Size with speed



When will you guys figure it out? If we are looking for the big speedy athlete he will be black. If we are looking for the tall speedy! You honestly haven't noticed that? Come on people..sheesh! So you guys don't like blacks, why not just say that instead of trying to play the lameass bull we see here?

Blacks have a different physique, you'vereally never noticed that? You do watch football...right? Look at the fluidity that Randy Moss runs with, now look at Wes Welker. Nothing smooth or fliud there. Where are those speedy, quick white running backs? Oh yeah...Sam McGuffie. Now who else? The list of speedy, quick black running backs is a mile long. We could start with diminutive Buddy Young back in the 40's. Then there was Ollie Matson, Lenny Moore, Bobby Mitchell etc etc etc etc etc and etc etc. Today they are on every pro and college team. Where are the white backs or defensive backs? It's not about opportunity, it's about lack of talent. They just don't have .."it".

I send others here to read all this ridiculous stuff you guys come up with in order to by pass reality. You are being laughed me!

Blacks are simply faster, quicker and more agile, if you can't see that you're not wanting to.

This is what I'm talking about...

Edited by: Blind Dawg

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005


Jan 8, 2005
Where are the speedy white running backs, receivers, and d-backs? That's easy; not getting a chance to play! Of course there won't be many good examples in the NFL or major NCAA programs because of the caste system!

You want examples of fast white running backs? Try Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, Hugh McElhenney, Johnny "Blood" McNally, George McAfee etc. If you'd bother to read info on this site, rather than laughing at your self perceived "wisdom" you would see that the reason that whites are lacking at these positions is because of the existence of a caste system. The examples of this are endless. I suggest you look around.

And, BTW, your "example" of Moss/Welker is rediculous. Moss is 6'4, Welker is 5'9. Duh, of course they will have different running styles.

Well I should stop feeding the troll now


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
We have another troll here. He starts a thread and tells stories. I'm really getting sick of these losers who have nothing better to do with their lives.


Jan 8, 2005
Good posts WS, here's another good one:



Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah i guess white people should just stick to politics since we lack zero athleticism. I like how we are racists for supporting white athletes but it is not racist at all tomake a statement like "It's not about opportunity, it's about lack of talent. They just don't have .."it".


May 10, 2008
Blind Dawg said:
Where are the white backs or defensive backs? 

weight: 230, speed 4.3, vertical 38
non-criminal record

Here's a reversed question for you: Can you name 3 black guys with those measurables who was not given an opportunity to be a star running back?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"I send others here to read all this ridiculous stuff you guys come up with in order to by pass reality. You are being laughed me"

Yawn. Another boring thread created by some random retard with no facts accept for a Gale Sayers clip, from the 1970s.

Dear god, I didnt know humans being could be this blind or ignorant or brainwashed. Then again, I should never underestimate the hilariously stupid american sports fan. Be it their non-stop beer swilling, constant eating, or slapping high fives and oinking along with their equally fat friends....drunken white fans sure do define stereotypes. I'm thinking that the appropriately named "BLIND DAWG" is of the same breed.

Dude, if everyone comes to this website "just for a chuckle," then why on earth would you post here? Obviously, what's being discussed at this website is bothering you....most likely, because you know in your heart of hearts that it's the truth.

My advice to you....if you're white, please go to hell you emasculated, sissy little hermaphrodite. If you're black, continue being a racist and getting away with it due to your beautiful black skin color.

Your post was very boring, and your opinion is nothing accept the moronic status quo that is featured on TV daily. Edited by: Thrashen

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Sup Blind Dawg. Question for you: If there is affirmitve action for college recruitment and job placement, what makes you think that there isn't affirmitve action for sports?

