Schwarzenegger calls for Sodomite "Weddings"


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Don, you are right on about that. Any same sex "attraction" is revolting and wrong.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
To illustrate my point about all the homosexuals in high places, read this:

Not that Obama and his administration are unique in this respect, if indeed the story is true. There was a homosexual call boy ring operating out of the White House during the administration of George Bush Sr. Bush Jr. had "James Gannon," which was suppressed by the government's corporate media. There are all kinds of poofters in the GOP, from Karl Rove to Lindsey Graham and many many others.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The "Pink Mafia" has alotta stroke (thanks to their enablement via the PTB). Their attempts to "mainstream" their sodomite "lifestyle" is endless (via their union with the cultural marxist juden, inc.).

Don, well said on the filth in the p0rn industry trying to push acceptance of lesbianism (not to mention the "norming" of hell spawned p0rn). It's another ploy by that juden ran vice racket.

Waterbed, do yourself a favor hombre & don't poison your mind with the pure, unadulterated cultmarx propaganda of MTV, VH1...or 90%+ of the "TalmudVision" programming. The overwhelming majority of "reality TV" is quasi-scripted drama for ratings, etc.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
DixieDestroyer said:
The "Pink Mafia" has alotta stroke (thanks to their enablement via the PTB). Their attempts to "mainstream" their sodomite "lifestyle" is endless (via their union with the cultural marxist juden, inc.).

Don, well said on the filth in the p0rn industry trying to push acceptance of lesbianism (not to mention the "norming" of hell spawned p0rn). It's another ploy by that juden ran vice racket.

Waterbed, do yourself a favor hombre & don't poison your mind with the pure, unadulterated cultmarx propaganda of MTV, VH1...or 90%+ of the "TalmudVision" programming. The overwhelming majority of "reality TV" is quasi-scripted drama for ratings, etc.

yeas i have to watch tv less, i am also nearly always at home becuase of the pain in my legs


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
chris371 said:
Women kissing each other at a party aint shocking, I hate the chicks that do that for attention and I hate the dickless guys that give the chicks attention for it.

only a small portion does it for attention.I read a forum about girls and they talked about how much they kissed men and women.This was on a pregnant forum so not many lesbians were there so the girl kissing girl could be even higher.It was not in English so I will just tell it in short.I counted 34 of the 62 girls had kissed women and of the 34 ,29 liked it and a lot even said women are better kissers softer etc. ,3 said it didn't feel right and 1 they did it for practice and 1 did it for attention.

28(45%) did not have kissed a women and i saw that most of the girls that had only kissed men a lot had not had kissed a lot of guys. 19 did not said why they didn't kiss a girls, 5 said they would love to know it is to kiss a girl and 4 said they don't want to kiss a girl.

so overall

29/62 kissed a girl and liked it( a lot liked to say women are better kissers but im straight blah blah blah)
3/62 did kiss girl but said something around the lines that it didn't feel right
2 /62 kissed for practise/attention
around 25% did not kiss women but would love to experience
20% would not want to kiss a girl.

so totally like 75% kissed a girl or would like it and said they didn't like that they have not have kiised girls.
25% did not want to kiss girl or kissed a girl and didn't like it.

I know this is a really big sample but aren;t you a bit bi when you say as a girl women are better kissers and feels much softer etc.

they also said how much guys and girls they had kissed guys a lot more often then girls, but this can be becuase most of the time guys are the seducers most of the time and guys (great majority) prefers to kiss girls.

I know kissing doesn't say everything but me as a straight guy would never say i would love to kiss men they are better kissers they don't feel as soft etc. lol.You guys understand me?.A lot of guys like it but for me it is a turnoff when a girls says im straight but women are better kissers, im straight but I love lesbian porn etc.

But i love girls and especially if my legs recover i would not care about that the most girls are at least a bit ****git.And i always find it very sexy when A women came to me becuase of she liked my looks and after that my personality and not attraction begins with he is funny ,he is the alpha of his friends etc. I love when she show she has a bit straight in her lol.