Liverlips said:
"The color commentator of MSU/S. Carolina bball game, just ranked the three best smiles in the history of Michigan State basketball!"
Let me guess what color all three players were ...
Even Negro babies are are more beautiful than White babies. Yeah, right! Well, that is the message the media manipulators force feed us everyday.
The online contest to find a new advertising face as part of the company's Gerber Generation marketing campaign was launched in June and ran through November. The competition was open to children up to 4 years old, and Mercy won among nearly 220,000 entries nationwide.
"The judges saw something in her they really liked," Mrs. Williams-Townsend, a nursing assistant, said. "I see it every day and now the rest of the world gets to see it."
Mercy, along with her mom and dad, Damion Townsend, also 32 and a musician, will be taking a trip to New York later this month for a photo shoot for the Toledo �toddler. Mercy will also receive a $25,000 college scholarship for placing first.
Cathy Abramski, a spokesman for Gerber, said the judges selected Mercy "because of her visual appeal and expressiveness." Mercy will star in a Gerber Generation print advertising campaign that advocates a healthier future for children through good nutrition, she said. The Gerber advertisement starring Mercy will be featured in select national parenting magazines beginning in May.
Mrs. Williams-Townsend used a photo of her daughter she posted on Facebook â€"
an all-cheeks-and-smile heart warmer [/B ]that had friends on the social networking site gushing at her cuteness â€" and then she promptly forgot about the contest. She never even told her husband about the entry. (snip)