BTW, Wes Welker is one of the quickest players in the NFL; Randy Moss is one of the fastest. Please consider the distinction between quickness and speed. In short Dawg, you not wanted on this site.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
Someone has been spending too much time reading Rivals and ESPN. Yes it is all merritt in regards to black affletes *rolls eyes* , instead of affirmitive action which has been the norm of every part of American society for the past several decades. The only time merritt isn't a factor is in the case of "white privilege" or any other asinine term cultural marxists want to use to diminish white success or black failure. Whites succeed because they unfairly hold blacks down, but blacks succeed always because of their prowess. Throw in the ever mysterious hip swivel and room brightening smiles and you have a winning ticket. You are right, it is all about talent, that is why those NFL teams of the 60's 70's and early 80's are so much worse than the dominating almost entirely afro teams of today. Those old stodgy teams with their antiquated concepts of fundamentals, tackling, having wide recievers who could actually catch passes at a reasonable rate and *gasp* high percentages of white players is just too much to take. Its funny that so-called slow and unathletic white players do exceedingly well in Div IIA, or even in Div I when given a chance isn't it? Likewise isn't it funny how they don't ask ask big tall black recievers who are not overly fast to bulk up and play TE, or expect slow black RB's to bulk up and play FB?

I will say though, you have a nice little setup going on there. Black QB's, coaches and hell lets throw in kickers and punters have only not dominated because of discrimination. Likewise the only reason blacks don't dominate sports like baseball and Hockey or even accademics is because blacks aren't being given enough opportunities those area's. However whites fail not because that talented white kids are being steered into other positions, or in many cases outright driven away into other sports in highschool and at the highest levels in college, but because they simply lack the talent. That is about on par as the slander that anybody who doesn't vote Obama is an evil white racist.

In short GTFO, you offer nothing relevant.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Blind Dawg said:
When will you guys figure it out? If we are looking for the big speedy athlete he will be black. If we are looking for the tall speedy! You honestly haven't noticed that? Come on people..sheesh! So you guys don't like blacks, why not just say that instead of trying to play the lameass bull we see here?

Blacks have a different physique, you've really never noticed that? You do watch football...right? Look at the fluidity that Randy Moss runs with, now look at Wes Welker. Nothing smooth or fliud there. Where are those speedy, quick white running backs? Oh yeah...Sam McGuffie. Now who else? The list of speedy, quick black running backs is a mile long. We could start with diminutive Buddy Young back in the 40's. Then there was Ollie Matson, Lenny Moore, Bobby Mitchell etc etc etc etc etc and etc etc. Today they are on every pro and college team. Where are the white backs or defensive backs? It's not about opportunity, it's about lack of talent. They just don't have .."it".

I send others here to read all this ridiculous stuff you guys come up with in order to by pass reality. You are being laughed me!

Blacks are simply faster, quicker and more agile, if you can't see that you're not wanting to.

This is what I'm talking about...
Hey Brutal go back and watch the World Series with Chief, Martini and Billy. Nurse Ratched is going to give your sponge bath tonight....


Jun 22, 2006
Blind Dawg said:
   When will you guys figure it out?  If we are looking for the big speedy athlete he will be black.  If we are looking for the tall speedy! 

When I look for immobile fat guys that are drooled over by the media as athletic I look for black guys. When I look for guys who can't catch or throw accurately guess who comes to mind. When I think of selfishness and bonehead plays, guess what? When I look for a race of people who are only competitive in a few sports out of the hundreds contested internationally I think black baby black!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I nominate White Shogun as our Rapid Deployment Force against Trolls like Blind Dawg. Man, its devastating watching those vids of Kimbo getting KO'd and Bute KO'ing that black fighter. Great Job!


Sean said:
Where are the speedy white running backs, receivers, and d-backs? That's easy; not getting a chance to play! Of course there won't be many good examples in the NFL or major NCAA programs because of the caste system!

You want examples of fast white running backs? Try Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, Hugh McElhenney, Johnny "Blood" McNally, George McAfee etc. If you'd bother to read info on this site, rather than laughing at your self perceived "wisdom" you would see that the reason that whites are lacking at these positions is because of the existence of a caste system. The examples of this are endless. I suggest you look around.

And, BTW, your "example" of Moss/Welker is rediculous. Moss is 6'4, Welker is 5'9. Duh, of course they will have different running styles.

