Room Brightening Smiles

The beta males in the media never disappoint with their laughable conformity ....
Liverlips said:
The beta males in the media never disappoint with their laughable conformity ....

More like the "omega"/ΩÃÂ￾‰ "males" at best. Buncha CASTrated talkin' heads.
The color commentator of MSU/S. Carolina bball game, just ranked the three best smiles in the history of Michigan State basketball!
I was wondering when Yahoo Sports caste clown and "alternative lifestyle" devotee Kevin Iole was going to join the "room brightening smile" club. He previews the Ryan Bader- Jon Jones UFC fight in his Yahoo column today. One guess who is talking about here:

"He cracks the broad smile that has made him one of the UFC's most popular fighters and lifts his shirt â€" 48 hours before he has to weigh in at no more than 206 pounds â€" to reveal a washboard-like abdomen."
"The color commentator of MSU/S. Carolina bball game, just ranked the three best smiles in the history of Michigan State basketball!"

Let me guess what color all three players were ...
Liverlips said:
"The color commentator of MSU/S. Carolina bball game, just ranked the three best smiles in the history of Michigan State basketball!"

Let me guess what color all three players were ...

Even Negro babies are are more beautiful than White babies. Yeah, right! Well, that is the message the media manipulators force feed us everyday.


The online contest to find a new advertising face as part of the company's Gerber Generation marketing campaign was launched in June and ran through November. The competition was open to children up to 4 years old, and Mercy won among nearly 220,000 entries nationwide.

"The judges saw something in her they really liked," Mrs. Williams-Townsend, a nursing assistant, said. "I see it every day and now the rest of the world gets to see it."

Mercy, along with her mom and dad, Damion Townsend, also 32 and a musician, will be taking a trip to New York later this month for a photo shoot for the Toledo �toddler. Mercy will also receive a $25,000 college scholarship for placing first.

Cathy Abramski, a spokesman for Gerber, said the judges selected Mercy "because of her visual appeal and expressiveness." Mercy will star in a Gerber Generation print advertising campaign that advocates a healthier future for children through good nutrition, she said. The Gerber advertisement starring Mercy will be featured in select national parenting magazines beginning in May.

Mrs. Williams-Townsend used a photo of her daughter she posted on Facebook â€" an all-cheeks-and-smile heart warmer [/B ]that had friends on the social networking site gushing at her cuteness â€" and then she promptly forgot about the contest. She never even told her husband about the entry. (snip)
while watching the Seton Hall-Notre Dame basketball game yesterday evening with my dad, the male commentator mentioned that Seton Hall forward Herb Pope had a room-brightening, million-dollar smile. apparently, Pope (seen below) is incredibly handsome or charming or some other attribute that i (as a non-negro worshipper) am completely incapable of perceiving ...


now then, check out his profile picturefrom the Seton Hall site:


now then, if THAT smile lights up a room, i can only surmise that the room was incredibly dim. and if it is worth a million dollars, then inflation is way worse than i realized.
Guess who has a great smile according to an announcer-Jonhattan Vegas.That guy has an ugly smile if you ask me.
Perhaps TiGirl Woods was able to "score"Â￾ with so many low-end, desperate, bottom-feeding, lonely, drug-addicted, loser, money-hungry white prostitutes because they found his yellow-toothed "RBS" to be utterly irresitable?

Please behold perhaps the most beloved watermelon grin in human history...


You'd think that the wolrd's first "Billion Dollar Athlete"Â￾ would get that fixed. The yellowing has gotten progressively darker since this photo.Edited by: Thrashen
Another room brightener makes the White reporters dizzy with delight at the Combine:

Don't let the smile fool you.

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Cal defensive end Cameron Jordan has been so engaging in team and media interviews this week at the NFL combine, he has been asked if he might be too nice to consistently try to punish NFL quarterbacks.

No, he said, that just makes him happier.

"If you see my film, I'm hitting people," Jordan said. "I'm laying people out. There's sort of a switch. I still got the smile on, but it's all for a different motive. It will be the biggest smile on me to hit a quarterback and hear the wind come out of his chest. That pleases me the most."Read more:
That is a really bad yellow toof, Thrashen. I'm also surprised he hasn't had that taken care of. Nice to know that if he keeps slipping in the rankings, watermelon grins like that one will be a distant memory (except for the occasional ESPN specials).
At least the European media (thankfully) doesn't harp on about smiles. The equine dental equipment of certain black players, however, doesn't go unnoticed...

