Ron Paul in 2008!

White Shogun said:
Aragorn, are you a single issue voter as far as the war in Iraq (and / or Iran?) In other words, will you not vote for a candidate like Ron Paul no matter his stance on immigration, personal liberty, gun control, abortion, or any other subject, because he is against the war in Iraq? You'd be willing to sell everything else short to ensure we maintain a presence in Iraq?
Not a single issue guy at all Shogun. I'm right now leaning towards voting for Tancredo who is with Paul on all the above topics you mentioned and he is mostly for the war in Iraq and on Terror. I do hope Paul stays in the race and has some success. I like idealists like Paul and his focus on the constitution which I wish more candidates paid attention too. Do you guys remember the last two elections and how the media stoppped inviting certain candidates too the debates because of their poll numbers? I wonder when that crapola starts and guys like Paul, Gilmore and Tommy Thompson are disinvited.Edited by: guest301
The blackout of Paul and other "lower tier" candidates who have been kicking butt in the polls is sickening. The media has their agenda and because they have a lock on what we see, they can always get their way. Something must be done to stop this washing away of freedoms. On the other hand, thank God for the bloggers!
Colonel_Reb said:
The blackout of Paul and other "lower tier" candidates who have been kicking butt in the polls is sickening. The media has their agenda and because they have a lock on what we see, they can always get their way. Something must be done to stop this washing away of freedoms. On the other hand, thank God for the bloggers!

I agree Reb. The media is way too powerful, influential and biased in this country. Maybe we should invite Hugo Chavez and Vladimir Putin to come to America and start shutting down TV Stations and newspapers like they are doing in their own countries. Only half-kidding.
Ron Paul - Five Million Dollar Man?
Thursday, June 07, 2007 -

Congressman Ron Paul's donations have moved up - not by hundreds of thousands - but by millions as a result of his debate performances and groundswell of support on the Internet and in New Hampshire, observers close to the campaign say.

The move is especially impressive since as of March 31, 2007, he had perhaps $500,000 on hand (see candidate estimates below).

FMNN had previously reported - after the GOP presidential debate in South Carolina - that candidate Ron Paul's (R-Tex) donations, large and small, had nearly doubled.

Now observers close to the campaign are revealing - with some astonishment - that donations to the campaign in recent weeks have pushed the total up to perhaps $4 or $5 million.

"That's a huge number at this stage," says one observer. "That starts to put him in a position where he can compete - state by state, anyway - with the major candidates."

And this source added, "Of course, it's hard to tell because the numbers keep changing - and thus nobody at the campaign has a firm count, at least not hour to hour. But the numbers are big. It's definitely over three, probably over four, and if it hasn't hit five yet, it will soon."

At this rate, say observers, Ron Paul could have something like $10 million in his coffers inside of several months, and the total could keep growing - so long as he continues to hit on themes that Americans support - how to return the country to a true, small government, constitutional republic and how to end the war in Iraq.

To be sure such amounts are somewhat speculative. But to put the amount of money Ron Paul is said to have raised recently in perspective, here are the figures of cash on hand for GOP candidates as of March 31, 2007:

Sam Brownback
cash-on-hand: $806,626

Jim Gilmore
cash-on-hand: $90,107

Rudy Giuliani
cash-on-hand: $11,949,735

Mike Huckabee
cash-on-hand: $373,918

Duncan Hunter
cash-on-hand: $272,552

John McCain
cash-on-hand: $5,180,799

Ron Paul
cash-on-hand: $524,919

Mitt Romney
cash-on-hand: $11,863,653

Tom Tancredo
cash-on-hand: $575,078

Tommy Thompson
cash-on-hand: $139,723

Source: CNN by: KJV1
That is great news! Lets hope those donations can make a difference!
I sent Ron Paul $100, courtesy of my small business. If everyone that believed his message sent even $10 he would amass millions and be able to compete with the "top tier".

