Schwarzenegger calls for Sodomite "Weddings"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The greatest bodybuilder & action movie star of all time, proves he's now (also) the greatest NeoCON/RINO...

Schwarzenegger calls for same-sex weddings

By PAUL ELIAS Associated Press Writer
Posted: 08/06/2010 03:33:24 PM PDT
Updated: 08/06/2010 08:43:38 PM PDT

California Gov. Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown filed legal motions Friday telling a federal judge that allowing same-sex marriages to resume immediately in the state was the right thing to do.
The motions came two days after U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker struck down California's voter-approved gay marriage ban as unconstitutional.

In his 136-page decision, Walker said gay marriages should begin immediately. But later Wednesday, he agreed to suspend weddings until he could consider the legal arguments he ordered to be filed by Friday.

Opponents of same-sex marriage said they want Proposition 8 to stay in effect until their appeal of Walker's ruling

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks during a meeting of the Bay Area Council in Santa Clara, Calif., Friday, Aug. 6, 2010. ((AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez))is decided by higher courts.
They argued in court papers filed earlier this week that resuming gay marriage now would cause legal chaos if the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals or U.S. Supreme Court eventually reverse Walker's ruling.

The 9th Circuit received their appeal of Walker's decision on Wednesday, hours after the judge ruled that Proposition 8 violates the civil rights of gay Californians.

On Friday, Schwarzenegger and Brown were the first to urge an immediate resumption of gay marriage, which was legal in the state for more than four months before voters amended the California Constitution to outlaw it in November 2008.

The legal team of David Boies and Ted Olson, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of two gay couples that led to Walker's ruling, also submitted a motion in conjunction with the city of San Francisco, another plaintiff.
They all argued that since the judge declared Proposition 8 to be illegal, gay couples should be able to marry now.

Boies and Olson said gay couples "will continue to suffer irreparable harm if Proposition 8's irrational deprivation of their constitutional rights is prolonged."

It was unclear when the judge would decide whether to order the state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or to grant a stay that would keep the gay marriage ban in effect during the appeals process.

Even if he does clear the way for same-sex couples to wed, lawyers for sponsors of Proposition 8 plan to ask the federal appeals court for an emergency order to prevent that from happening.

The governor and attorney general almost always defend state laws when they are challenged. But in this case, both refused to participate in fighting the lawsuit aimed at overturning the ban.

Brown is the Democratic nominee for governor on the November ballot and he previously called the ban unconstitutional.

Schwarzenegger has been more circumspect on his Proposition 8 position and his motion to immediately resume gay marriage was his boldest pronouncement on the issue.

"The administration believes the public interest is best served by permitting the court's judgment to go into effect, thereby restoring the right of same-sex couples to marry in California," lawyers for Schwarzenegger said in the legal filing. "Doing so is consistent with California's long history of treating all people and their relationships with equal dignity and respect."

Brown also said it's time for gays to begin marrying again.

"While there is still the potential for limited administrative burdens should future marriages of same-sex couples be later declared invalid, these potential burdens are outweighed by this court's conclusion, based on the overwhelming evidence, that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional," Brown said in his legal filing.

The outcome in the appeals court could force the U.S. Supreme Court to confront the question of whether gays have a constitutional right to wed.

Santa Cruz County Clerk Gail Pellerin, president of the California Association of Clerk and Elected Officials, said county agencies that issue marriage licenses will be ready to serve same-sex couples whenever they get the green light.

During the window in 2008 when same-sex marriage was legal in California, the state changed its marriage license applications to be gender-neutral so applicants only had to check boxes indicating "bride" or "groom" if they chose to.

At the same time, Pellerin said local officials do not want to be in the position of being asked to issue licenses if Walker enforces his decision only to have an appeals court later impose a stay. It would be better for all involved to have the process be unambiguous, she said.

"We don't want to issue a couple who are in love and want to get married a $75 license and then turn around a minute or a week later and say that license is no longer valid," she said. "We don't want anyone to be in the position of being led down that path."

Walker presided over a 13-day trial earlier this year that was the first in federal court to examine if states can prohibit gays from getting married without violating the constitutional guarantee of equality.

Supporters argued the ban was necessary to safeguard the traditional understanding of marriage and to encourage responsible childbearing.

Opponents said that tradition or fears of harm to heterosexual unions were legally insufficient grounds to discriminate against gay couples.

Currently, same-sex couples can legally wed only in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, D.C.


Jul 16, 2005
arnold has sunk to a new low, there is no such a thing as gay marriage,no such a thing

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
That it's even an "issue" shows how sick this country is. And by 2016 support of "gay marriage" will be in the Republican Party platform. The good old "loyal opposition."


