South Africa World Cup 2010

alln speaks the truth, but castefootbal is the 'shallow end' of the WN swimming pool. the curious lurkers can get turned off by such shocking posts. castefootball's target audience should be the DWF.

i remember when i first started researching white organizations online and coming across vanguard. i was in total disbelief. i could always relate to people being fed up with blacks, but becoming jew-wise is a gradual process. it takes moderate sites like castefootball, vdare and amren to start the semi sceptic on their path to the truth. americans have undergone such through brainwashing that all the evidence in the world is not always going to bring an understanding of WN.

alln, you're preaching to the choir. if you need to rant, you know which sites you can do that on.
"If any of You have been exposed to high concentrations of Asians (and if You haven't been, feel free to visit Sydney), then You shall already know that Asians are the ultimate racists. Blacks hate Whites due to inferiority complexes and innate aggression - Asians, on the other hand, simply believe that they are superior in every way. There are no greater exponents of arrogant smugness than the Asians, be they East Asians, Indians, Sri Lankans, or others, all of whom believe that their particular cultures are the pinnacle of civilisation "

I agree Asians are very arrogant and the Indians I have met have told me they don't like blacks and I never brought this up. I like the Japs because they don't allow a ton of immigration and like themsevles and don't apologize for it.Do you see how they limit the amount of foreign players on their teams? Most people in America would be against that because they are so stupid.The European fans call for more Brazilians, Argentinians etc..

White people in America have been brainwashed to be PC and accept all this multiculturalism, diversity and immigration. As far as I am concerned, Europe and the US are ruined for good and there is no going back. This is not the country I grew up in and I grew up after the 60's.
White males will be 2nd class citizen in the near future.

The minute Italy has a black on their full national team it will be over.That should not happen.
there are so many uses of the "n" word in alln's posts that it's hard not to suspect that he's an infiltrator trying to turn people away from looking at and participating in this site. Then he tops it off by insulting 90% of the users of this site by calling them "p***ified and neutered"

Alln says:

"If I accept them as "black men", it means that I accept them as my equals. NEVER."

This is not so. Iaccept the notion that blacks are men--human beings. But they, on the whole, areinferior to whites in history, culture, IQ averages, foresight, etc., etc. I do not accept the idea that the blacks are an equal race to whites in regard to the issues mentioned. I have no desire to hang out with them, go to school with them, etc., etc.

Schweitzer calls them a sub-race. He does not call them the "n" word.He does not say that they are sub-human. In other words, Schweitzer is saying they ranklow among the human races. he is probably right--but they are still human for all that.

alternatives to the "n" word: blacks, negroes, "brothuhs", etc. you could probably get away with "spooks" here too.
"If any of You have been exposed to high concentrations of Asians (and if You haven't been, feel free to visit Sydney), then You shall already know that Asians are the ultimate racists. Blacks hate Whites due to inferiority complexes and innate aggression - Asians, on the other hand, simply believe that they are superior in every way. There are no greater exponents of arrogant smugness than the Asians, be they East Asians, Indians, Sri Lankans, or others, all of whom believe that their particular cultures are the pinnacle of civilisation and who view Whites (and others) as, literally, barbarians. Funnily enough, the fact that the East Asians in particular don't have any qualms about utilising and copying the technological innovations of the "white devils" doesn't impact on their conceit in the very least. "

The Japanese do have high IQ's,but the funny thing is that an American W Edwards Demming went to Japan after WWII to help their companies manufacture things and because of his help their companies started to make good products. The Asians don't invent too many things though.I am sure there are some,but the white Americans and Euros made modern technology and medicine what it is.
Good post, Solomon Kane. I agree that blacks have been inferior to all races to be perfectly honest. I don't go around calling them the "n" word and making stupid racist comments. That just makes us look bad.

If I had it my way blacks would live with blacks and whites with whites. I think separation of the races is in the best interest of all of us. One thing I know for a fact though is that no matter how much blacks hate whites they always want to live around us White countries are safe, most have good economies, and for the most part are ideal places to raise families. You see many black families moving out of the ghettos to live in white neighborhoods for those reasons.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
"Whites in every club in europe should do the same: force the n1ggers out of their team. Dont give them the ball, dont work for n1ggers, make the n1ggers know that they are not wanted."

