Rugby World Cup 2007

Argentina vs Ireland would be the one to watch now. i have friends on both teams, but i will be rooting for Ireland this time.
France 20-18 NZ - I think i'm going to cry......

Edited by: Kiwi
I coudln't believe it Kiwi! I can feel Richies pain because they were kinda destined to win it this time around although I did put my money on SA to win it.
Bad luck Kiwi, but in terms of supporting the white athlete the best team won. I estimate that the New Zealand team are about 66% white. Please correct me if I am wrong. It is nice (and unusual)to see some white French sportsmen and athletes for a change, certainly compared to their track and field and Soccer teams.
13 out the 22 in the team playing France were white, not that it really matters to me - i'd like to think our team is picked on merit not race.

At the moment the whole country is pretty much in a state of depression - domestic violence is up, productivity is down, the stockmarket is preparing for a big loss, all over one game of rugby. I don't mean to sound like a whiner but the ref screwed us over massively, I mean the ref was so bad it wasn't funny. Wayne Barnes you f*****g w****r! That pass was a full two metres forward!.....In the words of Captain Edmund Blackadder "you utter utter utter bastard!"

On the positive side, Australia lost as well.
I agree with you that your team is picked on merit, and rightly so. But of the 9 non white players how many were born in New Zealand and how many were imported perhaps when they were already accomplished Rugby players?
Sorry to bring the subject of Race up again, but that is a part of the purpose of this site.
I didn't see the game or the pass you talk about, but have seen a couple of forward passes missed so far. I've also seen a lot of knock backs penalised as knock ons, which can really disrupt the flow of a game. But refs are only human I suppose.
Yea the ref was dodgy and the French crowd definatly had a bearing on that. Devans, I think one or two of New Zealands player were born in pacific Island such as Rokocoko who was born in Fiji but the other none Euro Zealanders are Maori's. Kiwi is right though, the Allblacks are always picked on ability not race just like here in England. We are so fortunate not to have selection policies like America does.
In the first half the French were clueless. In the second half they were a completely different team. It was Twickenham '99 all over again.

A couple of weeks ago it looked like there wouldn't be a Six Nations team in the semis yet now we don't have an antipodean team. Astonishing.

I've never understood why forward passing is so common in union compared to rugby league other than that they seem to get away with it more in union.Edited by: Matra1
devans said:
But of the 9 non white players how many were born in New Zealand and how many were imported perhaps when they were already accomplished Rugby players?

I think about half of those pacific islanders were born were born overseas, although all of them bar Sitiveni Sivivatu have been living in NZ since they were toddlers. Interestingly enough I would say that Sivivatu was the one guy who shouldn't have played against France. He can be potentially brilliant but has poor positional awareness, hands of stone and folds under pressure. Yet he still gets picked despite his bad form. Sound familiar?
I'm glad France won. Maybe the white French have been doing something
with their tallents after all.
I had my money on South Africa to win it from the start and they will beat England in the final. I just love the fact I'm half South African!
O and also It's a huge slap in the face for the ANC government who critised the South African squad for being too white. Well if they win the bloody thing then how can you have a go at them??? Jake White picked the best team available and it just so happens to only have 2 none whites on the starting line up. Habana and Pieterson have been excellent though it has to be said!
Won't make any difference to Jake White - he's getting the boot after the World Cup regardless of the result. I think if this affirmative action continues in South Africa the way the SARU are planning this may well be South Africa's last shot at winning a world cup.
I found an article on the BBC website yesterday about how Jake White is being forced to step down as coach of South Africa because of government interference and pressure to pick more black players, but it doesn't seem to be there today? I'm guessing they took it off the website because they allowed a message forum in which I believe the Bok fans let the BBC know how they felt about it despite the BBC's attempts to censor such comments.

I personaly just cannot believe the actions of the ANC. They sit on their fat black asses complaining that the rugby team is not black enough despite the team getting into the final in impressive style and who will probably win the World Cup on Saturday whilst their own fellow Africans continue to plague the country with crime, rapes, murders and spreading aids.

