Sandy Hook Elementary School Demolition

Connecticut chose to list the murders as a separate category from Newtown (probably so Newtown doesn't look like the murder capital of the world). They're included in the FBI's overall total.

Then what good are the statistics? If they are going to massage the numbers like that what relevancy do they have? I knew there was some silly govt BS excuse about why this was done which is why I mentioned it as a way the govt trolls conspiracy followers.
Then what good are the statistics? If they are going to massage the numbers like that what relevancy do they have? I knew there was some silly govt BS excuse about why this was done which is why I mentioned it as a way the govt trolls conspiracy followers.

Imagine how much cities are massaging stats to "reduce" the black crime rates and the rates are still insanely high.
FBI releases report on Sandy Hoax:



Adam Lanza (who is mostly likely one and the same with his mysterious brother Ryan Lanza) never shot a gun in his life, and if he even tried the recoil would have probably knocked him down, let alone having an almost 100% kill rate!

So what are they redacting there? They told us it was all done by a lone gunman and he's dead, so who are they protecting? What are they hiding?
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There's one single sentence left intact in the FBI bit above: "Adam was always a troubled kid and was interested in Japanese techno music", and that sentence doesn't even make sense. Isn't "kid" a rather slangy word to use in an official govt. report? But that's not important. What's important is the sentence doesn't make sense. What does Japanese techno music have to do with being a "troubled kid"? Now if they had said he was a troubled kid who enjoyed torturing and killing tiny animals - like Dubya Bush did when he was a kid! - that would have made some sense.
This hasn’t been a topic we’ve discussed in years but there are still important ramifications from the Sandy Hook fallout. A man has been arrested and faces a year in jail for basically investigating what happened. They say he’s been serially harassing the families.

Also, Alex Jones has already been forced to pay $100,000 in a defamation case. That’s likely just the beginning, with some projecting Alex will eventually have to pay an 8 figure sum.

They really circled the wagons on this one. Using lawfare to make sure that no one with any sort of platform ever questions the narrative on any of these events again.
THEY have scoured most of the incriminating material about Sandy Hoax off the internet - the interview with the teacher talking about Adam Lanza's mother working as a teacher at the school with her and how lovely she was, before they changed the story to that she never worked there at all; the two men chased down through the woods, all filmed by helicopter, then caught, thrown to the ground, put in a police car - in the front! - and then vanished from history; the giggling medical examiner saying he hopes it all doesn't come crashing down on them; wacky community theater actor Gene Rosen and his constantly changing nutty story; all the "grieving parents" , like Robby Parker, who could hardly keep from busting out laughing.

Here is one they overlooked so far, the "grieving" McDonnell parents whose little daughter was allegedly murdered just a day or two before, getting interviewed by CNN's homosexual CIA agent news anchor. They are made up and dressed up to the t's, and beaming and smiling. Ever see what real grieving parents look like?

I would guess that the Parkland shooting has as many questionable aspects to it as Sandy Hook and others, but by the time it happened full-blown YouTube censorship had already been established.

And lawfare is the most potent weapon of all, just ask those still being persecuted years after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
Interesting how they demolished Sandy Hook, and Parkland shortly after the "shootings". Kinda how they scrapped all the extra metal from 9/11..
Interesting how they demolished Sandy Hook, and Parkland shortly after the "shootings". Kinda how they scrapped all the extra metal from 9/11..


I was going to uplaod the very excellent "Sandy Hook Hoax Golden Globe Awards" which was almost immediately removed from youtube, but it is too large.

At the time of the Sandy Hook Hoax was openly advertising for more crisis actors - but now the Antifa propaganda wing, like the NY Times above, will tell you there was no such thing and it is only a "conspiracy theory". But it is still on the Internet Archive, at least it was the last time i looked. They may have scoured it by now.

Grieving Sandy Hook parent below.


  • Lynn McDonnell Sandy Hoax.jpg
    Lynn McDonnell Sandy Hoax.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 2
I would guess that the Parkland shooting has as many questionable aspects to it as Sandy Hook and others, but by the time it happened full-blown YouTube censorship had already been established.

