Roy Jones vs. Joe Calzaghe

I find that Emmauel Stewart is the most fair and accurate commentator fight after fight. He was the first to say that he thought Calzaghe won round 2 (after Kellerman and lederman gave it to Jones).
Kaptain Poop said:
I find that Emmauel Stewart is the most fair and accurate commentator fight after fight.

I've noticed that too. Manny Stuart doesn't seem to be toting any racial baggage, unlike almost everyone else in the world of Boxing. It was refreshing to hear him almost arguing with Kellerman about what was happening in the ring.

And, he's Wladimir Klitschko's trainer, what's not to like
Perfect post for this fight Bart.
I cant tell for sure what RJ jr says in his corner, but one thing is for sure and certin. That he knew he was gonna get hit upside that headalot more when that bell rang again. I still think Joe should have got a TKO for his record. Ive seen fights stopped for less damage than that. Bless you bros.Edited by: P-NutLane
Kaptain Poop wrote:
I find that Emmauel Stewart is the most fair and accurate commentator fight after fight.

I have noticed Emanuel Stewart is quite fair with white fighters whenever he announces fights. Like someone else alluded to , Emanuel trains Wladimir Klitschko, as well as Andy Lee. I find the fights that Emanuel announces to be more even handed than say the typical sack straddlers like Kellerman and Lederwoman. And Teddy asslass? He is probably the worst when it comes to the caste system.
Throw in Bob Papa too. He is the only commentator who has to have editorial comments on the fights, while they are happening.
I agree completely with Bart's analysis of the fight and did notice how Kellerman went from saying that Joe was like a washed up Trinidad, to making excuses for Jones, once the tide turned.

If they fought when both were in their prime, there is little reason to think that Calzaghe would not have won.

Emanuel Steward has always been objective when covering fights and made the point of saying that neither fighter had ever faced anyone this quick before, but that Joe's strength has always been his ability to adapt mid-fight and find a way to win.
Thanks for the links everyone! I'm so glad Joe won this fight. The highlight of the week as far as that goes. I was away last week but just finished watching the fight.
Im still grinnin about this. We can throw this in the face of the ebony god worshiping turds from now on.
Sports Illustrated went all out with a blurb. Best fighter going and SI has basically ignored him through the years.
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