Ron Paul in 2008!

I couldn't have put it any better myself, outstanding post. The real issue iscommunity and tribal freedom vs. totalitarian control. Nationalism versus globalism. That is the only issue of the day.
After watching this debate tonight, I am convinced more than ever that Ron Paul will never get elected. When he pointed out the fact that our foreign policy is at least partly responsible for Arab-Muslim hatred of the US, Giuliani jumped on him, the moderators jumped on him, Hannity lit into him afterward, they gave Giuliani and McCain both time to comment negatively about Ron Paul, and over the next few days Ron Paul is going to get more publicity than he could have ever dreamed - but the headlines are going to read "Ron Paul says we are responsible for 9/11!"

And of course everyone knows the United States EVER does anything wrong, right?

EDIT: Okay, maybe I'm wrong. MSNBC poll shows Ron Paul with a 63% favorable rating, no one else is over 20%. 8,000 votes so far.

Vote for Ron Paul: by: White Shogun
Though Paul led the foxnews poll most of the night with 30%, he majically slipped to 25% by poll closing. Thing is, the poll closing was supposed to be a 12:30 am eastern time. I had crawled into bed at about that time and Paul was still leading. I woke-up and found he got second in their neocon agenda poll. I smell another rat. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
That little punk Pawn Vanity is such an obnoxious NeoCON propaganda mouthpiece! He's been riding "RINO" Rudy's nuttsack for ages now! BTW, Rudy's a complete Globalist shill and an open liberal. Rudy's made MILLIONS off "9/11" and I suspect he (like Dubya & Larry Silverstein) was probably complicit. Ya'll keep spreading the word on Dr.Paul!

Ron Paul Upsets Controlled-Media Debate as Clear Winner

Pundits & Candidates Seek to Exile Statesman from Republican Party-- In Spite of Leading Poll Numbers-- Over His Anti-Torture, Anti-War and Anti-Tax Standpoint

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones / Jones Report | May 15, 2007

Congressman Ron Paul shook the establishment in last night's second round of 2008 Republican debates for the Presidency. Not only did his anti-war, anti-torture and pro-liberty platform stand glaring in the face of those political whores dubbed as "top-tier" but he managed to catch the ire of 9/11 criminal Rudy Giuliani for daring to suggest aggressive foreign policy would stir up blowback.

What's worse, Ron Paul interrupted the worship of establishment-selected candidates by winning the debate's own poll and forcing FOX to cover the mere "second-tier" candidate-- a distinction mainstream media have been using to marginalize those outside of direct control.

Ron Paul's performance in his second debate victory-- as moderators repeatedly suggest he doesn't belong in the Republican party

Ron Paul garnered approximately 20 minutes of air-time on Fox alone last night-- including about 10 minutes of debate questions and another 10 minutes composed of attacks and dismissals by pundits, other candidates and an interview with Hannity & Colmes.

Sean Hannity stated his "surprise" that Ron Paul was leading with 30% of the FOX News text-message poll vote, despite that fact that he also won the Republican debates on MSNBC -- a fact which the media under-reported and even censored .

At the time of press, Ron Paul also had a distinct lead-- by a huge margin-- in the MSNBC poll regarding the South Carolina Republican debate .

Alan Colmes probed to understand how Ron Paul could emerge the decisive leader in an otherwise revolting adherence to policies advocating war expansion and unrestrained use of "extreme interrogation tactics" which skirt the damning name of "torture."

Fellow "second-tier" candidate Duncan Hunter attributed Ron Paul's dominance in the FOX text-message poll to his "entertainment value," insinuating that his policies and views (including the controversy generated over 9/11 comments) could not be taken seriously.

GOPAC chairman Michael Steele went so far as to suggest that Ron Paul should not belong to the Republican party, stating that he was "done" with Paul and did not care what the results of the FOX poll were.

Debate moderators pointed out Congressman Paul's distinction as the only Republican candidate who voted against military action in Iraq as they repeatedly demanded that he answer to being in the 'wrong party' or 'not fitting in with the Republican party.' Ron Paul answered smartly-- pointing out that he wanted to lead the country, not the party, and that 65-70% of the country was against the Iraq war and long for an end to the mired conflict.

Regardless, he was attacked for his adherence to non-interventionist philosophy and defamed as some kind of 9/11 heretic-- as various pundits pretended he had faltered in the debates and claimed that anonymous South Carolina Republicans had reached consensus on the idea that Ron Paul "did not acquit himself" and must be discarded.

Ron Paul is defamed by pundits and candidates alike who make excuses for his poll victory.

One pundit even goes so far to suggest that Ron Paul's success in the poll was due primarily to attention won after Giuliani attacked him on 9/11 statements, as well as organizational prowess amongst text-messaging voters.

Sean Hannity refused to believe Ron Paul won the debate, claiming he didn't have the opportunity to text in his vote.