And lawfare is the most potent weapon of all, just ask those still being persecuted years after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them? Paul Craig Roberts[/paste:font]

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them?
February 28, 2018

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them?
Paul Craig Roberts

Scroll down this URL to the last video of the blond female student at Parkland, Alexa Miednik. She says she walked out of the building with the alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, while shots were still occurring in other parts of the building.
This Parkland teacher, Stacy Lippel, describes the shooter as police in full armor. that Lippel also says the shooting was occurring after the fire alarm went off. Isn’t the official story that Cruz pulled the fire alarm after his rampage was over so that he could escape by walking out with the other students?
How did Cruz get rid of his full armor in time to walk out of the building with Alexa Miednik?
Why is David Hogg, the suspected crisis actor, the witness of choice of the presstitutes and not Alexa Miednik and Stacy Lippel? Hogg can’t seem to remember his lines:
Who do we believe, the eyewitness students and teachers, or the authorities and presstitutes, who never tell the truth.
When we are faced with these heavy contradictions, why is it conspiracy theory and/or insensitivity and harassment to raise questions?
I do not know what happened, but I am again witnessing the shutdown of honest inquiry.
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"David Hogg can’t remember his lines conversation seems scripted"
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December 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax which was thoroughly debunked by numerous researchers. All of the debunking videos have been whitewashed from the internet. At that time, I was a huge Alex Jones fan, but he distinctly refused to call it a hoax. He was focused on a second shooter and whether Lanza was on psych meds. Due to his gate keeping on the issue, I quit listening to Jones. In April 2013, the second most obvious hoax occurred, which was the Boston smoke bomb incident. There was so much debunkable video evidence of that event, which has also been memoryholed.

Anyway, apparently at some point Jones must have called SH a hoax for the express purpose of discrediting real truth seekers; creating a media circus mock trial; resulting in a verdict to quash free thought and remind the public that the official story is the only acceptable discourse.
Will Truth Be Criminalized?

by Paul Craig Roberts

The Establishment’s determination to close down narrative-challenger Alex Jones has put Sandy Hook back in the news.As First Amendment protection is fading, I checked to see what I had written about Sandy Hook.I was relieved to see that I had only reported on the skepticism and asked questions.

My search of the IPE archives brought up my articles on other controversial shootings–Las Vegas and Orlando–and the Oklahoma City Bombing.The common thread in all of these incidents is that the narrative is established the minute the news is reported, and officials and media never vary from the narrative.As soon as it happens, the government and the media already know what happened.No investigation ever takes place.It was the same for President Kennedy’s assassination, his brother’s assassination, 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, etc.

Legitimate questions about the narratives are ignored by officials and media who seem to be involved in a conspiracy to bury the truth.Skeptics, no matter how prominent or fact-based are demonized as “conspiracy theorists” unworthy of attention.

Clearly, America no longer has a media watchdog.America has a propaganda ministry for official narratives.

What this tells us should shock every American, every US puppet government, and Washington’s chosen enemies–Russia, China, and Iran–respect for truth is hard to find in the American media and the American government.

In the not distant future, it will become actionable to doubt the presstitues and the government on the grounds that doubt implies disbelief and disbelief is a crime or proves that you are a foreign agent.Slander and libel will evolve to apply to media and government as institutions.As we are so gullible, so trusting, we are going to be reduced to silence or praise.Silence will bring official suspicion.Praise of the false narratives will bring career success and rewards.This is the stark situation that we face.

It is unclear that anything can be done to rectify this situation.Older Americans generally are comfortable with the idea that government and media have integrity.This is their picture of the bygone world that they grew up in.Younger people have been indoctrinated in schools that government and media protect blacks, homosexuals, and transgendered from racist, homophobic and transphobic white people who use normality as an illegitimate standard of approval. Sodom and Gomorrah are approved, but not the white family unit.

Can we believe that there is a future for freedom in America when Democrats, media, CIA, FBI, and NSA can create a narrative of President Donald Trump as a Russian agent?

Can we believe that there is a future for freedom in America when the same collection of schemers can create a show trial of the President of the United States planning a coup by a couple of hundred unarmed supporters seizing the government of the United States by walking around in the Capitol and sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair?

