South Africa World Cup 2010

The morons at ESpn are at it again. Mike Greenberg and his black co host said that if America's best athletes played soccer we would dominate.They mentioned all black players. Didn't they see Africa's results. Oh,they also said we would dominate tennis also.
I wouldn't want to watch it even if they did, which we know wouldn't be the case. They said imagine Lebron in goal. Why do they think he would be any better than Howard or Friedel.
The only piece of last night's action whichI actually watched (here in the Antipodes, the"early" matches commence at about midnight
) was the first half of Slovakia -Italy. Part of me was hoping that Slovakia might pull off an upset: given that the Slovaks knocked Poland out in the qualifiers, I could at least then console myself with the knowledge that Poland was eliminated by a side which reached the second round
. Also, prior to signing his contract with Everton (with whom he will play next season) the Slovakian goalkeeper Jan Mucha hasbeen withLegia Warszawa for five years (although I truly despise Legia, despite the fact that the fans of my club Pogon Szczecin have an official "alliance" with Legia fans - ah, the convolutedcomplications of Polish football...

On the other hand, looking at the big picture, if Italy was to be knocked out, thenthere would be one less white team capable of actually winning the tournament, for Slovakia, while good for an occassional upset, aren't about towin the World Cup any time soon.As things went, Slovakia pulled off exactly such an upset...

One observation I made during that first half was that the dark side of Italian football emerged yet again: when things aren't going the Italians' way, they begin to go down under even the slightestchallenge, writhing about and imploringly staring at the referee, milking endless free kicks, attempting to get the opposition booked, and breaking the game's rhythm for their own advantage. Such behaviour is also a distinctive trait of Brazilian teams. Once this type of garbage came into play, the "big picture" could be damned and I began tosupport the Slovaks.

Here's a little piece about some of the reasons being put forward for Italy's early exit:

I am devastated that Japan hasadvanced, which means that there shall be two Asian teams in the second round.I know that many heremay disagree with me, butI believe that an Asian presence is just as bad or even worse thana black presence. Kindly permit me to explain...

We all agree that blacks are portrayed as the "ultimate athletes"by theJewishmedia, so the dim-witted masses are therefore accustomed toa heavy black presence inelite spoting events andWhite kids consequentially grow up believing that blacks are better sportsmen.But theAsiansare also allocated a role in the great anti-White pantomime - they are invariably portrayed asbeingmore intelligent than Whites. In the wide scheme of the "deception", sporting prowess is not usually part of the Asian makeup, so the last thing that we need are Asian teams doing well, so that White kids begin to believe that not only are Asians "smarter" than they are, Asians are alsobetter sportsmen.If Asians are perceived as the equals (or superiors) of Whites in the sporting arena, White kids shall feel physically inferior to both blacks and Asians -and that's the last thing wewant.After all,since the late 1960s Whites have already been exposed to one of the most insidious and destructive media images of all - that of the "unbeatable" Asian martial artist, exemplified by Bruce Lee.Just think of the damage to collective White self-esteem which the propaganda of superior Asian fighters / fighting styles has caused. The message is that if You wish to fight well, then You must learn an Asian combat style from an Asian "master"... (right, grasshopper?).

If any of You have been exposed to high concentrations of Asians (and if You haven't been, feel free to visit Sydney), then You shall already know that Asians are the ultimate racists. Blacks hate Whites due to inferiority complexes and innate aggression - Asians, on the other hand,simply believe that they are superior in every way. Thereare no greaterexponents of arrogant smugness than the Asians, be they East Asians, Indians, Sri Lankans, or others,all of whom believe that their particular cultures are the pinnacle of civilisation and who view Whites (and others) as, literally, barbarians. Funnily enough, the fact that the East Asians in particular don't have any qualms about utilising and copying the technological innovations of the "white devils" doesn't impact on their conceit in the very least.

Anyway, back to the football. Another aspect of Asians thatI despise is their propensity for dirty play, which contradicts their popular image of urbane politeness and honour. I'll admit that the Japanese are quite a "clean" team, but the South Koreans are full of sly kicks to the ankles, subtle elbowsand pulls of the shirt - keep an eye out for these things in their next match against Uruguay.Edited by: Rebajlo
another excellent post, Rebajlo.

i look forward to many more posts from you.
Portugal v. Brazil is essentially a caste match with an all-white Portugal side (though 2 are about as dark as you can be and still be considered white) and a Brazil side that without Kaka and Eleno are almost all black or mixed (only 2 clear whities).

Go Portugal!
"I am devastated that Japan has advanced, which means that there shall be two Asian teams in the second round."

Let me ease your mind. There is absolutely no way Japan or S. Korea get by the round of 8 (and both may fall in the next game).
The fact that the Japanese, unlike other Asians, aren't invading the West and are hated by the Asians who areinvading us gives them, to use a cricket term, a 'bye ball' (ie a pass) in my books.

