Superbowl XLVI

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I scanned the web today for articles and commentary as I often do on Mondays following a weekend of football. I must say that there is a surprisingly high number of material out there which is actually very much in defense of Welker and faulting Brady instead for missing the throw. The consensus seems to be that Brady had plenty of space to work with, but threw the ball a little too high and out away from the safety, forcing Welker to make a very difficult catch. Welker could and probably should have caught it, but it got away from him. Having watched the replay about a dozen times, I now conclude that yes, it would have been a great catch if Welker could've hauled it in. Sometimes you need great players to make improbable plays on the big stage. I can only think of Jordy, Larry Fitzgerald, and maybe Calvin Johnson being able to make that catch. I put Welker in that elite group, so it's very unfortunate the two of them could not connect.
The difference is not exclusively in number of white starters, or number of whites on the roster. The Patriots are the whitest offense the NFL has seen in decades. Their white players play the most important roles imaginable on a prolific, high scoring offense. When was the last time the top two receivers on an NFL offense were white?

Gronk and Welker are far more significant than a bulked up blocking back like Hynoski or a TE like Ballard, who is at best the fourth option on a lesser offense. And, of course, the Pats have one of a handful of white RBs who actually touch the ball in Woodhead, not to mention the rarity of a white CB in Edelman.

This Super Bowl was a huge victory for the Caste System.
THats right. Ive already heard my cousins giving Wes and Woody the blame. Saying things on facebook like "You cant win Championships with guys like Welker, and Woodhead at the skill positions". I just hope the Pats dont reduce those guys roles next year. But I bet they will. Hell, even one of the posters in this thread was calling for Welker to be a #3 WR.
Considering that they were one TD away from winning a championship with those two guys I would think that you could win championships with players like Wes Welker and Danny Woodhead. Also considering that if any of several close plays happened to go the Patriots way they would been the first team in NFL history to go 19-0 and they would have done so with Wes Welker and a RB that was easily inferior to Woodhead.
Yes but pretty much all of those catches were because of knowing they would have to make an adjustment in the air due to where the defenders were around them, and they were aware would have to go up and get it because it would be thrown to only where they could get it, sometimes having to make acrobatic moves to stay in bounds for a 1st down or a td. That was a blown coverage, despite what Mangini says about Phillips, he was not close enough to make a play on the ball, Welker was running full speed straight ahead and turned his body to the right expecting it to be there in stride only to see it going the complete opposite way having to adjust in milliseconds which is why he had to spin around, he jumped too soon and his hands mainly only touched the nose of the ball, he is capable of catching it but its very hard and I doubt he would have gotten many props for it.

Id say most receivers don't make that catch, even most of the top ones would probably miss it some of the time under the same circumstances. The average receiver wouldn't even try to adjust like that to get their hands on it. If he doesn't make the adjustment his hands never get on the ball and everyone sees it for what it is, a ball thrown behind him. Maybe even some of today's so called elite receivers don't even try to catch it.

The game wasn't even on the line, they were up by 2 with 4 minutes left, it was 2nd and 11 because Lawfirm lost a yard. Then Branch dropped the next pass. The reason why you see Wilfork put his hands on his head because he knew it would be on him and the defense to try and stop the Giants from scoring, and the defense would have to win with the game on the line.

question is, Is Welker known for making acrobatic catches? I see him as a receiving runningback, who mostly gets extended handoffs. He has mostly been a yac guy.

I wonder what is wrong with Brady though, his wife was made fun of because she sent out an email to friends saying pray for Tom, saying she feels he really needs "our prayer, support and love at this time" which was somehow changed by the media saying that she wanted friends to pray that he win the Superbowl. He played like crap in the Ravens game. Granted there were a bunch of drops in this game but he didn't look like himself, some say his left shoulder has been bothering him for a while and it was obviously hurt even more in the game.

and I can't understand what the big deal is about the Manningham catch. It was good but not spectacular.
It was clutch not spectacular. Swann's two big grabs in SB X were much more spectacular than that one. I don't see how Welker is getting killed for a tough catch that shouldn't be close to routine for anybody but an all time great.
Yes, Irvin really earned a bit of respect from me by sticking by his "controversial" statement earlier this year that Welker was the best receiver in the NFL. That really says a lot about the state of sports "journalism," when we have to look to the likes of Michael Irvin for enlightenment, doesn't it?