Brazilian international Ronaldinho:


The whole idea of (so-called) "men" carryin' on about smiles of other men is pretty dadgum queer. What kind of "man" goes gahgah over the physical appearance of another dude? I chalk it up to fa%%otry.
There is a radio commercial in the DC area making fun of the smiles of hockey players. Think they would ever make fun of the "gold teef" grins of NBA stars?
The Steelers' pudgy-faced, short, slow wide receiver, Hines Ward, owns quite possibly one of the most celebrated room-brightening smiles in NFL history. The perpetual references to Ward's nauseating grin made by jock-sniffing white fans, color commentators, and NFL analysts one of the primary reason that Ward has transformed into one of the most irritating of all the Caste Systems' GodHead "stars."

A truly "adorable"Â￾ mug"¦

Here is an excerpt from an article regarding Ward on "Dancing with the Stars"Â￾ (a TV show I've obviously never seen)"¦

"And Hines Ward and Kym Johnson made everyone "proud to be an American"Â￾ last night on Dancing With the Stars with their leaderboard-topping rumba! The dynamic duo brought energy and charisma to the dance floor. Plus, we just can't get enough of Hines' perfect smile!"Â￾

Ward on "Dancing With the Stars"Â￾"¦
Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen, do you happen to have a link for this article?

They never stop, do they?
Thrashen said:
A truly "adorable"Â￾ mug"¦

Here is an excerpt from an article regarding Ward on "Dancing with the Stars"Â￾ (a TV show I've obviously never seen)"¦

"And Hines Ward and Kym Johnson made everyone "proud to be an American"Â￾ last night on Dancing With the Stars with their leaderboard-topping rumba! The dynamic duo brought energy and charisma to the dance floor. Plus, we just can't get enough of Hines' perfect smile!"Â￾

Thrashen - For a moment there, mate,I thought that You'd posted a photo of a spotty, puckeredblack arse sh*tting out a pair of low-budget dentures - then I realised that it was a "charismatic" Negro's face...
smiley2.gif the "Mr.Moto" grin (from his korean momma-san) & sportin' the "womernz" jewelry. What's with all these "male" afroletes wearing the long, womanly hair (braids, etc.) & f@99oty earrings??! I thought the cultmarx pukes would have us believe the mugs are the true "alpha-males"?
Maybe it just means he had a nice smile?
If it is said about any other race that is what it means. Why should that be different about the black race?
Okay, before making another ignorant post, find three instances where it was said that a white person had a perfect/room brightening etc smile.
Edited by: snow
He he, the room-brightening-smile threads always make me laugh because it's just so funny. We have documented at least 6 years of media commentary about black athletes and their smiles. Read the thread dude. Go to the previous thread that was linked on the same subject. It's hilarious that there is such a disconnect by goof balls like you and the actual fact of the matter.

If the "smile lights up the room" comments are so racially neutral then you should be able to find plenty of examples of white athletes being referred to as having one. Where are they?

See? this is the stuff you don't even notice because you are blinded by the double standard. It's so frickin' obvious but people can't see it because they are trained not to look.
jaxvid said:
He he, the room-brightening-smile threads always make me laugh because it's just so funny. We have documented at least 6 years of media commentary about black athletes and their smiles. Read the thread dude. Go to the previous thread that was linked on the same subject. It's hilarious that there is such a disconnect by goof balls like you and the actual fact of the matter.

If the "smile lights up the room" comments are so racially neutral then you should be able to find plenty of examples of white athletes being referred to as having one. Where are they?

See? this is the stuff you don't even notice because you are blinded by the double standard. It's so frickin' obvious but people can't see it because they are trained not to look.

Oh man...
People here are so paranoid!

There are double standards everywhere! Against men, women, against all races, against religions! Why do you seem to think it exists only for one group?

You guys think other people and the media are 'out to get white people' just like some black people think 'the white man is keeping him down'.

Any paranoid person or group can find evidence to fit his/their claims. It's not easy to convince yourself of something when you really believe it.

I guess I could do some research to 'prove' that people are not out to get whites but you would find some way to deny that anyways.

The only person blinded is you my friend. Blinded by ignorance and hate and apparently fear as well.

I am praying for you all.

Edited by: Why?

Thanks for your prayers. However, I'd suggest you take off the blinders to the scourge that is cultural marxism (which hatched "political correctness" & the caste system). We here at Caste Football have provided a plethora of documentation to substantiate the facts (which we address upon this site). Take some time to peruse the site & note the evidence presented.
DixieDestroyer said:

Thanks for your prayers. However, I'd suggest you take off the blinders to the scourge that is cultural marxism (which hatched "political correctness" &amp; the caste system). We here at Caste Football have provided a plethora of documentation to substantiate the facts (which we address upon this site). Take some time to peruse the site &amp; note the evidence presented.
Waste of time Dixie!
People like Guest will never see the light.
The only comfort is they will be the first to get chopped up.
American Freedom News