Sandy Hook Elementary School Demolition

Gentlemen - A few years ago, a lunatic girl started a fire in my Condo. A fort of a structure (prestress concrete). The fire was localized to her unit, but then the worst thing happened. The volunteer fire dept. came. We were out at the time. When we got home, we went upstairs to our Unit. We live on the sixth floor (nine floors total) in an L shaped structure and the fire was on the second floor of the other leg of the L. The fire dept. broke in the doors of the units that didn't respond to their knock (ours had a broken door). After we got to our unit, the police told me we had to evacuate the building. It was a police order. The police chief even came and ordered me out. I let him know if he or his men tried to get us out, there'd be a fight and then I'd own the town. I told him as nicely as possible. He said it was for our own safety. I told him I'd spent my life in Construction and I know a thing or two about safety and that building wasn't coming down because of that little fire which was out. My wife did restrain me though from going to the next fire dept. meeting and letting them know what I thought of their stupid overreaction to that little fire (they destroyed about eight units just with water damage - fire was out in 10 mins). I've got friends on the NYFD who said the volunteers were completely in the wrong by doing that. They never wreck a building like that up in the city.


Short of someone involved in the conspiracy publicly spilling the beans, I doubt we'll ever know the full story and truth of Sandy Hook. But like any good sleuth we have enough evidence, critical thinking and common sense to know the "official story" does not add up.

I figured out that the official 911 story does not add up right on day one.

You can be sure that they are doing more than just making the construction workers who are dismantling the Sandy Hoax school sign papers saying they won't tell anyone what they saw in there*. They are probably non-English speakers from Mexico or Guatemala or something brought in from someplace and kept isolated and don't even know where they are. And they will be - like many of the people in Newton who were not in on the show or members of the local Church of Satan - getting visits from FBI and Homeland Security officers telling them that if they talk they die and their family dies too.

* No bullet holes.
FBI Intimidating Sandy Hook Residents into Silence, RAW Video of Inside the SchoolRAW footage of inside Sandy Hook

watch the video here: [link to]
Blog/video by Brendan Hunt (X-Ray Ultra)

"When I heard that the Sandy Hook school was going to start being demolished this week, I really felt I should get up there for one last look, as well as follow up on some information from the previous trip.

I received a ride from a friend, and we traveled to the town on October 20, 2013. I got up close to the school once again, showing that there are no new “barricadesâ€￾ as the mainstream media reported. I was also able to film the inside of the school by zooming in on some windows.

I tried to interview a Sandy Hook resident named Roy Low who was on the scene to witness the cops apprehend a possible second suspect at the school shooting. I managed to catch him as he was finishing up repairs on his roof with what appeared to be his sons. In the video, XRU006, you’ll hear an audio recording of our conversation in which he reveals the FBI is intimidating the locals.

I have a personal message for the FBI: do not mess with the Low family, or any other innocent residents. If you do, you will not only answer to me, but to a legion of people armed with the truth. I swear, if I hear about anything suspicious, or if anything strange should happen to me, there will be hell to pay.

I also tried to follow up on some information I received on my last visit to Sandy Hook on March 6, 2013 (see here and here), when I interviewed the infamous Gene Rosen, and spoke with the daughter of Sandy Hook resident Marilyn Gudsnuk. When I mentioned to the daughter (Jessica) that her mother had been on TV doing an interview, the daughter volunteered the bombshell information that her mother saw Gene Rosen driving around the Sandy Hook firehouse looking for "his kids" as children were running away from the school screaming bloody murder.

Note: Hey, that's an interesting forum! Why am I wasting time here with the Jaxvids and the like? I'm moving over there, except for Boxing.
FBI Intimidating Sandy Hook Residents into Silence, RAW Video of Inside the SchoolRAW footage of inside Sandy Hook

watch the video here: [link to]
Blog/video by Brendan Hunt (X-Ray Ultra)

"When I heard that the Sandy Hook school was going to start being demolished this week, I really felt I should get up there for one last look, as well as follow up on some information from the previous trip.

I received a ride from a friend, and we traveled to the town on October 20, 2013. I got up close to the school once again, showing that there are no new “barricades” as the mainstream media reported. I was also able to film the inside of the school by zooming in on some windows.

I tried to interview a Sandy Hook resident named Roy Low who was on the scene to witness the cops apprehend a possible second suspect at the school shooting. I managed to catch him as he was finishing up repairs on his roof with what appeared to be his sons. In the video, XRU006, you’ll hear an audio recording of our conversation in which he reveals the FBI is intimidating the locals.

