
darthvader said:
Sites like stormfront are simply an invitation for any federal agency to infiltrate.

So what?

They can "infiltrate" and "spy" all they want. For all we know, we are probably being watched right now by the "authorities" on THIS SITE. Who cares? As a matter of fact, I beleive I already posted a similar comment last month that is only a few posts up in this forum regarding the "attention" that we probably recieve from certain watchdog groups. However, I only told everyone to "be careful who you converse with" on those sites, not to refrain from membership or thread-posting. In my opinion, its perfectly acceptable to become a member and post in any forum on any site you choose.

Just about anything you or I say or type (with the exception of terroristic threats, and none of us to my knowldge, have made any) is ALL protected by the first amendment. What are they going to do? Kick my door down, take me into custody, and hold me in a federal detention center because I am a memeber of a perfectly legal website? "Mr. Groundfighter, you're under arrest for being a proud, intelligent, athletic, racially-aware White male. Put your hands behind your head."

My attitude is this:

I havn't threatened anyone.
I havn't done anything illegal.
So, beat it, commies.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Ground Fighter,

It doesn't matter that you haven't done anything wrong. They make up the rules as they go along anymore. What was legal this morning is illegal this afternoon. That's the way things are anymore and I assure you that each one of us has a date with their own room 101 at some point in the future.

Take care Sir,

Tom Iron...
jaxvid said:
Stormfront has some good stuff but it's a lot like AMREN. All bad news. A constant recital of anti-white news and the worsening situation in our society. One think I like about this site (of many!) is that we do some celebrating, there is good news here.

AMREN used to be a site I went to quite often, but after reading all of the anti-White reminder articles there, it made me wonder why the hell is the website called "American Renaissance" in the first place?
Tom Iron said:
Ground Fighter,

It doesn't matter that you haven't done anything wrong. They make up the rules as they go along anymore. What was legal this morning is illegal this afternoon. That's the way things are anymore and I assure you that each one of us has a date with their own room 101 at some point in the future.

Take care Sir,

Tom Iron...

Yeah, I guess. Oh well, it was a good run, boys.

See ya in a the clinker.
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
jaxvid said:
Stormfront has some good stuff but it's a lot like AMREN. All bad news. A constant recital of anti-white news and the worsening situation in our society. One think I like about this site (of many!) is that we do some celebrating, there is good news here.

AMREN used to be a site I went to quite often, but after reading all of the anti-White reminder articles there, it made me wonder why the hell is the website called "American Renaissance" in the first place?

That site gave me bad vibes for some reason. Mainly because I was surrounded by a bunch of posters who thought they were all some form super-pseudo-intellectuals. Just about all of them had some kind of condescending opinion about new posters there, mainly me, So I stopped posting on that site about two years ago...and I came here.
I don't like Stormfront at all and I have ancestors who were Jewish. Many posters stress race over culture which will inevitably always fail. It is not paleoconservative enough! There are numerous appeals to big government on the site and there are many supporters of "National Socialism," which is socialism with balls, but socialism nonetheless. Keep government out of demographics and allow people's private property to handle any matter. This way anyone is free to segregate and hire and fire people as they wish.

I love the John Birch Society and might join it someday.Edited by: Freedom
Any pro Black, Brown,or Yellow site is WAY worse than Stormfront. As for the Jew, the Talmud is the most racisit book ever written. Nothing said at Stormfront compares to the things in the Talmud.
The Koran is the worse book ever written. For seven centuries, innocent people have died because of this book. They still are.
There have been many interesting discussions at various sites. Oneview from a poster at SF for your consideration. I will intoduce a totally different perspective found at another site later. We should discuss possibilities at this crucial period of history. Highlighted sections are mine.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------

Idid a SF Radio show for today which is almost entirely devoted to exactly what you are talking about. I left at 6 am this morning and got back about half an hour ago and had several messages saying my show did not air today. I guess Theodoric is out of pocket in Tennessee,and didn't get the show on.

Catch the show when it shows up in the archives and comment on it, please.

If we left all the neo-nazi, KKK and other similar baggage at home and began to work within the framework of the GOP wreck, we couldeither force it to support several of our most important issues,or we could walk out with the supporters of our issues, in which case we would have our third party.

A large proportion of the enthusiastic crowds Sarah Palin drew are already with us on immigration, affirmative action, de-industrialization of America, and the criminal banking/corporate system. We just need to take advantage.

We may never take back the entire country, but we won't save ANY of it without political organization.