SH, you're right- Welker absolutely has to make that catch, especially in that situation. My only point was that obviously the reaction from the DWFs and jock sniffing journalists was going to be predictably harsh. As for Brady, I think he is gradually turning into Peyton Manning- great regular seasons, but a clear and noticable diminished performance in the playoffs.

Thanks. I repeat, when the Super Bowl is on the line you have to make that catch. Sometimes an excellent receiver like Welker doesn't, which is a part of football.

By the way, if Welker continues in 2012 to catch passes as he's done the last few years, it will be forgotten.
THats right. Ive already heard my cousins giving Wes and Woody the blame. Saying things on facebook like "You cant win Championships with guys like Welker, and Woodhead at the skill positions". I just hope the Pats dont reduce those guys roles next year. But I bet they will. Hell, even one of the posters in this thread was calling for Welker to be a #3 WR.

If they did, I doubt they were serious. Not even the drunkest of fans deny that Welker is a top 10 wide receiver in the NFL, and I've heard nothing but praise for Woodhead in the role he plays. During his big drive yesterday all the guys I was watching with were talking about what an idiot Rex Ryan must feel like for letting him go.

The only Patriot white skill position player I've heard criticized is Edleman playing corner. And even that I agree with (I think he has the skills, just not the experience).
If they did, I doubt they were serious. Not even the drunkest of fans deny that Welker is a top 10 wide receiver in the NFL, and I've heard nothing but praise for Woodhead in the role he plays. During his big drive yesterday all the guys I was watching with were talking about what an idiot Rex Ryan must feel like for letting him go.

The only Patriot white skill position player I've heard criticized is Edleman playing corner. And even that I agree with (I think he has the skills, just not the experience).

The Patriots are not going to reduce Welker's role next season. It boggles my mind that some of you on this site actually believe that. He's been a starter for years and lead the league in receptions and came in second in receiving yardage. He's finally starting to get the respect he deserves from most and some still believe he'll be demoted next year. Ridiculous!
Bigunreal said:
I just don't think there are any positives coming out of this game, as some of you do.

I know that no NFL player will work harder to reverse his Super Bowl misfortunes this offseason than Welker. Perhaps the “positives” that can arise from this ill-fated Super Bowl loss is this brilliant superstar, this phenomenal athlete, this dominant white man will return more determined for excellence than ever before.

Of course, I hope that Welker signs a lucrative, long-term contract with New England in the off-season, returns to greatness, wins next year’s Super Bowl, and builds upon a season in which he was certainly the best receiver in the AFC, if not the entire NFL.

Yes, in 2012, I hope that this Super Bowl “drop” is the ember of yearning that kindles an inferno within him, inundating the Caste System with unadulterated truth, a living hell-fire to devour their every lie.

Greg Jones wins a ring and gives a ring

What a heartbreaking story.

His mom looks happy.:)

Yea, I would bet 90% of real black woman are crushed when they see their son with some white skank. I love this ESPN comment, left by some black dude:

Good for them if they're in love why not get married. But on the slip side I understand what black men are commenting about when they see this picture. Historically speaking white women who are not exposed to or have grown up around black men tend to marry wealthy black men who are entertainers, actors or pro sports players. You will never ever ever see a wealthy white woman marrying a poor black man, just doesn't happen. I hope he does have a prenup, he needs to talk to Curtis Enis if he doesn't. White chick took him for every penny he had and took his car dealerships in Chicago.

