackmailed in voting the way he did.

However, I did enjoy reading Kennedy's dissent and appreciated his criticism of the "rationale" of Robert's decision.

This decision greatly expands the taxing authority of the Federal Government by forcing its citizens to purchase a private product. This is absolute Fascism.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm not the least bit surprised. We know BHO is a PTB puppet, 95%+ of Congress is sold out (lock, stock & barrel) and SCOTUS is largely co-opt'd (sans Thomas & Scalia). This is about tearing down the Republic and (fading) middle order to usher in a 2 class dystopia (enforced via police state). :tsk:


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare: The Anvil that Will Break the Camel’s Back"

America simply can’t afford to give socialized health care to all the people of Third World ancestry in the United States. As a group, the Blacks and Latinos don’t pay nearly enough in taxes to cover the benefits they would be getting from ObamaCare. The lion’s share of the money for their benefits would have to come from White taxpayers. The Third World portion of the US population has grown to 100 million people. Add to that, the fact that real unemployment among White people is about 20 percent as the very real Depression continues to linger on, which means that the ability of White people to pay taxes to support the non-White population has been reduced by at least 20 percent.

There’s an old saying that you don’t raise taxes during a Recession (or Depression), but ObamaCare constitutes the largest tax increase in the history of the world. Our economy is 70 percent dependent on consumer spending. ObamaCare would pick the pockets of Americans from Florida to Alaska, taking away a large percentage of their disposable income, which will devastate consumer spending and therefore devastate what’s left of the economy. ObamaCare is the anvil that will break the camel’s back. While the idea of free health care sounds enticing, Americans will have to choose between ObamaCare and the very real possibility of losing their jobs because of the effect that ObamaCare will have on the US economy.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Finally peeling myself from the floor and getting over the hang over, caused by traitor Roberts. Wow! this White man, could have ended this mechanism of the fedgov of taking more of our freedoms away 2 days ago by rightly siding with the other 4. But no, he tossed BO/dems/closet socialists/communist a huge bone by upholding it and saying the mandate was a tax! Why?

Roberts did the inexpleciable. His motivation is unclear. He has a dream job, security up the ass and the judicial world at his feet. I don't believe the PTB blackmailed him or even threating him. He could in a second drop a dime and have seal team 6 protection. No, the reason is that he wanted to make a statement. That he was bi partisian a friggen saint in the biggest case in 30 years. He wanted the to be seen as totally unpartisian. Prick! Michael Savage said his epilepsy drugs interferred with cognitive thinking. Maybe?

I love this site becuase I can find comfort and solace with intelligent men who think like I do on the most important issues, such as this dark day.

Now our only hope in pushing back America's entrenching socialism is this November. America has to elect Mitt Romney and take over the senate and hold the house. If not, America will descend into a second rate country where White people will be further marginalized and in many instances brutalized.

I know many of us, me included serverly critize negros, jews and hispancs with valid reasons for crimes against Whites and the unlevel playing field perpatrated by the PTB(tribe & Whites) and its unsuspecting White lib interloopers. Yes, the position we find ourselves in is because the Whites schemed with our enemies rather than reject them point blank and just stick to the US Constitution. Now the November election becomes the most important election for us, to insure White people have just a equal voice.

I hope most agree with me. I will vote and support Romney and others in senate and house races. I believe it will be counterproductive for us here to stay home or vote for 3rd party candidate for president who has a snow ball's chance in hell. Right now I will take Romney's word that he will repeal Obamacare. Right now its my only hope along with a Repub/conservative take over of the senate and holding of the house. If not, darker days ahead. Count on it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Westside, I understand your frustrations, but voting for Romney is just feeding the monkey that produced this decision. If we always compromise and fall for the lesser of two evils BS, we'll continue the slide toward ruin. Now is the time to break away from the political shackles that have held us in bondage for far too long. Screw hoping that some GOP cultist will keep his word. Vote for Merlin Miller or Virgil Goode and send the GOP a message that you won't take any more of their compromise. That is the only sensible thing to do.