I read about an incident a several years ago in Northern Ireland where one of the teams in the Northern Ireland league brought in a foreign black player and the fans harassed him so much that he had to leave the team. It's too bad other European country's fans accept the takeover of their clubs by foreign black players.
SK, good analysis. Alln struck me as a "test mole" or 180 troll. The "n bomb" doesn't bother me one iota, BUT we have to keep the dialog somewhat civilized or we'll drive off the potential "DWF-to-caste wise converts".
Only a complete moron would use the N-word and Ghetto terms, not unless your looking for trouble. It's better to keep dialogues civilized, and smart. Doing so will help awaken DWF's.
Europe. I agree with you but only slightly. Yes there aaer a lot of bad blacks out threre but they arent all bad. As pro white as I am I have to admit there are millions of bad white people out there. You cant judge everybody becasue there are some bad apples out there. I wish I knew what the percentages were. we all know that American blacks perpetuate 60 percent of the violent crime in this country. Thats huge for them only occupying 13 percent of the country. Guess what Europe? Niinety five percent of child molesters in America are white. Its a 2 way street. There are good and bad in every race, creed, and religion. So grow up son and lose some of that pent up hate. It dosent help anybody in this website to be haters. Just keep pointing the facts that white athletes are discriminated against in many ways. Since this the soccer forum. Go USA !!! USA 3 Ghana 1. Then we beat Uruguay 1 to nil.
Reason this site exists is to prove to Whites and non-Whites alike that White athletes are among the best and are being unfairly discriminated against from showcasing their potential. But when you use racial slurs and get overtly political you just turn this site into another StormFront. Stormfront has it's uses and it's own purpose, but it is largely ignored by non-WN's and minorities. We don't want CF to be just another StormFront because then we will be disregarded by non-WN's sports fans and will be unable to expose the truth to people outside our small circle.

The reason we are less hostile towards Asians and Hispanics on this site is because when it comes to sports, they're not being treated falsely promoted to the detriment of Whites. If you want to get political do it on the Current Events sub-forum. But don't go on hate rants in the sports forum.
boing614 said:
Europe. I agree with you but only slightly. Yes there aaer a lot of bad blacks out threre but they arent all bad. As pro white as I am I have to admit there are millions of bad white people out there. You cant judge everybody becasue there are some bad apples out there. I wish I knew what the percentages were. we all know that American blacks perpetuate 60 percent of the violent crime in this country. Thats huge for them only occupying 13 percent of the country. Guess what Europe? Niinety five percent of child molesters in America are white. Its a 2 way street. There are good and bad in every race, creed, and religion. So grow up son and lose some of that pent up hate. It dosent help anybody in this website to be haters. Just keep pointing the facts that white athletes are discriminated against in many ways. Since this the soccer forum. Go USA !!! USA 3 Ghana 1. Then we beat Uruguay 1 to nil.

I don't even know what you are talking about. 95% of child molesters are white? I didn't bring up crime. If you are talking about N.I., why should they give their spots away to foreingers in theor league. I don't think any country should do that if you have read some of my posts. I am for Argentinians going home too.
That was very well stated Guest. I agree with you 100 percent. Ill be honest I dont know a lot about themother than some of their views can be extreme. I just cant stand haters and especially some of the alledged revisionist history I have read in CF. Ill be honest I wrote a huge manifesto how so many black athletes are immature arrogant jerks in the pro football forum and Don Wassall made it dissapear. come on Don it was right on point and I even used white references too. It was truthful and insightful andthere wasnt one ounce of hate there just observation. Pure and simple. Go USA soccer!
Thanks Bong. I rarely go on Stormfront. I'm glad that the site raises awareness, but I feel like many of the forum posters are just there to rant and rave instead of doing anything constructive. WN's need to mobilize themselves in a mature manner to show that they have legit. talking points. When they just go on hate tirades they just re-affirm negative stereotypes and no one takes them seriously. I rarely see realistic solutions ever being discussed over there. I like CF because here we actually keep record of stats that prove our points regarding success of white athletes in all sports. We have more concrete talking points and less emotional outbursts. At CF we disprove stereotypes about Whites, while at Stormfront many are re-affirmed.

I don't hate all blacks. Just spoiled, arrogant ones who have everything handed to them on a silver platter, many of whom happen to be black athletes. I live in a diverse area and know many decent black folks and minorities who are honest and upstanding citizens, some of whom I even consider friends. If I said that at Stormfront, I might never hear the end of it. I root for White athletes because I'm proud of my race and I feel they're discriminated against; not because I hate every single black person walking this earth.

Back to Soccer. I'm pretty bummed two of the top White teams, Spain and Portugal have to try to eliminate one another in the next round. I was really hoping they could take care of Brazil. Instead Brazil get's a free pass to the QF vs Chile and has to worry about one less powerful White team (either Spain or Portugal)

I was hoping Spain would have taken a tie vs Chile, so they could have played Brazil instead of their fellow Iberian brothers just a couple miles away. Edited by: Guest
boing614 said:
Ill be honest I wrote a huge manifesto how so many black athletes are immature arrogant jerks in the pro football forum and Don Wassall made it dissapear. come on Don it was right on point and I even used white references too. It was truthful and insightful andthere wasnt one ounce of hate there just observation. Pure and simple. Go USA soccer!