Edited by: Matra1
Europe said:
The morons at ESpn are at it again. Mike Greenberg and his black co host said that if America's best athletes played soccer we would dominate.They mentioned all black players. Didn't they see Africa's results. Oh,they also said we would dominate tennis also.
I wouldn't want to watch it even if they did, which we know wouldn't be the case. They said imagine Lebron in goal. Why do they think he would be any better than Howard or Friedel.

Lebron in goal, yeah right. He would hit his head on the goal post and knock himself out. All this stuff about the great African-American athlete starring in soccer is a insult to the game itself. It's a very difficult sport to master with the game being played exclusively at your feet, it takes alot of stamina/endurance, high pain tolerance with your shins constantly being kicked out from under you and outstanding coordination to play at a high level not to mention the organization and administration needed to play the game, it's not about just speed and kicking the ball around. They make the same argument about boxing, if only Ray Lewis, Ron Artest and Terrell Owens boxed!
It doesn't pass the laugh test.
Rebajlo said:
<div></div>If any of You have been exposed to high concentrations of Asians (and if You haven't been, feel free to visit Sydney), then You shall already know that Asians are the ultimate racists. Blacks hate Whites due to inferiority complexes and innate aggression - Asians, on the other hand,simply believe that they are superior in every way. Thereare no greaterexponents of arrogant smugness than the Asians, be they East Asians, Indians, Sri Lankans, or others,all of whom believe that their particular cultures are the pinnacle of civilisation and who view Whites (and others) as, literally, barbarians.

Good for them. If only Whites would think like the Asians, they would not accept n1ggers in their national teams, or in their clubs.

If only germans would think like the Asians, they would not accept to start Caca-u (appropiate name, he looks like my sh1t) over a blond, blue eyed german like Stefan Kiessling, who even scored more goals than the negro in the last german season.
the German team is known as 'Generation M' for 'multi-cultural.' a briefexcerpt is below.

To long-suffering England fans, Germany's footballers are an all-too familiar foe.

But the side that the Three Lions will face in Sunday's World Cup clash is anything but representative of the old Germany.

In fact, many of them wouldn't have even been able to play for the three-times World Cup winners, until a recent change in the country's strict citizenship laws.

<DIV ="clear">

Old foe, new faces: The German World Cup squad who face England on Sunday. Numbered are those players who, before 1999, could not have become German citizens

<DIV ="clear">

<DIV ="clear">

A total of 11 of the current 23-strong German squad would have been branded foreigners under rules dating back to before the Nazis and would have therefore been ineligible to play only a decade ago.

Names such as Jurgen, Klaus, Franz and Lothar have been replaced with those of Mezut, Mario and Cacau.
read more at the above link.

edited to add: take note of all the players with German (White) mothers and non-German (non-White) fathers. those German babes sure must like their dark meat.

i wonder what it was like for them to raise their offspring without their baby-daddy around. and to know that their child will never, EVER relate to their mother or want to be like her family. *puke*Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Truth is, some German women are GROSS and unattractive... and not all Germans look like what "people" think they might look like.

Like pretty much every country, they have their share of dysgenic citizens.
The question is : why did those german babes sleep with n1ggers? Because the german society is tolerant of n1ggers. If the germans would think like the Asians, those german babes would not even think about sleeping with n1ggers.

And why the german players dont tell their coach to dont start n1ggers? They are afraid of a word: racism. Look at the french n1ggers, how they took out the bright white player(Gourcouff) out of the starting eleven.

Whites in every club in europe should do the same: force the n1ggers out of their team. Dont give them the ball, dont work for n1ggers, make the n1ggers know that they are not wanted.

Instead, the dumb White players all pose behind signs with "United against racism" or "Fight racism".
Man when I see those signs my blood just boils. Racism is good, every sane individual is racist, cares about his race. The dumb White players dont realize that, by "fighting racism", they fight their brothers and sisters, they spit on the memory of their ancestors and on the future of their children.
Hollywood is one of the biggest issues facing White people. They promote the super-negro (or magic negro), and I'm afraid that Western Euros, in their ignorance, truly believe what they're being fed.

The black "renaissance man" that is the pinnacle of benevolence...? absolutely ridiculous.
Deadlift said:
Hollywood is one of the biggest issues facing White people. They promote the super-negro (or magic negro), and I'm afraid that Western Euros, in their ignorance, truly believe what they're being fed.

The black "renaissance man" that is the pinnacle of benevolence...? absolutely ridiculous.

Yes, the Talmud Vision is the enemy of Whites everywhere. The TV is destroying Whites. N1gger worship in every American Movie, commercial or TV series. Even in cartoons and series for children I noticed the magical n1gro, and the dumb white kid who had to apologize to the superior n1gro kid for making mistakes. The indoctrination starts young. Not only Western euros, but even eastern europe TV buys this trash. And of course, ppl are being brainwashed with the magical n1gger, and the consequence is that ignorant white girls spread their legs for them.