Nov 28, 2009
Roberts did the inexpleciable. His motivation is unclear. He has a dream job, security up the ass and the judicial world at his feet. I don't believe the PTB blackmailed him or even threating him. He could in a second drop a dime and have seal team 6 protection. No, the reason is that he wanted to make a statement. That he was bi partisian a friggen saint in the biggest case in 30 years. He wanted the to be seen as totally unpartisian. Prick! Michael Savage said his epilepsy drugs interferred with cognitive thinking. Maybe?
There's much talk that Roberts changed his mind "at the last minute". If true, that's probably why the decision was delayed a week. The PTB were probably expecting Kennedy to side with the Marxist wing of the Supreme Court on this, but he didn't, so Roberts did.

There is a ton of money to be made off of this by the hospital companies. Their stocks soared right after the ruling came down. Follow the money. Roberts may have had nothing to gain, but, as a man with a wife and young children, he had a lot to lose, if you know what I mean. We are talking about extremely powerful, wealthy, and well-connected individuals, much moreso than Roberts, the ones that are actually running "our" government. Under our current system/regime, the Seals would probably protect these individual over the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Now our only hope in pushing back America's entrenching socialism is this November. America has to elect Mitt Romney and take over the senate and hold the house. If not, America will descend into a second rate country where White people will be further marginalized and in many instances brutalized.
America already is a second-rate country and has been for about three decades now, although it has gotten much worse over the past twenty years and even more so over the last ten by any measurement across any category...culturally, economically, financially, politically, etc.
I hope most agree with me. I will vote and support Romney and others in senate and house races...Right now I will take Romney's word that he will repeal Obamacare. Right now its my only hope along with a Repub/conservative take over of the senate and holding of the house. If not, darker days ahead. Count on it.
And replace it with what? Romneycare?...which is pretty much the same thing as 0bamacare. Either way, without fundamental change, the kind that Ron Paul espouses, we are headed for "dark days". We are and have already been in "dark days" for a while now. I would say (and still do) that perhaps the only reason to vote for Romney, instead of a Constitutionally-based third party candidate strictly out of principal, would be for Supreme Court appointments coming in the next term. I would prefer not to have yet another Marxist Feminist Lesbian being appointed. But knowing that the "Conservative" Roberts was appointed by a NWO Republican President, GWB, it's not always foolproof and often just window-dressing now.

I understand and certainly share your sentiments and I'll probably hold my nose and vote for the "R" candidates over the "D" candidates and justify it (again) as voting for the lesser of two evils, but I'll still be voting for evil, unless they are made in the mold of Ron Paul.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The system's m.o. is for the Democrat wing to nominate liberal judges only, while their Republican junior partners nominate a mixture of liberals and conservatives. That's why the Supreme Court never has a solid conservative majority despite the GOP having the presidency from 1968-1976, 1980-1992, and 2000 through 2008, or 28 years out of 40 from '68 through '08. This method dates back to the ultra-liberal Warren Court, with Warren nominated by Eisenhower, and has been that way ever since.

If Obama is re-elected he will continue to nominate Jewish lesbians, but under Romney it will be only slower poison. The exhortations to vote for Romney because of the Supreme Court are no different than the exhortations were to vote for previous Republicans who made sure the Court never had a decisive conservative majority. Voting for Romney is endorsing the one party system with two nearly identical wings that has destroyed this country from within.

Anyway there are very few genuine conservative judges to be found anywhere in the federal judiciary. The judicial branch of government has rolled over for the unitary executive (President as world dictator), as has Congress. The strongest message that can be sent by Americans in November is not to vote for either monopoly gang, whether by voting for third parties or by not voting at all.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
I've read rumors that extortion was used against Roberts to make sure he upheld this atrocity. Possible illegalities with his adopted kids from S. America or that he may be gay. Who knows.

The only real solution is secession. White nationalists need to get enough people to a smaller state like wyoming or New Hampshire and vote for independence.

I am writining in Merlin Miller when i vote. Romney's embrace of illegals and liberal record are too much to take.