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Arnold has become the biggest dissappointment to people who are conservative in CA. We all view him as a dummy with label of RINO above his head. If you remember, back in 2002 in a recall effort, he removed another destructive governor. Arnold has become one of the most destructive governors ever. He sides with the leftiest on most major issues.

Don, I don't think the Repubs will favor gay marriage. Right now BO still puts out feelers that he is against it. My guess is the majority of America still supports the traditional form of marriage. I would be surprised if it becomes a platform for the Repubs in 2012.

That homosexual judge took it upon himself to void the will of 7 million individuals who voted to keep marriage bwtn a Man and Woman. I hope the last stand in the Robert's Court prevails.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Westside said:
Don, I don't think the Repubs will favor gay marriage. Right now BO still puts out feelers that he is against it. My guess is the majority of America still supports the traditional form of marriage. I would be surprised if it becomes a platform for the Repubs in 2012.

It's called gradualism. The Republicans always pretend to put up a fight on the social issues, but always capitulate eventually. Besides the GOP has as many homos in leadership positions as the Dems. I know you havefaith in the Republican Party, wish I could share it. Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Don, your right about the inconsistency in the GOP and them being weak kneed regarding issues of illegal immigration, spending and obscene rules of engagement. But I hope the TEA Party movement which they can ill afford to lose will force their hand and return to a more conservative platform. Its my hope. The DEMs are foreign and destructive to me. The GOP, disappointment, frustration and anger. But for it to survive and combat the evil forces of the DEMs, it must embrace and promote the TEA Party agenda. Its my hope and at this point in time, its better than nothing.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree, Westside, the Tea Party movement has been great in a lot of ways. It has to succeed, if America is to be salvaged in the right way.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Don Wassall said:
Westside said:
Don, I don't think the Repubs will favor gay marriage. Right now BO still puts out feelers that he is against it. My guess is the majority of America still supports the traditional form of marriage. I would be surprised if it becomes a platform for the Repubs in 2012.
<div>It's called gradualism. The Republicans always pretend to put up a fight on the social issues, but always capitulate eventually. Besides the GOP has as many homos in leadership positions as the Dems. I know you faith in the Republican Party, wish I could share it. </div>

Gradualism is one hallmark of "conservatism of expediency" that has been around a long time. The goal posts keep moving further toward destruction and the neo-cons
keep adjusting their "convictions"Â￾ and "principles"Â￾ to follow suit.

The great 19th century Southern theologian Robert Lewis Dabney sums it up well:

It may be inferred again that the present movement for
women's rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only
opponent, Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves
anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the
progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount
of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was
the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted
principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to
resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its
timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be
denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely
the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards
perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always
advances near its leader. This pretended salt bath utterly lost its
savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed,
to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of
expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk
nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being
guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always, when about to enter a
protest, very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to
stop, that its "bark is worse than its bite,"Â￾ and that it only means to
save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance. The only
practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to
give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it "in wind,"Â￾ and to prevent
its becoming pursy and lazy from having nothing to whip. No doubt,
after a few years, when women's suffrage shall have become an
accomplished fact, conservatism will tacitly admit it into its creed,
and thenceforward plume itself upon its wise firmness in opposing with
similar weapons the extreme of baby suffrage; and when that too shall
have been won, it will be heard declaring that the integrity of the
American Constitution requires at least the refusal of suffrage to
asses. There it will assume, with great dignity, its final position.


Jul 29, 2008
It's quite sad what has become of this once mighty man, a man's man in fact, and one I grew up idolizing in many ways as a young kid. He's become a sissified and feminized loser who's now promoting the homosexual agenda, supporting the illegal immigrants who have destroyed the once great state of California, and basically allying himself with the left, while pretending to be a Republican.

I think I will ignore this man, whoever he is, and live with the memories of Pumping Iron, Predator, Commando, Terminator 2, etc.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
foobar75 said:
It's quite sad what has become of this once mighty man, a man's man in fact, and one I grew up idolizing in many ways as a young kid. He's become a sissified and feminized loser who's now promoting the homosexual agenda, supporting the illegal immigrants who have destroyed the once great state of California, and basically allying himself with the left, while pretending to be a Republican.

I think I will ignore this man, whoever he is, and live with the memories of Pumping Iron, Predator, Commando, Terminator 2, etc.

I was never a big fan. I'm old enough to remember his bodybuilding career, the acting career, and, as you accurately state, the beyond pathetic political career. The Schwarzenegger movie I've always liked was the original Terminator, one of the few movies I've watched multiple times.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
When us Californians recalled Gray Davis and elected Arnold, it was because of the pragmatic business mentality that Schwarzeneggar was going to bring to a thoroughly corrupt Governors office. The first few months, he did exactly that, he brought in independent accountants and businessmen to evaluate the office and California's direction, and came to a number of conclusions. The CTA (California Teachers Association) and myriad other beauracracies needed to be dissolved and wholesale program cuts were identified. Of course, this didn't last long, the Assembly and State Senate, in addition to the crushing pressure of the incredibly powerful public service unions and lobbys quickly cut off Arnold's balls and we were left with this guy who now simply cowtows to every leftist interest group.