I have a personal message for the FBI: do not mess with the Low family, or any other innocent residents. If you do, you will not only answer to me, but to a legion of people armed with the truth. I swear, if I hear about anything suspicious, or if anything strange should happen to me, there will be hell to pay.

I also tried to follow up on some information I received on my last visit to Sandy Hook on March 6, 2013 (see here and here), when I interviewed the infamous Gene Rosen, and spoke with the daughter of Sandy Hook resident Marilyn Gudsnuk. When I mentioned to the daughter (Jessica) that her mother had been on TV doing an interview, the daughter volunteered the bombshell information that her mother saw Gene Rosen driving around the Sandy Hook firehouse looking for "his kids" as children were running away from the school screaming bloody murder.
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For some reason the AP is pushing for the 911 tapes from Sandy Hook. You would think that the governments news agency would be complicit in any cover up.

In June, Connecticut lawmakers passed legislation that prevented the public release of crime scene photos and video evidence depicting a homicide victim if those records constitute an "unwarranted invasion of personal privacy" of the victim or the victim's surviving family members. The new law also created a one-year moratorium on the release of certain portions of audiotape and other recordings in which the condition of a homicide victim is described. The exemption did not, however, include 911 emergency call recordings, which are typically released in Connecticut.
For some reason the AP is pushing for the 911 tapes from Sandy Hook. You would think that the governments news agency would be complicit in any cover up.


911 tapes? Big f'ing deal. So easy to manufacture a fake, or just release one of someone yelling, "Something is happening here better send police"

What about police reports, photos inside the schoolhouse - woops they destroyed it, evidence of one single dead body, forensic report, one single bit of evidence that Lanza was alive after 2009, surveillance videos showing Lanza, explanation for the two men run down and arrested in the woods, evidence for the "teacher" who said she loved working with Mrs Lanza at the school, medical examiner's report, hospital records, explanation for Rosen's ever changing stories, explanation for the ever changing stories about the guns that Lanza allegedly used, explanation for why the interviewees hardly mentioned gunshots whereas their ears should have been ringing from 150 high powered bullets fired indoors etc etc etc.
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What about police reports, photos inside the schoolhouse - woops they destroyed it, evidence of one single dead body, forensic report, one single bit of evidence that Lanza was alive after 2009, surveillance videos showing Lanza, explanation for the two men run down and arrested in the woods, evidence for the "teacher" who said she loved working with Mrs Lanza at the school, medical examiner's report, hospital records, explanation for Rosen's ever changing stories, explanation for the ever changing stories about the guns that Lanza allegedly used, explanation for why the interviewees hardly mentioned gunshots whereas their ears should have been ringing from 150 high powered bullets fired indoors etc etc etc.

Columbine-style surveillance photos such as the ones below would go a long way in convincing skeptics that a frail, shy, 80-lb, video game-playing waif was capable of such an infernal deed…




What’s the harm in circulating a photo of Lanza’s car in the parking lot? Lanza approaching the building with guns in hand? Lanza shooting and smashing out the front door? Lanza shot dead in the classroom?
Breaking news!

Government releases Sandy Hook 911 call!

911 operator: "911, what is your emergency?"

Caller: "Help! Help! Adam Lanza spelled L-A-N-Z-A lima alpha november zulu alpha is shooting innocent little children in the school with assault weapons which need to be banned immediately as do all guns!"
Columbine-style surveillance photos such as the ones below would go a long way in convincing skeptics that a frail, shy, 80-lb, video game-playing waif was capable of such an infernal deed…




What’s the harm in circulating a photo of Lanza’s car in the parking lot? Lanza approaching the building with guns in hand? Lanza shooting and smashing out the front door? Lanza shot dead in the classroom?

If nothing else, a picture of a dead Lanza might begin to convince me that such a person ever existed. Oh, and maybe some kind of proof that anyone at all was wounded. Oh, and an explanation of who the guy in the woods was. Etc... There's a lot that's sketchy that could seemingly be so very easily cleared up.
Like it says at the end of one of the Sandy Hoax films, "no children were harmed in the making of this movie". Unforgettable - the man - actually they said there were two men - chased down in the woods - right on live helicopter camera - and tossed on the ground and cuffed - and then completely memory holed; the giggling medical examiner; the impeccably attired "grieving" parents who could hardly keep from busting out laughing; the crisis actor who said that Lanza's mother was such a wonderful teacher and person to work with there - and then they changed the story and said she wasn't a teacher there after all and that got memory holed too; crazy Gene Rosen and his hambone act and constantly changing crazy storys; Robbie Parker's brilliant performance; the way that NY newspaper and NY governor had their anti-gun gimmicks hot and ready to go into action mere days after Obama's traveling Sandy Hoax road show...hundreds more "anomalies"...