I spent the entire day at the regional High school swim meet, where two of my grandchildren were competing(One qualified for the State). Over a hundred constestants and several hudred spectators and not a single negro among them(negroes can't swim). The only negro present was an arrogant middle-aged male, who works for the State Department of Education, who swaggered around all day, among all those White people, carrying a clip board upon which he wrote NOTHING all day.

During the nine hours I was there, I talked with more than two dozen people. I always mentioned the fact that everyone present was White, and how much I liked that fact. A large majority of them, even though they had never seen me before, responded in kind. A few of them launched into an anti-Obama oration almost immediately.

The ground is the most fertile now that it has been in 40 years. All we need are willing cultivators. Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
The ground is the most fertile now that it has been in 40 years. All we need are willing cultivators.

While I agree with this premise, it must be pointed out, unfortunately, that the enemy not only is out-reproducing us in huge numbers, they're getting an ever-increasing flood of new members through illegal immigration. I'm not going to say it's hopeless, but it's certainly not a fair fight.
Riddlewire said:
Bart said:
The ground is the most fertile now that it has been in 40 years. All we need are willing cultivators.

While I agree with this premise, it must be pointed out, unfortunately, that the enemy not only is out-reproducing us in huge numbers, they're getting an ever-increasing flood of new members through illegal immigration. I'm not going to say it's hopeless, but it's certainly not a fair fight.

Riddlewhire, you make a good point. By the time we get a viable, workable mechanism functioning, we will be swamped. Look at the election results. The White vote went against Obama. Too bad, so sad,Pedro and Tyrone would say. The minorites voted as a bloc for what they perceived as their best interests, not ours. Even the Asians went big for Obama, as did the Jews, of course.

All right then, another perspective on the situation lifted from a discussion. Food for thought.
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<DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic">Jews win White hearts and minds, and political office. They do it by NOT talking about "what's good for jews."</TD></TR></T></TABLE>

Again, you're presenting the common and false explanation that our failures are mechanical, hence correctable by smiling, dressing and talking differently. That is wrong. Our failures are Systemic. We are suppressed and not able to get our message about except through the Internet. That is not going to change in the short term, except possibly in the wrong direction. Jews don't triumph by winning hearts and minds, they win by monopolizing the mass media and political machinery so that no one ever hears any alternative view. Except it be presented in a jew-favorable context - Jerry Springer show, for example. The jews aren't winning because they have better arguments, better delivery or better presentation, they win because they own the stadium, satellite uplinks, players and announcers.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 5px 20px 20px">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%">
<TD =alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Any attempt to reach Whites AS Whites will be met with fear. Fear of being immoral, cruel, "evil". Add to that the more practical matter of running up against "hate speech" codes, and losing one's means of earning a living. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

What you don't grasp is the basis of that fear. It is not due to our message or its delivery but the social cost of accepting what we say. White opposition to our message is refusal to suffer by adopting a cause that has no power and which can be severely sanctioned by NWO. Whites in many ways show by their behavior they DO accept our message - by moving away from muds and refusing to mix with them. But that is a passive and legal response. They know that by joining with other Whites in an active political sense, the jews can cause them great pain. These are facts no matter how smoothly and softly we approach them. It's not a matter of our message, it's a matter of our not controlling the money, the media, and the law enforcement.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 5px 20px 20px">
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<TD =alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">We have to reach Whites by not talking about "what's good for Whites". Their minds slam shut as soon as we do that. Instead, we need a way of communicating with our people by identifying uniquely White traits and desires, without labelling them as such. Something that people can get behind and not feel "guilty" about. Something that can't be censored by rules against "hate speech". Something that doesn't need an appeal to abstractions like "The First Amendment", which most Whites can't even fathom. The US Constitution is an abstraction with no relevance to their daily lives. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

Coded appeals won't work. The jew knows what we mean, and no matter how benignly we term it, he'll call it hate. The only people who think this way are conservatives who've never gone public as Whites. There's no way to slick NWO's System.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 5px 20px 20px">
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<TD =alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">We need to build a real, viable political coalition. Running for office should be done with the intention of winning that office. Merely trying to get the word out won't do anything. The word iWs out. Nobody wants to listen, because they're afraid, and they feel powerless. We need to adjust our tone accordingly. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

It's not a matter of tone. You're ignoring every lesson history has to teach. The problem is the machinery is controlled by our enemies. How dumb do you think they are? You really think all it takes is some nice guy with a winning personality talking in codes to break through? The idea is laughable. Look at what actually works rather than what the experts-who've-never-done-it say. Hitler and his boys achieved victory through direct speech and action. Not by talking in codes and ceding the streets and use of violence to jews.