In my opinion, he's not even worthy of being called a RINO, as he's more "Progressive" than most Democrats.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
His hideously shrewish wife probably has input on social issues too. I think he stated in the past that he was a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Whatever that means...
The liberal Kennedy blood runs deep in Maria Shriver-Schwarzennegger, that and near starvation diets with two a day workout sessions so that she can compete with Madonna and Sarrah Jessica Parker for the most masculine looking female celebrity........


Oct 12, 2008
waterbed said:
it just the case that 30%( bi/lesbian) of women and 15% of men are not straight.Why shouldn't they be able to marry?

I don't give a damn what they do. However,I bet the gay population is more like 5% and only a small portion of that number would actually want to get married. So, if the people of a state want to legislate a change to a centuries old definition of marriage, so be it. To date, voters have rejected the idea. I'm tired of politicians and judges telling the people to go f**k themselves.Edited by: icsept


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
also their exist 'ladies night' with male strippers and then the I have heard the male strippers have little work because the ladies are always so busy with eachother LOL.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
foobar75 said:
It's quite sad what has become of this once mighty man, a man's man in fact, and one I grew up idolizing in many ways as a young kid. He's become a sissified and feminized loser who's now promoting the homosexual agenda, supporting the illegal immigrants who have destroyed the once great state of California, and basically allying himself with the left, while pretending to be a Republican.

I think I will ignore this man, whoever he is, and live with the memories of Pumping Iron, Predator, Commando, Terminator 2, etc.

If Arnold is "Sissified"Â￾ and "Feminized,"Â￾ then he'll have plenty of companionship within his own sham of a "political party."Â￾

Whenever discussing politics with someone, I always make sure to ridicule both arms ("arms"Â￾ being a rather appropriate term, as it denotes inherent symmetry) of the One-And-Only Party Scheme.

With a few exceptions, all American politicians, for the past 100+ years, have groveled at the feet of their anti-white masters (zionists, cultural marxists, mass media, globalists, feminists, liberals, NAACP, ACLU, SPLC, socialists, capitalists, corporations, every single educational institution, etc).

I don't really blame them"¦most are just rich guys, ex-celebrities, high-powered attorneys, affirmative action minorities / women. What should we expect? Why would these types of people be interested in becoming a national race-pariah supporting a race that wants to die out?

That's assuming they're even clever enough to recognize our little "predicament."Â￾ Obviously, most are not. They collect their paychecks and avoid the dirty work"¦whilst our men are dying in meaningless wars, our wives and daughters are being raped and interbreeding, and our money is being utilized to fund, well, anything and everything that happens to fester in their rotten little brains.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
waterbed said:
also their exist 'ladies night' with male strippers and then the I have heard the male strippers have little work because the ladies are always so busy with eachother LOL.

That doesn't make much sense. Why would ladies who want to get "busy with each other" go to a strip club that has male entertainers? Strip clubs have ladies night for ladies with lady dancers so all of the lesbians can party together, no reason for them to go see men?

gay people can arrange to be together under the law by sharing assets by contract, only opposite sex people can get "married". That is the definition of a marriage. If same sex people can get "married" then the term is meaningless. Same sex marriage will open the door to under-age marriage, group marriage, and animal-human marriage. If marriage has whatever meaning the deviants want it to be then it will be whatever the deviants in control want it to be. Either it has a meaning or it doesn't.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
jaxvid said:
waterbed said:
also their exist 'ladies night' with male strippers and then the I have heard the male strippers have little work because the ladies are always so busy with eachother LOL.

That doesn't make much sense. Why would ladies who want to get "busy with each other" go to a strip club that has male entertainers? Strip clubs have ladies night for ladies with lady dancers so all of the lesbians can party together, no reason for them to go see men?

gay people can arrange to be together under the law by sharing assets by contract, only opposite sex people can get "married". That is the definition of a marriage. If same sex people can get "married" then the term is meaningless. Same sex marriage will open the door to under-age marriage, group marriage, and animal-human marriage. If marriage has whatever meaning the deviants want it to be then it will be whatever the deviants in control want it to be. Either it has a meaning or it doesn't.

the male strippers are mostly for the intro.They like the male sprippers but the other ladies just as much( most women).

