Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

That is absolutely frickin amazing, I almost thought there is nothing more I could like about the guy but that tidbit of history is awesome. It also mentioned he is the only guy to hit one over the fence in the annual congressional ballgame which is even more amazing. If only he was still young and youthful like in those old pictures there would be no stopping him.

Ron Paul was also a noted sprinter back in his youth, winning at least one state championship if i recall correctly. he not only fights for the Constitution, he also defies the Caste System.

as for the political ramifications surrounding Dr. Paul's candidacy, and the obvious corruption associated with the remaining "candidates" in the election cycle, the below micro-documentary is pretty hard-hitting.

Thanks for the Ron Paul baseball post, Truthteller. That's too cool, complete with the "Steve Garvey forearms". Is that fatass Barney Frank playing catcher?...his natural position.
Thanks for the Ron Paul baseball post, Truthteller. That's too cool, complete with the "Steve Garvey forearms". Is that fatass Barney Frank playing catcher?...his natural position.

:biggrin: :thumb:
Thanks for the Ron Paul baseball post, Truthteller. That's too cool, complete with the "Steve Garvey forearms". Is that fatass Barney Frank playing catcher?...his natural position.
Hahaha. I was thinking it was ol' Newton Leroy Gingrich but I doubt that tub could even get into the catchers squat for more than a few seconds.
this article was posted on Drudge tonight. it posits that Ron Paul will likely win more delegates this week than either Gingrich or Santorum ... or possibly both of them combined, seeing as how Florida is a winner-take-all state and Maine isn't.

oh, and Ron Paul has strong support up in Maine, apparently.
The Astros will probably be so bad again this year that Ron Paul should give it a try in spring training.

Funny how the team was just too white when they were winning titles a few years back. Perhaps their newest crop of Latino stars will lead them back to the top someday.
Thankfully I was able to hear most of Dr. Paul's speech last night while I was driving home. I kept wondering if he will end up being our "last best hope" to have a decent, liberty loving Constitutionalist in the White House. He is certainly the only one in the race this year and in '08. What a pathetic shell of our former self this country has become.
I know Ron Paul did not campaign in Florida, but 7% is pitiful. I am very disgusted with Florida voters, but not surprised because they love their neocons.
Well, RP couldn't win any delegates in the FLA so it makes sense for him to concentrate on the states where he can win delegates. An all or nothing state like Florida only helps the winner, obviously. I wish Dr. Paul well in the coming weeks and months. I think he can at least make things somewhat interesting at the convention. I do think the neo-con media is going to try to push Santorum as the Romney "alternative" but I don't know how well it will work. Gingrich will get his share of votes and delegates. What a horrible time to be a GOP hack with 3 craptastic choices to pick from in trying to dethrone Soetoro as the next globalist shill in chief.
I can't believe I voted for this fraud in 2008. No wonder Ron Paul has fallen to single digits.

"I believe Hispanics have been used as scapegoats, to say, they're the problem instead of being a symptom maybe of a problem with the welfare state," Paul told the group. "In Nazi Germany they had to have scapegoats to blame and they turned on the Jews.

"Now there's a lot of antagonism and resentment turned just automatically on immigrants," he continued. "You say, no not immigrants, it's just illegal immigrants. I do believe in legal immigration. I want to have a provision to obey those laws. You have to understand this in the context of the economy.",0,1460195.story
Sounds like a desperation move to me. He was speaking to a hispanic political group. He has been strategically removed from the other primaries by the party establishment. Maybe he thinks he can make up the difference in the southwest.
I don't like his statements, either. But the article seems to be unfinished. It says "he has a plan" and then it just ends. I'd sure like to know what his plans are to reverse the demographic slaughter of white America. After all, that's what modern immigration is.
Displaying his willingness to say what audiences don’t always want to hear, Rep. Ron Paul on Wednesday told a largely Hispanic crowd that he opposes the DREAM Act legislation aimed at helping children of illegal immigrants.
The legislation, which has stalled in Congress but passed in several states – including Paul’s home state of Texas -- offers in-state college tuition to undocumented students who attend high schools for at least three years and apply to become U.S. citizens. It also provides a path to citizenship for those who serve in the military.