Well I should stop feeding the troll now

I'm talking "really fast" running backs, like...

Buddy Young NCAA 100 Champ

Ollie Matson Oly 400m metalist

Travis Williams 9.3

O.J.Simpson 9.4

Curtis Dickey 10.11

Sultan McCullough 10.17

Jeff Demps 10.01

Trindon Holliday 10.02

Javid Best Cali 100m champ

Jamal Charles 10.16

Michael Bennet 10.20

Justin Fargas Cali 100m champ

Nap Kaufman Cali 100m champ

Bo Jackson 4.19

Herschel Walker 10.23

Bob Hayes 10.06 (at FAMU)

Stone Johnson 9.3

Andrew Hopkins 9.2

Reggie Bush 10.44

Ther list of great black speedsters art wide receiver is a mile long. Yes Lance Alworth was fast.

Then there's that Olympic speed on the gridiron...

Wilie Gault

Bob Hayes

Henry Carr

Sam Graddy

Ron Brown

Johnny Jones

Gerald Tinker

Michael Bates

Larry Burton

James Jett

I know there was Jim Thorpe.

Edited by: Blind Dawg


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Check my arguments in the track forum or my Arguing the Caste System with Youtubers article on the home-page. The fact that 63 black guys (as of this Olympics) or so have run 100 meters faster than the fastest electronic timed white man Marion Woronin (10 flat) is not relevent to football speed. We already know this.

Short sprint track is flooded with steroids which imo work better on blacks genetically. Look at the history of track competition before steroids, where whites were competitive and how whites aren't getting faster, but blacks have.

Plus how many times do you ever see a RB run more than let's say 30 yards in a straight line in a game? Very rarely and they are often caught by faster CBs anyway. I saw Barry Sanders caught from behind several times on long runs in his career.

There are plenty of whites that measure up in football speed bozo. Welker is one of the most elusive if not most elusive WR in the game today and lead the league in yards after catch last year. Sam McGuffie, Brandon Wegher, Rex Burkhead, and Mike Trumpy are all H.S phenoms at RB, that will likely not be put in a position to succeed in college. McGuffie has already been blamed for Michigan's porous o-line and QB problems. Brandon Minor has done no better as a starter, but remains with a better yards per carry mostly from his time being used with the element of surprise as a backup and in a duel threat backfield.

Whites do just as good in football when given a chance...Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that Nick Saban wanted to cut Wes Welker a couple years ago. Ed McCaffrey didn't even start until around 30 years old. Pathetic situation, I know!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
By the way, Posters have various views of blacks as people on this site, so labeling us as haters is unwarrented. One of my good friends I worked with in Canada was black and our different ethnicity never bothered us b/c neither of us are racist.

Unfortunately I now live in NJ, which I like far less. I think you are racist for believing in complete black supremacy. Believing that blacks are far superior athletes to whites or whites are far smarter or that AA is not a means of discrimination causes racism. You are not wanted here you dufus!


Are you for real?

You've honestly never noticed how blacks are more elusive, agile and far faster? There are no white...Tony Dorsett. Eric Dickerson, Gale Sayers, LaDanian Tomlinson, O,J,Simpson, Barry Sanders,Thurman Thomas, Roger Craig etc etc etc. What planet do you live on?


May 10, 2008
Blind Dawg said:
I'm talking "really fast" running backs, like...


Buddy Young NCAA 100 Champ

Ollie Matson Oly 400m metalist

Travis Williams 9.3

O.J.Simpson 9.4

Curtis Dickey 10.11

Sultan McCullough 10.17

Jeff Demps 10.01

Trindon Holliday 10.02

Javid Best Cali 100m champ

Jamal Charles 10.16

Michael Bennet 10.20

Justin Fargas Cali 100m champ

Nap Kaufman Cali 100m champ

Bo Jackson 4.19

Herschel Walker 10.23

Bob Hayes 10.06 (at FAMU)

Stone Johnson 9.3

Andrew Hopkins 9.2

Reggie Bush 10.44
Never heard of half these guys, but maybe that's because I'm an old fart. They ever get to actually play?