Yep, you've got their number, brother. If you hear something on tv or read it in the newspaper or it comes out of a politicians' lips assume it's a lie unless clearly proven otherwise.
most of your evidence that it was a hoax is trying to read other people's emotions.
most of your evidence that it was a hoax is trying to read other people's emotions.

Why don't you just show me some evidence that that 85 pound bug eyed little nerd who probably never shot a gun in his life, and probably couldn't even lift a gun, and if he shot a gun the recoil would probably knock him down, and he vanished in 2009, did it, other than they told you all about it on your tv set, retard?

Too many retards around this place. Common street n's got more sense than they do.
I guess I was naive, but it was quite surprising and disturbing when I discovered that we were being fed fake news. I was aware of biased news and false flag events, but this was new to me. And yes, I am convinced that Sandy Hook was Zionist Hoax, a drill. The parents are actors, and no children died. I believe that Adam Lanza is a fictional character, as well as all the children who supposedly died. It's very simple: Some federal agency, FEMA, FBI, whomever, comes up with an idea for a school shooting, they write the script, they employ actors, they create a controlled scene with photographers and videographers, then they give it to the Zionist controlled news as a story. The public buys it and is told not to question the official story. Rabbit trails are debated, such as who was in the woods, was Lanza on psychotropic drugs, did he play violent video games, etc. And, of course, they use it to push gun control, because what is more tragic then a class full of kindergartners gunned down. Our government and its controlled media are running psyops on the American people. As soon as you realize that the news is fake, elections are a false choice, and everything you see on TV is controlled propaganda, your mind will be free. However, as long as the Zionists control the news media, our government, the Fed, Hollywood, academia, medical/pharmaceutical, professional sports, and Wall Street, you will never be free from their insatiable desire to take your guns, your wealth, your health, your heritage, and your freedom. Truly evil people are behind the Sandy Hook Hoax.
I guess I was naive, but it was quite surprising and disturbing when I discovered that we were being fed fake news. I was aware of biased news and false flag events, but this was new to me. And yes, I am convinced that Sandy Hook was Zionist Hoax, a drill. The parents are actors, and no children died. I believe that Adam Lanza is a fictional character, as well as all the children who supposedly died. It's very simple: Some federal agency, FEMA, FBI, whomever, comes up with an idea for a school shooting, they write the script, they employ actors, they create a controlled scene with photographers and videographers, then they give it to the Zionist controlled news as a story. The public buys it and is told not to question the official story. Rabbit trails are debated, such as who was in the woods, was Lanza on psychotropic drugs, did he play violent video games, etc. And, of course, they use it to push gun control, because what is more tragic then a class full of kindergartners gunned down. Our government and its controlled media are running psyops on the American people. As soon as you realize that the news is fake, elections are a false choice, and everything you see on TV is controlled propaganda, your mind will be free. However, as long as the Zionists control the news media, our government, the Fed, Hollywood, academia, medical/pharmaceutical, professional sports, and Wall Street, you will never be free from their insatiable desire to take your guns, your wealth, your health, your heritage, and your freedom. Truly evil people are behind the Sandy Hook Hoax.
This is an excellent post.

I feel horrible for saying this but I almost wish Sandy Hook was real instead of a fake event. I can wrap my head around psychotic people snapping and committing mass murder, even against young children. It's harder for me to understand the level of evil it takes for people to sit around and plan something like this. Inflicting physiological and emotional damage on the American public with the intent to strip them of what remaining human rights they have left. Actors portraying grieving parents. All the people in the town who know this is fake but are not speaking out. The police and first responders who know there were no dead bodies. That corrupt, giggling sociopath coroner, Wayne Carver. These people are sick and deserve the worst of this world's punishments. I was never very religious but these people are minions of Satan. How else can humans become so wicked?
I don't think a release of information, pictures, video, audio would do anything to dispel the idea that it was fake or a black op. If you are dead set in believing that it didn't happen the way you think it did, then any type of evidence would be seen as fake. I think it's funny that people here bitch about not seeing evidence but if they did they would just change the story to it being fake evidence with every little thing about the evidence picked apart.

This happened with other events. The pictures weren't right, were obvious fakes, had this thing wrong or that thing. And it's true you don't know if evidence is fake or not. They can do amazing things with pictures and videoes so who can say if something is real or not?