This sounds good to me. And keep in mind he made the other comments after making this one to an ALL Hispanic crowd. He has to "play the game" a little to win votes. Also, the traitorous immigration laws that were passed by congress. Congress writes the law. We should hold our congressman's feet to the fire if we ever want to repeal any of this garbage.
I can't believe I voted for this fraud in 2008. No wonder Ron Paul has fallen to single digits.

"I believe Hispanics have been used as scapegoats, to say, they're the problem instead of being a symptom maybe of a problem with the welfare state," Paul told the group. "In Nazi Germany they had to have scapegoats to blame and they turned on the Jews.

"Now there's a lot of antagonism and resentment turned just automatically on immigrants," he continued. "You say, no not immigrants, it's just illegal immigrants. I do believe in legal immigration. I want to have a provision to obey those laws. You have to understand this in the context of the economy."

Me either. Paul’s pandering reads like that of a Pepsi (D, Inc.) or Coke (R, Inc.) representative. Pursing his lips and kissing the acne-scarred asses of little brown creatures (who wouldn’t vote for him unless held at gunpoint) has become a rite of passage for all new-age “conservatives.” If I were Paul, I wouldn’t squander a second of my campaign attempting to influence non-white voters. Non-whites aren’t reliable come election day, they don’t vote for white RINO’s anyway, and it annoys your real supporters because you sound like an anti-white wretch.

At this stage in the presidential race, and at this point in his life and political career, what does Paul have to lose by speaking the truth about race-relations or anything else? His goose isn’t merely cooked, it’s been utterly disintegrated by “OneParty, Inc.” It’s time to stop being such a p-ssy and act like a real man, a white man.

That said, I will be voting for Paul (again), assuming that's still possible come November.
while i obviously don't like Ron Paul's pandering to minorities (he's not an actively pro-White candidate, unfortunately), his position of abolishing the Fed, the welfare state, affirmative action, and so on, make him the only candidate who would at least take the US in the right direction: out from under the thumb of jew bankers.

as such, he's the only up-for-election Presidential candidate that i can cast my vote for. here's a recap of some of his positions, in case anyone has forgotten what Dr. Paul has said on various issues:

1. Federal budget deficits
From a statement released by Ron Paul on April 25, 2011:

"Last week the financial markets were roiled by Standard & Poor’s announcement that they will change their outlook on the fiscal health of the United States over the next two years from 'stable' to 'negative'....

"Even the most conservative budget that has been proposed by Republican leadership requires raising the debt ceiling by an additional $9 trillion by 2021. This demonstrates absolutely that no one in power right now has any real intention of addressing our spending problems or paying down the debt. They simply expect to continue to borrow and run up more debt forever, without limit.

"Yet they always imagine our dollar will have value no matter how many we print. This expectation is foolish and naïve. I guarantee that those buying our debt are not foolish and naïve enough to go along with this charade forever."

2. Taxes and the size government
From an interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC, March 2, 2011:

Uygur: What do you think should be the proper income tax rate?

Paul: Well, the best would be zero. I mean, we lived most of our history with zero income tax. But you would have to have the proper sized government. You would have to have the proper role for government.

You can't be the policeman of the world and not have an income tax. So I would not have all my troops around the world. I would be bringing the troops home.
And I wouldn't have a military industrial complex that demands so much, but I wouldn't have a welfare state either.

And under those conditions, you don't need an income tax. And I think that's the way it should be....

I think when people take money from you and give it to somebody else, that's the equivalent of stealing from you. I don't want to take any of your money. I want
you to invest it and create jobs.

3. The gold standard
From a congressional hearing, Sept. 17, 2000:

"A characteristic of paper money, of fiat money, is that some benefit and others lose. And a good example of this of how Wall Street benefits, certainly Wall Street is doing very well, but just the other day I had one of my shrimpers in my district call me. He says he's tying up his boat. His oil prices have more than doubled, and he can't afford it, so for now he will have to close down shop.

"So he suffers more than a person on Wall Street. So it is an unfair system. And this is not unusual; this is a characteristic well-known, that when you destroy and debase a currency, some people will suffer more than others....