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We will make no progress until we can stop scaring average White people. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

Here's the thing that guys like you are seemingly incapable of grasping: it's not about us. It's about the way we will be portrayed by those who control the media. Get it? The bottom of your and Shank's "argument" is not an argument at all but a refusal to accept that the game really is rigged. Trust me, it is. I've seen it up close as conservative, and I've seen it up close as a White nationalist. There is no way for Whites to win within the System. The only value in running for office is learning how to speak, meeting people and raising money. Victory in any meaningful way is not possible.

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Blunt recitation of frightening facts isn't working. Predicting the next civil war isn't working. Hoping for an economic collapse isn't working.

Doing the same things over and over again isn't working. This is Schaenk's message, and we would do well to heed it. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

No, what's not working is talking and pretending our problems are the result of our behavior rather than jewish tyranny.

Shank's view is simply the common, false idea that there is a way out of problem that doesn't involve force. The System is never going to allow us to use itself to effect Systemic change. Jews aren't like us. They don't offer us the same individualist, neutral, fair law to take power away from them like we did them. They don't give the opposition a level playing field, or any playing field at all - they crush it. They are totalitarians
P-NutLane said:
Bart ; Congrats on your grandkid! Im a willing cultivator.

Actually, I think the 'grandkids' belong to the author of the post on SF, not Bart, but I could be wrong.
White Shogun said:
P-NutLane said:
Bart ; Congrats on your grandkid! Im a willing cultivator.

Actually, I think the 'grandkids' belong to the author of the post on SF, not Bart, but I could be wrong.

Grandkids were not mine. They belonged to the author of the post.
Look at the issue of porn, the "mainstream" media's reaction or non-reaction, and porn supposedly being "mainstream" today -- to get insight into the jews overt and semi-covert operations. I will try to articulate myself well.

It's exactly about the "control" that Bart posted about and highlighted. I think some people can figure it out (and much of the pornography industry is not doing too well right now), but that's not the most damning part.

1 -- The viciously anti-White nature of porn today contains more blatancy than 90+% of Hollywood movies. Any "true conservative" would just skip the jabbering about Hollywood and ask questions about the absolutely filthy porn industry. First question: "What the fu*k is going on here?" Today's porn is so disgusting and subversive and degrading - that I believe it does lead to rapes; I believe it can have the effect of turning someone more beastly. But, the porn is just fine; It's the guns in the hands of the citizens that are bad.

2 -- O'Reilly is an absolute light weight on this topic. Laura Ingraham has impressed me as she seems quite aware of the "pro black" culture (i.e. dysfunction) and that Whites should not subscribe to it.

Anyways, any "true conservative" - especially one that is supposedly "Christian" - could expose the real dingy world of pornography. As far as I know, that hasn't happened. There must be some reason that the "light isn't being shined?" Part of that is, the Hannity's and Limbaugh's are our enemies and they are unlikely to "expose" something that they aren't supposed to. The "people" behind the pornography are clearly totalitarians, beasts in human flesh. The Ends Justify the Means; We will do whatever the f*ck we want. They are easy to despise.

There's a lot of filth on TV (that could be considered porn) and "reality shows" following the "Moonlight Bunny Ranch" -- but NO "mainstream" elements are exposing the REAL industry and its perverse marxist aims. That's about ALL one needs to know regarding the media.

People need to go to a porn store and see the soul-less enemy.
Deadlift said:
Look at the issue of porn, the "mainstream" media's reaction or non-reaction, and porn supposedly being "mainstream" today -- to get insight into the jews overt and semi-covert operations. I will try to articulate myself well.

It's exactly about the "control" that Bart posted about and highlighted. I think some people can figure it out (and much of the pornography industry is not doing too well right now), but that's not the most damning part.

1 -- The viciously anti-White nature of porn today contains more blatancy than 90+% of Hollywood movies. Any "true conservative" would just skip the jabbering about Hollywood and ask questions about the absolutely filthy porn industry. First question: "What the fu*k is going on here?" Today's porn is so disgusting and subversive and degrading - that I believe it does lead to rapes; I believe it can have the effect of turning someone more beastly. But, the porn is just fine; It's the guns in the hands of the citizens that are bad.

2 -- O'Reilly is an absolute light weight on this topic. Laura Ingraham has impressed me as she seems quite aware of the "pro black" culture (i.e. dysfunction) and that Whites should not subscribe to it.