Actually I deleted it because it was indeed filled with "hate" against blacks, using very similarlanguage to what youhave so vehemently denounced others for using here. And it was also inappropriate for the NFL forum because it was a generalizedattack on blacks.

I try to give new posters the benefit of the doubt, but like so many others here my antennas are in full alert mode regarding you.Edited by: Don Wassall
boing614 said:
That was very well stated Guest. I agree with you 100 percent. Ill be honest I dont know a lot about them other than some of their views can be extreme. I just cant stand haters and especially some of the alledged revisionist history I have read in CF. Ill be honest I wrote a huge manifesto how so many black athletes are immature arrogant jerks in the pro football forum and Don Wassall made it dissapear. come on Don it was right on point and I even used white references too. It was truthful and insightful and there wasnt one ounce of hate there just observation. Pure and simple. Go USA soccer! 
f3dor is bbaacckkkk!!!
Don I never used the N word. I called a few of them thugs which I have heard many times herebefore. I fairly included Jeremy Shockey as being one of those low self esteem clods that need attention because they didint have a father. My statistics on absentee black fathers was dead on. The problem with these attention needing clowns is that our DWFs mostly condone end zone dancing which i view as immature and very unprofessional. I have many times seen you let your posters use the word "AFFELETES " instead of athletes. Obviously making in fun of how some black people talk. You can ban me I wont post here anymore but realize you are a huge hypocrite. I called some soccer fans idiots because they are so racist they wont root for their country if one black player is on the team. NOw that is not white pride that is clear cut racism. If you read 90 percent of my other posts I clearly beleive in the caste system or I would not be here. I also show a lot of support for white athletes and bring up numerous players that not many of your posters have heard about. My manifesto or hastily written essay was dead on about a good number of black athletes. I have read many posts here in the past denigrating black athletes for the criminals that SOME of them are. Not all of them. I told you how I loved MArvin Harrison for his class until he shot that man and choked a fan. Attacking NAte Newton for the criminal he is is dead on. Ill just stick to posting in the college and high school football forums for now on.
boing614 said:
Don I never used the N word. I called a few of them thugs which I have heard many times herebefore. I fairly included Jeremy Shockey as being one of those low self esteem clods that need attention because they didint have a father. My statistics on absentee black fathers was dead on. The problem with these attention needing clowns is that our DWFs mostly condone end zone dancing which i view as immature and very unprofessional. I have many times seen you let your posters use the word "AFFELETES " instead of athletes. Obviously making in fun of how some black people talk. You can ban me I wont post here anymore but realize you are a huge hypocrite. I called some soccer fans idiots because they are so racist they wont root for their country if one black player is on the team. NOw that is not white pride that is clear cut racism. If you read 90 percent of my other posts I clearly beleive in the caste system or I would not be here. I also show a lot of support for white athletes and bring up numerous players that not many of your posters have heard about. My manifesto or hastily written essay was dead on about a good number of black athletes. I have read many posts here in the past denigrating black athletes for the criminals that SOME of them are. Not all of them. I told you how I loved MArvin Harrison for his class until he shot that man and choked a fan. Attacking NAte Newton for the criminal he is is dead on. Ill just stick to posting in the college and high school football forums for now on.

I haven't decided yet if you're a troll or if you just don't have a lot going on upstairs. If you're not a troll here's a piece of advice for you -- you don't join a site and immediately begin calling respected posters "haters" and "idiots." Nor do you lecture them on what the site should be about and what its approach should be.

Also -- did you know that "manifestos" and others posts and "essays"don't need to be one single, endless paragraph? Amazing, isn't it?
I have some observations on the final 16. First, a breakdown by continent:

Asia (2/5)

South Korea

Both of these teams have deservedly moved on, and I'm especially impressed with Japan. I think Japan will beat Paraguay and move on to the quarterfinals. South Korea is a good, disciplined team, but I expect Uruguay to advance tomorrow.

Africa (1/6)


Obviously, this was a dismal showing by the new "Soccer Power", and I think we're all rooting heavily for USA to beat Ghana tomorrow and end Africa's misery.

Europe (6/13)

I think Europe has clearly underachieved here, with less than 50% of the teams advancing to the final 16. I originally had expected 8-9 European teams to move on from group play. Unfortunately, all 6 are playing each other, so we're basically guaranteed to have 3 European teams in the quarterfinals. I guess the good news is, none of them are playing each other in the final 8, so I'm hoping we get Netherlands and perhaps Spain in the semis.