"If you increase the supply of money, you have inflation."

4. Federal Reserve
From a congressional hearing, July 16, 2008:

"Our government tells us, well, there is no recession so things must be all right. A lot of people are very angry....

"From my viewpoint, what we need is a world-class dollar, you know, a dollar that is sound, not a dollar that continues to depreciate and not a system where we perpetually just resort to inflation and deficit-financing to bail out everybody. And this is what we've been doing.... The handwriting on the wall is, there's a limit to how many times we can bail the dollar out, because conditions are so much worse today than they have ever been.

"You know, we talk a lot about predatory lending, but I see the predatory lending coming from the Federal Reserve – interest at 1 percent, overnight rates, loaning to the banks, encouraging the banks and investors to do the wrong things, causing all the malinvestment."

5. Free markets
From a congressional hearing, March 24, 2009:

Paul: The question really comes out, who should allocate capital? Is it the free market, or should it be government? And I think that we had a system where the free market wasn't working, and we didn't have capitalism. The allocation of capital came from the direction of the Federal Reserve and a lot of rules and regulations by the Congress.

We had essentially no savings, and capital's supposed to come from savings; and we had artificially low interest rates. So look at all that, and this means we'd have to look differently at what our solutions should be. Everybody loves the boom. That was great. Nobody questions all this. But when the bust comes, everybody hates it.....

So where do you put the blame, on the market or on crony capitalism that we've been living with probably for three decades?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke: Congressman, I certainly do not reject capitalism. I don't think this was a failure of capitalism per se.... It is nevertheless the case that we've seen over the decades and the centuries that financial systems can be prone to panics, runs, booms, busts. And for better or worse, we have developed mechanisms like deposit insurance and lender of last resort to try to avert those things. Those protections, in turn, require some oversight to avoid the build-up of risk....

Paul: Isn't that what creates the moral hazard, though? Isn't that the problem, rather than the solution?

in related news, here's an interesting opinion piece on why Paul's desire to return to the gold standard is an historically sound policy.

also, here's Paul's statement regarding the Congressional Budget Office's recent Debt Report. i'll post an excerpt below.

“For the fourth year in a row, our federal budget deficit will exceed $1 trillion according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office. In the report, the CBO tells us that the federal budget ‘remains out of balance throughout the decade’ and that the accumulation of debt, and the inevitable rise in interest rates will continue to increase the cost of financing that debt, digging us deeper into this hole.

“This news is the latest in an ongoing problem that I have tried to bring attention to my entire career. And now it seems more people are listening, but the Washington insiders who are supposed to be stewards of the budget are, if anything, only paying lip-service to the idea of getting this very real crisis under control.

“The debt should be priority number one, for everybody. It is for me.

“It should be a scandal that I am the only presidential candidate who is offering real solutions to our fiscal mess. My ‘Plan to Restore America’ cuts $1 trillion dollars in spending immediately and gets our economy on the way to much needed reform. But my proposal is rarely reported on by the elite media, and rarely even mentioned by my opponents or those who claim to be concerned about the financial health of our nation.

Ever since Pat Buchanan retired from politics in 2000, I have not had one politican who can represent me and my views. A few - like Tancredo and Paul - were okay on some issues and I usually vote for the Constitution Party.

But after 12 years, I've come to the conclusion that there will be no politician to take up the Buchanan mantle. I'd love to be proven wrong but I have decided not to vote anymore as there is nobody worth voting for.

Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, capitalist or socialist, they all pander to non-whites and scapegoat whitey for the problems of blacks and others.
Saw him speak this morning in Rochester. The content was pretty good. He actually brought up not have special rights for minorities, but we all have rights as individuals - somehting to that effect. It was clearly against affirmative action type programs. The only candidate that talks about such an idea.
I hope this isn't old news, but I saw Dr. Paul on The Piers Morgan Show last night and he pretty much said to each his own on the subject of "Gay" marriage.

I know there's alot of support here for Dr. Paul, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment.