Reggie Bush's 10.44 is pretty good for a high-schooler, not so elite though otherwise.

A roided-out Bo Jackson was pretty impressive. He's probably the only one on the list that could compare with the speed, power, and explosiveness of Travis Jervey (who I will assert was "clean"). Unfortunately, Jervey never was given much of a chance except on special teams.

Whites could just as well claim Justin Fargas.


Observer said:
Blind Dawg said:
I'm talking "really fast" running backs, like...

Buddy Young NCAA 100 Champ

Ollie Matson Oly 400m metalist

Travis Williams 9.3

O.J.Simpson 9.4

Curtis Dickey 10.11

Sultan McCullough 10.17

Jeff Demps 10.01

Trindon Holliday 10.02

Javid Best Cali 100m champ

Jamal Charles 10.16

Michael Bennet 10.20

Justin Fargas Cali 100m champ

Nap Kaufman Cali 100m champ

Bo Jackson 4.19

Herschel Walker 10.23

Bob Hayes 10.06 (at FAMU)

Stone Johnson 9.3

Andrew Hopkins 9.2

Reggie Bush 10.44
Never heard of half these guys, but maybe that's because I'm an old fart. They ever get to actually play?

Reggie Bush's 10.44 is pretty good for a high-schooler, not so elite though otherwise.

A roided-out Bo Jackson was pretty impressive. He's probably the only one on the list that could compare with the speed, power, and explosiveness of Travis Jervey (who I will assert was "clean"). Unfortunately, Jervey never was given much of a chance except on special teams.

Whites could just as well claim Justin Fargas.

Travis Jervey....hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude!!!!!!!!!

All those guys except Bush, Kaufman and Farrgas would smoke Travis me!

Watch the game tonight between the Titans and Colts. Check out Titan back Chris Johnson a legit 4.25 guy. Then try to think of when you've seen a white guy run like that. Good luck!!!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Yeah Justin Fargas is mostly white. He's probably about an eighth black, maybe a quarter. HE is probably part Mestizo too making his skin dark enough to run the ball in the NFL without the wrath of drunken white fans, stupid coaching decisions and black backups who feel insulted to be behind a white RB.

Darren McFadden only runs a 10.8 100 meter. The face of electrification in the NFL Devin Hester has a PB of 10.42, which is significantly off from that sub 10.2 that people consider world class.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Travis Jervey was fast as hell, he came in 4th in the entire NFL in the fastest man competition. He was never given a chance to run the ball despite eye popping speed measurables and strength to boot (He could squat 700 lbs.) Jervey fumbled a couple times and remained in Holmgren's dog house. Jervey ran a legit 4.3 40 yard dash.

White Don Bebee ran a 4.2 flat as did Deion Sanders. Bo Jackson has the 40 yard record (pre-electronic) with a 4.18. Bo Jackson was just a freak of the likes that may never be seen again in the NFL and had world class 100 meter speed too (and played baseball), but still he never ran under 10 seconds over 100 meters (the white record). As I said you can keep throwing track numbers around, but the reality is there are lots of black RBs who run 4.6 40s and get playing time. Whites measure up fine in the short area burst, cutting ability and tackle breaking abilities to play RB.


May 10, 2008
Blind Dawg said:
Travis Jervey....hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dude!!!!!!!!!

  All those guys except Bush, Kaufman and Farrgas would smoke Travis me!

Watch the game tonight between the Titans and Colts.  Check out Titan back Chris Johnson a legit 4.25 guy.  Then try to think of when you've seen a white guy run like that. Good luck!!!!!!!!

Jervey was a 4.30 guy getting up to I think 228 at 6' after actually weight training. He was #4[?] in NFL's fastest man --- but he outweighed the other guys in the race by 50 lbs. At the time, he was the NFL's best "raw" athlete, I think.Edited by: Observer