Can we believe that Americans sufficiently stupid to believe such implausible narratives have any possibility of holding on to their freedom?
Now it turns out the punitive damages are 45.1 million for Jones to pay the family, so about 50M total. He's pretty much done it looks like. They were gonna get him one way or another but it's just another indication of where we are.
That Sandy Hook thing is the very definition of phony. That freaking Parker dude and his triplicate daughters; none of these people grieved like real human beings. Dry sobs with no tears. Immediate interviews with news teams. No paramedics allowed in to see if there might be a faint chance of life for any of those kids, all pronounced dead by cops. They found the strangest pictures of the supposed killer they could find, unless it was another crisis actor told to make the face of a psychopath instead of saying cheese. A freak from an Elvira horror film named Carver as the coroner, chuckling as he spoke. That dingbat Rosen: will they use him in upcoming matinee releases like they did with Leana Wen, of Boston Marathon and Convid fame? How many funds did the government set up to funnel money to the parents of these "victims"? Never heard of that before, and these funds are going to people who live in one of the richest counties in the country. And now another windfall is coming to them courtesy of A. Jones. Only NPCs or Sim City creations can look at this sort of thing and not start doubting things.
I'm under the impression that this *extra* $45 million is fake and is derived from terribly shitty and typical reporting, all because Jones was assessed between $0 and $750,000 for all 150 complainants. So, he is "getting off" with a mere payable $4.2 milly judgment. I hope he earns it back fast.

I was willing to accept the standard report of Sandy Hook shooting as a real thing, but everyone with power and leverage made sure to go the extra mile to convince me that it was so very, very real... I'm rotten at poker, but even I can call this bluff. To the extent: not my area. But I'm empathetic to all hoax-callers, including the wealthy performer Alex Jones.

For now, Anglin is hosting the 2 hours and 45 minutes video of a compilation of the Sandy Hook thing. I'm going to try to watch as much of it as I can tonight and see where I can stomach tomorrow. I admit that I personally HATE these sorts of things, but I'm gonna try to sit through as much of this one as I can.
I'm under the impression that this *extra* $45 million is fake and is derived from terribly shitty and typical reporting, all because Jones was assessed between $0 and $750,000 for all 150 complainants. So, he is "getting off" with a mere payable $4.2 milly judgment. I hope he earns it back fast.

I was willing to accept the standard report of Sandy Hook shooting as a real thing, but everyone with power and leverage made sure to go the extra mile to convince me that it was so very, very real... I'm rotten at poker, but even I can call this bluff. To the extent: not my area. But I'm empathetic to all hoax-callers, including the wealthy performer Alex Jones.

For now, Anglin is hosting the 2 hours and 45 minutes video of a compilation of the Sandy Hook thing. I'm going to try to watch as much of it as I can tonight and see where I can stomach tomorrow. I admit that I personally HATE these sorts of things, but I'm gonna try to sit through as much of this one as I can.
We have a great thread here at CF, that was eventually locked. You should be able to find it easily using the search function typing “Sandy hook” and selecting the “search title only” feature. However, I fear that sadly many of the excellent links may lead to removed videos and articles as this subject was one of the most censored I’ve ever seen.
What’s up with the verdict against AlexJones? What crime did he commit? Doesn’t the first amendment protect that kind of speech? As I understand it the families were awarded money for pain and suffering, isn’t that true anytime someone says something you don’t like?

Also I know there are some supporters of his views here, wasn’t this a chance for him to offer some evidence in support?
What’s up with the verdict against AlexJones? What crime did he commit? Doesn’t the first amendment protect that kind of speech? As I understand it the families were awarded money for pain and suffering, isn’t that true anytime someone says something you don’t like?

Also I know there are some supporters of his views here, wasn’t this a chance for him to offer some evidence in support?

Robert Barnes has a fairly popular, right-leaning law podcast. (Barnes was hired by the Covington kids over than injun hoax and also at some point retained by Kyle Rittenhouse and Alex Jones, among a few other famous ones.) He discusses the trial at this link around the 38:15 mark.

It's what you'd figure: total kangaroo court show trial, Jones threatened by the judge to not testify or face jail, a sea of crocodile tears from the actors, and the jury picking a Department of Defense-level budget number at random for punitive damages. One takeaway I had is that this new $965 million figure will be somewhere between 10x - 100x more per person than any other defamation award in history.
American Freedom News