How do others here, feel about this?
I hope this isn't old news, but I saw Dr. Paul on The Piers Morgan Show last night and he pretty much said to each his own on the subject of "Gay" marriage.

I know there's alot of support here for Dr. Paul, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment.

How do others here, feel about this?

This is one of several areas where I disagree with libertarians, along with abortion. Neal Boortz says you are either pro-choice or anti-choice (and in favor of a theocracy). I believe abortion encourages a culture of death.

I'm not in favor of sodomite marriage. I have heard Dr. Paul say that government shouldn't be in the business of marriage, that it should largely be the domain of the church, as it historically was in this country.
I hope this isn't old news, but I saw Dr. Paul on The Piers Morgan Show last night and he pretty much said to each his own on the subject of "Gay" marriage.

I know there's alot of support here for Dr. Paul, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment.

How do others here, feel about this?

In addition to his (lip service) lauding of Mike King & calls for trade w/ communist Cuba, that's one (other) area I disagree w/ Dr.Paul upon.

P.S. - It looks like Dr.Paul will finish 2nd in Nevada, and is turning his sites to Minnesota.
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I hope this isn't old news, but I saw Dr. Paul on The Piers Morgan Show last night and he pretty much said to each his own on the subject of "Gay" marriage. I know there's alot of support here for Dr. Paul, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment. How do others here, feel about this?
His position is that "legal" marriage should not exist. Legal marriage is the process where you "register" your marriage with the state (getting a license), making the state a "party" to the marriage covenant. In a legal marriage, you are essentially asking the state for permission to get married. This is not biblical. In fact it goes against the word of God. The bible says "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's". Now ask yourself; was the marriage covenant a creation of God or the government? If you answered God, and you are legally married, you have rendered you marriage unto Caeser (the govt). God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah because of the filth that was going on, not because the government issued them a piece of paper granting approval.

I saw that video of the Piers Morgan interview. How can that man be called an interviewer when he won't let a person complete a sentence? But I was very impressed with what Dr. Paul said about his youth and working all sorts of jobs and diet/health in general. He also worked moving furniture. I moved pianos one summer and worked on a farm another (I loved that hard work - haying). So I decided right then I was going to do the hardest physical labor I could find in my adult life and that's what I ended up doing. My health is good and I'm amazed at how unhealthy people are, seldom going outdoors, unless, of course, they're going from their house to the car and from their car to indoors somewhere after they've driven there. Very interesting the way people live anymore.

Possibly, the caucus numbers will change a bit in Dr. Paul's favor as the morning goes on. I'll give more donations to his campaign now. I think he did okay this time around. I think Gingrich and Santorum are staying in the race so Dr. Paul and Romney don't go head to head (stalking horses).

No matter what you believe about Dr. Paul, I think everyone will agree the powers that be are scared to death of him. The internet has clearly triumphed over the main stream media now. The end is in sight for the msm.

Tom Iron...
I hope this isn't old news, but I saw Dr. Paul on The Piers Morgan Show last night and he pretty much said to each his own on the subject of "Gay" marriage.

I know there's alot of support here for Dr. Paul, but I strongly disagree with that sentiment.

How do others here, feel about this?

I completely agree with him. Churches should define marriage. So, sure there will be gay churches, but who cares? Let them call themselves whatever they want to and let me call them whatever I want to. The government should be out of of it. If Chad Johnson can change his name to Ocho Cinco and make everyone refer to him as such then say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Kevin Johnson. Gay marriage is a non-issue.
Here it is, after 1 PM and the reporting of the count is stuck at 70% complete for hrs.

Hummm. Could it be Dr. Paul closed the gap on Gingrich?

Tom Iron...
"Gay" marriage is a non-issue because the Republicans are going to capitulate on it, just as they do on every other social issue, the only question is when. When enough individual states have sanctioned it, it'll fall like a domino nationally. By 2020 it will likely be a "civil right" enshrined in the GOP platform.

The rabidly pro-homosexual corporate media has already sufficiently softened up attitudes and demonized opponents to it, and the Republican Party is dominated by male homosexuals. The fact that an abomination like homosexual marriage even became an issue shows how far down the crapper this society has fallen.
American Freedom News