Also most women have kissed other women, try ask them which was better men or women , most will say women are better kissers but I think that is not right, they just like it more( im not talking about all women).
the time i went to go out a lot, always girls came to me etc. but if I saw 2 girls intense dancing, which you saw a lot I thought I have no chance lol,I think straight women are close as rare as lesbian women,

Maybe i am a bit brainwashed by MTV and such.
Women still go mostly with men but maybe it's becuase most want children and that is difficult and expensive technology with 2 women.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
waterbed said:
Maybe i am a bit brainwashed by MTV and such.
Here is the sentence where you hit the nail on the head. The homosexual/lesbian lifestyle is pounded into the heads of our gullible youth day in and day out on mediums such as MTV and other Hollywood claptrap so that folks like yourself get the "impression" that somehow women are really more attracted to other women, and men are useless, worthless. Hmmm, men, especially white men, must be portrayed as useless. Sounds like their agenda has certainly worked on you, waterbed! The truth is that women are attracted to men, period. Don't let the Cultural Marxist worldview and agenda fog your thinking.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
waterbed said:
the male strippers are mostly for the intro.They like the male sprippers but the other ladies just as much( most women).

Also most women have kissed other women, try ask them which was better men or women , most will say women are better kissers but I think that is not right, they just like it more( im not talking about all women).
the time i went to go out a lot, always girls came to me etc. but if I saw 2 girls intense dancing, which you saw a lot I thought I have no chance lol,I think straight women are close as rare as lesbian women,

Maybe i am a bit brainwashed by MTV and such.
Women still go mostly with men but maybe it's becuase most want children and that is difficult and expensive technology with 2 women.

Dude, you are delusional beyond belief with regard to the sexuality of most women.

The "women"Â￾ you describe in this post are few and far between, especially in America. The ones that do actually exist are usually the most meaningless of people, willfully present in the most sordid corners of our society (drug parties, night clubs, strip clubs, etc).

The twits who engage in girl-on-girl kissing / dancing / groping usually only do so for the "enjoyment"Â￾ of the men present"¦generally, they need to do so because their TV-contrived "personality"Â￾ is either lame or nonexistent. They do "shocking"Â￾ (it's not actually shocking whatsoever) things to get a man's attention. In my opinion, most women are drastically less sexually driven than men.


Dec 1, 2006
Women kissing each other at a party aint shocking, I hate the chicks that do that for attention and I hate the dickless guys that give the chicks attention for it.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
FootballDad said:
waterbed said:
Maybe i am a bit brainwashed by MTV and such.
<div></div>Here is the sentence where you hit the nail on the head.  The homosexual/lesbian lifestyle is pounded into the heads of our gullible youth day in and day out on mediums such as MTV and other Hollywood claptrap so that folks like yourself get the "impression" that somehow women are really more attracted to other women, and men are useless, worthless.  Hmmm, men, especially white men, must be portrayed as useless.  Sounds like their agenda has certainly worked on you, waterbed!  The truth is that women are attracted to men, period.  Don't let the Cultural Marxist worldview and agenda fog your thinking.

not all my thinking comes from brainwashing but also reality, my last girlfriend i remember her dancing with just a good girlfriend but she looke turned she only kissed her on her lips but maybe she did that because I was there.But tv could have made me paranoid about it, and i am 1 of the few guys that doesn't like all that bisexuallity of women, I also had the feeling i can not satisfy women the best when they don't even care if i am a men or a women.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
the kissing betwen women i don't find shocking too but i don't agree that a lot do that only for male attention, because a lot say women kiss better then men ,are softer etc.

I know women are not that Visual, but in the time their was a playgirl magazine, were women more likely to buy a playgirl and not the playboy?
I doubt it.

I know women are sometimes more attracted to men then women because of that men more often have humor etc. but that all isn't phsychicall.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Only about 2% of men are homosexual, and the figure is even lower for women. Like a certain racial/religious group, homosexuals are greatly over-represented at the highest levels of power.

Homosexuality and feminism are pushed relentlessly by the Cultural Marxist power structure because a key part of their agenda is to greatly weaken the traditional family unit and healthy relations between men and women in order to turn people into deracinated, mindlessly consuming drones with no historical memory and no strong value system.

Making lesbianism a major part of porn is an attempt to misdirect women's sex drive toward each other, at the same time feminists try to drum into their heads the notion that men are not needed in their lives. There was almost no lesbianism in porn until 35 years ago; now porn is pretty much lesbian oriented. That so many men "get off" onhomosexual displaysshows how easily they too are manipulated and led. Hugh Hefner, the Viagra-fueled fossil, watches "gay" porn while his "girlfriends"/hos take turns mounting him. Homosexual porn is homosexual porn; a man that likes lesbian porn in many cases isn't that far away from enjoying "gay" (male) porn as well. Edited by: Don Wassall