I remember watching Penn State games in the mid 90's and seeing that vile-mudshark in the stands. Marxists over at ABC and ESPN showed the pig over and again. I doubt she would've got a second of face time if her boyfriend was white....Anyway, glad to see Uncle Tom Enis got fuc%ked over by the ho. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

Here's a video of Enis' dog-faced, foul-mouthed ex-slut on Fox Sports several years after she cleaned him out. Marxist $hit over at Faux still love the mudsharks after they leave their brotha, I guess?
I guess Mammy err Mummy don't want her grand kids to have good hair.......:tongue: It looks like Curtis Enis picked up this trick at your local strip club. One flash of his bankroll got her to latch on to him until the pay cheques ran out. Word of advice to all posters and lurkers if you are to get married to get married marry for substance over looks or this will happen to you.....:thumbdown:
The difference is not exclusively in number of white starters, or number of whites on the roster. The Patriots are the whitest offense the NFL has seen in decades. Their white players play the most important roles imaginable on a prolific, high scoring offense. When was the last time the top two receivers on an NFL offense were white?

Gronk and Welker are far more significant than a bulked up blocking back like Hynoski or a TE like Ballard, who is at best the fourth option on a lesser offense. And, of course, the Pats have one of a handful of white RBs who actually touch the ball in Woodhead, not to mention the rarity of a white CB in Edelman.

This Super Bowl was a huge victory for the Caste System.

Would you have preferred an Eagles-Ravens Super Bowl with Michael Vick as the MVP?
itsme said:
Greg Jones wins a ring and gives a ring

What a heartbreaking story.

His mom looks happy. :)

Jaxvid said:
But Mandy Piechowski's ancestors hang their heads in shame and cry for the loss of their unique genetic heritage and that they have lost one of their own to a primitive tribe.

So yes it is a heartbreaking story. But without smiley faces.

I couldn’t fathom the penetrating sense of dishonor that the “father” of this nationally-televised beastiality participant must now feel. It’s unnerving enough to know that “he” permitted his rotten little “Muddy Mandy” to date such a grotesque collection of atoms, let alone agree to marry one on worldwide television during the Super Bowl.

Then again, knowing modern-day white “families,” the Piechowski clan probably welcomed the beast into their home, happily allowing it to devour their DNA, their ancestors' ability to endure thousands of years of hellish struggle, and their good name without the slightest quarrel.

Modern white fathers are certainly the poorest family-leaders in human history. This wretched truth is just another in a long history of Yiddish victories against our Volk. At least my family’s existence is entirely free of non-whites. My obligation as a white man is to ensure that this persists long after I pass away in the next 60-70 years. My wife and I are teaching our precious baby to be bi-lingual, like my parents and grandparents.
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The personal matter of who people choose to marry is a better topic, if at all, for Happy Hour. There are millions of inter-racial couples and to fixate on one, and refer to "beasts" and other such adjectives for the people involved and their families mars what had been a good thread on the Super Bowl itself.
I couldn’t fathom the penetrating sense of dishonor that the “father†of this nationally-televised beastiality participant must now feel. It’s unnerving enough to know that “he†permitted his rotten little “Muddy Mandy†to date such a grotesque collection of atoms, let alone agree to marry one on worldwide television during the Super Bowl.

Then again, knowing modern-day white “families,†the Piechowski clan probably welcomed the beast into their home, happily allowing it to devour their DNA, their ancestors' ability to endure thousands of years of hellish struggle, and their good name without the slightest quarrel.

Modern white fathers are certainly the poorest family-leaders in human history. This wretched truth is just another in a long history of Yiddish victories against our Volk. At least my family’s existence is entirely free of non-whites. My obligation as a white man is to ensure that this persists long after I pass away in the next 60-70 years. My wife and I are teaching our precious baby to be bi-lingual, like my parents and grandparents.

Her sorry excuse of a father is probably happier than her.
I'm locking this thread due to its rapid degeneration.

1. The posting guidelines prohibit racial slurs. Caste Football exists to support White athletes, not tear down groups of people.

2. Nobody knows the people and family involved and how they feel. To demonize them is not in line with making productive posts.

3. The wrath exhibited is certainly not designed to persuade anyone considering the issue of whether inter-racial dating and marriage is wrong. All it does it make our attempts to prove the existence of the Caste System look bad as when blacks can only be described by some posters in sub-human terms no one is going to take us seriously.
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