For example, on New Year's Eve I was channel surfing, and on the biggest French international channel TV5 there was a show in which a half naked n1gger was doing jongleries with some small balls, and then the camera commuted from the n1gger to the audience, and it showed some french girls oogling the n1gger. And then you understand why french girls sleep with n1ggers.

The TV is in the hands of the enemy of Whites, and it is used as a weapon to destroy Whites, under the guise of "entertainment".
Only three blacks for Germany and none of them start. I have no problem at all with the Poles who look just like the Germans. Bad omen for the future with the 3 blacks but I can still cheer for this German team.
rebajlo, good posts.

re: cahill's samoan tatoos--it's a sign of the times that mixed blood types never identify with the white that is in them--always with the non-white.

re: asians--you are right--it's always important to remember that the powers that be use both the asians and the blacks to demean whites.

On the whole, I don't like the Koreans and Chinese--they are not very polite or grateful to the white countries which allow them in and give them scholarships. Their ingratitude should teach whites a lesson about what happens when you are friendly and deferential to those outside your tribe.

Re; the Japanese. I admit that I sort of like them. Let me explain. In the 19th century, Japan was considered to be a "western power". They used the western paradigm of industrialization + modern military+ tariffs=power. They were respected by the Western powers, and even beat the lumbering Russian bear in war of 1905. At the same time, they did not have an ethos of mass immigration/emigration. Yes, some Japanese migrated to the US, but not many and those that did integrated into the american mainstream.

Yes, there's Pearl harbor, WW2 and all that--but it's pretty clear that we wanted to provoke Japan to attack us.I would recommend to everyone on this siterichard sinnot's book "day of deceit". I'm glad that we won the war--but we did not have to nuke them.

what i like about the japanese is that they have an ethic of nationalism. they strictly limit immigration--including immigration from the today's "good" asian nations--korea and china. they are proud of being japanese and worried about losing their sense of themselves through immigration.

The PC immigration to australia and NZ by asians is really deplorable. Oz and NZwere built by whites and made great by whites. It's a testament to the greatness of european man that a fine civilization was carved out of the wilderness and has produced men like AD Hope (an Aussie poet), Freyberg (VC, a Kiwi General), and sportsmen like Greg Norman. And let's not forget the fine rank and file soldiers who helped to build an empire and fought alongsideusYanks in Vietnam.
Edited by: Solomon Kane
the propaganda in favor of blacks is so over the top you would think the mainstream white sporting press would take note of this.

Re; German Girls and Blacks--we also should note the role of WW2 in destroying and demeaning the German psyche. the germans were not only devasted by the bombings and invasion from the north and the south, and the raping Russian (and to a far lesser extent American) armies, they were subjected to humiliating "anti-nazi" laws, and "witch hunts" presided over by jewish officers and bureaucrats (who did none of the actual fighting in WW2). Then there was the infamous Morgenthau plan which brought about near starvation conditions for the Germans. In the occupation era German girls were treated as fair game for US and Russian soldiers.You could have a German girl for a tin of coffee.

althoughthe rule over germany was relaxed in the 50's and prosperity returned--the continuing US presence via Nato, and the presence of blacks in the US military meant that many had relations withGerman girls. Germans continued to think of themselves as an occupied people. very damaging to the psyche, and this, coupled with the fact that to protect a girl from the advances of a man from another race is considered "racist" nowadays--means the negroification of life in what used to be Europe.
alln said:
The question is : why did those german babes sleep with n1ggers? Because the german society is tolerant of n1ggers. If the germans would think like the Asians, those german babes would not even think about sleeping with n1ggers.

And why the german players dont tell their coach to dont start n1ggers? They are afraid of a word: racism. Look at the french n1ggers, how they took out the bright white player(Gourcouff) out of the starting eleven.

Whites in every club in europe should do the same: force the n1ggers out of their team. Dont give them the ball, dont work for n1ggers, make the n1ggers know that they are not wanted.

Instead, the dumb White players all pose behind signs with "United against racism" or "Fight racism".
Man when I see those signs my blood just boils. Racism is good, every sane individual is racist, cares about his race. The dumb White players dont realize that, by "fighting racism", they fight their brothers and sisters, they spit on the memory of their ancestors and on the future of their children.

The word "n1gger" is not acceptable.
Re: japan again. I agree that the fact that the Koreans and the Chinese don't like the Japanese is a plus factor for the Japanese. It would be neat if there were some scenario whereby Japanwould beat Korea but not advance to semi-finals.