The South African soccer team has slowly become more and more black over the years and have become worse and worse and this is just as the World Cup 2010 approaches fast which South Africa will be hosting. They recently had the chance to call up young star Andrew Surman (born in Johannesburg brought up in England) who is 20 and plays for Southampton. They hesitated in doing so (obviously because he's white) and now he's playing for England under 21's because he is so damn good. I just can't believe it! South Africa is going down down down if the ANC continue to act like the bafoons they really are.
Amazing that this transparently unjust pro-black, anti-white policy seems to get no negative comment from the establishment press throughout the world--but then ever since the saintly Mandela and the ANC took over, everything must be A-OK in SA!
Kiwi said:
Won't make any difference to Jake White - he's getting the boot after the World Cup regardless of the result. I think if this affirmative action continues in South Africa the way the SARU are planning this may well be South Africa's last shot at winning a world cup.

yeah, it's sad but true. SA might fall out big tim, if they try and enforce some idiot affirmative action. obviously white Afrikaans players are the motor of their success, and arguably the toughest ruckers on this planet.
backrow said:
Kiwi said:
Won't make any difference to Jake White - he's getting the boot after the World Cup regardless of the result. I think if this affirmative action continues in South Africa the way the SARU are planning this may well be South Africa's last shot at winning a world cup.

yeah, it's sad but true. SA might fall out big tim, if they try and enforce some idiot affirmative action. obviously white Afrikaans players are the motor of their success, and arguably the toughest ruckers on this planet.

The South African effect is the exact opposite of the NFL caste system. In America, superior white players of the majority race in the nation get shut out of the NFL, especially at certain positions b/c of being white.

In South Africa, inferior black players of the majority race in the country are inserted into Professional Rugby rosters by black quarterbacks b/c of being black.

Edited to add: It is really sickening how a majority race like ours has allowed affirmative action to exist everywhere. But in the NFL it's not even affirmative action: It's blatant discrimination favoring inferior players of the black minority race. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
The South African rugby board (under severe pressure from the ANC to make the sport blacker) have not bothered to retain the services of probably the worlds current best rugby coach Jake White who led a mostly white South African rugby team to World Cup glory. Jake White also won the under21 world cup for South Africa before he was made the first team South Africa coach. He nurtured those u21 players into a world cup winning team. Here's an article from the lefty liberal BBC which doesn't wholey explain the extent of Jake White achievements with his supposidly 'overly white team'.
Also have a look at some of the comments on the debate part, some very interesting points made, although I know that a lot would have been deleted if any slightly racist remark was made.
black quarterbacks are already currently in place in the South African youth teams which basically means at least half the team has to be black or mixed race regardless of how good the white players are. Another shocking fact is that the main men touted to take over from Jake White are all black or mixed race. Thats not so bad it's that fact that these non white coaches have succeeded in NOTHING! ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! In there coaching roles. The top 10 coaches in South Africa are all white! Probably the top 20 or 30 aswell!!! This is so damn frustrating!!!
Englishman - are you sure that the main men touted to take over from Jake White are all black or mixed race? Three of them have names that sound Afrikaaner like, Allister Coetzee, Pieter de Villiers, and Heyneke Meyer.

(and yes I will be buying a Poppy)
Congratulations to the South Africans for winning and to the English for making it to the final! Two great examples of white prowess in Athletics.

The current attempt to "blacken" rugby is just yet another sign that the South African revolution was not about the "equal-opportunity" society, but about maximizing black rule in any way possible.

I hope the Afrikaaners celebrate this victory to the maximum, and are completely unapologetic about the white character of their team.
Chester Williams is black and has never been a successful at coaching level, Alistair Coetzee is a Cape Coloured (mixed race) and has never been a head coach just an assistant like he was to Jake White, and I have a feeling Pieter De Villiers might also be a Cape Coloured but I'm not sure. All I know is that Heyneke Meyer (white) is the best SA coach after Jake White especially after turning the Bulls from the worst team in the Super14 into the best after winning it last time around. 78% of South Africans want him to take over from Jake White.
How much do blacks outnumber whites in South Africa? I think it's at least 5-1 isn't it. I usually don't agree with black quarterbacks, certainly not strong ones, but it seems the team could use a few more blacks in such a black country. But hey, how can you fault the SA coach when they just won the world cup of Rugby! So I don't know where I stand on this. The SA coach certainly shouldn't be losing his job though, no way!

I certainly think black quarterbacks could be a good idea in the NFL to get more whites in. Especially with the Rooney rule being like a black quarterback to get more black coaches. I think if they implemented black quarterbacks to get more white WRs and RBs it would clearly show that lots of the best players are white at those positions and were being held out simply b/c of their race. That probably wouldn't hold true though, in South Africa, for blacks being inserted by black quarterbacks for the Rugby team.

But the problem with black quarterbacks for whites in sports is that it would make a stronger case for blacks to have them or Affirmative Action in other areas of the workforce.

The truth is racists don't get away with holding back blacks anymore in liberal America. A racist boss will get a black worker a settlement for the discrimination in most cases. This is why affirmative action is far from needed anymore. There aren't enough racists to hold blacks back. Even without affirmative action, you can bet if a company like Pepsi had noticeably less blacks working for it than the percentage of the population, Sharpton and his cronies might still win a lawsuit! Even if they couldn't prove that the best workers weren't hired, the numbers argument would still win!
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