How much do blacks outnumber whites in South Africa? I think it's at least 5-1 isn't it. I usually don't agree with black quarterbacks, certainly not strong ones, but it seems the team could use a few more blacks in such a black country. But hey, how can you fault the SA coach when they just won the world cup of Rugby! So I don't know where I stand on this. The SA coach certainly shouldn't be losing his job though, no way!
I certainly think black quarterbacks could be a good idea in the NFL to get more whites in. Especially with the Rooney rule being like a black quarterback to get more black coaches. I think if they implemented black quarterbacks to get more white WRs and RBs it would clearly show that lots of the best players are white at those positions and were being held out simply b/c of their race. That probably wouldn't hold true though, in South Africa, for blacks being inserted by black quarterbacks for the Rugby team.
But the problem with black quarterbacks for whites in sports is that it would make a stronger case for blacks to have them or Affirmative Action in other areas of the workforce.
The truth is racists don't get away with holding back blacks anymore in liberal America. A racist boss will get a black worker a settlement for the discrimination in most cases. This is why affirmative action is far from needed anymore. There aren't enough racists to hold blacks back. Even without affirmative action, you can bet if a company like Pepsi had noticeably less blacks working for it than the percentage of the population, Sharpton and his cronies might still win a lawsuit! Even if they couldn't prove that the best workers weren't hired, the numbers argument would still win!