Anyways, any "true conservative" - especially one that is supposedly "Christian" - could expose the real dingy world of pornography. As far as I know, that hasn't happened. There must be some reason that the "light isn't being shined?" Part of that is, the Hannity's and Limbaugh's are our enemies and they are unlikely to "expose" something that they aren't supposed to. The "people" behind the pornography are clearly totalitarians, beasts in human flesh. The Ends Justify the Means; We will do whatever the f*ck we want. They are easy to despise.

There's a lot of filth on TV (that could be considered porn) and "reality shows" following the "Moonlight Bunny Ranch" -- but NO "mainstream" elements are exposing the REAL industry and its perverse marxist aims. That's about ALL one needs to know regarding the media.

People need to go to a porn store and see the soul-less enemy.

Well said! It's the Globalist Elite enpowered Zionists who've driven the "mainstreaming" of this filth. It's mind-poison & toxic like heroin. On the surface, it "all about money" (via PPV in major hotels like Hilton), but under that thin veneer lies the true goal of destroying America's sovereign, White, Christian foundation. It's by design indeed.
That post that Bart put up was the most accurate depiction of the situation in a long time. I started to question the role of Jewish power when I came across a old man that was being tried in a German court for holocaust denial some years back. Being raised in Chicago I was exposed to blacks at a early age so I knew more or less what they were all about and to stay away from the majority of them. However I did not really realize how much power Jews had until I read about this old man being shackled and sent to prison not for something he did. But for something he said. I then started going to a revisionist site and started learning what immense power these few people had. Laws that I never thought would be on the books in so-called "western liberal democracies". Power to basically imprison people who disagree with you is MAJOR POWER to wield!!!!!! That this select group of people have that power, and USE that power at will go a long way to exposing what the scenario is. Anyway, sorry for the long rant. Just my observations.
The link would have been long gone I would imagine. I this s probably 6-8 years ago when I first heard about this guy being prosecuted for "holocaust denial". I t was not ernst Zundel. Before Ernst Zundel. In fact I came across the article on a mainstream media site. (when I still occasionally read them)
I suppose in a sense that was the first time I realized that what others are saying about the tribe may have some validity to it.

Another thing

Alot of people on sites likes Amren, American conservative, and some even here are quick to point out the short comings of National Socialism. However, if Liberal western democracies were so wonderful, then how the heck were "they able to so thoroughly come to dominate all aspects of power within that political sphere. Face it, the western democracies of the world have been conquered so irredeemably that I would find it suicidal for any white nationalist country to ever even consider adopting such a system again. That goes for Republic's as well. So easy to manipulate. Nationalism however gives people something to be proud of that you cannot place a monetary value on. It comes from the soul. Becomes part of your spirit. It allows people to love themselves unabashedly.
aussieaussie31 said:
Another thing

Alot of people on sites likes Amren, American conservative, and some even here are quick to point out the short comings of National Socialism. However, if Liberal western democracies were so wonderful, then how the heck were "they able to so thoroughly come to dominate all aspects of power within that political sphere. Face it, the western democracies of the world have been conquered so irredeemably that I would find it suicidal for any white nationalist country to ever even consider adopting such a system again. That goes for Republic's as well. So easy to manipulate. Nationalism however gives people something to be proud of that you cannot place a monetary value on. It comes from the soul. Becomes part of your spirit. It allows people to love themselves unabashedly.

The Republicans needed to overthrow throne and altar in Europe in order to push through the "agenda". The hereditary monarchs were an important national safeguard.Edited by: Observer
Stormfront has a daily radio program hosted by Don Black on the Rense Radio Network, from 8 am to 10 pm central. It's followed by David Duke's one hour program. By joining Rense Radio, they are reaching a much larger audience. To be honest, Don Black is a pretty dry radio host and I much prefer Duke's show. He did bring up Don Wassall's name on one of the shows - don't know if you do radio, Don, but maybe you could get on his show and plug Caste Football.
I listened to literally every one of the "Derek and Don Black Show" on wpbr while it lasted. I usually had to catch the archived broadcast. It ended suddenly one day. About half way through the last show it went from Derek Black talking to porn sounds. Moaning and nasty sex talk. I dont know whats up with that, but I do know that a Jew had bought the station about 2 weeks before that.
Stormfront has a daily radio program hosted by Don Black on the Rense Radio Network, from 8 am to 10 pm central. It's followed by David Duke's one hour program. By joining Rense Radio, they are reaching a much larger audience. To be honest, Don Black is a pretty dry radio host and I much prefer Duke's show. He did bring up Don Wassall's name on one of the shows - don't know if you do radio, Don, but maybe you could get on his show and plug Caste Football.

I was on Don Black's show for the second hour on Feb. 14th, but the discussion was about politics, didn't get into sports and Caste Football.
American Freedom News