South America (5/5)

Well, the South Americans have done extremely well, with 100% of the teams advancing, including 4 group winners. I expect Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil to advace to the quarters, where there'll be some incredible potential match-ups waiting.

North/Central America (2/3)

The US has done a solid job, winning their group despite having a win stolen from them (and nearly another one as well) by having 2 goals disallowed. Mexico mostly benefited from France's implosion, and they should make a quick exit on Sunday after Argentina beats them.

Team USA has a really good draw here. The Ghana game is very winnable, provided that the crooks at FIFA don't have an agenda to see an African team make it to the quarters or semis.

If USA and Uruguay advance, and USA starts 7-8 whites in their quarterfinal match, I can comfortably root for them, no problems.

I believe some exciting soccer awaits us for the next 2 weeks.
Not sure if anyone has seen this, a good compilation of fan-reaction videos when Landon Donovan scored the big goal:

Fan Reaction
Jimmy Chitwood, Solomon Kane- Thanks lads.

Liverlips said:
Let me ease your mind. There is absolutely no way Japan or S. Korea get by the round of 8 (and both may fall in the next game).

Liverlips -
Yes, I know that the Asians aren't going to win the tournament or (hopefully) get any further than the second round but, for the reasons outlined in my previous post,I'm still not happy that they progressed even this far.

It's interesting to note that whileSouth Korea and Japan both have "native" managers at the moment, they have employedWhites in this functionover the bulk of the last decade. The Koreans have been managedby Dutchmen Guus Hiddink, Jo Bonfrere, Dick Advocaat, and Pim Verbeek and by thePortuguese Humberto Coelho, while the Japanese used Frenchman Philippe Troussier, Brazilian Zico and Bosnian Ivica Osim.Yet again, they are using White know-how - mind You, I'm not saying that this is some kind of crime, but I'm just stating pertinent facts.

I'd be interested to see how these two nations would be playing without all of that White influence and instruction, both at national team and domestic club level. Maybe they'd be more in the vein of pure-Asian North Korea - I wonder what theDear Leader Kim Jong-il made of his team's heroic showing on the world stage?
TheChiropractors' Association-approved rackand bastinado gear awaits...

Just out of interest, Japan are currently fielding the half-white, Brazilian-born defender Tulio Tanaka (whose name is somehow reminiscent of a James Bond character). They have also played naturalised Brazilians Wagner Lopes in the 1998 World Cup and Alex in the 2002 and 2006World Cups. Another naturalised Brazilian, Ruy Ramos,turned outfor Japan in the early 1990s.
Todays game of USA vs Ghana is very important from a caste perspective. Millions of loser DWFs will be doing the one thing they do great, and that is swelling beer of epic portions. They will doing this in the bars across the country while actually hoping the US beats Ghana. Team USA can make a statement and put the ? mark in these DWFs that American whites for the most part are superior than affelets of Africa and thus logic will follow are better than American blacks here. GO team USA and with its token black players.
Boing614, you should consider yourself fortunate that the moderators deleted your meaningless "thread"Â￾ in the NFL section. Unless you prefer to be humiliated on a daily basis, you need to learn your role as a newbie. Your opinions were literally all over the board.

Can we please get back to the soccer thread"¦instead of bickering about if we should or shouldn't use extreme racial profanity and talking about Nazi's (the Neo "N-Word"Â￾).

Uruguay just pulled off the 2-1 victory against South Korea.
Uruguay looked pretty white to me as I watched the game this morning. Happy to see them advance to the next round.
Uruguay started 9 Whites vs 100% South Korean side.
A fair result regardless what McMannaman was saying. A clear hand ball in the box (perhaps not intentional) was not called on S. Korea.

South Korea has definitely improved. Asian teams are showing they can compete. Japan clearly defeated Denmark in pretty much as phases of the match on Thurs. Frankly, Denmark showed a lack of creative flair. They will need to work on this. Asian teams are courageous, unified, disciplined, strategic...hmm, sound familiar?

Uruguay is a very solid team. Will be tough to beat.

Again, what is great so far in this WC is the fact that the favored by the media complex and multi-culturalists 'superior affletic' African countries basically suck.
And of course symbolic of it all is France. We couldn't even make this reality up in our wildest dreams.

It truly says it all. A power imploded by internal strife, lack of unity, attitude, thinking they are better then they are, entitlement, favoritism, internal racial conflict, lack of adherence to the coaches/managers, etc.
Awesome! France has done more to shatter the black as superior afflete myth then most results on the field.

USA will defeat Ghana most likely as well.
So Africa is not in good shape here. The kids will be dismissed soon enough and traditional powers will get on with deciding the tournament.
American Freedom News