How did North Korea even get in the tournament? They were--let's face it---terrible.
Uruguay is a good team---I'm going to predict a 2-1 victory for them over Korea. Forlano will have one of the goals.
re: the magical Asian teacher. This shows again what a devastating decade the 60's was for the west. you not only had the 64 civil "rights" act but the 65 immigration act which favored non-european immigration. This is what prompted the new wave of asian immigration to america. you then got the bruce lee, kung fu cult, transcendental meditation, asian "wisdom' vs. western 'christianity' , western 'morality',....and a generally weakening of the sense that america was a project of western civilization (we had already abandoned our identity as a christian nation).
Don Wassall said:
<div>The word "n1gger" is not acceptable. </div>

For jews is not acceptable. If Whites would still refer to n1ggers as n1ggers, White girls would not have spread their legs for them.

You want me to refer to them as "black men" as some pussified and neutered White guys are doing on this forum ? Ahahahaha. For me n1ggers will always be n1ggers, no one can brainwash me to think or to write otherwise.

If I accept them as "black men", it means that I accept them as my equals. NEVER.

You should learn from what a great White man said at the end of his life of N1GGERS.
"I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa.
There is something that all White men who have lived here like
I have must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race.
They have neither the mental or emotional abilities to equate
or share equally with White men in any functions of our civilization.
I have given my life to try to bring unto them the advantages
which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware
that we must retain this status: White the superior, and they
the inferior. For whenever a White man seeks to live among them
as their equals, they will destroy and devour him, and they will
destroy all his work. And so for any existing relationship or
any benefit to this people, let White men, from anywhere in the
world, who would come to help Africa, remember that you must maintain
this status: you the master and they the inferior, like children
whom you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals.
Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you.
They will destroy you.
" </font>
Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Gourcouff could testify for Albert Schweitzer's words. Gourcouff was a gentlemen, and look what the n1ggers did to him. They took him out of his own national team. Look at Detroit, look at South Africa, look at Chimpbabwe. You want me to accept n1ggers as my equals? as "men"? Ahahahaha.

The n1ggers hate me, and I despise them. They are the tools of the Devil, the tools used by the Devil to destroy my people, The White people, the people who build extraordinary civilizations, machines, cars, cities.

You are a gentlemen with gentlemen. With scum you must behave like scum.
Shalom, Mr Don.
Alln, that was about the nastiest thing anyone has ever posted on this site. This site is not a racist one and Don doesn't allow those kinds of posts on here. If your goal is to get banned continue on. When posters such as yourself make those kinds of comments it makes this site look bad as well as takes away credibility from the site. Your post is extremely selfish and it reflects your views only. Most of the members of this site are here for one thing, justice for the white athletes and fair treatment.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Racist? You know what the word Racist means? It means caring about your race, thats what it means. The jews have perverted the meaning of this word to sound like it is something very bad.

Justice for Whites? Tell that to Gourcouff, or to the whites of South Africa.

Every white person should read and listen to what Dr Albert Schweitzer said.
alln said:
Don Wassall said:
The word "n1gger" is not acceptable.

For jews is not acceptable. If Whites would still refer to n1ggers as n1ggers, White girls would not have spread their legs for them.

You want me to refer to them as "black men" as some pussified and neutered White guys are doing on this forum ? Ahahahaha. For me n1ggers will always be n1ggers, no one can brainwash me to think or to write otherwise.

If I accept them as "black men", it means that I accept them as my equals. NEVER.

You should learn from what a great White man said at the end of his life of N1GGERS.
"I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I have must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the mental or emotional abilities to equate or share equally with White men in any functions of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring unto them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: White the superior, and they the inferior. For whenever a White man seeks to live among them as their equals, they will destroy and devour him, and they will destroy all his work. And so for any existing relationship or any benefit to this people, let White men, from anywhere in the world, who would come to help Africa, remember that you must maintain this status: you the master and they the inferior, like children whom you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Gourcouff could testify for Albert Schweitzer's words. Gourcouff was a gentlemen, and look what the n1ggers did to him. They took him out of his own national team. Look at Detroit, look at South Africa, look at Chimpbabwe. You want me to accept n1ggers as my equals? as "men"? Ahahahaha.

The n1ggers hate me, and I despise them. They are the tools of the Devil, the tools used by the Devil to destroy my people, The White people, the people who build extraordinary civilizations, machines, cars, cities.

You are a gentlemen with gentlemen. With scum you must behave like scum.
Shalom, Mr Don.

alln said:
Racist? You know what the word Racist means? It means caring about your race, thats what it means. The jews have perverted the meaning of this word to sound like it is something very bad.

Justice for Whites? Tell that to Gourcouff, or to the whites of South Africa.

Every white person should read and listen to what Dr Albert Schweitzer said.

Trust me I care about my race. I know all about racism. Minorities love to use the word racist to attack white people. That's not the point. I don't go around calling people the n word.
American Freedom News