For example the picture from Columbine above is an obvious fake. Notice how the faces are obscured and the blood has pooled in the wrong direction.

Furthermore the pictures above actually give credence to the idea, whether you believe it or not, that the parents who are objecting to having pictures around the internet of their shot up kids. I would object if it was my kids. Wouldn't you? What does it prove? It seems like a violation of people's private suffering.

As whats-his-name mentioned even if the AP was given the audio tapes of the 911 calls he wouldn't believe them. So why bother?
I don't think a release of information, pictures, video, audio would do anything to dispel the idea that it was fake....

They are making their false flags so obvious now that all but the most brain dead ^ can barely help but notice, as in demolishingthe Sandy Hoax school with utmost secrecy before any forensic investigation or photos or anything- JUST EXACTLY THE SAME AS THEY DID with the OK City Federal Building and the WTC!!!

I knew that this guy would show up once he saw the word "retard".

Translation from the Stupid to English:

"I don't think a release of information, pictures, video, audio would do anything to dispel the idea that it was fake"


Actual evidence would not dispel the notion that there was no actual evidence.

I knew that this guy would show up once he saw the word "retard".


I show up whenever I see you post, because you are a retard. Although most retards I meet have a better disposition. But they have the same irrational fixation on single subjects, the same inability to process information that contradicts whatever crazy thing they think is real, and often the same problem with not being able to play nice with others.

No matter how many warnings they get about their bad behavior, no matter how nice you try to treat them they still revert to their basic personality faults. You should change you username to weretard.
They got 'em fattened up and dumbed down and sitting in front of their tv sets slack jawed soaking it all in.

But more and more intelligent people are on to their game, all their bs and lies and phony wars - crap like 911 and Sandy Hoax here -while they reduce the USA to an impoverished multiracial hell hole with countless millions of people in the world wishing to seek revenge and sacrifice their lives to destroy the country. That can't end well no matter how you look at it.

The internet has wakened people up. They don't like the free internet. They've already shut down a lot of comment sections because most comments call them out on their BS. They are making more and more efforts to track online people down - "we need your cell phone number for your own safety" - yeah right.

Even the Jaxvid crowd are starting to entertain vague doubts now...

Your list proves my point. I have expressed my doubts about the legitimacy of nearly all of those items, some of them in recent posts...

Myself on the other hand, suspects that there are problems with the "official" story. Things don't seem right. ...
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I show up whenever I see you post, because you are a retard. Although most retards I meet have a better disposition. But they have the same irrational fixation on single subjects, the same inability to process information that contradicts whatever crazy thing they think is real, and often the same problem with not being able to play nice with others.

No matter how many warnings they get about their bad behavior, no matter how nice you try to treat them they still revert to their basic personality faults. You should change you username to weretard.

Yeah, I have an "irrational fixation on single subject" and that subject is Truth. I'm interested in the truth about everything - especially things that you're not supposed to question.

If I'm wrong about anything show me where and I will be the first to admit it.

The play nice with others and personality fault part is correct. See above. Moronophobia.

"Retard". Stop mimicking me. Get your own script writers.

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Where's werewolf? Plotting revolution I hope, we could use it. I expected this recent item to be more fuel for the Sandy Hook fire. The amount of weird stuff that continues to go down concerning this event has got to be the govt trolling their enemies because it's precisely the stuff that would do it.

(from Vox Popoli site)
According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report for 2012, there were ZERO murders in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012.

That would appear to be the conclusive evidence for which the Sandy Hook skeptics have been searching. Not only are there no murders listed for Newtown, but there is not a single city in Connecticut that reported 26 murders for the entire year. Hartford reported the most, with 23, followed by Bridgeport with 22. Which leads one to wonder how this could be possible considering that 26 people were supposedly shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

Where's werewolf? Plotting revolution I hope, we could use it. I expected this recent item to be more fuel for the Sandy Hook fire. The amount of weird stuff that continues to go down concerning this event has got to be the govt trolling their enemies because it's precisely the stuff that would do it.

(from Vox Popoli site)
According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report for 2012, there were ZERO murders in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012.

That would appear to be the conclusive evidence for which the Sandy Hook skeptics have been searching. Not only are there no murders listed for Newtown, but there is not a single city in Connecticut that reported 26 murders for the entire year. Hartford reported the most, with 23, followed by Bridgeport with 22. Which leads one to wonder how this could be possible considering that 26 people were supposedly shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.


Connecticut chose to list the murders as a separate category from Newtown (probably so Newtown doesn't look like the murder capital of the world). They're included in the FBI's overall total.
American Freedom News