Yet, as Ron Paul continued to win the debate poll, the live-results format pigeonholed FOX News into ongoing coverage of the winner-- as his only competition in poll results came from Mitt Romney, who briefly led the poll with 27% when Ron Paul had only 26%.

It is continually suggested that "second-tier" candidates such drop from the race and make way for the "first-tier" candidates to shine, though the only vote process at this stage-- polls-- all indicate Ron Paul as a likely winner and certainly a top contender.

During a post-debate interview with Hannity & Colmes, Ron Paul discusses his differences in foreign policy and much more. Giuliani elaborates on his reaction to Ron Paul's unsettling statements.

Though they would like to exclude him from future debates, his back-to-back debate victory may force moderators into a position of having to invite Ron Paul-- for the time being.

***Source article link/URL -

[url] ed_media_debate_as_clear_winner.htm [/url]
I can't stand Hannity, O'Reilly, any of the Faux News people. Ron Paul's old-right libertarianism goes back to people like Robert Taft, Grover Cleveland, and Jefferson; while Fox news "conservatism" goes back to neo-con hacks like Bill Kristol.

Let's bring back the old republic---stay out of foreign wars and protect our borders.
I went onto a blog today. You should have seen all the NeoCON locksteppers bashing Dr.Paul & lauding that fraud "RINO" Rudy. I tried to educate the sheeple with the facts, but they were too mesmerized by their "god" Pawn Vanity & the Faux News propaganda!
Saul Anuzis, Chairman of GOP in Michigan is starting a petition to
bar Ron Paul from future GOP debates "because of remarks the
Texas congressman made that suggested the Sept. 11 attacks were
the fault of U.S. foreign policy."

Please contact and let him know:

1. You, as a REPUBLICAN, support Ron Paul (and so do your
REPUBLICAN friends).

2. Ron Paul was factually correct based on the 911 Commission
Report and CIA Reports.

3. Dr Paul is popular with the people because he is the ONLY 2008
candidate with a true Republican message and voting record.

Please be EXTRA nice and send a message to Saul Anuzis:

Saul Anuzis' phone number is 517-487-5413

It's interesting that Ron Paul is rarely referred to as Dr. Ron Paul. A lot of media darlings with Mickey Mouse and Honorary Degrees are often mentiond as Dr. So and So. Ron Paul is aDoctor of Medicine, has delivered more than 4,000 babies and isONLYknown to the general public as a Congressman.
C Darwin, thank you for the info sir. I'll spread that to my friends who support Dr.Paul.

Dr.Paul is being attacked because he's not controlled by the Globalists, and has easily won both debates (hands down). The obliviot sheeple (phony conservatives) who are brainwashed by the Faux News propaganda machine blindly follow the NeoCONs in bashing the Dr.Paul...who has the strongest pro-Constitution, pro-freedom voting record & platform on Crapitol sHill and the 08 Presidential race (bar none)!!!
He's well spoken and unusually honest. If by some miracle the Americann people vote for him I hope he doesn't get assasinated.
Congressman Ron Paul will be in studio this Friday night (11:00 p.m. ET) for an interview with Bill Maher. P.J. O'Rourke and Ben Affleck will join Maher to discuss the issues with Dr. Paul. "Real Time" is on HBO.
Liberal Eleanor Clift brought up Ron Paul on the Mclaughlin group and said this about him "he is speaking to a lot of people who think the Republican party has gone way too far into the bedrooms of American people"

Yup, thats it Eleanor. This whole Ron Paul movement is based upon peoples disappointment with the republicans stance on homosexuals and gay marriage. (We truely are living in the matrix
It's about focusing on solving problems and not important issues and not creating new problems.
Dr. Paul needs to unite the libertarian, constitution, and taxpayer party members, to get them to register Republican and vote for Ron Paul in the primary. If he
gets the nomination, he'll definitely win the election.
Did anyone catch Ron Paul on Bill Maher's show this past Sunday? I saw he was on with Michael Moore but fell asleep watching 'V for Vengeance' and missed it.
Ron Paul doing well halfway through the debate. No bomb throwing by anybody yet. I don't see any polls anywhere. I suspect the talking heads will tell us who won, so they won't be embarrased by polls showing otherwise.
Ron Paul used the term "Neocon" during the debate in a condescending way
. The moderator acted as if he never heard the word before, and was confused by its meaning.....

Rudy keeps mentioning the word freedom tonight. Must still be feeling the sting Ron Paul gave him at the Fox debates.

I know I am being a little biased but I honestly think the best performers tonight would be 1)Tancredo, 2)Paul and 3)Huckabee in that order. I am sure the talking heads will say otherwise, after the debate.
Ron Paul has been taken off the polls on Little Green Footballs.
I agree in general with your top picks, although I had Huckabee 1), Paul 2) and Tancredo 3).

Those guys seem to me to be the only ones capable of answering a question directly, although once Tancredo drifts off of immigration, he doesn't seem as sure of himself.
I am listening to the talking heads on CNN. Two of them have declared John McCain the winner with his pro-amnesty stance.
American Freedom News