Jul 12, 2007
I've read rumors that extortion was used against Roberts to make sure he upheld this atrocity. Possible illegalities with his adopted kids from S. America or that he may be gay. Who knows.

It seems more likely that they just threatened to do to him what they did to Andrew Breitbart.
In fact, Andrew may have been killed for exactly that reason. The case was already in the hands of the Supreme Court at that point. There's a lot more credibility behind a threat when you can provide evidence that you've already done it once, and recently.


Jul 29, 2008
This all sounds like fascism to me, except that as opposed to what we saw in some parts of Europe in the 30s, this one is not designed to benefit the natives, but rather the natives (White people), along with the Asians who mostly work hard and pay taxes, will be the ones taking it up the a$$ to benefit blacks, hispanics/illegal immigrants, turd-world legal immigrants who are coming thru in large numbers, and all the other garbage that makes up the nearly 50% of the takers who don't pay any taxes.

Enough of the obvious, but do we, White people, do now? Assuming health care in this country will be headed to the gutter unless you have the $$ to afford the best, what our options? I'm guessing that we need get to healthy right now (if not already), take care of any major issues you may have been putting off, make the necessary life-style changes all before 2014 so that none us have to see a doctor, unless it's some sort of a catastrophic type condition. My guess is that your health provider will be filled with turd world doctors and nurses in the years ahead, and any worthy White doctors will go private and you'll need cash for their services. Some things I can think of:

  • Lose weight and get in shape
  • If you have any issues with your eyes/teeth, get them fixed
  • No smoking/moderate to little alcohol
  • 6-8 hours of sleep
  • 3-4x a week of exercise, for 60-90 min
  • Stay away from any foods with unpronouncable ingredients

I'm fortunate to be healthy now, and do stick with a good diet/exercise regimen. It has now become even more critical as I get older (I'm 33) to ensure that I'm in the best shape and health possible for the rest of my life.


Jul 12, 2007
They got to him.

I am told by two sources with specific knowledge of the court’s deliberations that Roberts initially sided with the conservatives in this case and was prepared to strike down the heart of this law, the so-called individual mandate, of course, that requires all Americans to buy insurance or pay a penalty. but Roberts, I’m told by my sources, changed his views deciding to instead join with the liberals.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I listened to a little of Rush Limbaugh the last few days and he has been very good on this issue. He has really lit into Roberts on the decision(s) of late. I think that's commendable considering his reputation as a republican shill and the tendency of republicans to insist that the silver lining is that this is an issue they can use to defeat obama. Rush has stuck to the concept that the damage to the the Constitution is the main reason to oppose this decision. I think Rush realizes his supporters are more Tea party then country club republican and that influences his opinion on this issue.

Also a good point I saw at the Daily Caller. "Where is the liberal John Roberts?" surprised no one that the court’s liberals voted unanimously to advance their ideologically preferred outcome. The pundits who questioned the legitimacy and independence of the court’s conservatives never considered that perhaps the justices on the court who are too politically partisan are those with liberal politics. Indeed, while conservative justices switching sides on landmark cases has been a fairly common occurrence for decades, liberal defections in such cases almost never happen.

It has even become routine for legal experts and media commentators predicting outcomes of politically controversial cases to only consider the possibility of conservative justices breaking rank. It’s taken for granted that no liberal member of the court would join with the conservative justices. This is why in all the Obamacare case analysis, never did a single member of the media or legal establishment entertain the notion that a liberal justice would vote to strike down the law. A liberal justice ruling against Obamacare? That would be absurd!

Yet, the media continuously informed us that had the conservative justices voted in unison, just as the liberal justices ended up doing, it would have destroyed the legitimacy of the court.

Read more:


I also have read that the conservative members of the court were so pissed off at Roberts that they refused to debate the issue with him after his late change of mind. This unfortunately has the makings of another Souter, a Republican nominated judge that becomes a staunch liberal overnight.

With Obama likely to win again he should get maybe 3 court retirements to install guaranteed liberal voting partisans on the court. The outlook already bleak, grows even bleaker.