That is great news. There is still hope for people in this country.
CNN has a poll up for the debates. Ron Paul is winning hands down, again:

CNN Poll

Check it out and cast your vote.
I was looking at the results ofthe - Times/Bloomberg Poll - to see how Ron Paul had fared. His name was notfoundamong the leaders or those trailingbehind. I wondered why, until I arrived at page three of the story. He was not listed as an option!

[url] 2jun12,0,6280343.story?page=3&vote30409925=1 [/url]

Rudolph W. Giuliani still leads Republican candidates among Times Poll respondents, but conservative Fred Thompson is gaining. Here's a look at who's ahead and other issues in the run-up to the 2008 presidential primaries:

Q: If the Republican primary or caucus for president were being held in your state today and the candidates were Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.), Rep. Duncan Hunter (Calif.), Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.), Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.), former Gov. Tommy G. Thompson (Wis.) and actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson (Tenn.), for whom would you vote? (Includes leaners*; among people who say they'll vote Republican in the primary)

Republican primary voters

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Giuliani</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>27%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Fred Thompson</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>21%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>McCain</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>12%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Romney</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>10%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Gingrich</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>9%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Huckabee</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>3%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Tommy Thompson</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>2%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Hunter</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>1%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Brownback</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>--</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Tancredo</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>--</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Other</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>1%</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>Don't know</TD>
<TD =keydeck11 vAlign=top>14%</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
LOL.. Paul is probably the majority of the 'Don't Know,' and all of the 'Other.'
What a crock about that poll not including him. I donated $50 to Dr. Paul's campaign.
Ron Paul is back in the Pajamas Media poll and is again winning - overwhelmingly :)


PLEASE Do NOT vote in the Pajamas Media poll !!!

This poll doesn't matter anymore, the fussing, rule-writing and hand-wringing by Pajamas Media drove away all interest their poll. (and credibility). After claiming some sort of bizarre conspiracy when Ron Paul won their straw poll in February, Pajamas Media declared Rudy Giuliani the winner. They proudly claimed that they fixed their "spamming" issue and all was well. The only problem is, Ron Paul also won that weeks poll - overwhelmingly! How did Pajamas Media respond this time? They completely removed Ron Paul's name from the next week's poll. Since then PJM has continued to (unsuccessfully) accuse Ron Paul supporters of cheating. Now, it seems the website can not survive without Ron Paul supporters!

VOTE in the LA Times Presidential Poll !!! (Tancredo is killing em')

Wow! I'm even more surprised at how poorly Hillary Clinton is faring in the LA Times poll: Dead last with 2.0% of the vote!
CNN is not a good indicator of who won a Republican debate.
They don't vote in the primary. Fox News would be a better choice.
White Shogun said:
I was able to educate at least six of my co-workers today about Ron Paul and what he stands for. Everyone loved his platform but the majority still said, 'but he can't win.' I told them they have to learn to think outside the box. He won't win if we don't vote for him.

I admit that I very recently held the opinion that he cannot win, and in the back of my mind, I still have great doubt. But I have been encouraged by the popular response to Paul's message in the debates, on Internet forums, and in conversation with others about his platform. If nothing else, he is forcing the other candidates to consider his position merely by articulating them so clearly in public forums like the debate.

Here's to Ron Paul in '08!

I have also been telling people that I know and work with about Ron Paul and they're all saying that he won't win but we are the people and our voice still does count for something if we MAKE it be heard. so let's be heard!
Today was the first day I really sat down and read up on and watched clips of Ron Paul. I gotta say I like what I've seen so far. I can't believe all the popular support he's been getting despite being marginalized by the MSM. I'll be watching tonight when he appears on The Colbert Report on Comedy Central.
Just watched the Colbert Report with Ron Paul (thanks, jared). Paul is awesome.

It makes me sick to think this guy will not be our next president. We need Paul for president and a Congress full of men just like him, if we're going to right the ship.
White Shogun said:
Wow! I'm even more surprised at how poorly Hillary Clinton is faring in the LA Times poll: Dead last with 2.0% of the vote!
I was initially surprised myself until I took a second look at the poll. The percentage of votes is listed ABOVE the candidate's name, not below it. Thus, Hillary is a (still shockingly low) 7.9% and Ron Paul and Fred Thompson are sitting at 35.3% and 39.1% respectively.
Also, here is the link to Dr. Paul on Tucker Carlson's show today: by: jared
Ron was great on the Tucker Carlson show. Well said, well done.

Tucker basically pointed out that we were moving towards socialism during that segment, didn't he?
I have just contributed to the Ron Paul for Prez campaign. Felt Good.

Ron Paul can't win? Watch how popular he becomes when George Bush nukes Iran. If there's still an election in America after that, Paul becomes a serious threat. So will Gravel in the Dem camp.
Bush has put into place enough Executive Orders to effectively usurp control of the United States, if the military will follow His Lordship's orders when the sh*t hits the fan. I've had several discussions with others about the possibility of Bush 'canceling' the next election because of a major 'terrorist' event.
White Shogun said:
Bush has put into place enough Executive Orders to effectively usurp control of the United States, if the military will follow His Lordship's orders when the sh*t hits the fan. I've had several discussions with others about the possibility of Bush 'canceling' the next election because of a major 'terrorist' event.

EXACTLY!!! If the NWO commands their puppets on Crapitol sHill pull another false flag "terrorist" attack, most American sheeple will be begging to give up their few remaining freedoms...which is exactly what the Elite wants. We need to keep waking folks up. WE need to keep telling our friends & family to watch informative documentaries like "Terrorstorm" & "America Freedom to Fascism", listen to patriots like Alex Jones, Dr.Stan Monteith, etc. WAKE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!
when i was at work last night, i asked someone about who they're going to vote for. the person didn't asnwer directly but they said; there is one guy that grabs my attention, Ron Paul. I was so surprised it was difficult for me to hold myself back. and earlier today someone at work asked me: do you follow politics? i told the person about Ron Paul and they didn't even know who he was. then they told me that he will never win.
how can they possibly say he won't win if they don't even know who he is....Edited by: LittleRebel
How? Because white people give up too deadgum easy. We have become so soft and apathetic that we just roll over everytime we see something coming towards us, just like my Uncle's dog. If whites would once again grow a backbone and get interested or ticked off enough, then Dr. Ron Paul would have more than a chance, he'd win the nomination going away and then win the election.

My sister told me a story last night about a black female "working" as a nurses aid in her hospital. She leaves when she wants and is gone for hours at a time, and when she is around treats everyone like she knows more than them. All she has taken is a 6 week class on being a nurses aid. All the other nurses aides and nurses know that she shirks her responsibility, leaving patients without any care and forcing the other aides to do her work. The head nurse told my sister there is no sense in telling the nursing supervisor about her because she already knows and will not fire her. Why? Because several years ago after being caught away from her duties, she told them that if they fired her she'd sue the hospital for everything it had. So, the spineless white administrators let the crap go on for years and don't fire her black butt.

That is just one more example of what I'm talking about. If you have cowards for leaders, your going to spawn cowardly underlings (in this case citizens). We need a man with a backbone to lead this country out of this invertebrate stage, and that man is Ron Paul.
This Ron Paul campaign is going to be much tougher then I thought it would be. I informed one co-worker about the NAU and his first response was "the cheap land he would be able to buy when this happens."

To my more conservative friends who are irate with the immigration bill, they have all signed onto Fred Thompson (CFR) as their savior, and our only hope.

Its one thing if people are ideologically opposed to your viewpoint, but when they have the same views but keep voting for people controlled by the NWO it is frustrating. I sent them all Aaron Russo's movie, but nobody watched it. It seems you have 7 seconds to convince people, otherwise they don't want to hear it.
American Freedom News